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The Weapon

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    Far far away!

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  1. On the long hiatus, Tavi turned into a Kaguya Houraisan replica and made her own tulpa, Eirin, based off Eirin Yakugoro. Because. Also, Discord's blueness varied, Adam became more loosely fun and Crepuscule-ish , and more stuff happened. Long story, but still. Also rearranged the wonderland some. The foggy-blue skies and grassland of Adam's wonderland warehouse kept on his side, Eirin's hospital-factory on the other side, Tavi's manor on another, and Discord's karaoke palace on the last end, switching whenever they want. In the center of the central disc, is a giant Yggdrasil-styled tree with stone lanterns around a central stone lantern embedded in the tree, guarding the deeper-subconsciousness stuff. We've invented a filesaving system to allow for hypothetical more tulpae! That there is Eirin. *master-shikigami umbrella bat* Where'd you get the umbrella? Surprise! I don't know what it is with you people.... *Discord-facepalm * ** * * ? And of course, they're back to emoticon-trolling.
  2. IRL HUD... Activating excuse to talk like GLaDOS now... CHEESE FOR EVERYONE! :sheogorath: I'm too busy feeling the power of dance to care!
  3. Over here, progress is fun. Adam's working on his human form again (Can't wait to see the finished product the orange unicorn comes up with) and Tavi is randomly swordfighting. I don't even. I continue to chaotically dance upon this desk! *Breakdancing* ...And Changeling Discord has continued the art of dancing. En garde, Philharmonica! ...I'm still winning, Adam.
  4. Luna, what do you think about this?
  5. Grey stallion with blonde main looks slightly similar to Derpy's color scheme. You think he might be a relative of Derpy? Might be good.
  6. What do you think of THIS video?
  7. Had first tulpa-related dream last night. Progress is awesome. If you already have a tulpa and want another... Who knows, it might pop up out of nowhere with its own personality and worldview. Adam divided off from Tavi a few months ago and Changeling Discord popped up out of nowhere. From what it looks like, the tulpa you want is already there just below the sentience line waiting to pop up. Tulpae can make tulpae that live in your mind too. It's happened. Twi may have already set up the framework for the tulpa out of your desire and the fact is Twi has been sitting in your head long enough she might have accidentally done it without knowing what she was doing. You can work on more than one tulpa at once, although you may have to divide your time evenly if you find yourself gravitating to one during one moment and the other the other moment.
  8. Other than awkward moment when you realize tulpa randomly fell in lust with other person... Yeah, nothing much over here, except Changeling Discord and Adam played a trick with a piece of gum and talking invisibly. But anyways, I've been having fun with two ideas. Basically, color-vision your tulpae to see who's creating what object mentally for one, and wonderland layering for two. The first is basically having a sub-color hidden behind object or whatnot to see where your tulpae are playing in your imagination. Like x-ray vision to see colored gelatin instead of bones or other solid structures. Tavi uses grey, Adam uses orange, Changeling Discord uses dark blue, I use black, and mind static or raw imagination uses either rainbow colors or white. The latter is just a trick to help keep tulpae from messing with each other by delegating the wonderland into parts where each tulpa is free to play around whatever they want without risking irritating someone else, in my case by splitting it into layered wonderland-parts. Tavi keeps the victorian mansion, Changeling Discord has some pagoda thingy in a nighttime asian-ish forest, and Adam has his misty warehouse building in a grassy field. Has anyone here used a variant of either idea?
  9. Alternatively, Twilight's coronation is as a secret princess and only her closest friends and family and the royal sisters and discord attend, because the first group aren't going to be all worshippy or I'm-going-to-schmooze-and-mooch-as-much-as-I-can-off-you, the next group is already high nobility at the least and some are already royals (CAUSE CAHDENZA AND SHINING ARMOIRE) and the last three are going to do most of the actual coronating and alicornificating unless the Elements do it all for them. And Twilight hides her accessories and glamours her wings to invisibility whenever she wants to go out in public. Maximum princess, minimal show-it-all.
  10. Having wonderland troubles? I found out recently that Adam over here split off his room into a seperate level of the wonderland. There's the usually nighttime Victorian mansion shared by Tavi and ChangelingDiscord on the top, and Adam's private world with minecrafty grass-colors and foggy skies in a weird gymlike building on the bottom. Interestingly, ChangelingDiscord has a different art style than Tavi, preferring asiatic influences over Tavi's victorian and classical-neoclassical-modern mix. *Random psychiatrist disguise* Does your mind have sexual tendencies? All this random r34 everywhere... Consider seperating it into a nice and neat compartment like I did! I just noticed we were in Zetaboards speaking colors... Subconscious, good work with your manipulation. Interesting, indeed. Have you two tulpae over there considered actively sparring with weapons or something? I do it all the time! *Shoots a bullet in half with another bullet* But yes, sad fanfiction is sad. Affirmatory nod here.
  11. Have you ever considered mining the moon and completely rearranging its shape for any reason on any level?
  12. If it's a toy sales argument, just give the CMC cutie marks around the same time to make sure even if the alicorn twilight toys don't sell well, it's got a backup to make it stay up. But yes, keep calm and flutter on. This is going to be good. *Evil laughter* Even if it doesn't turn out well at first, it will get better. Hasbro should just let the writers advance the plot.
  13. Like Pinkie Pie, my imagination gains absurd bonuses when I'm sugared up or emotional. Try listening to hyperactive Touhou boss theme remixes, to pony if you want it even more rainbowy. Night of Pony and U.N. Owen Was A Brony are really good. ...I claim no responsibility for Pinkie Pies breaking into dance in your brain or any female tulpae suddenly being interested in shooting everything with laser bullets and everyone involved suddenly wanting to play games with awesome soundtracks. ...And for an unrelated random recap, I just remembered all 3 of my tulpae have seemingly randomly-generated personalities because I failed to define. Luckily, they came out PERFECT FOR ME! Adam is that-hyperactive-cute with a side of Crepuscule-personality. I think that's enough explanation. Probably came out of *cough*basedesires*cough* and because teenage hormones. Octavia is more passive, formal, and creative yet slightly serious, being that stop-thinking-so-negative-and-relax kind of pick-me-up kind of person. Probably showed up out of more adherance to the basic ideals stuff I DID force who knows how long ago, and her personality is fittingly stable as she's settled on her form and is technically the oldest. Changeling Discord (He's Discord in changeling colors with red eyes. I really don't see why we can't call him that until he picks up a name.) is somewhere between and more interested in writing fantasy and all dat. He probably popped up because mental reproduction. Yes, somewhere offscreen a while ago Changeling Discord happened and he showed up last week or whatnot. I have no idea.
  14. Unless they throw us a real plot screwball like Derpy being Celestia's mom, I guess that this might not be too horrible. ...And come on, these are writers that pulled off good so far, and I can think of a few plots that could force something as storychanging as, just take the example of Derpy being Celestia's mom or whatnot, and still make coherent canonical sense, so why worry? Sit back and enjoy the awesome.
  15. Mail them to Crepuscule. Who knows if they'll get there through some form of psychological manipulation, but who cares? It gets rid of them.
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