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Everything posted by Leafeon

  1. Leafeon

    private Starfall

    @@Umbreon, @@Vaporeon, "Eh...?" Aolani said, as she heard a voice coming from behind her, lecturing her on the proper ways of holding a weapon. Or, at least, the fact she was doing it wrong. The altaria morph could most certainly hold a halberd correctly, though she had let her guard down, so this guy's lecturing was not something she payed much attention to. Where had he come from, anyway? When the girl heard what else the boy was saying, she froze and tensed up. What was he talking about? The description the man's words had painted was grotesquely clear, and quite frankly terrified her. Aolani's grip on her halberd suddenly got tighter, and she brought it up slightly as to point it at the man, not acknowledging the last bit he had said. Furthermore, he had already walked away, so she was pointing her weapon at the air. Aolani dropped her halberd into one hand, and rubbed the back of her head. That was odd. She didn't see him walk away. The events of this caused Aolani's face to go blank, completely ignoring what the Umbreon morph was saying.
  2. If you can't be bothered to read that much, this roleplay clearly isn't fit you, and I would suggest leaving.
  3. ...I'd suggest paying a bit more attention.
  4. You could most certainly follow either Reshiram or Zekrom. That'd be interesting, certainly. ^^
  5. Leafeon

    private Starfall

    @@Tricksters Pride, Aolani froze somewhat when she heard a new voice. It belonged to a man, one of fairly intimidating stature. In all fairness, the Altaria morph found most beings intimidating. She might have been a dragon, but Altaria weren't exactly known for their ferocity. Infact, Altaria were commonly known to be one of the cutest dragons, save Goodra. Regardless, Aolani acted like a flying type far more than that of a dragon type. "Ah..." She began in a soft voice, trying to reply to the man's statement. He looked to be a regular person. Was she missing something here? "Alright. Thank you... sir." Aolani felt terribly out of her element. All these people scared her. Joy. @@Windbreaker, Then something bumped into Aolani. Something that was much less intimidating than the other creatures about, to be precise. She was so obviously a morph, as the girl who had bumped into her had quite a lot of fur, a tail, and even ears of a pokemon as opposed to a human. However, the bump caused Aolani to lose grip of her halberd, causing it to fall out of her hands and onto the ground. Fortunately, it didn't hit anyone. Also fortunate, it hadn't been sent flying too far away. "No! It's fine!" Aolani said, in a surprisingly happy voice. She then went to pick up her halberd. She liked this girl. If she was here due to Shade as well, then this might not be as bad as she had originally thought.
  6. It's a fairly isolated event. However, any given seeker may or may not have heard.
  7. Leafeon

    private Johto Storm

    @@Umbreon, When Cubchoo fell over, Stella could no longer control herself. She had been trying to remain as calm as possible, as to not frighten the pokemon, but this was too much. She quickly picked up the Cubchoo and spun around once, letting out a soft squee. A sound Phanpy tilted its head to. "Ah! You're absolutely adorable!" She exclaimed, her movements stopping. "You simply must come with me!" Stella normally would let a pokemon decide for itself whether it would like to come with her or not. But this was time for exception. She couldn't let something this cute get away so easily. Stella pulled out a pokeball, and gently tapped Cubchoo on the head with it. @@Umbreon, @, Elgyem cautiously picked up the pokeball when it had stopped shaking. The psychic type wasn't fully sure if the Bunnelby had been captured. Perhaps it was just faking it out. Fortunately, this was not the case. Elgyem dropped the ball into Elias' only free hand, as the other one was still holding Bonsly, who had been oddly quiet during the whole ordeal. "Ah, yes. And now everyone remains unharmed. Most excellent. I would hate for a pokemon owned by such a beautiful young lady to be hur-" Elias cut himself off as he had been talking. He just realized that he had caught a pokemon who would dare not listen to him. Furthermore, if it didn't listen to him and used a move he didn't know was in use, his calls would be all off. Elias most certainly wouldn't look very competent telling a Bunnelby who was underground to use Agility. "Ah... whatever." He said, not bothering to state what he had been thinking. Elias then turned his attention to Abigail. "So I guess this means you can catch that Vulpix now, right?" He said, in an unusually happy tone. Elias clearly didn't know that Vulpix was now inside a pokeball. Again, the whole blind thing. "I hope after that's done you'll help me find a suitable environment for this Bonsly here."
  8. Leafeon

    private Starfall

    @@Umbreon, @@Aerodynas, Aolani wandered up and down the streets of the town she was supposed to find someone in. What was the town's name again? Iselia? That sounded right. Needless to say, Aolani was rather lost. The Altaria morph, despite being a flying dragon, had no wings to speak of. The odd, fluffy feathers rested on her arms, and were therefore covered by her outfit. Not like she could do much with them anyway. The girl looked far more human than pokemon. One would only know she was a morph due to her tail and head feathers. As well as perhaps the fact she blushed in a white colour, as opposed to a red one. This was most likely a bad idea. Many people had looked at her funny as she passed. This was most likely due to her extravagant outfit as opposed to her feathers and white turning cheeks. It was indeed a bit... odd. A long, fluffy dress colored in sky blue and white. Not to say it didn't look pretty on her, of course. Aolani was a rather beautiful specimen. She'd never admit to it, however. What was even odder than her get-up was what she carried. A halberd, apparently. She held it wrong as well, obviously inexperienced. Aolani had never really fought anyone before, except for a few times that were all fuzzy for some reason. When she was asked to join a rescue team of sorts by an Absol morph, the girl had been completely dumbfounded. She had accepted, quite too docile to decline something to someone's face. It didn't help manners that her "friend", a Bellossom morph, had been egging her on at the time. Eventually, the girl had managed to find Shade. The Absol morph she had met quite some time ago. He seemed nice enough, but two other people were there. Both looked to be morphs, with their pokemon features far more evident than hers. It took her some time to speak up, as the other two were rather intimidating, one even sporting daggers. Her trust halberd could do nothing against something like that. "Uh..." She began, clearing her throat. Aolani spoke with a somewhat musical voice, not bizarre for a morph of a pokemon known for their amazing voices. The skin on her cheeks began to turn a bit paler, almost white. "Excuse me, but... this is where I'm supposed to be for the 'rescue team' right?"
  9. Leafeon

    private Johto Storm

    @@Umbreon, Phanpy cried out happily, then led the Cubchoo to Stella. This pokemon seemed to have quite the... interesting personality. Not one Phanpy particularly liked, but that was alright. Once the two had arrived, Phanpy looked to be beaming. It had finally done something right, after all. Phanpy hadn't exactly helped manners much up to this point. Stella said nothing for a second, causing Phanpy to worry. Had he not done his job right? However, her silence was really more of a loss of words. This just had to be the cutest pokemon of all time! Plus, it could help her defeat Clair! Instead of fangirling aloud like her mind currently was, Stella took a deep breath, and knelt in front of the Cubchoo. "Hai there!" She said, in an overly chipper voice, then tried to pat the Cubchoo on the head. @@Umbreon, @, "Alright, Psybeam again!" Elias commanded his pokemon, who looked around frantically for Bunnelby. Elias clearly didn't know what was going on. When Bunnelby did reappear, it was right near Clefairy. That was a shot Elgyem wasn't exactly comfortable taking. So, it shot the Psybeam a bit away from both Bunnelby and Clefairy. The idea was to skim Bunnelby, hopefully knocking it away, but leave Clefairy unharmed. Whether the tactic would work or not was anyone's guess. When Elias heard the attack hit something, he tilted his head slightly. That had seemed to take a long time. Wait. Wouldn't now be a good time to catch the thing? Surely it would! But how would he go about this? Abigail was nearby, so if he just threw the ball randomly she'd think him an idiot. A blind idiot, to be precise. "Eh. Elgyem!" Elias yelled, pulling an empty pokeball out and throwing it at his own pokemon. Elgyem picked the ball up, and tilted it's head. "Bunnelby simply can't combat the ball with you maneuvering it, right? So, try catching the thing." Elgyem looked at the pokeball with a confused expression for a bit, then tried to hit Bunnelby with it. Should it succeed, Elgyem would try holding it shut as well. That might help.
  10. @, @@Umbreon, @@Antismurf9001, @, @@Vaporeon, - Day 2 - This particular night in the Unova region seemed to be particularly peaceful. Not much had happened. Though anyone staying on Route 4 may have heard cars passing by. Though the sounds were easily slept through. Today looked like it was going to be rather pleasant weather wise, though a few clouds hung in the sky. ((Not much to say in this post. Descriptions for Route 4, and Skyarrow Bridge have been updated.))
  11. Leafeon

    private Johto Storm

    @@Umbreon, The action of Cubchoo falling forward then grabbing onto Phanpy caused Phanpy, and hopefully Cubchoo as well, to be pushed back to the ground that wasn't quite so icy. Phanpy trumpeted his trunk in amusement. This ice was fun! But he couldn't get too distracted. Stella had asked him to do something. Phanpy took a few steps backwards, and motioned for Cubchoo to follow. @@Umbreon, @, Before Elgyem was able to be pushed into Krabby, it used Protect, therefore remaining completely unharmed by the move. Elgyem then began to shroud itself in a blue light, using Cosmic Power. Elias gritted his teeth, then pushed a hand through his hair as to attempt to hide his obvious frustration. I can't tell what's going on when there's not a trainer calling the shots. I guess I'll have to leave this up to Elgyem... That's a bad plan isn't it? He thought, before pointing a finger at his pokemon, temporarily forgetting he was still holding Bonsly. "Elgyem, make sure Bunnelby can't attack." He said. Elgyem nodded. The command was vague, in other words meaning "do whatever you want", while also giving the illusion that Elias knew what was happening. Elgyem fired another Psybeam at Bunnelby. Hopefully this one would do some damage.
  12. Leafeon

    private Johto Storm

    @@Umbreon, Phanpy tilted its head at Cubchoo's antics. What an odd pokemon it was. But, nonetheless, Stella had asked Phanpy to make friends with it. Phanpy liked making friends, so this order was one Phanpy particularly wished to complete successfully. Phanpy trumpeted with his trunk again in determination, and took a step onto the ice towards Cubchoo. The ground type slowly walked towards Cubchoo. It wasn't bothered by the ice very much, due to its typing. When Phanpy had reached Cubchoo, it lent its trunk out towards it, waiting for Cubchoo to grab on. @, @@Umbreon, "Eh? Grass type?" Elias questioned, patting Bonsly's head again. The pokemon definitely had a rocky exterior, which last he checked, grass types did not. Not that it mattered anyway. The pokedex entry had said Bonsly liked arid environments. "But my pokedex said..." The boy was cut off by a sudden cry from a Clefairy. Abigail's, he presumed. Judging by her words, a Bunnelby was making an attempt to steal some berries of hers. Elgyem confirmed this hypothesis. Elias scoffed. She was just going to let a pokemon walk all over her like that? That simply would not be tolerated! "My apologies, Abigail, but I refuse to let a pokemon just obtain what it wants on such bad behaviour. Elgyem!" He said, as Elgyem cautiously floated towards Bunnelby. The psychic type sighed. For someone so flirtatious, Elias certainly didn't understand how the female mind worked. This would certainly make Abigail mad. Thanks to Clefairy's loosened grip, Elgyem was able to levitate the berries away from the fairy. It held them near Abigail in an attempt to give them back. "Now, Psybeam!" Elgyem nodded before firing a multicolored beam of energy at Bunnelby.
  13. Name on File: Aolani Morph Type: Altaria Age: 18 Gender: Female Physical Description: Aolani looks like the very essence of femininity. She simply looks like a very attractive female, perhaps a bit older than she actually is as well. Aolani looks much more human than pokemon. The only pokemon aspects of note she has are the long, ribbon like feathers of a sky blue color protruding from her forehead, a tail consisting of five long feathers of the same color, and she is noted to blush white instead of the normal red/pink. Her skin is rather light. Both her eyes and hair are a sky blue color, though her pupils and eyelashes are a much lighter variant of the color. Personality Analysis: Aolani appears to be rather reserved and timid. She is very dependant on people she places trust in, though she also rarely puts trust in others. Aolani is rather lady like, as could be gathered from her usual garb, and doesn't seem to talk much. However, she's also been noted to snap at times. Though it's rare, if she hits her breaking point she goes slightly psychotic, and even sadistic. Combat Style: Aolani fights with a sky blue and white halberd of similar colors to her dress. She usually keeps on the defensive, despite doing a poor job at this on most situations. Aolani will rely on her powers more than her halberd. She'll usually flee a scene if she finds herself in trouble, regardless. She's clearly not much of a threat. Ability: Cloud Nine Powers to be aware of: Perish Song, Cotton Guard, Dragon Pulse, and Mist. Oh. I also drew Aolani a while ago. It looks weird on a white background though, so here's a link. http://imgur.com/MRHcGH3 That should be it. Let me know if anything is wrong with it or anything!
  14. Burgh put away the pokeball, and motioned for the remaining trainer to leave. He scurried out the door, leaving only Tempest and Burgh in the gym. "You needn't worry, Tempest. I'll make sure we battle tomorrow. For now, I'd recommend a good night's sleep." ((Ok. Next day will be starting soon, as I said, so I'd recommend heading to a pokemon centre. x3))
  15. "No, no. That's fine." Burgh said, holding out a pokeball. It most likely contained the pokemon he wished to lead with. "Due to the time, I suppose I'll have to make this quick. You have three pokemon with you, right?" Burgh tilted his head slightly. The trainer looked to only have two pokemon, unless his third was a Gyarados or something, and therefore far too large to leave outside its pokeball most of the time.
  16. ((Day two will be starting soon, most likely the post after this one. Heading to the nearest pokemon centre is probably the easiest way to get a place to spend the night.)) "Alright! Excellent! A trainer with good taste, I see." Burgh said, spreading his arms out. However, Burgh didn't summon his first pokemon. Instead, he asked the trainer a few questions. "Now, how many badges do you have, boy? Most people who challenge me already have a least one, meaning that you'd need at least 3 pokemon if that was the case. And may I ask your name? One of the trainers who had been battling exited the gym. It was pretty late, after all. - Nimbasa City - Nimbasa was well known to be a busy city. Today was no exception. The musical was currently on, by the looks of the bright flashes coming from the windows. The amusement park looked to be out of service, though one could still access the gym. Quite a few people were exiting the subway, which had surprisingly rustic architecture for what the building was used for. Right beside it was a building mirroring the same rustic look. It was presumably the one housing the Seekers, with black embellishments. The crowd of Nimbasa pushed away most wildlife to their designated routes. However, in an alley behind the pokemon centre, a Poochyena and Meowth looked to be fighting each other. A Togepi hid behind the ferris wheel in the amusement park. ------ As Lurele entered the city, her egg began to glow. It had been glowing on and off, and shaking slightly for a while now, but Lurele might not have noticed such events due to the whole Keldeo fiasco. Nonetheless, Stella must have given her the egg when it was already near hatching, as it was now shaking. After some time of this, the egg appeared to have disappeared from the incubator. The pokeball attached to the incubator's button was glowing red. New data has been put in Lurele's pokedex. ((Not much to say to this post. Mind posting again? Sorry about that, but I don't want to put you in a pokecenter in case you want to go somewhere else instead, and god modding is no fun. x3)) Tentacool's speed was simply no match for Growlithe's. It was struck by the take down, this time fainting. Good thing, too, as Growlithe probably couldn't have taken anymore recoil damage. Cecil began to speak up after the water type had fainted, causing Roxie to draw her attention even farther away from the battle. She said nothing in response this time. Roxie was most likely far too embarrassed to even speak, something that didn't happen to her very often. When she did notice her Tentacool's fate, she groaned and returned it to its pokeball. "Whatever." She shrugged, throwing a badge at Cecil. "I'll ignore the fact you cheated if you get out of my gym. Now." Dwebble continued to run around until Cilla spoke up. It looked up curiously at her, then to the pokeball at the ground. What was that thing? Dwebble looked shocked and frightened at the same time by this contraption. It poked the top of it with one of its pincers. Once Dwebble had confirmed the contraption was not something to be scared by, it began to run around it. Dwebble clearly didn't know what this thing was. The bug type soon noticed part of the contraption that protruded from the rest. The button on it, to be precise. It slowly poked it, pushing it in so the ball opened, and absorbed the pokemon in a red light. The pokeball shook slowly. One... Two... Three. The pokeball remained shut. Dwebble has been caught.
  17. Leafeon

    private Johto Storm

    @@Umbreon, "Excellent work, Gyarados!" Stella said after her pokemon had finished knocking out Zoroark. Perhaps it was a good idea to catch a Magikarp after all, though the giant blue pokemon was a little threatening. Or at least, it would be if it didn't keep the same disposition as Magikarp. Gyarados had brought its head towards his trainer and began to gently push into the girl with it. She patted him, giggling like an idiot. "Okay, okay. Return!" She said, returning Gyarados to his pokeball in a beam of red light. Stella then brought her attentions to the other trainer. "You haven't?" She asked him. The feat of evolution wasn't exactly uncommon. Hadn't his Zoroark evolved in battle? Whatever. Stella needed to move on at this point. She brought up a hand to wave goodbye, then turned to go to the pokemon centre. She had been making frequent stops there, but it made sense to if a pokemon had fainted. Once her pokemon were all healed, Stella made her way to ice cave. She didn't notice if Cecil was still there or not, but it wasn't like it mattered. She needed to catch an ice type for Clair, after all. Looking around the cave, Stella found something that immediately caught her interests. It looked like the Teddiursa, but much cuter! The pokemon was Cubchoo, to be precise. "Phanpy!" She exclaimed, calling out the ground type, who trumpeted its trunk upon being summoned. It looked around, unsure of the icy terrain. "See that one?" Stella pointed to Cubchoo, an action Phanpy nodded in response to. "Let's make friends with it, ok?" Phanpy nodded, and let out a happy cry. He quite liked making friends, after all! He carefully walked up to Cubchoo, and gently tapped it with his trunk. @@Umbreon, @, Elias smiled at the Bonsly as it allowed him to pick it up. Now he could return this pokemon to its proper home! Now the problem was finding one of the girls to let him know where this Bonsly might be from. "Elgyem!" Elias exclaimed. Elgyem quickly turned his attention to the boy, looking rather nervous as during the whole ordeal the psychic type had been sulking. "Let's find one of the girls, okay? Or at least try to." Elgyem nodded, and began to wander in the direction he believed one of the girls to be. In no time Elgyem had found Abigail. She looked to be doing a trade of sorts, though the pokemon she was trading with looked to be of a suspicious nature. "Elg?" It asked, questioning what was happening. When the psychic type finally did get it, which involved some reading of minds, it grabbed the Heart Scale from Bunnelby using its psychic powers, then placed it in front of Vulpix's nose. Elgyem then took a few of the berries, and placed them right in front of Bunnelby. The psychic type, not sure he had helped, then hovered towards Abigail. He lightly shook one of her shoulders, as if asking for attention. "Slow down, would you Elgyem?" Elias asked his pokemon when he had finally caught up. He managed to not bump into Abi this time, as Elgyem actually told him she was there this time. "Ah! Yes! Abigail! Just who I wanted to see!" Elias exclaimed, clearly not noticing the events with Bunnelby and Vulpix. "Do you, perchance, know of any particularly dry places around? I fear this Bonsly to be lost."
  18. Leafeon

    private Johto Storm

    @@Umbreon, Elias tilted his head at the Bonsly's sound. He wasn't sure how to decode the sound. After all, the only pokemon other than Elgyem he had been exposed to were stray Furfrou and Gogoat and Skiddo who people rode around Lumiose City. So, instead of taking the sound like a question as had been intended, he took it as agreement. "Oh, so you are lost, huh? Well, we best take you back to your regular abode! Let's see..." Elias said, pulling out his pokedex to analyze Bonsly with it. Bonsly! The Bonsai pokemon! It prefers an arid atmosphere. It leaks water that looks like tears when adjusting its moisture level. "Hmmmm... Bonsai pokemon? Isn't that a small tree? How odd to call a rock type something like that." He said. "Anyway, our best bet is the driest place nearby. I'm not sure if there is one, however. I best ask one of the girls..." Elias extended a hand to the Bonsly, as if asking permission to pick it up. --- "Dragon Rage!" Stella said in command to her pokemon, who fired a blast of energy at Zoroark's blast of energy. The collision of attacks caused a small explosion. "Now, Flail!" Gyarados nodded, and attempted to fling Zoroark away with its tail.
  19. Leafeon

    private Johto Storm

    @@Umbreon, @, @@Vaporeon, "Oh... You are, are you?" Elias said in response to Abi, rubbing the back of his head. If she was from the same city, and had knew him from it, she most likely knew about what he was infamous for. The fact blind people weren't exactly common meant he wasn't exactly unheard of in his home town, especially due to his... habits. "Well, I suppose that means you'd know, huh? Also might be why I didn't find you familiar, right?" After a while of no reply, Elias turned to face where he guessed Abi would be standing. He extended a hand, and waved around aimlessly at the air. Apparently she had left. "Figures." He muttered. He probably looked like an idiot. He then began to walk in a direction that he believed Elgyem to be. Elgyem was still connected to him psychically, after all. I wonder if I've lost those two girls for good. He thought. For all I know, they both are already in Ecruteak. When Elias had finally found Elgyem, Bonsly had already begun to cry. Elgyem looked to be in a state of shock, and looked to be also panicking somewhat. The crying was loud enough for Elias to pinpoint where Bonsly was, so he bent down beside the pokemon. "Jeez, Elgyem, what did you do?" Elias questioned, as Elgyem shook its head to say it hadn't done anything. Not that Elias would notice. Elias pat the top of Bonsly's head. "Rock type? What are you doing out here? I didn't think there were any caves nearby." He asked it. @@Umbreon, Helioptile continued to look away until Zoroark produced a loud sound. She then looked back, seeing a pulse of energy headed straight for her. Unable to dodge, Helioptile's eyes widened as she was hit directly by the attack. The electric type was flung back, and into a stony wall on the cave. "Helioptile!" Stella yelled. Helioptile slunk down to the ground, her eyes portraying that of spirals. Helioptile was unable to battle. As Helioptile was returned to her pokeball, Magikarp was too busy dodging Leech Seed with Splash to notice. When it did notice, it flopped back in front of Stella. "Alright, Magikarp. It's up to you now, so if you have some kind of secret move you've been hiding now would be the time to use it." She said, sarcastically. Magikarp let out a sharp "Karp!" of understanding, then began to glow a bright white. When Magikarp had stopped glowing and morphing into a much larger shape, a completely different pokemon took the field. It was huge compared to Skiddo and Zoroark, and the two trainers themselves. It let out a sharp "Gyaaaaar!" in an attempt to intimidate the foe. Stella was left absolutely speechless by the development. "Uhm... Not really what I meant Magi-" She began, then stopped. That wasn't his name anymore, right? Stella brought out her pokedex to check the new pokemon's data. Gyarados! The Atrocious pokemon! Rarely seen in the wild. Huge and vicious, it is capable of destroying entire cities in a rage. Gyarados' moves had changed too, much to Stella's relief. Magikarp's moves weren't exactly useful, so this was much better. Bite, Leer, and Dragon Rage were all new. Flail was still there too. Plus, Gyarados' ability had changed. Intimidate. Made sense. "Alright Gyarados, Bite on Skiddo!" Gyarados growled, and looked to pick up Skiddo in its mouth, then throw it aside.
  20. Leafeon

    private Johto Storm

    @@Umbreon, @, @@Vaporeon, Elgyem was pushed back and fell onto the ground upon impact. It looked at Bonsly with a confused expression. What was this thing trying to do? Elgyem sighed, getting back up. It didn't like Bonsly, but surely Elias would. So, Elgyem would try it's best to get Bonsly to come to where Elias was. Or Elias to Bonsly, if push came to shove. The first thing Elgyem would try would be attacking. For some reason, he couldn't psychically connect to the Bonsly. Most likely due to how adamant Bonsly was about... doing whatever it was doing. Elgyem's eyes lit up for a second, before firing a multicoloured Psybeam at its foe. @@Umbreon, Helioptile managed to fall for the Taunt before it was able to use Thunder Wave. The pokemon gritted it's teeth, but continued to run towards Zoroark, its head still glowing. Helioptile carefully avoided the leaves, thankfully she was rather fast. "Hah! Fell for it, hm?" Stella said, clearly bluffing. She pointed a finger at Helioptile, who was nearing the dark type. Instead of running into it, however, Helioptile side stepped and began to run around Zoroark. "Now, use Low Sweep!" Helioptile, of course, didn't know Low Sweep. She instead created a Grass Knot behind Zoroark, jumping backward as to wait for Zoroark to come closer. "Uhm... Low Sweep...!" Stella said. She was still bluffing, of course. Helioptile was putting up a rather convincing charade. "Agh... Helioptile, I know you don't like using super effective moves to defeat other pokemon, but if Zoroark gets any closer you're done for!" Helioptile shrugged, turning her head away from Stella, who was covering her face with her hand. Meanwhile, Magikarp was left on its own. Not a problem though. The water type could handle itself, after all. Magikarp, though hit by the super effective Razor Leaf, managed to keep on flopping towards Skiddo, attempting to flop ontop of it.
  21. Ponyta was confused by the trainer's laughter. It had no idea what it had done wrong. Though, it wasn't meant insultingly, or so the pokemon thought. Ponyta brought it's head up to look away from Jacques, looking rather vain. It completely ignored everything the trainer said, but did notice the pokeball now rolled up to one of his hooves. Ponyta snorted loudly. It wasn't just about to catch itself! What an absurd request! Wasn't it customary for pokemon trainers to battle pokemon before catching them? Well, the trainer best try that. All of the other Ponyta had run away anyway. Ponyta kicked the ball away, but didn't seem to know how they worked, for Ponyta had kicked the button. The ball opened, absorbing Ponyta in a red glow. One... Two... Three. Though the ball seemed to shake a bit more than usual, it remained shut. Ponyta has been caught. As Glalie was hit by Shadow Punch, a loud beep could be heard. It came from the trainer's pocket. He pulled out a pokegear and opened it, reading a message of some sort. He then closed it, and put the device back. "You are free to go." He said, returning Glalie. "My apologies for the trouble." Dwebble stopped running as it noticed Scraggy. The fighting type did nothing, but it certainly looked scary. Dwebble began to run away to the nearest pile of sand, but soon noticed a new person. It let out a happy cry, and began to run around Cilla's legs as well, completely forgetting about Scraggy. It was quite obvious there were people in the gym, as a Sewaddle and Wurmple looked to be fighting each other. The trainers both calling out commands loudly to their pokemon, as a man with long hair watched, a slight smile on his face. It was rather obvious the man was Burgh, due to his rather odd appearance. When he saw Tempest walk in, he raised a hand. Both of the trainers stopped their battle. "It appears we have a challenger!" Burgh said, walking towards Tempest. The two trainers gasped slightly, then spun around to face Tempest. "Or am I mistaken?" Growlithe's second attack hit dead on, causing Tentacool to recoil slightly. It spun around to face Growlithe and prepare to fire another attack, but when it did, Growlithe was already gone. "Alright, Tentacool! Use Bubblebeam while spi-" Roxie was cut off by Cecil's next remark. At this point, her face was completely red. She covered her face, looking away as much as possible Tentacool didn't exactly get what Roxie wanted it to do. Sure, she had said to use Bubblebeam, but the pokemon had missed what she had said afterwards. "Tenta...?" It questioned her. When she didn't reply, Tentacool just tried to fire a Bubblebeam at where it thought Growlithe was. The move missed, of course, but the attack did manage to go straight towards Cecil's head, most likely hitting him.
  22. I know Elias and Abi are. Mine and Aged Rain's characters respectively. Flareon's character was also from Kalos, but they left. Dunno about anyone else.
  23. Leafeon

    private Johto Storm

    @@Vaporeon, @, "Alright..." Elias said, cautiously. He hadn't exactly worded that properly. But, if he had, they'd also most certainly turn him away. Again, still a bad plan. But, oh well. Travelling with two young ladies was certainly a nice thing to experience, and it was most certainly on his list of ways he wanted - or rather was fine with - to die. As the three walked, Elias summoned his Elgyem again. The distinct lack of direction was starting to bother him. Elgyem made sure to hide himself from Espeon slightly. That pokemon was a threat for sure. They'd have to catch a pokemon to combat it. "Oh... Uhm..." The boy murmured to himself as Cilla asked her question. "Well, I'm actually from Kalos. Lumiose to be specific. There's a lot of travelers there, and the accent is a bit different from the rest of Kalos because of it, hence my accent. A passing trainer gave me Elgyem as an egg not too long ago." He said, retelling the story in his head. "...Hopefully I'll never see her again." When the group arrived on Route 36, Elgyem immediately took off. He needed to find a suitable pokemon for his trainer, after all! Since Elgyem wasn't the best of fighters, they had to catch one of the first pokemon they saw. "Hey! Not too far!" Elias called after him. The first thing Elgyem found didn't look to be a pokemon. Much more like a bush, but it was a rather odd bush. Anything could happen, right? Well, this might be the pokemon he was looking for! Elgyem poked the Bonsly, hoping for a reaction.
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