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Everything posted by Leafeon

  1. Aipom, who wasn't exactly built for being underground, couldn't figure out Sandshrew's location in the slightest. The most she could do was attempt to lure him out, releasing another Screech. Though muffled, it should be loud enough for Sandshrew to hear.
  2. "Aipom! Follow!" Cheren commanded. Aipom nodded, and followed Sandshrew down into the hole he had just dug. "Now, this certainly makes things interesting." Cheren thought aloud. "Since neither of us can see what's happening, the victor will be whoever's pokemon can battle without constant commands." Cheren's words were indeed true. Despite Sandshrew having the advantage of being a ground type, how might it fair without instructions? Lurele was making her way towards the Virbank Complex. Due to the lack of amenities in the southern parts of town, the number of people significantly lessened, up to the point that in a particularly dark alley, no people were to be found at all. Or at least, that's what Lurele thought. Suddenly, a sharp "Weav!" could be heard. A Weavile had suddenly jumped down from one of the rooftops, and had smashed the ground between Lurele and her Riolu. It then turned to Riolu, Taunting it to come closer. Behind Lurele, a mysterious trainer also jumped down from one of the roof tops. He wore grey clothes that covered most of his face and body, which were accented with blue and yellow. A split cape fell from his shoulders. The right side of the cape was white and red, while the left side of the cape was black and blue. He said nothing, but was most likely Weavile's trainer.
  3. Aipom easily bounded away from Warden's attack. The pokemon was rather fast, so hitting it directly in such a way would prove most challenging. "Alright. Screech, please." Cheren commanded his pokemon, before covering his ears again. Aipom began to scream yet again, in the hope it might affect Sandshrew a bit more this time.
  4. - Virbank City - Virbank was a large city. One very easy to get lost in. It was also heavily polluted when compared to the last two towns, and the locals weren't exactly nice. Virbank didn't appear to have a Seekers building, which was rather good, as it wouldn't suit the atmosphere in the slightest. At the harbour, a Finneon and Frillish could be seen, but there was nothing else about in terms of wildlife. Aipom stopped screeching as she noticed the ground shake. Not due to her voice, of course, but rather Sandshrew coming back up from the ground. Letting the pokemon grab her tail, Aipom easily managed to pull Warden out from under the ground. She then attempted to throw him into the air, or at least disorient the ground type a little. "Use Swift!" Cheren commanded, and Aipom fired another barrage of stars at Sandshrew. A Sentret popped out of the grass, and flailed slightly. It looked absolutely terrified. After all, ghost types were rather scary. It quickly used Foresight on the two to identify them, then proceeded to hit Revvy with Fury Swipes. ((Can I just say how much I like your pokemon? They're adorable. x3)) Once Locke had left, without Comet saying a word to him, Tiana entered the building. "Ah. Uhm. No, you're not." She said, grabbing a pokedex before Snivy could manage to get one. Then, Comet realized Tiana had given her her name. And she hadn't given hers back! Such an action was incredibly impolite. "...my name's Comet!" She quickly added to the end of her sentence. Hopefully that'd make her not seem so rude.
  5. Leafeon

    private Johto Storm

    @@Umbreon, Helioptile growled at the two, before climbing back onto Stella's shoulder. "Huh. No matter." Stella said. "Plan B. Phanpy, you're next!" With that, Phanpy was summoned. ​"Use Roll-out on Wobbuffet, Phanpy!" Phanpy nodded, trumpeting his trunk. However, Roll-out continued to not be very accurate, due to the grooves on the ground. Phanpy hit every bit of the wall near Wobbuffet, but Wobbuffet himself.
  6. ((I can assure you there will be more Pidgey. So no need to worry. x3)) Cheren covered his ears, getting ready for Aipom's next move. "Screech." He commanded. Aipom began to sound one of the most high pitched, and obnoxious screams ever created by pokemon kind. Sandshrew should hear that. As Riolu pondered the grass, a Venipede glared at it. It certainly seemed upset about being disturbed, but made no attempts to hurt Riolu. It just continued glaring. The only people within the building were a girl with purple hair, and some other girl with a Ralts. The girl with the purple hair looked somewhat surprised at the new trainer's arrival. "Oh... uh... One moment." She said, reaching for one of the dexes. Before she could, however, a pair of vines grabbed one first, shoving it in the boy's face. "Snivy..." Comet muttered. She was so rude...
  7. "Use Dig, Aipom!" Cheren commanded his pokemon, who quickly disappeared into a small hole. Aipom's size was much smaller than Growlithe, meaning Scout couldn't follow. Once Aipom reappeared, she was behind Scout. "Alright. Swift!" With that order, Aipom fired a barrage of stars at Growlithe. A move that was unavoidable. Hypnosis easily hit Basculin, causing him to sink to the bottom of the water. Though it wasn't exactly deep, this made Poliwag rather scared. Not so much for Basculin's safety, as water types didn't exactly drown, but rather for the fact she was now all alone. Poliwag's worried state left her vulnerable, causing her to be hit by Espeon's swift. Crying out loudly, she fired another Water Gun. This time, at Espeon. - Floccesy Town - Floccesy Town was rather barren. Next to no buildings were around. The only two places of note were what looked to be an odd looking house, and a Seekers building which looked near identical to the previous one. The only wild pokemon about was a Lillipup, who had probably wandered in from a different route. ((I'll do the next route's description here as well. Floccesy is boring.)) - Route 20 - Route 20 was much more lively than the town before it. A Sewaddle and Sunkern played together under a formidable oak tree, where a Pidgey was sleeping. A flock of Wingull flew overhead. An Azurill poked an odd tree. A Venipede could be seen, seeming rather angry.
  8. Leafeon

    private Johto Storm

    @@Umbreon, "Alright... Let's go with Plan B, then. Helioptile!" Stella said, letting Helioptile hop down and position itself directly in front of Wobbuffet. "Helioptile, use Thunder Wave!" Stella commanded her pokemon, who sent a wave of electrical current headed towards the patience pokemon. Hopefully that would work.
  9. Looks good. I'll add you to the OP. Feel free to post your introduction whenever you want. x3
  10. So like, I have 8 badges and stuff. I've had them for awhile now, but didn't think I could challenge the E4 yet. Oops. @@Umbreon, Because I currently host the most gyms, I'll have to rechallenge some of you for the E4. That'll start with the Bug gym. So, yea.
  11. Growlithe's speed - now nowhere near matched by Lillipup - easily let the pokemon dodge Lillipup's fangs, then hit it with a Fire Fang. When Lillipup was let go, it fell onto it's side. "Lillipup is unable to battle!" Shouted the referee. Cheren returned his pokemon to it's pokeball. "Most excellent. I'm rather impressed." Cheren said, not seeming impressed at all. "Now... Aipom!" With his command, an Aipom was summoned to the field, balancing atop it's tail. "Use Work-up." Aipom looked to be fuming, just like Lillipup had. "Oh. Alright!" The girl said, somewhat surprised by Lurele's words. "My name's Comet." She said, pushing away a few stray pokedexes left on the table. "Well, calling us 'The Seekers' is a bit broad. That'd include the Ideal Seekers, but we're the Truth Seekers." She said, pointing to one of the Reshiram statues. "What we wish for is a happy world where no one is bound by the shackles of lies! And we ask Reshiram to help us with this." As she spoke, Comet began to smile awkwardly, and looked somewhat nervous. "Sorry! I'm really bad at explaining this sort of thing!"
  12. Growlithe was indeed faster than Lillipup, biting it first. However, Lillipup still managed to land it's bite attack as well. When the two pokemon parted, Lillipup huffed. It seemed rather tired, whether Growlithe was feeling the same way or not was anyone's guess. "Your Growlithe's speed is very impressive." Cheren noted. "However, that doesn't stop my attacks from hitting, all the same. Now, use Work Up again, Lillipup." Lillipup started fuming again, looking further upset with the situation the battle was heading. "Now Bite." Lillipup lunged at Growlithe head on once more, fangs yet again aglow.
  13. ((Gonna be my last post before bed. These gym battles always take so long. x3)) Cheren seemed somewhat annoyed that the attack had still gone through. Lillipup wasn't the best at taking hits, after all. Lillipup let out a loud cry, before freeing itself from Growlithe's grasp, sliding backwards somewhat. "Use Bite." Cheren ordered his pokemon, who charged, head-on, at Growlithe, fangs glowing.
  14. "Annnd... Baby Doll Eyes. And make it quick." Cheren commanded, just before Growlithe could get close enough to hit Lillipup. Baby Doll Eyes almost always hit first, being a priority move and all. Hopefully, Lillipup's big, adorable eyes would slow down Growlithe enough for Lillipup to avoid their attack.
  15. Leafeon

    private Johto Storm

    @@Umbreon, Stella looked at both the Axew and Teddiursa struggling with awe. Both of these pokemon were absolutely adorable! She'd have to have one. Probably not the orange one, though. It looked like a normal type. A type of which she already had. "Hold it right there, you two!" The girl said, walking into the fray. "There's no need to be so rough!" Stella examined the Wobbuffet. She knew what pokemon this was, actually. Couldn't it not attack? She patted it on the head. "Alrighty! I think these two would very much so appreciate it if you could move. Think you could do that?" Stella's expression seemed a tad overly-optimistic.
  16. "Use Work Up." Cheren commanded, as his pokemon looked to be suddenly fuming. Such a move raised Lillipup's attack and special attack by one stage each. "Now, Roar." With that order, Lillipup released an intimidating roar (or at least as intimidating as a Lillipup could get) at Sandshrew.
  17. "Alright, that certainly makes things easy." Cheren said, tightening his tie. "I'm assuming this is your first gym battle in this region, correct? Most people who challenge me have no badges when they do so, so under that inference..." Cheren summoned his Lillipup, the same one he'd been battling with earlier. "I'll be starting with this pokemon. Please do correct me if I'm wrong." "This will be a 2v2 battle. The challenger may make the first move." The referee spoke, also not bothering to check to see if this indeed was Cecil's first gym battle in the region. Nor getting his trainer ID. The usual formalities didn't seem to apply here, though it wasn't much of an issue, due to all the new trainers in Aspertia. "Battle, commence!"
  18. HMs won't be necessary, so yea. Your items are basically limitless, so there's not much point to going to the mart. However, progression in the RP may dictate what items you may have at any given time. The main two reasons to obtain badges are the ability to enter the Pokemon League, and bragging rights. I'd say that's enough. x3
  19. @, @, The two arrived at the gym roughly at the same time. The leader, Cheren, was currently battling a trainer. His Lillipup had just about finished defeating the opposing trainer's Tepig. "Now, Lillipup! Use Bite!" He commanded his pokemon, leaving the opposing trainer's Tepig unable to battle, thus ending the match, which the challenger certainly didn't seem too happy about. Once he had left, only Cheren, Tempest, and Cecil remained in the gym. "Ah. Two new challengers, I presume?" Cheren asked, recalling his Lillipup. "I'm afraid I didn't see which of you entered first, so you'll have to come to an agreement on which of you would like to challenge me first." At Lurele's compliment, Snivy proudly puffed up her chest, and let out a soft cry. The girl curtsied slightly, handing the two pokedex's. "Oh, it's nothing!" The girl said, fiddling with the bow in her hair. "This kind of thing happens every month in Aspertia, and since there's no Professor here, they get the Seekers of Truth to hand out pokedexes. And I'm the leader of this particular establishment sooooo... That duty falls to me." The girl soon realized she was rambling. She curtsied yet again, avoiding eye contact somewhat. "Ah! Sorry about that. I sometimes talk too much. I hope you both have fun on your journeys..." Poliwag, unsuspecting, was hit with Espeon's Swift before Umbreon's Confuse Ray had a chance of touching it. It quickly dodged Umbreon's attack, leaving Basculin to be hit by the Ray produced by Umbreon. Now, both were angered. The two reacted to trying to hit Cillia and Sable with water gun attacks. Not Espeon and Umbreon, mind you, the girls themselves. Though certainly not fatal, getting drenched was never fun. When Jacques had arrived at the gym, two other trainers were already there. The leader, Cheren, was talking to them, and didn't seem to notice Jacques walk in. There'd probably a wait.
  20. Cecil's prediction of the pokemon being "nothing spectacular" were quite correct. Or, perhaps they weren't if you liked very common pokemon from the Kanto region. A wild Rattata hopped out of the grass as Cecil approached, giving him a cautious glance. It looked as if it wanted to run away. The trainer Tempest noticed had noticed had seemingly encountered a pokemon. It was purple, but a bit too far away to make out the specifics of. ((Don't really have anything to say for this. However, I'll make a description for the next route now, just so you don't have to wait for that, should you be going that way. Of course, Aspertia has a gym and stuff so yea.)) - Route 19 - The first route of the Unova region had quite a few trainers on it, and therefore not many wild pokemon. A red striped Basculin swum in a pond, a bit distraught. A Glameow looked to be sleeping atop a cliff. As the two spoke, the building had nearly cleared out, with no one there but them, two other girls who seemed to know each other, and the girl handing out the pokedexes. The girl seemed somewhat annoyed by how there were still people around, yet not taking their pokedexes. Though, she didn't want to seem rude as to disrupt their conversations. Her Snivy, on the other hand, thought differently. She sharply cried out, only to receive a whack on the head by her trainer yet again. "Snivy..." The girl muttered under her breath.
  21. Tempest had arrived fairly early to the table where the pokedexes were being distributed, and therefore didn't have to wait in line. "If you're looking for a pokedex, then yes!" The girl hastily said, as her Snivy picked up one of the pokedexes with it's vines, basically shoving it in Tempest's face, then pushing him gently to the side, as to let the next person through. "No need to be rude, Snivy." The girl said in response to her pokemon's actions, gently hitting her on the head. The pokemon let out a soft cry, though didn't seem to make any acknowledgment to her prior rudeness. The boy in front of Cecil had retrieved his pokedex in due time, then ushered to the side, allowing Cecil the ability to walk up to the girl to obtain the pokedex. She seemed a bit flustered. It made sense, as there were certainly a lot of trainers around. When she noticed Cecil, she quickly grabbed one of the pokedexes, and made an attempt to hand it to him. "Thank you for coming!" She said in a chipper voice, which didn't seem sincere in the slightest. There were two people in front of Jacques when he had added himself to the line. One of them already had a pokedex, and was being brushed to the side, while the other was just about to acquire one. By the time Cillia and Sable had gotten in line, the line had grown drastically. About ten people stood in front of them. The one directly in front seemed particularly annoyed. A Tepig rested on his shoulder, asleep. Despite the long length of the line at this point, no one else seemed to be lining up behind Vivian. She must have been one of the last people for today.
  22. Leafeon

    private Johto Storm

    @@Umbreon, Stella was just a bit too flustered to see if any pokemon wanted to join her team. Plus, there was nothing within sight that interested her anyway. As she walked to the exit, Helioptile suddenly jumped off her shoulder. "Ah! Helioptile...!" Stella cried out to her, chasing the pokemon. It had gone towards what looked to be a battle, or at least sounded like one.
  23. Oh. Oops. My bad. Thanks for telling me. Looks good now. Adding.
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