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Amber Dust

  • , No, Not Cast Young Adult

    Amber Dust's colour scheme is subject to change. I'm unsure about this one and I'm open to suggestions: http://mlpforums.com/topic/114246-colours-help-me-decide/

    Other than that, here's what I've got:


    Amber has a very long sapphire-coloured mane and tail, and one of them is always in a braid. Her amber-coloured eyes resemble Coco Pommel's but they're pointed at the bottom like Twilight's. She wears a silver cuff on each ear, and has freckles on the bridge of her nose. Her coat is a mint/tea green. She has straight bangs, but the rest of her hair is wavy. When she uses her magic, her horn glows orange.

    female Unicorn A glowing blue amber. (which is a yellow amber that glows blue under blacklight. No, her cutie mark itself doesn't glow. The real-life stone that her mark is based on does.)
    Her cutie mark represents a light in the dark, or, more simply, hope. She got her mark by inspiring her friends with the help of stories of magic and adventure when they were at their lowest points (feeling as though life could only get worse for them).

    By the way, the image is on a transparent background. Drag it over something dark to see the white details. https://buffy.mlpforums.com/0a945e2de1b48bade06cbde6e4c958b1.png

    Amber's a realist, but still has strong ideals. She's very curious and a little bit shy, but passionate about discovering new things--although her curiosity and wit outweigh her shyness, which could probably get her into some sticky situations. Her sense of humour is sporadic, in that she doesn't try to be funny, but occasionally will come up with something and be unable to contain herself. She's aspiring to become a designer/artist, but her heart yearns for the thrill of discovery. She's afraid of leaping into new things unprepared, and she has a strong interest in magic, but she's not really any better than the average unicorn.

    Amber is generally kind, but she'd sooner tell a pony what they did wrong and try to help them than lie to spare their feelings. She values LOGIC and intelligence, and she has a strong interest in ancient things.

    It's become second nature for Amber to (want to) care for ponies who are sad, (see backstory,) although oftentimes she's afraid to intrude on their personal business, so she ends up staying silent. She's introverted and polite, but around her close friends, she can be quite the goofball.


    From the outside, she appears somewhat mysterious, as she is quiet and tends to wander around alone and keep her head in the clouds. She may even appear intimidating at times for the same reason if she's deep in thought. She's very self-aware and comfortable with who she is.


    Lastly, Amber can be sneaky if she needs to be. Since she's started her journey, she's realized that not all places welcome pony explorers, so she's learnt to be inconspicuous. (That could be a specialized spell of hers--silence.) Amber respects laws, but values history much more, and, if she's desperate enough, she gains mindset of "If they don't see me, and I don't take or move anything, I'm not doing anything wrong"...although these situations don't come up often at all.

    Likes: She dislikes ignorance. She has an intense curiosity, which adds to that.<br />She also dislikes rudeness, hypocrites, and, more than anything, waste. Wastes of time, energy, resources, emotion--she hates all types of waste.<br /><br />For example, something dies inside of her whenever something old is destroyed. (like books, old trees, works of art, etc.)

    Amber grew up the youngest of 5 fillies, and she is the only unicorn in her immediate family. The closest unicorn relative to her would be her great grandfather, Amber Relic, who also inspired her love of discovery, as he was an archaeologist (although she never actually met him). All of the members in her immediate family, except her father, have cutie marks pertaining to rocks or jewels, whether its abstractly or literally. (For example, her sister has a string of gems as a cutie mark, indicating her passion for jewelry making, whereas Amber's mark is more symbolic.)


    Her two best friends (StormJumper and Plum Pudding) lived in foster care, and Amber always strove to share her experiences and stories about the outside world and it's magic with them to make/keep them happy. Amber earned her cutie mark when she brought her friends out of a deep funk by telling them inspiring stories about magic, friendship and discovery. Otherwise, her childhood was pretty normal.


    Soon after her friends were adopted/left foster care, Amber left home. Inspired by the mysteries and magic of the world, she travels Equestria searching to unlock/prove the secrets of the world she taught her friends about so long ago, while also trying to find her way as an artist...because you can't make money discovering things unless you intend to raid and sell, which is a no-no for her. History must be preserved!


    If necessary: She found herself in Ponyville when her earth pony friend, Plum Pudding (now a young adult living there) sent her a letter. The letter told Amber of all the wonders surrounding Ponyville. "It reminded me of the stories you used to tell us. I think you'd like it here." Learning of the destroyed library and the Everfree forest, as well as the castle of the two sisters, Amber set off to see what she could discover--and maybe, in the meantime, she'd find a part-time job assisting a local designer...


    A lot of her character was developed for the sake of this post which offered to put OCs into a video game. Because of that, I've developed a little extra info, like her potential fighting style and moral alignment (neutral good).


    She was invited to Ponyville by her old friend who now lives there, mentioning that there's a designer in town, (as Amber is an aspiring artist so it could be a good opportunity for her,) and that the town is right next to The Everfree, The Castle of The Two Sisters, and the newly destroyed library, which Amber would enjoy sketching and learning about. See here for more.


    Amber has a talent for making mental maps, which really helps her explore without fear of getting lost.


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Amber Dust's colour scheme is still being developed. I'm having a really hard time, and would appreciate help and suggestions:http://mlpforums.com...help-me-decide/

This is literally the only "WIP" thing about her, and it isn't critical, so I marked her as NOT a WIP.


If anything about your character is a WIP, please do not submit it under "No". Even if it's as minor as her appearance.


As this is a WIP application, all of these may be subject to change, but I will give you my notes for it so far:




If she were to weild an element, it would be honesty or kindness, although she'd sooner tell a pony what they did wrong and try to help them than lie to make them happy.


This sentence has to go. She is not an element and she wouldn't be.




She also dislikes rudeness, (duh) hypocrits,


If it's obvious, don't put it in your biography.




Lastly, Amber is sneaky. Since she's started her journey, she's realized that not all places welcome pony explorers, so she's learnt to be inconspicuous. (That could be a specialized spell of hers--silence.) She respects laws, but values history much more, and has the mindset of "If they don't see me and I don't take or move anything, I'm not doing anything wrong", although these situations don't come up often at all.


These are personality traits and would better fit under the Personality field.


Also, did you make the Cutie Mark image yourself? Troblems expressed concern about it being taken from somewhere else.

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1. Would you give me a hand with colour scheme then? :) Or, rather, is "work in progress" the same as "subject to change"? Because its more like that. :/

2. I put the "element of harmony" stuff in there to further elaborate on her personality. No, she'll never wield one, its just insight on her personality translated into mlp terms. I think it's a good thing to include.

3. That one isn't so much obvious as it is common. I included it because its something that bothers her more than others. I guess I could remove the "duh" part. :P

4. I don't think this is a personality trait so much as it is a physical trait...But i guess the part about her mindset should be moved. I just thought it would make more sense all put together as an "extra" of sorts, since it's not a part of her personality thats presented often...Its more of an...occupational hazard. ;) Maybe I should have used the term "inconspicuous" or "stealthy" instead of "sneaky" though. Or maybe I should take out that whole part. Blurgh.

5. Yeah, I did draw the cutie mark myself. I cropped that out of an older image of my OC...if you follow the link asking for help on colour schemes, you'll see the full image. Is that the pic Troblems was thinking of?


Also, what do you think of my OCs personality and such? So far the only notes you mentioned are about my poor organizational skills. ^^'

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1. Would you give me a hand with colour scheme then? :) Or, rather, is "work in progress" the same as "subject to change"? Because its more like that. :/


Essentially, we would rather that you would submit the application under "No" for WIP if every detail about the character is ready to be critiqued, and if your appearance is not cemented then it can't be critiqued. Does that make sense?




2. I put the "element of harmony" stuff in there to further elaborate on her personality. No, she'll never wield one, its just insight on her personality translated into mlp terms. I think it's a good thing to include.


I think that that point would be better illustrated without relating to the element of harmony, as it would put her on par with canon characters such as Fluttershy. The sentence implies that she is at that point.




3. That one isn't so much obvious as it is common. I included it because its something that bothers her more than others. I guess I could remove the "duh" part.  :P


You could say "this bothers her the most" instead, perhaps. :)




4. I don't think this is a personality trait so much as it is a physical trait...But i guess the part about her mindset should be moved. I just thought it would make more sense all put together as an "extra" of sorts, since it's not a part of her personality thats presented often...Its more of an...occupational hazard.  ;) Maybe I should have used the term "inconspicuous" or "stealthy" instead of "sneaky" though. Or maybe I should take out that whole part. Blurgh.


As it speaks about her being sneaky, and personality relates to disposition, it therefore has to do with her personality. That was my reasoning behind that.




5. Yeah, I did draw the cutie mark myself. I cropped that out of an older image of my OC...if you follow the link asking for help on colour schemes, you'll see the full image. Is that the pic Troblems was thinking of?


Yes. It should be fine, then.




Also, what do you think of my OCs personality and such? So far the only notes you mentioned are about my poor organizational skills. ^^'


Her personality is passable (other than what has already been mentioned). Your biography is very close to being done, in fact.


If you implement the changes I have given, a RP staff member would be happy to give her a second review and possibly accept her. :)

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I edited it somewhat, based on your suggestions. I am yet to get rid of the elements reference though, because I really hate editing on mobile lol.

Also, I don't really need her appearance to be critiqued. It doesn't seem like something important for roleplay.

Otherwise, I agree with you, and thanks for elaborating. :)

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 Her personality is passable (other than what has already been mentioned). Your biography is very close to being done, in fact.


If you implement the changes I have given, a RP staff member would be happy to give her a second review and possibly accept her. :)


, did you read any of my edits? I took your advice to mind and changed my wording regarding the element, and also organized some things better. I'd love to have it critiqued again--maybe your opinion on her colour scheme can cement it. :P then I'll replace the image with a better drawing, if that's okay.

Her personality is "passable"? Welp... :( I'd love your suggestions if you think she could be improved.

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Rainbows~ did you read any of my edits? I took your advice to mind and changed my wording regarding the element, and also organized some things better. I'd love to have it critiqued again--maybe your opinion on her colour scheme can cement it. :P then I'll replace the image with a better drawing, if that's okay. Her personality is "passable"? Welp... :( I'd love your suggestions if you think she could be improved.


I just want to point out one thing here:


In the end it is YOUR OC :P You should be the first one to like her colour scheme and personality, after all it'll be you roleplaying her! It's good that you seek criticism on it, but it doesn't mean you'll need to change it ASAP as soon as someone says he/she doesn't like it. As long as it's not hurting anyone's eyes and fits the canon (hint: pitch-black OCs), it'll be good.

As for the personality: read the second sentence again :P


Although I absolutely adore the color scheme personally.

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I just want to point out one thing here:


In the end it is YOUR OC :P You should be the first one to like her colour scheme and personality, after all it'll be you roleplaying her! It's good that you seek criticism on it, but it doesn't mean you'll need to change it ASAP as soon as someone says he/she doesn't like it. As long as it's not hurting anyone's eyes and fits the canon (hint: pitch-black OCs), it'll be good.

As for the personality: read the second sentence again :P


Although I absolutely adore the color scheme personally.


Ah, yes, I know that it's important for me to like my OC, but at the moment, I'm trying to get her approved, so it's important that the mods like her, too. ^^"


But, hey, there IS such thing as a bad OC.

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Reviewing over your application again, it seems like one of my suggestions was implemented, but not all of them.


The issue with the relation to the element is that, put simply, the Mane Six are the elements and represent them. As a result, your OC cannot be related to them as she's not a part of the Mane Six. My suggestion is that there's a complete removal of that sentence, or to rephrase it like such:



Amber is very kind, but she'd sooner tell a pony what they did wrong than spare their feelings.


You don't need this sentence in your biography as, with the addition of the personality bit that you placed in the other section which can simply be moved over there, your personality section will be thorough enough to give us a good idea of what makes your OC tick, and that's what matters. I would also like for you to move it there for organizational purposes (besides the clarification issue).


Also, one additional thing I wanted to say - please don't take my criticisms personally. :) All they are is to make sure your OC fits well enough in canon as well as to keep your biography clear for anyone who needs to read it to see what your OC is about. I have no actual issues with her personality as a whole. We review your applications because we want to make sure they would fit within a canon setting as part of EQE's rules, that's all! My personal thoughts and opinions do not impact any of my correcting decisions that I have made on this character.

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Reviewing over your application again, it seems like one of my suggestions was implemented, but not all of them.

Alright, fine. :P I removed the elements reference and I moved the part about Amber being sneaky. I also edited her "other" section a bit. She's ready.

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AmberDust, on 11 Dec 2014 - 12:35 PM, said:


so it's important that the mods like her, too. ^^"

There's been several characters that we don't like that have been approved. It's not about whether or not we like them, but if they are canon appropriate.


That being said, the coloring of the text has implicating the colors of the ponies those elements are associated with has to go. I understand where you're coming from, but part of the rules for the section dictate that your character have no connection with the cast characters. With the coloration such that it is, you're likening your character to that of the Mane 6.


Also, the other section also applied to the character, and Pokemon doesn't exist in MLP. Removing all of the information in that part wouldn't harm the integrity of the character, and could potentially stop her from being approved. The likelihood of her going to Ponyville is quite high, since that is where a good majority of the RP's in EQE are centered.

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There's been several characters that we don't like that have been approved. It's not about whether or not we like them, but if they are canon appropriate.


That being said, the coloring of the text has implicating the colors of the ponies those elements are associated with has to go. I understand where you're coming from, but part of the rules for the section dictate that your character have no connection with the cast characters. With the coloration such that it is, you're likening your character to that of the Mane 6.


Also, the other section also applied to the character, and Pokemon doesn't exist in MLP. Removing all of the information in that part wouldn't harm the integrity of the character, and could potentially stop her from being approved. The likelihood of her going to Ponyville is quite high, since that is where a good majority of the RP's in EQE are centered.


Will do, I suppose. ^^" I guess you're right about the "other". I'll remove the parts that don't contribute to her character.

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Quite a long road, isn't it? But it's fruitful.




If she were to fight, it'd go like this: She fights with illusions, teleportation, and bucks, only occasionally using magic bursts, as they aren't her strong point. She tries to rend her enemies prone by confusing them.


In order to tone down the (sometimes) insane unicorn abilities and allow Twilight to remain... well... Twilight, in terms of her magic prowess and abilities, we require unicorns to possess only a limited amount of spells connected to their special talents, with some of them being reserved only to those who are exceptionally good with magic (read: have always expressed interest in it, studied it and their special talent is straightly related to it). Teleportation is one of those spells. And you'd have to explain the "illusions" part a bit better, since it's quite a broad term as it stands right now. Additionally, now when I think of this I'm not sure if I've seen any different character apart from Twilight, Alicorns and Villains use "magic bursts". My mind might be playing tricks on me though, someone else will have to verify this.


That brings me to my second point which is rather an... advice? Warning? Not sure how to call that, because it's neither :P

I see that you link the backstory and the description of your OC to sources which are beyond the Equestrian Empire. Therefore, remember: As long as anything you write up for EqE would for sure be appropriate to roleplay with in the Everfree Empire (a.k.a. the "Regular section", but called like that by us), it doesn't work the opposite way. I am quite certain I've never heard about any Plum Pudding living in Ponyville nor did I see her application accepted into EqE. However, at once I do realize that, obviously, any OC has potential friends. Therefore I'm not against mentioning them, as long as you'll limit yourself to only talk about them in RPs and they won't indirectly affect any RPs either. (tl;dr [you should read it tho :l] just a heads up, no changes needed in this field)


Lastly: It would be nice if you could finalize her colour scheme already. I know you have a knack for designing eye-candy colour schemes for OCs, and I know how tormenting it can be to make them look perfect in our minds, but the longer you think about it, the worse it'll get xD


That being said, I personally don't see any other issues with the app and I'd *MOST PROBABLY* stamp it for second approval if these changes were implemented.

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Regarding fighting style:

Yeah that whole thing was only concierges because Amber was entered in a pony fighting game as a playable character. :P It's not something I consider "canon" to the character, just a bit of extra stuff that I thought I'd mention--but I'll remove it. (I've already removed most of the "other" section because it was mostly trivia regarding my creative process.) :P

Regarding Plum Pudding: Don't worry, I won't try to RP her in the EQE section. She's basically a background character, so I just planned on using her for context, etc.

Is that okay?

Regarding colour scheme: Yeah, it's pretty much final by now. :/ I jus feel uncomfortable setting it in stone, because I'll probably conjure something better later. ^^' Oh well. Lets say it's final!


Also, a question: If Amber is approved, will all links going to this page cease to work? Or will they transfer?

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Quite a long road, isn't it? But it's fruitful.





In order to tone down the (sometimes) insane unicorn abilities and allow Twilight to remain... well... Twilight, in terms of her magic prowess and abilities, we require unicorns to possess only a limited amount of spells connected to their special talents, with some of them being reserved only to those who are exceptionally good with magic (read: have always expressed interest in it, studied it and their special talent is straightly related to it). Teleportation is one of those spells. And you'd have to explain the "illusions" part a bit better, since it's quite a broad term as it stands right now. Additionally, now when I think of this I'm not sure if I've seen any different character apart from Twilight, Alicorns and Villains use "magic bursts". My mind might be playing tricks on me though, someone else will have to verify this.


That brings me to my second point which is rather an... advice? Warning? Not sure how to call that, because it's neither :P

I see that you link the backstory and the description of your OC to sources which are beyond the Equestrian Empire. Therefore, remember: As long as anything you write up for EqE would for sure be appropriate to roleplay with in the Everfree Empire (a.k.a. the "Regular section", but called like that by us), it doesn't work the opposite way. I am quite certain I've never heard about any Plum Pudding living in Ponyville nor did I see her application accepted into EqE. However, at once I do realize that, obviously, any OC has potential friends. Therefore I'm not against mentioning them, as long as you'll limit yourself to only talk about them in RPs and they won't indirectly affect any RPs either. (tl;dr [you should read it tho :l] just a heads up, no changes needed in this field)


Lastly: It would be nice if you could finalize her colour scheme already. I know you have a knack for designing eye-candy colour schemes for OCs, and I know how tormenting it can be to make them look perfect in our minds, but the longer you think about it, the worse it'll get xD


That being said, I personally don't see any other issues with the app and I'd *MOST PROBABLY* stamp it for second approval if these changes were implemented.



Also, I just updated the cutie mark image. Is that okay?

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Also, I just updated the cutie mark image. Is that okay?

I just planned on using her for context, etc. Is that okay?


Yeah, it's perfectly fine.



Regarding colour scheme: Yeah, it's pretty much final by now. :/ I jus feel uncomfortable setting it in stone, because I'll probably conjure something better later. ^^' Oh well. Lets say it's final!


You can always change it later on by asking one of RP worlds mods for moving it back to unapproved. As long as you list the changes you've made and they won't impact the canon etc, the approval process will be much swifter, since the char was approved once already (ergo, there shouldn't be anything wrong with it in the first place).



Also, a question: If Amber is approved, will all links going to this page cease to work? Or will they transfer?


The links should remain intact. However, if by any chance they stop working, just send them to me after the approval and I'll implement them back in application.

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Yeah, it's perfectly fine.




You can always change it later on by asking one of RP worlds mods for moving it back to unapproved. As long as you list the changes you've made and they won't impact the canon etc, the approval process will be much swifter, since the char was approved once already (ergo, there shouldn't be anything wrong with it in the first place).




The links should remain intact. However, if by any chance they stop working, just send them to me after the approval and I'll implement them back in application.



Awesome! Well, I hope she's approved.

And, yes, she's ready now.

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I used a scanner. :) I have one at home, but if you don't, you can go to staples or Lowreys and have them scan it for you onto a USB stick...I think. There might be a small fee, but it's a lot cheaper than getting your own scanner.

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O my gosh, I just love your art and absolutely love her base colour! I was close to finishing my vectors and posting but then the PC caught a viris so i have to do them over. Do you do your vectors on inkscape? If yes i would love to know which version you use so i can install it.

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O my gosh, I just love your art and absolutely love her base colour! I was close to finishing my vectors and posting but then the PC caught a viris so i have to do them over. Do you do your vectors on inkscape? If yes i would love to know which version you use so i can install it.


oh, was i allowed to ask that?

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