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Rainbow Dash Fans: Would She Be Really Mean Or Would She Befriend You?


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You're talking to someone who deapises RainbowDash.

This will get nowhere if we keep going.


Let's just agree to disagree



Oh okay, did not know that XD.


Too each their own as you said.



Lol, I highly doubt it. I can see what you're saying, but I don't think Rainbow Dash would be a bad friend to have in real life. She does, at times, seem a little prideful. But I think that's just apart of her personality, I think she'd be sweet to meet. :)



Couple that with the fact she still befriended sunset shimmer after she nearly destroyed the school.



Meh I know someone at school who she would haaaate. With a passion probably  XD



It seems based on this thread RD will still befriend people despite their flaws as long as they treat her and her friends with respect.She might poke fun at their lack in qualities like some friends do in real life but would not abandon them as a whole. If she does, she realizes later apologies and does something loyal.


So based on this is this person at your school a total disrespectful hurtful person, as it seems like that's the people she truly dislikes?

Edited by GXPBlast
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You're talking to someone who deapises RainbowDash.


Haha, wait until you get a Dashie version of me in here. :D


Couple that with the fact she still befriended sunset shimmer after she nearly destroyed the school.


Ah, another good point. :)


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I thought I was weird to rely despite not being a Rainbow Dash fan. But a Rainbow Dash hater is here? I'm surprised. If the reason for hating Rainbow Dash is irrational, then that's a problem. Like how Rarity haters claim that she's a snob and never generous, which both are false. Rainbow Dash is loyal. She does care about her returns. She wants what's best for everyone, but sometimes, she forgets that's what's best for her isn't what's best for everyone else. If Rainbow Dash is the way you think she is, she wouldn't have chosen Tank as a Pet even though he saved her life. She wouldn't be friends with Fluttershy. She would have cut off all ties with Scootaloo after knowing she can't fly. Sure, Rainbow is cocky and obnoxious, but that's her flaws. She's working on them. She does care deeply about her friends, even if it may not seem so. Like Rarity, she would put her friends before her dreams. She actually almost did that by almost quitting the Wonderbolts Academy after Lightning Dust almost killed her friends. The Rainbow in your mind wouldn't have cared. When Rainbow saved Rarity's life in Sonic Rainboom, she didn't know the sonic Rainboom would work, nor did she care. Rainbow is a great pony who is still growing up. She has a lot to learn, but she has learned a lot.


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 Oh there is and I think @ might

Oh I'm just in here brohooving everyone who's RIGHT. x )  But I suppose I could say a few things...


Rainbow is an incredibly forgiving friend.  We saw it in "Mysterious Mare Do Well."  We saw it in "Sonic Rainboom."  She even instantly forgave the actual jerks / non-friends who repeatedly called her "Rainbow Crash."


Rainbow is a protective friend.  Sure, she discovered her need for speed in that race as a filly, but her motivation for the race was standing up to the ponies bullying Fluttershy.  Rainbow isn't a bully; she's a tough, anti-bully.  And, during her bold dragon-rescuing mission in "Over a Barrel," she encouraged Pinkie to save herself when they were confronted by the Buffalo.  But that's super selfish, right?  Wanting to take on an entire herd of Buffalo on her lonesome.


Rainbow is an inspirational friend.  I'm gonna open by saying that Spitfire is not a bad pony.  She had moments in both "Wonderbolt Academy" and "Rainbow Falls" that were questionable, but - much like Rainbow - she turned things around when it mattered.  And, in the case of both of the aforementioned episodes, Rainbow Dash inspired Spitfire to make the right decisions.  And though I can't claim that Rainbow is a friend to every pegasus under the sun, she sure as hay motivated those pegasi in "Hurricane Fluttershy."  Oh, but that reminds me of another selfish thing Rainbow did: She started a cheer for Fluttershy at the end of that episode and referred to her friend as her "number one flyer," if I recall correctly.  Classic reverse psychology.


Rainbow is a loving friend.  You can't witness the phenomenon that is "Scootalove" and think otherwise.  Anyone here seen "Trade Ya?"  "Oh, but she traded Fluttershy for..."  She got caught up in the moment.  Who was it that expected Fluttershy to come LIVE WITH HER at length and TRAIN HER TRADE?  Seriously, who was it??  I don't know the teddy bear-flanked pony's name.  But Rainbow quickly realized what had happened, shot on over to Twi, and then emphasized the importance of friendship to her before handing over the Daring Do signed copy that would've completed her collection.


Rainbow saves your butt when your butt most needs saving. xD  If you can claim that you still wouldn't want Rainbow Dash as a friend halfway down a tumble off the side of a cliff...  Good luck to you.  And the moment Rainbow sees her friends fall from the basket of the balloon in "Wonderbolt Academy" gets me every.  Damn.  Time.  Everydamntime.  A friend who grabs her head with both hooves and screams, "Noooooo!"  Is a friend who cares.  Rainbow puts it out there.  She has a strong personality, and some people find that off-putting.  But just because some find it off-putting doesn't mean she's a bad friend to the other Mane Six; nor does it mean she wouldn't be a forgiving, protective, inspirational, or loving friend to anyone else.


Just don't get on her bad side by giving her friends a hard time.

You're talking to someone who deapises RainbowDash.

This will get nowhere if we keep going.

Believe it or not, it's not that you "despise" Rainbow Dash that bothers me.  It's that you seemingly use any topic as an opportunity to say how and why you despise her.  How do you feel about Kirito?  Even if I "hated" Kirito (and I don't), I wouldn't go around saying that I hated him every chance I got.  I love Rainbow Dash.  I'm not a fanboy.  She genuinely matters to me; she's brought significant, positive change to my life.  I tire of seeing people attack the pony I love simply because they feel some irrepressible need to voice their hatred for a colorful equine.  That likely wouldn't hesitate to save them were they in need.

  • Brohoof 4

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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And I wouldn't care if you went around bashing my husband. I've heard people say bad things about him but I don't let it get to me because I know that he isn't actually real.

One: I find that hard to believe.  Two: Are your feelings for him real?

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Guys, let's keep this from going off topic. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and to be respected for having them. Just because you may not agree with it does not mean you should be going around criticizing the opinion of others.


That being said, there are moments where Rainbow Dash can go overboard, but she's not the worst character in that respect.


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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If you find that hard to believe then look at my pasts posts.

You'll see that I post my opinions on RainbowDash on threads are related to her or the main characters. I don't just go to a random thread and post "I hate RD". Don't you think that I would have gotten in trouble for that by now if I did that? ;)


And of course not. It's just a silly fictional crush.

I meant I found it hard to believe that it didn't bother you / you'd be fine with someone going around and bashing him.  And no: I don't think you would have gotten into trouble.


Mine is not a "silly fictional crush."  Look at my past posts (particularly my blog posts); though I suspect you won't.  I haven't endured the nonsense from the fandom, the nonsense from random internet dwellers, nor the nonsense from family for the sake of a "silly fictional crush."  Hate is not an opinion, by the way; it's a poison.  And should be reserved for those who genuinely deserve it.  Rainbow Dash does not fall into that category.


Anyone who mistakenly thinks I'm doing anything other than reaching out, respectfully, to another member is presuming things about my tone.  And the topic concerns Rainbow Dash and the perception of said pony; I am talking about Rainbow Dash.

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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I feel that if Tank can win her over, I can too. Although, I'd probably use my superior human mind to conjure up a machine of some sorts to move a boulder in order to save her, rather than my somewhat less than Brock Lesnar-ish neck. (Pause to reflect on how awesome Tank is) I can see her calling me an egghead whilst I am deriving some method of rescue. Even in danger, her swagger remains formidable. Honestly though, if you be yourself, and show your affection towards her, she would certainly befriend you.

  • Brohoof 1
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Eh, this is hard to judge. I don't think Rainbow Dash and I would be the best friends, but we'd be friendly. Her personality is radically different from mine. From time to time, we'd probably get into screaming matches and maybe throw a few punches, but after that, we'd get over it and move on.

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Oh I'm just in here brohooving everyone who's RIGHT. x )  But I suppose I could say a few things...


Rainbow is an incredibly forgiving friend.  We saw it in "Mysterious Mare Do Well."  We saw it in "Sonic Rainboom."  She even instantly forgave the actual jerks / non-friends who repeatedly called her "Rainbow Crash."


Rainbow is a protective friend.  Sure, she discovered her need for speed in that race as a filly, but her motivation for the race was standing up to the ponies bullying Fluttershy.  Rainbow isn't a bully; she's a tough, anti-bully.  And, during her bold dragon-rescuing mission in "Over a Barrel," she encouraged Pinkie to save herself when they were confronted by the Buffalo.  But that's super selfish, right?  Wanting to take on an entire herd of Buffalo on her lonesome.


Rainbow is an inspirational friend.  I'm gonna open by saying that Spitfire is not a bad pony.  She had moments in both "Wonderbolt Academy" and "Rainbow Falls" that were questionable, but - much like Rainbow - she turned things around when it mattered.  And, in the case of both of the aforementioned episodes, Rainbow Dash inspired Spitfire to make the right decisions.  And though I can't claim that Rainbow is a friend to every pegasus under the sun, she sure as hay motivated those pegasi in "Hurricane Fluttershy."  Oh, but that reminds me of another selfish thing Rainbow did: She started a cheer for Fluttershy at the end of that episode and referred to her friend as her "number one flyer," if I recall correctly.  Classic reverse psychology.


Rainbow is a loving friend.  You can't witness the phenomenon that is "Scootalove" and think otherwise.  Anyone here seen "Trade Ya?"  "Oh, but she traded Fluttershy for..."  She got caught up in the moment.  Who was it that expected Fluttershy to come LIVE WITH HER at length and TRAIN HER TRADE?  Seriously, who was it??  I don't know the teddy bear-flanked pony's name.  But Rainbow quickly realized what had happened, shot on over to Twi, and then emphasized the importance of friendship to her before handing over the Daring Do signed copy that would've completed her collection.


Rainbow saves your butt when your butt most needs saving. xD  If you can claim that you still wouldn't want Rainbow Dash as a friend halfway down a tumble off the side of a cliff...  Good luck to you.  And the moment Rainbow sees her friends fall from the basket of the balloon in "Wonderbolt Academy" gets me every.  Damn.  Time.  Everydamntime.  A friend who grabs her head with both hooves and screams, "Noooooo!"  Is a friend who cares.  Rainbow puts it out there.  She has a strong personality, and some people find that off-putting.  But just because some find it off-putting doesn't mean she's a bad friend to the other Mane Six; nor does it mean she wouldn't be a forgiving, protective, inspirational, or loving friend to anyone else.


Just don't get on her bad side by giving her friends a hard time.

Believe it or not, it's not that you "despise" Rainbow Dash that bothers me.  It's that you seemingly use any topic as an opportunity to say how and why you despise her.  How do you feel about Kirito?  Even if I "hated" Kirito (and I don't), I wouldn't go around saying that I hated him every chance I got.  I love Rainbow Dash.  I'm not a fanboy.  She genuinely matters to me; she's brought significant, positive change to my life.  I tire of seeing people attack the pony I love simply because they feel some irrepressible need to voice their hatred for a colorful equine.  That likely wouldn't hesitate to save them were they in need.



Thought I would add these here shadowdash454-20120919T232529-hmacfl6.jp





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