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searching Axis and Allies: Second Front


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Hey! Another WWII RP with the same stuff as the other one! 

I got permission from Sugar Cuddles (And Panama) to start another one via PM.


Ponies took note, but not very much concern, when Celestia began to make fewer and fewer public appearances following the Grand Galloping Gala. Nopony thought that anything truly bad was happening, anyway. Nightmare Moon had been defeated, the Elements of Harmony were poised to defend against any terrible, otherworldly threats; Equestria, on the whole, was on an upswing. A dawn of a new Golden Age.

Oh, how wrong the little ponies were.

It was very unexpected when it finally came clear that Celestia and Luna were once again in conflict. At first, most were content to let it stay in the capital, but factionalism is an infectious thing. In the city of Baltimare, the Lunar Front formed, pledging their support for the Princess of the Night. In the western city of Seaddle, the Solar Party came into its own in response, it's members pledging their support for Celestia's millennia old regime.

It is unknown how the fighting started. Neither side will admit that their favored Princess instigated it, and instead blame their opponents. Regardless, one fateful night, the ruling sisters began to fight in earnest. The royal city of Canterlot was ruined in the process. It was only when Twilight Sparkle rallied together the Elements and went to try and reason with the Princesses that the destruction stopped. They would not listen, however. Twilight was forced to banish them both as they refused to stop fighting- Celestia to the sun, and Luna to the moon.

Convinced that she had returned peace to Equestria, she cautiously returned to Ponyville. There wasn't a strong enough pony to step up and take control, however, and Twilight, without her mentor Celestia, had no idea what to do. Canterlot's ineffective aristocracy under Prince Blueblood was unable to exercise power over the cities, and Princess Cadance vanished along with Shining Armor- some say to the still-missing Crystal Empire. The sun and moon continued to move, albeit erratically, seemingly competing for time, with the night and day both getting roughly 12 hours a day, sometimes flipping between the two at random, which killed faith in both magic and what was left of the Canterlot government (though some more faithful ponies believe that the Princesses are still doing their job while banished). Within a year, Equestria had entirely fallen apart as a functioning nation without an organized military or bureaucracy, instead falling into a fractious mixture of city states. The two factions supporting the princesses didn't go away, either. Riding on a Twilight's newfound unpopularity, Trixie Lulamoon rose to the fore of the Lunar Front, while the brothers Flim and Flam appealed to the capitalist sensibilities of the west to rise as leaders in the Solar Party.

Seeking to defend themselves, some formed alliances with each other. In the east, Baltimare and Manehattan, both under the control of the Lunar Front, united and subjugated the entirety of eastern Equestria, two years after the banishing of the princesses. Pledging to place Luna alone on the throne, the leader of the newly formed Eastern Axis, First Citizen Trixie Lulamoon, ordered the Axis army to hunt down and imprison the wielders of the elements of harmony in an effort to focus the magic needed to return a princess; Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were both seized, and the rest, minus Twilight, who had fallen into a deep spiral of regret and depression and disappeared, fled west, out of the Axis' grasp.

This did not equate to safety. In the west, alarmed by the advance of the pro-Lunar faction, Appleloosa, Seaddle, and Los Pegasus formed the Triple Concordat, which would evolve into the equally militant Western Alliance after the goals of the Axis came clear. Determined to return Celestia from the sun, they incarcerated Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack for "protection". They took up the same plan as the East- get all six elements and use their power to summon their favored Princess to lead them.

The Axis army gathered at the Allied border not long after the announcement of the Alliance as a political entity in an attempt to intimidate them. Unfazed, the Allied army did likewise, ordered by their leader President Flim to not give the Axis a single inch. It all exploded in late December, three years after the Princesses disappeared. In the devastating Battle of Ponyville, thousands of Allied and Axis soldiers died, the town was almost entirely destroyed, and the central region became one of the most hotly contested places in Equestria, a no man's land pocked with craters and nearly devoid of life.

Two years have passed since that first battle. Both factions have kicked war production and recruitment into full swing, and things don't appear to be slowing down. Paranoia and hate runs rampant between the two factions. Some initially blamed Discord as having something to do with the conflict, but this was quickly found to not be the case when an allied pilot confirmed him as having been killed not long after reemerging from stone by a bombing run over Canterlot. Indeed, with no Princess to prevent gunpowder and explosives from being produced and used, there is little that ponykind can't defeat. Axis and Allies have both finally found the hiding place of Twilight Sparkle, deep in the Everfree, holed up in the dilapidated Castle of the Two Sisters, shielding herself with an impossibly strong wall of magic. Both are convinced that mere magic can't stop them, and desperate to take custody of the pony both sides blame for partially starting the war as well as the most powerful element, are poised to fight the biggest battle since the beginning of the war...



If you have a OC page you can skip most of this.




Bio: And how you think about the war





You may be a pilot, tanker, infantryman, whatever you want.

This RP will work in correlation with the other WWII RP. If something big happens over there it effects this RP.



1. We don't want an autopsy, okay?

2. No messing with the Ponyville girls.

3. Don't curse like a sailor. Curse like a solider.

4. You aren't WWII Rambo.

5. I'm letting all the crazies in here. I'm letting a Werewolf in so I've got no excuse. Then again the military needs as many soldiers as it can get. Like the Dirty Dozen but with ponies!

6. Still no Alicorns. Sorry.




Name: Atlas Lightfeather

Age: 26

Rank: Lieutenant 

Description: See link

Bio: Signed back up once the war began. He had gained a formal more formal education from he first enlisted making him an officer. He wants the war to end fast. He only signed up to do his part and help end the terrible thing. Strongly believes that Celestia is the true leader of Equestria. He is Hunter's handler.

Equipment: M1903 Sprinfield with cantered scope, two fragmentation grenades, M1911,



Name: Hunter 

Age: 25

Rank: PFC

Description: See link

Bio: Persuaded by Atlas to sign up with him. After a lot of explaining to some big wig in the army and a few fainting spells later Atlas got permission to be Hunter's "handler" and the promise that Hunter will get a secret meat ration. The two are always together for this reason. They knew each other before the war.


Equipment: M1 Garand, M1911




Atlas: Lieutenant. Hunter's handler.

Hunter: PFC





Idea: Sugar Cuddles

Long introduction: Panama

And this is for anyone else involved int he original RP!

Edited by Firehearted
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