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Well... this is odd for me to do.


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Myself... ... ... well... hmmm.


In my mind I' a fairly simple person, so I'll keep this short as their isn't much to say.


I have a large family consisting of brothers and sisters, with the majority being older than I am. I moved around a lot  as I grew up and as such their aren't too many states that I haven't at at least driven through, and no neither of my parent are in the military.


Besides that I don't feel like saying much more about myself as I don't know anyone that would be reading this, I a fairly private person.


I do have a few questions though if someone would be kind enough to answer them.



What would be a list of materials, comics, books, movies, and such, that could be considered cannon? I have had a very difficult time pinning this down and some help would be greatly appreciated.



Where could I find a detailed discussion on the capabilities of Alicorns, in all their forms and representations? I have tried looking for one in the forums over the last day, but I haven't been very successful.


Beyond that I don't really have anymore questions, but I do hope to enjoy my time on the forum and contribute in some way in the future.


P.S. I read the rules so, even though it is something of a disappointment, I'll leave my Troll at home.

  • Brohoof 2
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Welcome! And to try to answer your questions

1. All "official " Hasbro materials and comics are considered cannon until they contradict the show directly. So EqG is canon, along with the IDW comic series, up until they go against already established canon in the FiM tv show, in which case that specific event is considered non canon, or lower tier canon depending on the level of contradiction.

2. As for Alicorn discussion, you can try looking in the Sugar Cube corner subforum, and if you cannot find an already existing thread, you can make one!


I hope I helped some, and I hope you enjoy your time here, brohoof /)

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Hey and welcome to the forums, friend.   Pretty much what Miaq said explains your answer, so pretty much as he say, anything "official" Hasbro materials is what you should aim for your first question.  The second, indeed the best area to discuss alicorns is in Sugarcube Corner.  Here's one thread, that may catch your Attention: Alicorn Discussion

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Like @ mentioned, the FiM tv show is considered the main canon, and anything that is produced by Hasbro is considered canon unless it contradicts the television show.  This would include:


-Equestria Girls and the upcoming sequel Rainbow Rocks.  There are also some online shorts for the upcoming Rainbow Rocks movie that are probably considered canon as well.


-All of the licensed books that have been published...  Here's a list of them but keep in mind that most of these are just picture book remakes of episodes so you're not going to find out anything special in them. The main books I'd look at are the novels by G.M. Berrow, the Elements of Harmony guidebook, the Journal of the Two Sisters that's coming out very soon, the upcoming Daring Do books, and the Equestria Girls books.  http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_storybooks


-It'll also include the comics.  This is going to include the main comic series which is on issue 19 right now, the Micro-Series which was a mini-series of ten comics each focusing on a different character, the Friends Forever series that's being produced right now, and the 2013 Annual.  All of the comics are produced by IDW Publishing.


-And anything I'm forgetting about that's licensed by Hasbro.  There's a ton of stuff out there like the gameloft game and things of that nature that are produced by Hasbro and can add a bit to canon as well, but for the most part I'd mainly just worry about the show, the movies, the comics, and the books I mentioned. As a general rule though, if it's produced by Hasbro and it's generation four, it's going to be canon.  (Though all the previous generations of the show and the books and movies and whatnot for those generations are not considered connected to the G4 canon)


Hopefully that answered your question in a sufficiently thorough manner :)


As for your second question, I'd check out the Show Discussion and Sugarcube Corner areas.  There have been a few discussions that were about Alicorns, but I'm not sure of any discussing exactly what you're talking about.  if you've looked and haven't found what you're looking for though, I'd recommend you start a thread about it.  Not everything already has a discussion thread created, so you're always welcome to start a topic when you can't find a thread for something you'd like to discuss.


Anyhow, feel free to let us know if you have any other questions and welcome :D

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I certainly wish WoW roleplayers would understand this sort of thing about cannon material, like you discussed above. Anything licensed or produced by the company with the qualifer of UNLESS it contradicts the main product that you are roleplaying in (such as in this case the game).

I've noticed a larger % of people here who are more mature about understanding lore and how to determine what is and isn't cannon, as far as understanding those basic concepts. What's the roleplay community here like? I don't really intend to roleplay a pony or know enough about the lore to participate, but I'm interested to see more of what the ATTITUDE of such people is like instead.

I've lost my love for roleplay due to toxic communities in games that do nothing but talk badly about people who play by the mechanics (since it's a game, which makes sense to actually do) and don't only write. I strive for a beautiful blend of the two, hence my previous post stating I don't really label myself as anything, because I don't know of a label that encompasses someone who accepts and blends/unites all portions of a game or type of media (like writer, player, etc) all rolled into one.


As strange as this might sound, the replies to this person's post is very encouraging in making me feel that there are others out there who understand this concept and that there ARE individuals out there smart enough to understand/discern cannon and non cannon.


How does this community determine what forms of creating items that aren't in lore are acceptable or unacceptable? (since lore is mainly a guideline and base recipe, and just like cooking, it's about taking the elements of lore that work together to create something new, which even the creators of something like MLP or a game do to create new things for it.) Yet many places I go people get fussy about anything 'different' and yet themselves ignore the core rules of a game because it's "not fair" to have levels etc. Mostly I find this hypocritical as they don't seem to understand the difference between tweaking and creating, vs breaking the rules and trashing a system just because it's not convenient to them, and then they mistreat/bully/ridicule/take it out on individuals who understand the system well enough to blend it, yet everyone seems to side with and support the bullies. And the bullies continue enabling the bad attitude of the masses. (at least in the places I'm from.)


Forgive me for being lengthy and I hope I'm not hijacking the discussion, I just figured since we're on the topic of discerning "cannon" this might be related to the topic and the "mane" (i'm sorry I had to say it...) question that is specific has been answered, and I wanted to bring up more regarding the actual concept that is really behind the question.

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