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private Axis and allies. ALLIES IC.

Anon In Equestria

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Two years ago, Ponyville was the site of the first, devastating battle that began the war. The town was completely ruined; what's left of it is derelict and falling apart, a maze of destroyed buildings, wrecked tanks, and sandbags, a testament to the destruction that the Eastern Axis and the Western Alliance caused in their battle for the area. Even now, it remains contested. Ponyville lies directly on the front line, as does Canterlot.


It also lies directly in the middle of the Central Theatre of Operations, which is under the jurisdiction of the Allied Army's forward operating base. They have ordered many of the troops under them, including the 101st airborne Division, to rally at several forward camps set up on their side of the Everfree forest, just across the river from Ponyville, in preparation to seize the Castle of the Two Sisters- rumour has it that it's an effort to capture Twilight Sparkle, the last element of harmony not yet in the hands of either faction, but the top brass has not explicitly confirmed this. The Axis have the same plan, and are gathering their forces in turn.


You, an allied soldier in this area of operations, you have been recently transferred to the embattled 501st Parachute Infantry regiment, a part of the 101st airborne Division, to offset recent casualties, a last minute addition to the attacking force. Your unit arrives at the busy Forward operating camp Corona after a long ride through the Everfree, just as the sun begins to set. It's time to go find the rest of your squad and get briefed on your mission. Sargent hope will be waiting for at the vehicle bay, make sure to have all your gear, cause the krauts have already packed, an advanced force has already left to secure us a foothold outside the castle, and we have confirmed sightings of the gray clad bastards, Remember Democracy is not negotiable, we'll give it to them even if we have to march all the way to manehattan.


Posting Order


Derplight Sperkle

White Lightning





Hope sighed as he looked east, towards the fireworks display that surrounded the castle, all though the trees of the everfree blocked off the castle from view, but that didn't mean that the airborne explosions couldn't be seen, hope tried not to think about the 82nd, they had been ordered to drop in by air, hope could only pray for the brave souls that would be on that mission.


Hope turned around and set his sights on a olive green willies jeep, an airborne favourite, this jeep had been with him since the start of the war, it had saved his life more times than he could count, but sadly, the war had taken its toll on the old jeep, but luckily gearbox had been able to patch it up, sadly, the medics couldn't do the same for his old squad.


Hope shook his head trying to forget the memories of that bloody night, he sighed in shame and then switched back into his commanding stature, ready to face his new squad, that's if he can find them, the camp was a mess.


Hope groaned and mentally went over the names of his new squad members, there was Corporal Thunder Blitz, the squads Machine gunner, hopefully this guy can listen better than hopes last machine gunner, the there is the Private First Class White Lightning, or resident grunt, the squads Radio man, hope only prayed that this guy knew how to operate the dammed radio, celestia only knows how much we're gonna need air support, and then there is Private Seth Eclipse, our Rifle man, or wolf as it were, hope was especially proud of this recruit, the officers had somehow deemed him fit to have a wolf at his disposal, hope knew that this guy would excel at close quarters combat, those nasty ass claws and those teeth, heh, those krauts were gonna fear the screaming eagles once more.

Edited by lonewolf1735
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Thunder Blitz sat in the truck, watching the landscape flow by in the rear. She remembered this place, her friends always dared each other to go into the dark foreboding forest and see who can last the longest in the dark. That has all changed over the years. With her family and friends long gone thanks to the Battle of Ponyville, these memories were soon pushed aside and she turned to the other soldiers with her. She saw a white pegasus and a wolf. How come we are special enough to get a wolf? Weren't they for special forces? No matter, we can make use of whatever we can get. After inspecting the BAR for the seventh time, the truck finally arrived. In the vehicle bay stood a jet black unicorn. Blitz got out of the truck and stood at attention. "Corporal Thunder Blitz ready to kill some krauts sir!"


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Seth Eclipse hadn't said a word since boarding the truck. He had just glared at the others, analyzing the squad he had been assigned to. He didn't dare give any of them a whisper of a doubt of who he was; it would only be an exploitable weakness. Weaknesses were anything but needed now. Even though he was on the army of the Allies, he still didn't trust anypony. Trust was only given to those who deserved it. However, he didn't trust anypony here for a completely different reason: war. He had no loyalty devoted to the Allies. It just so happened he was in one of the Allied provinces when the war started. To be honest to himself, he rather be with the Axis serving under Luna's rightful hoof. Seth had served with her before the war and knew her pain the sun goddess inflicted upon her.


To be even more honest, he wouldn't be here at all if he had his way. He was supposed to be back in the Wolven Empire, with his fellow kin. Sadly, when the war started, he had no way of returning to his home nation. The empire was east of Equestria, which meant crossing through Axis soil branded as an Ally. 


When the truck finally halted, Seth waited to disembark out of the truck once the others had. Strapping his wolven weaponry to his back, he jumped out of the truck and fell in line. With a stone cold expression, he glared at his superior, slowly raising his paw for a salute. He only was here under orders. As honor dictated, that meant to give the pony his effort, nothing more, nothing less.

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((A bit late to the party but I'm here))


Atlas sat in silence the whole ride. He just looked over his new team. A wolf, a sergeant, a private, and a corporal. Then there was his friend Hunter sitting next to him clearly distracted and he knew why. A strange team. A wolf? Stranger still. Than again Hunter was here... but a wolf? He rolled his eyes and kept his mouth shut.


Hunter was just as quiet as Atlas. How did that pegasus get him to sign up? He wasn't exactly your normal soldier but the army tried to put him there. He was just out of basic and had never seen combat. His only relief was that Atlas was his permanent handler as long as they were in this war. He was bombarded by scents and things of the sort. His nose had been at work the whole ride picking up everything. His pack felt heavy on him and with good reason. He had a good bit of extra rations that only he, Atlas, and high command knew about. He had tried to take a look at his ,what he thought of delicious, rations but Atlas had tapped his hoof for him not to. Hunter had been thinking about the wolf on board for a while. It made him nervous. If he had a nose at all he could pick him out easy and the last thing he wanted was unneeded attention.


Atlas wasn't happy about going into combat. He'd rather be in the rear where the chances of getting his head shot off by some Axis trooper were much lower. But he had signed up for this. He was going to do his part in the war. He took off his helmet and looked at the silver bar on it. First lieutenant. At least he wasn't stuck with a stick of butter. He had been in for at least that long. If he had been any longer he might of gotten both his bars before he shipped out but that wasn't to be. He had been enlisted before this started up. It wasn't long. He did four years and was out. Nothing to brag about.


Hunter was terrified by the thought of combat. Once again, how did that pegasus get him into that recruitment office? He had only fired a gun in basic training and that was it. Atlas said he would be with him the whole time but that didn't help the fact he was going to going to be shot at. He was just some private. Nothing special. Just another grunt for the army to throw into the enemy. basically all he had learned in his rapid courses was "Have a gun. This is how you shoot it, clean it, and reload it. Don't shoot at the ponies that are wearing the same clothing as you. Now get in the truck" Fun...


The truck came to a halt and Atlas hopped out along with the others. He doubled checked he had all his gear and waited for Hunter.

"Not the most comfortable ride" 

"You've still got my um... extra rations right?" Hunter darted his eyes a bit and looked concerned.

"Yeah. It's a bit heavy. Stop acting so nervous. We're not getting shot at yet"


"Just don't act like this for the whole time we're out here. I'm going to be practically living with you"

"For starters dying isn't the most favorable thing to do"

"Again, stick next to me and we'll live which you kinda have to do cause the army's making us stay together with good reason. If you're nervous about your 'condition' don't be. We have it sorted out"

"Still, I prefer to keep my blood inside my body. And no, I'm not too worried about the other thing"

"Just stay close to me and we'll make it. Trust me"

Hunter rolled his eyes and stood next to Atlas still worried.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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