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open Just Close your Eyes


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For whatever reason you are in Manehatten, a bustling city of opportunity. The night before the city was filled with ponies milling about. No part of the city was empty. Yet as you wake in the morning something seems off. 


Before you stands Manehatten... Empty... Not a pony in sight. A nightmare or a heaven? A prison or a playground? Where did everypony go? 


Atlas woke with a start. He was still in the train car he had boarded the night before. It was daylight though. He should have arrived at midnight. 

"Damn it" He mumbled as he got up from his chair. He could be in Trottingham if he was asleep for that long. As he left he noticed not a single pony on board. 

Weird. Normally the Manehatten-Trottingham line is packed.

He stepped off the train onto the platform saddlebags on his back. "What?" He was dumbfounded. Not a pony in sight. He was at the Manehatten train station sure enough. Everything was silent. All that could be heard was Atlas's breathing and the ticking of a clock in the station. 


"Hello!" Atlas walked down the middle of the street. The once full city was a ghost town. "Is anypony here!" The sun shown down on him and only him. It was surreal. An empty city.  Now what?




Hunter woke up on the uncomfortable mattress. He grabbed his nearly empty bag and took another look at the peeling paint. It was the best he could afford. A cheep motel in the bad part of town. He opened the hard steel door and trotted into the lobby. It was empty of life. He rang the bell at the front desk.

"Hello! I'm here to check out!" He rung it some more. "Hello!" He didn't have time for this. It was a long trip to the next city. "Anypony!" He groaned and threw his keys on the desk. He stormed out the door then stopped. It was still early but there would normally be ponies out. "Hello?"


Hunter galloped through the streets. He felt free. No pony in the world could stop him. The empty city was his territory. "Come at me Manehatten!" He shouted as he ran.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Nitro was on a road trip all the way from Detrot in his bright orange Saleen S7. "Let's see what's in store for this city..." He said to himself. He looked around. "Huh? What the hay is this all about? Nopony here...well...I've got the roads to myself! Woohoo!" Nitro stated as he slammed the gas and his engine roared loudly. He saw another pony up ahead by what appeared to be an abandoned train station. He then slammed the breaks and came to a halt and honked his horn at the pony. 

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Winter woke up and crawled out of bed. He had just moved to Manehattan from Ponyville 3 days ago. He was in his apartment. He walked to the window and looked through it and saw nopony anywhere. Usually he would see the streets crowded, which would make him close his curtains. He thought for a second and said "wh-what? This isn't right..." Winter walked to the front door and went outside. His apartment was on the bottom floor and there was 2 other apartments above his. He went upstairs to his neighbor and knocked on  the door. When he knocked the door slowly opened. Winter stuck his head in and saw that it was empty. He once again went upstairs and knocked. After 5 minutes, still nopony had come to the door. "Well... this is strange, He is always home" Winter said to himself/

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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((OOC ok I am new, just bear with me...)) 


MetalTao walked through the empty streets, perplexed by the sheer emptiness of a large city, he felt odd, but a good kind of odd, this was something he thought he would never get to realize, an empty city all to his own. As he looked around finally getting to admire the complex scenery of Manehaten in peace, he couldn't help but wonder aloud, "Where did they all go?" the city seemed to echo this same thought, as it muttered the same words softly until it dissipated, he continued to trot around the shopping district.




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Seth Eclipse woke slowly as he found himself in a penthouse sweet of the five-star hotel he had booked this week. It wasn't by choice he was in the city, he was on a diplomatic trip. The conference was in Manehatten, so he needed a place to stay. Since the trip fully paid by his overseers, why not make it a vacation with luxury.


Stepping out of the king sized bed, he acquired the robe from the walk-in closet. The greywolf didn't bother to look at the view of the city, as he had done so for the past few days. He was headed for the spa this morning. Walking to the elevator, humming an old tune, he smiled at the peacefulness of the morning. No rude guests muttering about 'issues'. No ponies glaring at the wolf wondering why he was here. It was peaceful. Getting to the elevator, he pressed the call button. When it arrived he gave a warm smile to the elevator attendant... except there was no attendant. Odd... usually there was somepony manning the lift. Oh well, he could press the down button. As the elevator lowed, Seth hummed to the elevator tune. "winter wrap up, winter wrap up..." He sang, enjoying the morning ever more. After sitting in a hall of arguing ponies, this absence of others was heaven to the wolf.


As the elevator halted, Seth walked alone the corridors to where he remembered the spa to be. He began to notice a lack of ponies walking around the area, seeing as this was a public area. He payed the thought little mind as he reached the relaxation wing of the hotel. Walking in, he dinged the spa's main desk's bell. After a few more minutes, he dinged it again. "Hello..." He called, seeing nopony in sight. Then it dawned on him.


"Where the hell is every pony?"

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Drakk was sleeping in a bed he had rented from a hotel, where he also woke up."Ugh, guess i have to continue walking" Drakk mumbled to himself as he slowly got up from the bed in the room he had rented. Blinking a few times, he looked around the room for a minute."Well, better wake Drake up" Drakk said, as he went off the bed and trotted over to a door, opening it and going inside."Hey, Drake! Wake up. We have to keep going" Drakk said a bit loudly, and didnt get a response. Drakk trotted over to a bed in the corner, and noticed that it was empty."Wha?" He said, confused that his companion wasnt there. Drakk went over to his own room and put on his robe and saddlebag hesitantly, then exiting the door and trotting downstairs."He must have woken up early" Drakk thought to himself. Once he reached the bottom floor, he trotted over to where the manager should be, but it was empty there aswell."Huh? Theres usually somepony here..." Drakk thought to himself, suspiciously.Drakk proceeded to exit the hotel just to see that there wasnt anypony in sight."Wait, what?!" Drakk said out loud, confused that there wasnt one pony to be seen. Drakk galloped around the streets hoping to see someone else. Drakk then stopped after a good five minute run around the streets."I do like being alone, but this is too much" He thought to himself as he stumbled around the streets in what seemed to be an empty Manehattan.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Creedance slept in a cheep motel room that he got the night before. He got into town about a week ago. He was sleeping in the park till he earned enough bits to get himself a room for a few days. He grabs his flask that was on the bed stand and took a drink, grimacing from the strong taste as he sits up and puts the cap back on. He gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom to clean himself up.

When he got to the bathroom he stared at his scars in the mirror with a scowl. Then he splashed some water on his face and  combed  his mane back and out of his face. When he was done he walked back into his room and put on his bags and hat the last thing he got was his fathers guitar. He straps it on his back and walked out the door. When he got outside he didn't see any ponies. Which wasn't that bad for him. He liked being alone and a little quiet would be nice. He starts walking to the middle of the city to set up. He liked playing there cause he gets more bits then he did in the park.
As he walked he still didn't see a soul. He started to wonder where everyone was. He looked in the stores and in the restaurants and still didn't see anyone. When he got to the middle of the city he was still completely alone. He looked around a little more and still found no one.  
Not having anything to do he walked to the middle of town and pulled out his guitar and stood on his hind legs after taking off his bag. Then he started to play and sing as loud as he could to see his he could get attention.

Edited by Gloomfury
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Winter gave up waiting and went downstairs. He went back into his apartment and put on his saddlebag. He left his apartment and locked the door before walking out and onto the sidewalk. By now he would have been bumped into and yelled at by a rude local or had mud splattered on him by a taxi... in that order. Winter then said to himself "Something is definitely wrong" . He heard some music and went to investigate. He went around the block and saw a pony with a guitar. Winter began to slowly and timidly walk towards the pony.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Creedance had his eyes closed as he was playing. He was too wrapped up in the song to notices the pony. He kept playing and stomping his hoof with the beat. As he got to the end of the song he finally opened his eyes. Even though he was blind in one eye he could see the new pony as clear as day. He pulls his guitar around his back and got back on all fours. He puts on a friendly face so not to spook the pony cause of his scars. "Well I'll be damned. I thought I was the only pony alive." He spoke in his slightly raspy voice. As he said that he saw another coming towards him. "Huh, If you play, many will come."

Edited by Gloomfury
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As Drakk stumbled around the streets, still very confused that the whole city seemed to be empty, he heard some music play in the distance. Drakk looked in the direction of where the music came from, and started running over to there without second thoughts."Somepony must be here to play that"He thought to himself as he kept running, hearing the music becoming louder and louder with each step he took. Once he was close to where the music came from, he stopped running as the music stopped playing, so he trotted over to where he first heard it. and once he went around a corner he saw a pony talking to somepony elsee. Drakk looked around as he trotted over to them."Finally, some other ponies!"He thought to himself

Edited by Bradley-MysteryLord

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Winter continued to walk forward and said "H-hi" Winter quiet frightened by the pony's scars but strangely he was nicer then most ponies that he had met in Manehattan. Winter tried to hide that he was slightly scared but him having his head low was kind of a dead give away. 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Finally, some other ponies. I was starting to believe that i was the only pony left in this world"Drakk said once he reached the other ponies. "Better start by introducing myself" Drakk thought to himself."Hi, Names Drakk." He said as he held his hoof up. Drakk noticed that one of them had some scars, and his curiosity wanted him to ask the pony about it. But he decided not to, and instead kept holding his hoof up.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Creedance could tall the ponies were looking at his scar but he didn't let it bother him. He was use to it. He put his bags back on and walked towards the slightly scared pony with the same friendly face. "Hiya. Name's Creedance. I don't know about you but I got weird feeling that we ain't the only ponies around." He said as he took the pony's hoof and shook it,

Edited by Gloomfury
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"What gave you that idea? The other pony introducing himself right next to you..." Winter said quietly. He looked at Creedance and Drakk and said "I-I'm Winter...." getting quieter and quieter as he spoke. Winter still had his head lowered and was still kind of cautious. 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"I was doubting that just a few minutes ago, but now that you mention it..."Drakk said as he shook Creedance's hoof. Drakk took a look at the other pony, who seemed quite shy and scared, who apparently was named Winter."Hello, Winter." Drakk said, as he held up a hoof and started staring into Winters eyes to get a glimpse of his history.

Edited by Bradley-MysteryLord

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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"I just got the idea. Cause when I saw you two I thought I was the only one. But if we are where there might be a chance that there are more ponies. Even though I like my solitude, being alone for a vary long time could drive anyone to madness... Actually, that gives me an idea for song." He pulls out a memo pad and pencil and started writing while humming a little.

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Winter look at Drakk and slowly took a step back. Winter then looked at Creedance and said "Actually, solitude isn't really that bad... as long as you have something to entertain yourself." Winter had experience with living in solitude, because for about four years after his mother died he, had rarely left his bedroom, only coming out to get something to eat.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Hunter munched on the chips he had raided from an empty convenience store. A whole city to himself. Not another pony in the world to distract him. He had already pillaged other stores stocking up on supplies such as his meat from Griffontown. The Earth Pony's first instinct was to hide the forbidden food to equestrians like he normally would but then he remembered nopony was there to see him. He trotted down the sidewalk happily. Nopony to see him. Nopony to tell him what to do. Nopony to run him out of town with torches and pitchforks.


By now he had found his way into a richer portion of the city. Luxury apartments and hotels lined the streets and he walked all the while munching on his chips. In his walking he could have sworn he had picked up the scent of a wolf but he chose to ignore it. There was nopony out here,



Atlas flew at head level through the streets. There had to be somepony out here. There just had to be. He came to a graceful landing in front of a Royal Guard Station. He opened the door to find it too empty.

"Hello!" He went through the lobby and into the back areas. Just empty offices. He had dug through everything in hopes of finding signs of life but it was in vain. The most recent thing he could find was a half written report still in the typewriter written at 11:55 PM the night before. His last stop was the armory. Still nopony home. Swords and armor bearing the Manehatten colors lined the walls neatly. He went to grab one of the clean swords but stopped. He didn't need it and it was a dead weight. He left the station in search of ponies.


"Hello!" He once again began to fly about the streets looking for anything alive. "Anypony!"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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(( I am kind of late ))


Cyan woke up with a bang.  He noticed that he was sleeping the entire night in a ditch. He couldn't seem to remember anything that had happened from last night. And he seemed to have a huge aching in his head. "Wow, I probably had a rough night.."  He said. He starts to wander around still a bit dizzy. When he notices a sign in the distance, "Manehatten?" He said in a whisper. He walks around blindly, "Nopony is here, huh?". He keeps wandering until he finds a small store. He walks in expecting a Manager or an Employee. He walks in confused as to see the whole store is empty of people. He moves his head behind the counter. "Hello?, Anypony?" No one responds "Hello? Where is everyone? What time is it?" Once again, no answers. Cyan is a bit confused, so he goes to another store. Still no sign of anyone. He starts to get a lot more confused. "Where the hell is everypony!? What am I, In the Twilight Zone?!" He says jokingly. But he soon realizes that it just got seriously strange.


Sweet Sig by Lunia

Avatar Image by PegasisterJayfeather

CM By Scilight Paitanibu 

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"Not all the time. Like when you're in a full house where no one cares for ya." He sighed and put the pad and pencil back in his bag. "Then being alone ain't that great. A good few did themselves in cause of loneliness. That, or they drink alone. Like me" He then pulled out his flask and took a drink. As he was taking a drink, Creedance heard someone shouting.  He looks up and saw a pegasus flying overhead. He gave a loud whistle to get his attention. "Hey, down here bud!"

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@@Firehearted, After walking out the spa, the wolf made his way to the lobby where he was going to ask the desk manager why his staff (and guests) were gone. Sadly to say, he was gone too. The angered wolf as about let off a few curses, assuming this was because everyone was afraid of a wolf, but then saw something run by the entrance. Spotting what looked to be a pony, He charged for the doors.


Now on the street, he could clearly see the pony running, but didn't seem to notice him however. With all his speed, he lunged at the pony and pinning him to the ground. "Where the hell is everypony?!?" he ordered.

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"AAAHHH!" Hunter dropped his delicious thinly sliced potatoes. It took him a moment to realize a wolf was pinning him to the concrete screaming at him. "What?!" Of all the things that had to be in the city it was a wolf. Hunter's instinct took over with the large wolf on top of him. "Get off!" He preformed a perfect alpha role putting Seth under him with the consequence of his bags flying off and its contents spilling into the street. "What do you want?!"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Winter looked up at the pony flying over head. Winter slowly and timidly took a step back. He looked back to Creedance and said "I-i guess you were right..." Winter said with a slight, half second chuckle. He then looked back to the pony flying above and waved his hoof.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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@Firehearted, ((didn't know if that worked or not, lol))


Cyan wandering around for a living soul, finds a pony and a wolf randomly outside a hotel, to be safe. He tries to keep his distance before he would approach since it looked as if they were arguing or something. Before finally coming up to them. "What are you two doing exactly?! And where is everypony?!

Edited by Cyan Blue


Sweet Sig by Lunia

Avatar Image by PegasisterJayfeather

CM By Scilight Paitanibu 

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Atlas sighed one of relief as he came to a landing in front of them.

"Thank Celestia! I thought I was alone! Where the living hell is everypony?! You're the only ponies I've found" He looked quite nervous. Then again everyone had vanished overnight without out a word.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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