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private No love for changlings

dusk shade

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*Chrysalis sighs as she trots through a local town, her belly grumbling from a lack of love after her "plan" and how everypony did their best to avoid her.* "Maybe somepony will wander by soon..." *As she said this she sensed a love aura in the nearby area and investigated, hoping for tonight's dinner.*

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"Not a friend....a brother. But yes, I am the leader of a nearby hive of changlings. Just because I am their leader does not nessacerilly mean that they think that I am their better, though", he said before freezing up. He had sensed the presscence of a hostile changeling nearby. "Lexi...maybe you should be hiding", he said shakily.

Edited by Dusk Shade
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She looked around then back to him,"I-is someone there?"She asked scaredly.She slowly got up and put her wings to her back as she looked around more.Her body shook as she looked for places to hide or where to go, flying was not an option considering her wing condition.She looked at him her heart racing,"Where."

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Hivemind used his magic to lift a rock a dig a spot for her underground. He gently put her in the hole and replaced the rock. "Just sit tight for a few....I smell a family reunion that you don't want to be a part of", he said after she had been hidden underneath the rock.

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She blinked as she was placed under a rock.She curled under it in a tight ball her breathing slowed as she listened outside. Her wings wrapped around her as she closed her eyes hoping everything would be fine, she had no idea who was coming but she was afraid it wasnt good

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"I wonder if that was just my hunger... It seems to have dissipated by this point but there is no use in not looking into this. Maybe if I am lucky there might even be two lovers I could feed off of." *She blissfully made her way toward the location of where she had smelled this love with her happy thought in mind* "I just hope one of those annoying Princesses don't show up and interrupt me. If I don't get any love soon who knows what I will do." *She hurried her pace at the thought*

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Hivemind walked away from Lexi toward the hostile presence hoping to intercept her. As he entered a clearing, he saw the saw the creature that he hated most in this world. His cursed mother, Queen Chrysalis walking toward the spot where he had been with Lexi. "What ate you doing here, witch", he asked her icily.

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*Chrysalis looks over in surprise to see one of her subjects out and not in the hive* "Well this is quite a surprise. How are you doing subject and why are you out here and not at the hive? You should be waiting there for me to bring back some love which I thought I smelled over here but apparently not." *She walks up to the changeling and pats him on the head with her hoof* "Run along now back to the hive."

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(OOC-Just throwing this out there...he is as big as Queen Chrysalis).


"Do not touch me you pathetic excuse for a mother and for a queen. I must say...I'm surprised you don't remember your better half", he said coldly before using his magic to create a wall blocking her from the clearing where Lexi Rosa was hidden.

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"Other half? Whatever it means nothing to me at this time. Although I am quite curious as to what you are hiding back there. You were very clever up until you put that wall up alerting me to whatever is behind it and it must be very important to you if you are trying so hard. Here let's see what is behind this shall we?" *Chrysalis flies above and around to the back of the rock where the barrier had not reached and she put a good on the rock* "Anything you want to tell me about whatever is under this before I find out myself?"

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He quickly jumps back to the rock and pushed her off of it. "All I am protecting is my home you foolish...well, fool.Oh by the way. Learn the Equestrian language. I said better half, not other half...that would imply that I would at least be able to tolerate your existence", he hissed at her.

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*Chrysalis fumes with anger and picks the rock up with her magic then proceding to fling it toward the changeling* "How dare you put your hooves on your own queen! Secondly this waste of land is not your home the hive is! Have these insolent ponies done something to affect your thought process?!"

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"You idiot. I do not follow you. My hive lives within the Evergreen Forest. Away from your tyranny and idiocy", he said catching the rock with his magic and tossing it aside. "Get it through your skull. You do not rule over me", he said as the clearing slowly filled with changelings.

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*As the Changelings filed in Chrysalis noticed the pony in the hole where the rock used to be and had an idea. She used her magic to bring the pony to her and held the pony near her mouth* "Then let me cut you a deal traitor. You come back to the hive with me along with any others who have defied me and have your wings and horns removed and I will let this one go, or make any move and she will become my next meal. Choose wisely."

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(OOC- gonna bring into play a certain aforementioned unicorn now).

You're in the wrong forest to be threatening Hivemind, you maggot", said a voice that emanated from a black mist between the two changelings. "He is under my protection but you, Chrysalis are not".

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*As Chrysalis notices the unicorn she slips her fang slightly into the pony's, the one she is holding captive that is, neck and takes a small amount of her love.* "Oops did I do that? Now I will say to you what I said to this traitor who I know now has feelings for this pony here after what he went through to conceal her. Either him and his followers come with me and get punished, or this one will become nothing but a soulless husk in mere seconds. Its your choice and your fault traitor."

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The shadow merely chuckles. "I care not about that insignificant pony. But, when you attacked Canterlot, Luna forbade me from fighting. Now...she's not here to stop me from killing you", he said as two pure white eyes apppeared in the mist as well as an ethereal scythe. "Now here is my deal....leave now umpty-hooved and live or stay and die". However even as the unicorn spoke, Hivemind had walked over to Chrysalis with his head hung. "If you release her then I will come and accept your judgment", he said in a defeated tone.

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*Chrysalis chuckled and looked over at the unicorn.* "Looks like this one knows how to make the right decision. And honestly why would you think a simple unicorn could compare their magic to a queen? That pathetic thing you call a weapon is insignificant to me. But I have no quarrel with you so lets move on." *She thought for a moment* "Actually I think your timing here is perfect. I came here searching for something to eat as you can tell, meaning I will not leave without something to feed myself and at least some of my hive. So lets add on to the deal here. Unless I can take the unicorn over there back to the hive, then this pony will have to suffice. Once again I leave the option up to you traitor." (OOC- Oh hey also do you have any thoughts on the Chrysalis was cursed and her husband killed theory? I would like to utilize that at some point here as like a flashback and she gets all emotional.)

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(OOC-The theory that cadence killed her husband or do I have the wrong theory In my head right now?)


Dusk Shade's eyes merely closed and when they reopened, they were as black as night and accompanied by a sound that resembled wings unfurling. "Hivemind does not decide what I do. Now I have a simple question. We ponies are useful to you for our love...but I have none, so why bother", he asked with a chuckle.

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(OOC- Well I don't know all the details behind it but what I do know is she was cursed and her husband was killed forcing her to be what she is now.) 


"So what you are saying is, and correct me if I am wrong, you never loved your parents, never had a pet you loved, never had a special somepony that you loved-" *At this Chrysalis got a small flashback to her past and a single tear rolled down her cheek but she seemed not to notice* "And so you are in theory already a soulless being with no emotion. Correct?"

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"Yes. I am emptiness personified. Dusk Shade loves. I do not. I am the Void", said the white alicorn that had solidified from within the mist. As he appeared, Hivemind had taken several steps back so as to let himself be seen. "You, Queen Chrysalis....have greatly sinned...and this is judgment day".

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"Well in that case my job here is done. I have no need for this traitor, all I need is this pony so that I can feed." *Chrysalis was about to fly off with the pony, although when she looked at the pony in her hooves and over to Hivemind she got more flashbacks of her past and how she used to be before she was cursed and her husband killed, the thoughts of someone losing a loved one like she did on that day finally broke her. She dropped the pony to the ground and wept at what she has become and for her husband that she can never see again*

Edited by Queen Chryssie
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Hivemind trots to Lexi and puts her behind Void Miester just in case Chrysalis was trying a trick. "So the great Queen Chrysalis is bawled....I know I'm going to regret this but, what's the matter, Mother", he asked staying just out her reach. Void merely watched in amusement.

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Lexi had been shaking the whole time. She had curled up in a ball as she watched hivemind and Chrysalis talk.She tensed as she felt the pain in her neck.Tears had bagan to roll down as she trembled befire what she had felt and saw

(Occ:sorry I had school)

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*Chrysalis looked up at the question her face streaked with tears* "You may not know this but I used to be a normal queen not what I am now. I once ruled over a beautiful kingdom with my husband. But one day that all changed when some evil pony killed my husband and put a curse on me and my subjects to become what you see now having to feed off of what I used to have... Love." *She looked back down both angry at whoever did this to her like she has many times before, as well as sadness from having to think of her departed husband.*

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