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School Camping Trip! (RP)

Rainbow Eclipse

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@@Midnight Starfall,


As Soprano was studying, he heard a pony trotting around. He ignored it, until his curiosity got the better of him, and went to a walk to see who it was. He saw Rain trotting around. "Morning Rain!" Soprano said, with his mane still rainbow-coloured, and without him knowing that it was coloured. The effects were starting to take place, and normally last a day.

Edited by SopranoAurora


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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Rain heard somepony say her name. She managed to crack a small smile.

"Hey...Soprano, is it?" She asked. Her eyes were focused on the stallion's rainbow mane, but she didn't point it out. She paitently waited for a response.


(OOC: Nothing else to say XD. sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..........

filler.Filler happens.)

"I know the sun must set to rise." Coldplay, paradise

Avatar made by cartoonishcanter ;)

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"Yes, i'm Soprano. Nice to meet you." Soprano said. "What are you doing up so early? It's about 6:30 in the morning!" Soprano asked. (OOC: My character is un-aware of the rainbow coat (it's due to Spectra), and i'm trying to find a way to make him aware. Somehow, can't think how.)

Edited by SopranoAurora


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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"Oh, well...." Rain hesitated. "I just like to get up early. Normally dragons like to sleep in but-" The mare stopped mid-sentence before she went into a rant. Her dragon wings suddenly shot up, She made a nervous giggle and trotted off quickly.


"Ugh, how many wingboners can one pony go through in one lifetime?!" She muttered to herself as she sat on a rock near the edge of the campsite. She took out a book from the saddlebag on her back and started to read.


(OOC: Brohoof for Wingboners? /) XD)

"I know the sun must set to rise." Coldplay, paradise

Avatar made by cartoonishcanter ;)

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(OOC: Why does she have dragon wings if she's a pony? :S ) 


Soprano was confused, but eventually went back to studying. He said: ("その女の子は奇妙ですね!", or "That girl is strange!") before getting right back at studying. He was wondering how Destiny could predict the future. It wasn't weird, but it was out of the ordanary.


(OOC: I translated your last post in google translate a couple of times, and this came out xD:



"Yes ah ......" I doubt rain. "We want to sleep traditional agriculture." Stood in respect for human hearts, the month before the horse nervous laughter, confirmed its part, ran so fast. 
Sitting on the edge of a cliff, "pony from 1 wingboners1 wow life is like different," it can be said Abishai camp. I started reading a book in his back seat. 
(If OOC Brohoof / Wingboners) XD)
It's always fun to mess around with Translate! )
Edited by SopranoAurora


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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(OOC: She's a dragon-Pony. Backstory is on my profile. And that's hilarious XD)


Rain couldn't stop thinking about the pony's mane. She had seen him before, and he had never had the brightly colored mane.


I wonder... She thought. How did this happen....

"I know the sun must set to rise." Coldplay, paradise

Avatar made by cartoonishcanter ;)

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Soprano went to check on Rain, as she was acting... strange. "Rain, where are you?" Soprano yelled, trying to find her. Soprano got deja vu when he saw her, like he had seen her somewhere before. He passed it off. He eventually found Rain. "Rain, are you ok? You're acting a bit... strange."


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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Anala groggily woke up. She looked around the fillies' tent to see that Rain was not present.


'She must have gone outside already,' concluded Anala.


She saw no reason to stay in bed any longer, so she got up from her sleeping bag and went outside into the campsite.

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Morning Anala!" Soprano said. For some reason, Anala and Riley give him deja vu, like they had met before, but at similar ages. He just ignored it. Soprano was still covered with Spectra, and his mane still rainbow colour. "Did you have a nice sleep?" Soprano asked.


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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"A great sleep, thanks for asking..." replied Anala, trying not to collapse onto the ground and fall asleep. The sky seemed to suggest it was still pretty early.


'Riley must still be asleep,' she decided. 'Typical.'


She giggled. "Er... what happened to your mane?" she added.

OCs: RileyAnala

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"What do you mean?" Soprano said, looking at his mane. Rainbow. Drenched in Spectra. Soprano started to panic, so much so that he had a major panic attack. He forgot English for a short time. "くそ、今は何をしますか?これは悪いですね!ああ、くそ!私はだめばかですね! (F**k, what do I do now? This is bad! Ah, f**k! I'm a useless fool!)" Soprano screamed. 


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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'Not a good thing, I see,' thought Anala.


Just then, Riley strode up. "Morning, guys!" he greeted them. "Man, what's going on with Soprano's-"


"We need to get help," said Anala. She went to Chain Brace's tent, and Riley followed.




Anala nudged Chain to wake him up.


"Mr. Brace?"


"Mr. Soprano's mane is all funny..."


"...and he's panicking about it..."


"...do you know what's going on?"

OCs: RileyAnala

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Dark Star got out from the bus, joining the ponies that were getting grouped, he just hoped that he wouldn't be chosen to be with anypony. Suddenly he heard his name and apparently the teacher tried and pair him up with Destiny. Awkwardness surrounded him as he hoped she would refuse, and towards everyone's surprise Destiny started running away from the teachers. 


"What a weirdo" He heard one of the ponies behind him say to a friend. 


He could have agreed that it was weird, but Star was sensitive to calling anyone names, and he tried and not do it himself. 


As the others were all grouped he was left in the 3 last ponies without a buddy. And he sighed with huge relief that the other 2 decided to be together since neither of them really wanted to be with him. 


Now this could have lead to new things, either Destiny got lost in the woods and won't be coming back to be teamed up with him, or he will have to team with her, or the teachers will let them go without being buddies. 




Being very tired from the trip he set up his tent and waited for the outcome of today. Once Destiny returned he was glad to hear that she was going to be alone, meaning so was he. 


Hitting the hay he slept threw the whole night, not waking up once. 


In the morning he got up, fixed his sleeping bag and came outside to find a nice piece of not-so-hot-anymore coco. Using his horn to heat it up with magic he then drunk it. It was a nice feeling, but it was once that he was used to since he had hot coco almost every morning. One of the privileges to being associated with nobility. 


As he walked out after finishing his morning rest he got caught in all the action with Soprano, it was a sight to behold as one of his teachers was screaming things in a language unknown to him with a rainbow colored mane. It was kind of funny to him but he just watched, not even smirking at the situation. 


[boy, half of this role-play just goes on turbo sleep when I am asleep, jeez.]



@@Midnight Starfall

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Hivemind had perched in a tree high above the others where he couldn't be seen from the ground. He knew he couldn't be seen so he finally allowed himself to shed his disguise and sit comfortably in hiles tri cha.ngling body. He slowlylevitated his gear up the tree hoping nopony would notice.

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"I'm fine, i'm fine!" Soprano said, walking out of the tent, towards the forest. I noticed Hivemind in a tree. "What are you doing up there, Hive?" Soprano yelled to Hive. He was wondering what he was doing up there. "Why are you in a tree? For the matter of fact, how did you get in a tree?"


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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Hivemind quickly reset his disguiise before flying back down. "Is thete a problem with me beinf in a tree", he asked smirking. "And...as for how I got up there, I flew up there...kinda obvious. So yeah..if that's all I'm just gonna go on back up my tree now, thanks", he said jumping into the air.

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Soprano wondered why he was acting so strange. "Ehm... are you feeling ok?" Soprano asked. "It's like your a changeling or something!" Soprano joked. "Well, we are back at camp, so come back whenever you're ready, ok?" Soprano said. He knew he wasn't a changeling; he was simply joking.


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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(Ooc-hes calling himself Storm Strafe just so you lnow Soprani and his dguise is a blue pegasi.) Hivemind flew back up his tree and watched the other students analyzing the class subconciously. "Bookworm, clown, loner, lunatic", he stopped at Rain. "Dragon-pony", he said flying down next to her.

  • Brohoof 1
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@@dusk shade,


Storm suddenly flew down next to Rain. "So, you came down, eh storm?" Soprano said, joking. "I knew you would come down eventually." Soprano said. Something about Storm was.. off. He didn't know what, however. "I don't remember seeing you on the bus ride here. Are you even in this school?"

Edited by SopranoAurora


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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Hivemind hossed coldly at Soprano. "If I was not a part of this school...how would you know who I am", Hivemund asked slitting his eyes. He bared his fangs slightly before taking flight back up to the treetops where could the campers in peace and quiet. "Stupud reacher", he said once in the trees.

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@@dusk shade,


Soprano followed Storm. "Where did you go? Why did you call me stupid? I know I am, but I didn't need to hear it!" Soprano joked, looking for Storm. Something was still off about him, like he wasn't from here. He didn't know how he knew him, but he did. Eventually, he found storm.


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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Hivemind levitated his gear betwenn Soprano and himself to form a wall. "Go away and stop bothering me, allright", he said his sky blue eyes began flashing green. He crawled into an owl's hole and sat there as he waited to be exposed by this nosy pegasus pony.

Edited by Dusk Shade
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Bubble Mint stirred in the sleeping bag. She opened one eye and saw the sunlight shedding into her tent. She quietly got up, not a single noise as she woke up.

Then, she put her hair back into her normal bun, and walked out of the tent. She liked being alone. No noise, no talking. Just her, and her calming bubble tea.~

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@@dusk shade


"Are you sure you're ok?" Soprano noticed his eyes. Soprano was shocked. "OK, something is going on. Why are you acting like this?" Soprano asked him, concerned for his health. "Sorry if I sound naive, but I don't think it's normal for a pegasus's eyes to flash green." Just then, something clicked in his head.

Edited by SopranoAurora


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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chain woke up in the forest "pony I must have been sleepy" chain got up "this looks different from when I slept...those trees there... different I have to get back to camp but how?" chain walked around and looked to the sun "celestia guide me!" chain saw light come from the leaves "ok I just follow the light"

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