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searching Blood in the Stars

Snow Mark

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Future RP Link


This RP is based 400 years after the events of the Return of Nightmare Moon, and takes place in a solar system 6 light years away from Equestria. It involves Equestria and a race of humans known as "Terreans", who are very similar to Earth humans, but are stronger due to their planet's higher gravity. Anyways, here we go..

"We survived the Rynoan invasion, and took the war across the ocean to their own homeland, inflicting the Empire's first defeat in war in centuries, leaving us, Equestria, the undisputed master of, at least what we call, Equinus, our home planet. In the hundred years since the war, we have seen an explosion of technological advancement unseen since the times of the Second Bringers of Harmony (Twilight and her friends), and we have spread our influence far and wide, even colonizing our entire star system outside Equinus while the rest of the planet trembled before our might, yet accepted our offers of friendship. A decade ago, we figured out a way of faster than light travel we called "jumping", which is much like going through a wormhole, minus all that problem with time. We discovered a planet we called New Equinus, in a system a mere 6 light years away. It was like a blessing, finding a fully habitable planet already full of its own vegetation but no intelligent life to speak of. There were 2 continents, one east, one west, connected by an isthmus that got a thin as only a mile, and up to 30 miles across at its widest right before it connected to the continents. It was the only way to reach the other continent other than by air and space as the seas are extraordinarily rough once one passes the horizon, so we decided to only settled the continent we first landed on, the Eastern one.

Little did we know, we weren't alone. At almost the same time, another race of strange bipedal creatures named "Gloriians" showed up from a planet called "Terra", we hadn't seen anything like them, other than monkeys which are rare on our planet. When we first came into contact, it was at first peaceful, but it became quickly obvious that the leaders of both our nations wanted the planet all for themselves, and next thing we knew, after a decade of peaceful cooperation and staying to our respective continents, war broke out. The air and space forces of both our nations were such that it was impossible to attack the other from the air, meaning we only had one choice, to attack up that Celestia forsaken isthmus. The war has only raged on for a few years, and I've lost more comrades than I would care to count. Don't listen to what they tell you, that the war is glorious and that we're winning. No, there are no winners on that damned planet other than Death. It is not glorious. I-" [End of Transmission]

The general idea is that you are a soldier on either the Equestrian or Gloriian side, fighting to survive an extremely bloody war. Basically; imagine the Western Front of World War 1 condensed into a tiny, 1-3 mile wide front, with much more advanced weaponry. Then, on a massive offensive, either the Gloriian or Equestrian group will end up alone deep inside enemy lines and the other group finds them, but that will be much later on. Or you can be a settler who has to deal with the war behind the front lines, or even, though this will likely be boring, a home planet resident.





#1: Be kind and courteous. If other RPers or I point out your behavior isn't all that great, don't be a stubborn ol' mule and just listen, mmmkay? That way our experience can be loads better!

#2: Please don't put your OCs in purposely high positions of power unless you got a backstory to back it up, but "high ranking noble pony"? Not allowed. Same goes with alicorns. Sorry, I've had nothing but bad experience with that.

#3: Use your common sense with things.

#4: Try to stay realistic, please don't dodge traps and stuff because "you can". Any normal pony that finds themselves stuck in a room with a bunch of soldiers obviously isn't going to find a way out. (Yes, I've had that happen to me in the past)

#5: Obviously follow all site, rp, blah blah blah rules, self explanatory.

#6: I reserve the right to boot you out of the RP at any time for not following the rules or not listening to others, however, I likely will not resort to this unless you ignore me or other users multiple times and keep doing bad stuff that's detrimental to the RP. Also, in the same vein, if I approve your character here but end up not liking how powerful or something they are in RP, I can and will request you drop the character and make a new one.

#7: This one is super duuuuper important so listen close. ...Clooooser! Clooooooooosseeer! Here it is; Have Fun! After all, it is an RP! We're all here to have fun right? So try to have fun! (just don't ruin other people's fun with your fun, that isn't so fun)




Suggested Character sheet (Personal ones that answer all these questions are also permitted)



Breed: (Pegasus, unicorn, earth pony, griffon, etc)


Cutie Mark: (If Pony)

Special Talent: (If Pony, if non-pony, put their best skill here)



Occupation: (Soldier, settler+job, home planet civilian+job)

Thoughts about the war:

Additional Notes:




List of Accepted Role Players


Snow Mark -

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