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Explorer in Training (1x1 between Rainbow Eclipse and PathfinderCS)

Rainbow Eclipse

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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/110896-explorer-in-training-ooc/#entry3112577
Riley finished writing up his letter:
Dear Sojourner,
I have heard of your adventures and expeditions, and I must say, I admire you. I myself want to take a camping trip to Galloping Gorge, but I am not exactly cut-out to do it all on my own. I was wondering... perhaps you could accompany me on my trip? I would appreciate being given tips and pointers on how to survive in the wilderness. Of course, I have payment ready for you, if you wish.
I await your response eagerly! :3
Riley Blythe

The red stallion folded up the letter, stuffed it into an envelope which had Sojourner's address written on it, and posted it in the mailbox placed conveniently near his house.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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With her mane slightly disheveled and her saddle bags fairly dusty, Sojourner shook off the bags and plopped down on the floor of her office in the museum. It was after hours and she was exhausted. She had just come back from an archeological dig that had drained her physically. "I love this job...but one day it might as well be the death of me," she said to herself. Getting up, she slowly trotted to the window; opening it and getting a nice breath of fresh air. The brown mare smiled slightly; knowing that if the job ended up killing her, she'd go out with a smile.


Turning her back to the the window she trotted to her desk and sat down; making time to look at letters or notes she received while she was away. Pathfinder was usually good about leaving her personal items in her office; she had a great deal of trust in her friend. She was blessed to know that when it came to choosing a partner, she made a decent choice. Chuckling a little she began to sort through the letters.


"Let's see...bill...bill...damned love letter...bill...a noise complaint...usual stuff it seems," she muttered to herself. This was one of those parts of her job that was excessively BORING. Shaking her head, she continued, "bill...subscription notice to Pony Geographic...hmmm...what's this?" One letter had piqued her curiosity. This was was from a stallion named Riley. At first suspecting it was a love letter or a fanboy, she began to read...


...and her curiosity was again piqued even more. "So apparently I'm somewhat known to ponies," she said to no one in particular. She figured he wasn't some colt begging for attention judging from the decent grammar and punctuation, so she gave it some thought. Normally her schedule would allow only some time for activities away from the museum and her line of work. "Well...Pathfinder has said I need a change in my routine...perhaps this will allow me some time to refresh."


She laughed at the thought! The mare of history needing a refresh? Ha! But...in the end it wouldn't hurt. With a grin she took the quill and began writing on blank parchment.




Dear Riley Blythe,


I appreciate you having heard of me! Normally I wouldn't have time to take to help another pony as I'm usually VERY busy with my responsibilities at the museum and my duties elsewhere, but after having finished participating in a very important dig, I think some time has now opened up in my schedule.


So, I accept your proposal. We will go to Galloping Gorge and participate in some camping. I won't say I'm a true survivalist, but I know enough help you get through any tough spot. In my line of work, there are times when I'm away in the wilds of Equestria and I do have to rely on myself. I've had to plan ahead and improvise.


If I don't see you on the train from Derbyshire, then I will assume you are waiting at Galloping Gorge. To do this right, we're gonna have to take this seriously. Pack up on provisions, but do not overpack. You don't want to waste too much strength by overdoing it.


If that is fine then I will see you later!





Curator, Derbyshire Museum of Pony History




Grinning as she put the letter in the envelope, Sojourner imagine what this small adventure might be like. Of course she had to teach Pathfinder some pointers in the past, but this stallion is completely new to this. She figured that this might be fun after all; might even quite the learning experience itself.


With that done, she immediately trotted to her bed and fell asleep; fully exhausted.

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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The next day, Riley checked the mail. Result! Sojourner actually replied!


He opened up the letter, and his smile grew even cheerier as he learned he received an accepting response! He had figured that this explorer must be a busy mare, but apparently not so much at the moment. He eagerly began to prepare...




Riley waited at the arranged train station, twiddling his legs in excitement. He'd left his dog Cookie in the care of his parents, he'd packed up on provisions, but hadn't overpacked, and he was, in a nutshell, ready to roll.


Under normal circumstances, he would have consulted Anala's help for something like this, but she was away participating in some sort of archery competition.

OCs: RileyAnala

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As the sun shined over Equestria, the train had long departed Derbyshire and had passed the junction point where the train transferred to the line heading for Manehatten. Sojourner, in one of the cars closer to the middle of the train, was admiring the scenery as the train flashed by. She had usually preferred the wide-open plains over the more urbanized areas; ironic considering Baltimare was her birth city.


Chuckling a little at the thought she could see Manehatten in the distance finally. She was very curious about this stallion that she would be camping with. He never really described himself in his letter; so she had no idea what he looked like or what his personality was like. In the end though, it didn't matter too much. He was asking her for advice, so she would be the teacher regardless.


She remembered in her responding letter that she had advised him to take this seriously, and also that Pathfinder had reminded her to not be TOO hard on him. "Ah, Path is too soft sometimes, but he's right...sometimes." She giggled slightly. Regardless, she was going to teach Riley what she knew when it comes to survival...and maybe have a little fun in the progress.


After a while the train stopped at the station. Sojourner peered out the window, looking at the various ponies coming and going to the station. She had made sure to wear her trademark hat; as always. No matter wear she went she wasn't going without it. So, with a nice breeze blowing into the train, the brown mare looked out the window, keeping an eye out for any pony that might be this Riley fellow.

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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At long last, the train stopped at the station. Riley gave the conductor his ticket, and bounced gleefully onto the train.


He searched for Sojourner, and decided that perhaps he should have described his appearance in the letter, such as his red fur, his golden blonde mane, his brown eyes, his arrow cutie mark. But no matter, he could just find Sojourner himself.


Soon enough, he saw a mare who looked as if she'd been dipped in chocolate. She had a brown coat, along with a darker brown mane, and a brown hat. She sort of reminded him of that Applejack pony for some reason.


"Hiya, Sojourner! How goes it?" he greeted, and perched his fuzzy rear on the seat next to her.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


Sojourner yawned as she waited for the stallion to board. She wasn't a mare who liked to wait for too long; especially when she was expecting someone. More than once she could recall plenty of ponies who turned out to be no-shows. If there was one thing that would get her temper going was a no-show; especially considering this was a day-off for her.


Sighing, she turned towards the window as the crowd of ponies was getting smaller. She was beginning to wonder if indeed he wasn't going to show; or at least hoped that he had taken another train to Galloping Gorge. Whatever the reason she was beginning to get antsy when...


"Hiya, Sojourner! How goes it?"


Sojourner turned her head towards the voice and there stood a red pegasus stallion with a blonde mane. Smiling, she waved at him.


"Hey, 'bout time you showed up," she said with a playful punch to his arm as he sat down, laughing. "So you must be Riley? Pleased to meet you! Right now I'm kinda bored; itching to get off this train, but I can manage." In her confident manner, she grinning the whole time.


"And how about you, my prospective student? You think you're ready for this?"

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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"Er, yeah, sorry, I should have known that an explorer such as yourself would be dying to get going," said Riley sheepishly.


"And how about you, my prospective student? You think you're ready for this?"


"Yes indeedy!" answered Riley with enthusiasm.


"Truth be told, I did go on a school camping trip to the woods as a little colt, but it wasn't all that huge. Plus I had my friend to keep me out of danger," he went on. "She spent a lot of time playing in the great outdoors."

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


Sojourner took a moment to look over the young stallion. If there was one thing that was certain, he had enthusiasm for it. That's a good first step in itself. Of course, she also knew that there was such a thing as too much enthusiasm.


"Well, let me tell you something," she said in a serious matter-of-fact style, "While school trips can give you a nice first step, don't necessarily use that experience in the case of what we're planning. While I will help you, I want you to learn things on your own. If you're serious about survival, then that is how we have to look at it."


She then gave a cheeky smile. "Besides, if you wanna be the best like me, then you have to pay attention. Besides, it's not all business in the wild. It can be fun too," she ended with wink, laughing a little.


"So tell me, out of curiosity, why did you choose Galloping Gorge out of any other destination," she asked as the train began to pull out.

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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"I've never really been to a gorge before," explained Riley. "I live in an urban city, but I have spent plenty of time in forests. There's the one in the field my friend Anala and I would play in as kids, and also, I take trips to Ponyville about once a month, so I spend quite a bit of time in the Everfree Forest."


"I did consider going to one of the many forests in Equestria," he went on, "but then I decided I wanted a change of pace. I'm always eager to try new things. For example, I once put barbecue sauce on my ice cream as a colt."


Riley tended to reflect on his childhood a lot, because he was still quite young (technically even young enough to be referred to as a 'teenager'), and besides leaving school, and getting a job, a place of his own, and his pet dog, there was not much else to look back on.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Sojourner nodded as the young stallion talked. She was fairly impressed with what he had told her. "You sound like me, honestly," she said with a bit of a laugh. "I like you so far. I was pretty much like that when I was younger too; moreso than I dad could handle."


She also laughed when he mentioned putting the sauce on his ice cream. "Haha, well I did the same...only that time it was pure hot sauce. It was...quite interesting."


Riley seemed to have plenty of youthful enthusiasm; which she admired. To really do something, you have to like it, and considering his experience, it seemed he really liked it.

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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Riley gave a hearty chuckle. Just then, a mare came along, pushing a snack cart. "May I get you anything?" she asked politely.


He flashed a grin at Sojourner before turning back to the mare. "Can I get a jam and cheese sandwich?" he asked.


The mare raised an eyebrow. "Er..."


Just then, her supervisor came along. "Sherry, if he wants a jam and cheese sandwich, let him have it. After all, the customer is always right."


"But we-"


"The customer is always right."


Sherry sighed, and took a jam sandwich and a cheese sandwich. She took a slice of bread from each, and placed them together.


Riley paid the mare, and took a bite of his sandwich. "It's efficient! Savoury and sweet in the same helping!" he told Sojourner.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


Sojourner chuckled at the stallion. While the combination of food wasn't particularly pleasing to her, she admired him for being blunt about what he wanting. Sighing, she looked at the mare.


"Just a hay & veggie sandwich please," she said, mainly wanting to stick to the simple food.


Looking a little frazzled, the snack mare hastily made her sandwich, gave it to her, and walked off with the cart.


"Heh, so much for service," she said as she took a bite of the sandwich.

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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"What are you talking about? These sandwiches are good!" said Riley.


He popped the last of his sandwich into his mouth and banished it to the pits of his stomach, never to be seen again (well, except for the way out, but then, its appearance would have changed drastically. Y'know what, this is disgusting chatter, so I'll stop).


"Sooo, Sojourner, did'ja get into any adventures as a filly?" asked Riley. "I'll bet your childhood was an adrenaline rush."

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


"Hey, I'm not judging here, just observing," she said with a chuckle. "We all like what we like, so I say eat up."


She had finished up her food then turned her attention to a book she had brought along as a result of his question.


"Ah, you could say that. Sometimes it was quite hard for me to sit still for a long time. I'm not really interested in things like fashion or romance like a lot of my class mates were," she said, ruminating on the past. "Really, I loved going into the woods outside of Baltimare; pretending I was looking for lost cities or searching for exotic treasures. Ah, good memories."

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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Riley chuckled at Sojourner's recalling of her childhood. It reminded him of the childhood of his own spent with the girl that won his heart so long ago.


"Sounds a lot like my friend Anala Elderberry," he stated. "Before I met her when she saved me from that bully, I spent a lot of time sheltered indoors. But her? She was the adventurous type. She was, and still is, really good with a bow and arrow, and she really knew how to question authority."


He decided to inform Sojourner: "And... I love her."

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


Sojourner raised an eyebrow at the stallion. "Love you say? Well, be sure that you mean that. I've seen many young stallions say they love a mare, only to really understand what it means after it's too late. Either they rush into things and the relationship goes sour, or they wait too long and they lose their chance."


She sighed; never really having an interest in romance. She chuckled though, recalling a memory. "Of course that isn't to say I never dabbled with stallions when I was younger," she said. "Oh, I did hook up with a couple at different times, but I lost interest eventually. My dad initially wanted me to get with a stallion, but he eventually noticed my non-interest and let me pursue my goals."


She smiled at the thought. "So, have you told her?"

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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Riley blushed red under his red coat. "I haven't," he admitted. "I just keep chickening out whenever I try."


"But I am sure I mean it. A few months after we first met, I realised my feelings for her. I thought it was something that would disappear overtime, but now I'm a legal adult, and I still love her," he went on. When the mare of his dreams was involved, his tongue could go on for hours.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


Sojourner couldn't help but chuckle. Riley looked absolutely adorable when flustered. "Well, I guess that's young love for yah. Don't keep chickening out though. That's a good way to lose your chance permanently."


She was impressed though; she could tell his feelings were at least real for the most part. "Hehe, you remind me of my partner in a way; quite romantic when it comes to it. Just keep what I said in thought," she said with a smile.

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


"Oh," Sojourner inquired. ​"What do you mean by well-behaved? What exactly changed when you met her? Did you get into trouble or what?"


Sojourner was mostly just curious; best to get to know the stallion she would be spending some time with. It is best they connect now so that they would have a better chance of getting along if times get rough.

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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Riley started to explain. "Well, as I said earlier, I tended to spend most of my time indoors, but she was adventurous, and liked spending time in the outside world."


"So, I guess she instilled a little... rebellious streak in me," he went on. "We would do stuff like play pranks on the city, small or elaborate."


"Man, I'll never forget the time we toilet-papered half the school building..."

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


Sojourner laughed at the history lesson she was given. "You almost sound like Path and me; except minus the romance and the fact we met in college," she said with a chuckle.


"Are you two still trouble makers then? Or have you matured since then? I can't blame you for being rebellious in the end, though there are some things you could've avoided doing."

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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"Well..." Riley answered. "Anala did, at least. She has much better table manners than she dis as a filly, and she stays active to keep that peerrfect body of hers..."


"Whereas I still have plenty of youthful energy within me. I even work at Manehattan Novelty Store," he went on. "My parents often go 'tut-tut' and say I 'need to get a real job', but excuse me, it's my life, and I'll do with it as I wish, thank you very much."

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


Sojourner laughed. "Ah, my father told me the same thing; never thought I'd make it as an archeologist; nor the owner of a museum, especially with my tomboy attitude years back." She smiled; finely recalling those memories.


"It's good to have the energy; you know. It's good to meet someone in life who has that enthusiasm. Of course, do what you want; I'm an example of that myself. At the same, always plan for the future."


She looked out the window; they were definitely on their way, passing by the mountain on which Canterlot sits.

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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Riley looked out of the window to see Canterlot. "Ugh. Canterlot," he commented. "Filled with snobs who seem to think that others are worth less as people because said snobs are wealthier. I know that there are plenty of nice ponies in there, but still..."


"Anala tells me that she went to Canterlot once. At a restaurant, a waiter told her to take off her hat, to which she told him he could kiss her flank. The next thing she knew, she was being thrown out the doors like she was the lightest thing in the world," he recalled.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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