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Prankster Pony Pals (1x1 between Rainbow Eclipse and Storm Shine)

Rainbow Eclipse

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Riley couldn't help but chuckle a bit at Storm Shine's predicament. "Here, let me help you." He flew up and grabbed ahold of Storm's hind legs. He pulled until Stom was free... and they shot down onto a cloud.


Realising he had butt in his face, Riley freed himself.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


Storm chuckled. "Sorry Riley, I just was... uh.. Lost in thought I guess.." He said, sheepishly scratching at the back of his neck with a forehoof. "Didn't mean to get stuck... Or to have to get you to pull me out..." Storm continued to apologize. "I guess I was just thrown off guard is all..."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

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Riley nodded. "I'm sure you were," he said. "I mean, look at Pinkie! There was no foreshadowing of her appearance, she just... appeared! How does she keep doing that?"


"Either of you two want a cupcake?" asked Pinkie, holding out two cupcakes. What the two colts didn't know was that the frosting was toothpaste.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


Storm jumped as his coherent thought took a vacation again. "I-uh... I.. Er-that is... I... Um... S-s-sure..." He stuttered out, taking the cupcake from Pinkie. Without taking a moment to think Storm put the whole thing in his mouth and began to chew, almost mechanically. "It's .... Uh... Minty..." He said, stil working to get his mental processes back.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

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In response to Storm Shine's feedback about the cupcake, Pinkie's lips quivered for a few seconds with the most cheeky smile you could ever imagine, before she burst out into hysterical laughter. "Believe it or not, that cupcake will do wonders for your teeth!" she snorted.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


Storm blinked, his blush fading away due to his bafflement. "Erm... Ok?" He asked completely confused. "Well, even if that comment seems completely random, at least my confusion stopped my blush.... Hopefully I can keep this whole thing under wraps...." Storm thought. "Don't want to make things akward between me and Pinkie... I mean if she found out.... Even being the fact that she's Pinkie Pie, she might just outright avoid me...."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

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Just then, Pokey Pierce came and hovered up next to the group, being supported by another set of helium balloons, very much like Pinkie's. "Heya, Pinks! Ready to come round to my place and watch a movie and have dinner?" he asked.


"Sure thing!" replied Pinkie.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


Storm suddenly felt extremely awkward... and more than a touch sad. Unsure if he was misreading the situation, but not really wanting to know for sure, Storm's mind decided to shut down and let the subconscious mind act. Unthinkingly he was lifted into the air by his wings and disappeared, leaving a sonic boom in his wake.


".........." Storm's mind was blank as he landed on a cloud near a lake, staring off into space not wanting to think about much of anything.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

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Being Pinkie Pie herself, she showed up next to Storm in an inexplicable amount of time.


"That was a tad rude, don'tcha think?" she scolded him. "I was just about to tell you about how Pokey Pierce is letting me stay at his place while my room is being renovated!"

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


Storm continued to stare off unblinkingly, not registering anything going on around him. ".........." His thoughts still blank, mind shut down. Unable to process the world around him, Storm simply continued staring off towards nothing, eyes unfocused and slightly glazed over.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Pinkie Pie took out a balloon which she had pulled out of nowhere (because hey, she's Pinkie Pie), inserted the bottom of thestem into her mouth, and inflated it. She tied it up in her own unique Pinkie Pie way and popped it right next to Storm Shine's ear.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


Storm jumped with a yelp, falling off the cloud into the water below. *SPLASH*  He surfaced spluttering incoherently. "Wha- who? Where- what happened? Where am I? What's going on?" Storm asked, firing off questions as he stopped spitting water. "How did I get here....?" He wondered aloud, looking around himself at the lake.

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Pinkie Pie explained. "I told you that Pokey Pierce is letting me stay at his place while my room is being renovated, and then you flew off, so I followed you, and I tried to talk to you, and you didn't respond, so I resorted to popping a balloon!" she said, all in one breath.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse



Storm scratched his head. "Really? I don't really remember much... Let's see, I ate nearly the whole buffet parade's food supply... Then I flew onto a cloud and talked with Riley for a bit..." He said, musing aloud. "But after that... I don't know, I'm kinda drawing a blank... Well, guess it must not matter much.. Hope you place gets it's renovations done soon Pinkie!" Storm said, his thoughtful tone turning cheery.


Storm paused. "Hey, do you know where Riley went?" He asked looking around. Storm flew onto dry land and dried off. "I don't see him anywhere around here..."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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"Right here!" said Riley, flying up next to them. "I got bored of waitimg around for you two, so I decided to join the party!"


"Hey, Pinkie, wanna help us pull some pranks?" he offered. "We haven't really gotten many done at the moment..."


Pinkie squealed in delight. "Would I EVER!"

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


Storm smiled. "Yeah! Prankin time!" He exclaimed, Pumping a hoof into the air. Then he froze, realizing who he was just talking to... and who was going to join Riley and himself in pranking... "P-p-pinkie.... With... Me... I....His thoughts quickly becoming a mess once more, with yet another blush forming on his muzzle. "Oh man, I'm blushing again aren't I...." Storm thought, feeling the heat in his muzzle. Hoping the others hadn't noticed, he quickly dove back into the lake.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

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Pinkie turned to look at Riley. "Is jumping into lakes a habit of Storm Shine's?" she questioned.


Riley looked at the quickly-popping bubbles where Storm had jumped into the water of the lake. "Well, it's not the weirdest of habits. Take it from me," he replied.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


Storm popped his head out of the water after his blush subsided. "Well, what shall the first prank be?" He asked lazily, floating on the surface of the water. "Something new? Something classic?" Storm questioned, watching the clouds float by. "Hmmmm...." He hummed, holding a hoof to his chin

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

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"You know, Mister Storm Shine, perhaps you're pulling a prank on us right now," said Riley. "I haven't seen much of you as it stands, but it's not like you to be so un-hyperactive."


Pinkie placed a cupcake onto Storm's belly just to see what reaction she would get.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


"CUPCAKE!" Storm yelled as he noticed the cupcake, before attempting to grab it with his mouth. Somehow he missed, and the cupcake flew to shore. "No, CUPCAKE COME BACK!" Storm yelled as he flew past the cupcake, landing on the beach and looking around.

"Cupcake?" He questioned, looking around before noticing that it had somehow landed on his tail. "CUPCAKE!" Storm exclaimed in joy, before attempting to grab it again. With his mouth... Again... Storm missed but kept trying, chasing his tail and turning into a whirling blur of blue and gold in his attempts to eat the cupcake.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

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Riley and Pinkie were laughing a great deal. Seeing the hyperactive colt fly around like a madpony - all for a mere cupcake - was probably the best thing they had seen that day.


"I gotta have him help me to plan a party sometime," decided Pinkie.


"Yes you do!" agreed Riley.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


"CUPCAKE WAIT! I JUST WANT TO EAT YOU!" Storm yelled as he continued to chase his tail. Stretching out his neck he almost managed to snag the cupcake, so he tried again. *Snap!* Storm managed to catch the cupcake and tried to stop, but two things stopped that from working correctly.


1 - Storm also caught his tail in his mouth with the cupcake. and 2- He was moving to fast to simply come to an instant stop... With these things now in mind we go back to the situation.


Storm yelped as instead of stopping, he turned into a blue and gold pinwheel and started rolling all over the clearing. "MMMPPPHHH!" He yelled, as best as he could with a tail in his mouth, in surprise and slight excitement as he sped uncontrollably around the clearing. Suddenly he swerved and was headed straight for Riley and Pinkie.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

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Riley didn't manage to get out of the way in time, and was mowed down by the wheel, and so he became part of it.


Pinkie Pie managed (easily, because she's Pinkie motherbuckin' Pie) to hop onto the pony-wheel. "WHEEE!" she said, as she ran on the wheel with her hind hooves.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse



Noticing that they were heading straight for a tree, he  managed to get a line out despite himself. "George, George, George of the jungle, watch out for that tree! Watch out for that-" *Wham* Storm had managed to say it just before he was planted muzzle-first into the tree trunk.

"Ummm... Pinkie? Riley? A little help?" He asked, attempting to put his hooves against the tree and push himself out. Somehow his head was sticking out the other side of the tree.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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The other two pinies got up, and Riley couldn't help but snigger at Storm Shine's predicament. "How does it feel to be the butt of the joke?" He gave Storm's rump a little poke.


He turned to Pinkie Pie. "Ah, hello, Pinks. You're just in time to catch the tail-end of our conversation."

OCs: RileyAnala

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