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private Fading Skies Roleplay

child of the night

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Welcome to the Fading Skies Roleplay

OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/111400-fading-skies-roleplay-ooc/?p=3129981


The director walks up to the microphone at mission control five minutes before launch of the final voyaging ship up and out of Equestria. He turns the mic on and sets it to talk to the ponies about to leave, "Fillies and colts aboard scout ship DF-1 we are preparing for lift off. All status aboard the ship is working fine. There are 5 ponies in cryo freeze all signs are in great shape and we are go for liftoff in 2 minutes. Right as we go into space everyone need to give me a message to make sure we are all ok, after that I will hand control back to the pilot and we hope you ponies have a safe journey. Now in 10... 9... 8... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...... and we have liftoff. If you ponies have anything to say before you leave earth I would say it now and I would say it fast because we can only stay with you so long before the moon goes between us."


Synth had been listening and was ready to say something once the director had given her the chance. Once the Director cut to their mics she spoke to the people listening,"Sometimes I feel that we forget about the places we come from. As this ship leaves on our voyage I realize that sometimes we have to get far away to realize where we have been and even farther to know where we have to go..." she stops her mic as she waits to exit the atmosphere.

Edited by child of the night
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smiling sun look and smiles at synth and walks up to the mic and says "i agree with everything that synth has said i would like to add that i hope we all do are best to show what we are made of....as this is mission is very rushed i hope everything turns out alright......thanks for listening and i wish us all the best of luck" and with that smiling sun  waits to exit the atmosphere and starts to sit next to synth with a neverous look on his face

Edited by Luna Dragons


Youtube: Swoop productions

OC: Smiling Sun

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Radiant cleared her throat nervously as she began to speak into the microphone," When you are in a situation that is seen as the end, you only have to question whose eyes you are seeing out of and open your own to realize that you still have a chance to walk in the light that is the future, but only if you have the courage to do so." she spoke as her voice rang out in clarity. As her she had said her piece her mic cut off and she quieted and closed her eyes in preparation for leaving the atmosphere.

Edited by NoobyBrony
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Made by MiniKirby123

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Smiling sun looks at Radiant and pats on the back before putting his seatbeat saying "Your piece with truly inspirational you should be proud" he then proceeded to have a last look at the world before him as he takes a deep breath in and sighs in acceptance of whats about to happen. closes his eyes and lets a small tear of fear of the worst come out of his eye.

Edited by Luna Dragons


Youtube: Swoop productions

OC: Smiling Sun

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Tempest sighed as he sat at the helm of the ship and look into the endless sky. "This is it." He thought to himself. "This is the day I get to live free." The bat pony then thought back to the training he had to undergo in order it get this position. He was sad that he would have to leave friends and family behind, but he promised them that he would return and he was a stallion if his word. "

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smiling sun opens to his eyes finally to realise lift off has already began he proceeded to think to himself (So this is it.......this is my destiny....our destinies........i'm just so nerverous.......even through even the more informed people said everything is going to be fine.....this mission was very rushed....and i have heard rumors that risks of certain hazards may be risen due to this rush......yet there only rumors i just hope we get to the next planet soon......i suddenly have this weird craving for adventure........) he then grins and proceed to continous look out the window with now a excited face on him...... but then meromies of his family flashed back........he remember his mom and the things she did for him over the war even risking her life for him.....he then shaked his head hoping to get the thoughts to go away.....but he all he could do is start to cry......silently so no one could hear him.........

Edited by Luna Dragons


Youtube: Swoop productions

OC: Smiling Sun

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Junior was not a talker but he grabbed the mic. "I am greatly honored to help all of Equestria, despite my earlier past Celestia had appointed me to come along this trip. I shall help whenever I can to make this trip successful for everyone and generations beyond." said Junior. he put down the mic and went to his quarters. it was just  simple room with a bunk bed and nightstand. His luggage was on the foot of the bed. He remembered when he had to leave his home.


*flash back*


"junior are you sure you want to do this?" said an earthly green colored viderea Pony with red hair.


"I have to, not just for equestria, but for you, both of you." he said as he put a hoof on his wife belly. She placed a hand on his hoof. and kissed him on the cheek.


"just, promise me you will come back home" she said.


"I will autumn, I will." said Junior.


*end of flash back.*


Junior reached in his bag and pulled out the picture of his wife in her wedding gown and him in his tux and placed it on the nightstand. It still hurts him when he has to leave them, but he wants to make sure they would have a happy future, even if it means he would loose his life.

I shall conquer the world!! With PONEHS!!!!





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The Director turned off the mics in the ship and gets back on his, "Alright everypony you are exiting Earths Atmosphere in 3... 2... 1... and remember all of you that we will follow you with a two year distnce so you can send messages back about your findings." He cuts off comunications and goes back to his seat and sits down


Synth gets out of her seat and floats to the ceiling of the ship, "hey captain can you please turn on the fake gravity, I know that we might enjoy the zero g but it is a bit problematic at the moment while we are leaving..." She floats out the door," or leave it on I actually don't mind too much, its just I think I left my chess board out..."



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Tempest nodded as he felt the weight of his body disappear. "That is logical. Just make sure you aren't to far off the floor." He said. "Turning on artificial gravity in 3...2...1." As Tempest activated the gravity system, he could feel the weight if his body return and heard several of the supplies fall in their storage compartments.

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Smiling Sun hears this noise and says "um......why do i suddenly feel the weight of my body again?"  Being New and remembering the tip his mom gave him....."knowing too much can sometimes hurt" he decides to say "oh well......it dosen't matter" and walks off to his craven where he begins to unpack.......in his craven there was a bunk bed that showed he might be sleeping with someone......he was happy about this all the people on this ship have grown on him since he began training so sharing a room with one could be fun. after unpacking he decides that he's bored and goes to ask the Tempest is there anything he can do on the ship at this point of time.

Edited by Luna Dragons


Youtube: Swoop productions

OC: Smiling Sun

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Synth walked into her room while talking to herself before noticing the room layout, each of the girls had their own room across the hall from the colts who had three rooms to share. She sighed realizing that while two of the colts had to share a room when on the girls side there was a room extra. Synth walked into her room and quietly closed the door and laying down on her bed. 


(OOC: So each side has three rooms, however there are four boys so all of the people playing male characters have to decide who is sharing rooms. Oh and there is a invisible gate so that without permission only girls can go to the girls side and only boys can enter the boys side.)



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Radiant felt her stomach toss and turn as she was rocked by the absence of gravity and moaned in despair at having got out of her seat. As she was tumbling  she had hit her suitcase and its latch opened and out went all her clothes. " Damnit nooooo,"she moaned as she tried to doggie paddle back to her things. All of a sudden the gravity was switched back on and she fell nearly crushing her legs. Radiant laid there in an attempt to stabilize herself and sighed in exasperation at having to clean up all her belongings. "Well this is getting off to a great start isn't." she muttered.


Made by MiniKirby123

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Smiling Sun notices that tempest is busy and quickly rushes over to synth's and rings the door bell that is next to everyroom and says "um..... would you know if there's anything to for me to do....i asked tempest but he looks busy.......sorry if your too busy too i'm so bored right now.......i'm can of the always likes something to do types if you know what i mean....." he smiles as he waits for a reply hoping that she not too busy.

Edited by Luna Dragons


Youtube: Swoop productions

OC: Smiling Sun

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Synth stumbles out of her room to the hallway  and walks over to the entrance of the hall and up to the barrier, "Hey Sun I get that you are slightly bored at the current moment in time but I was up for nearly three days strait and right now I could use some sleep. I do know that the pilot has to do some maneuvering before we can get moving at the correct speed. Maybe he might let you help with the process." She stumbles back into her room closes the door and passes out on her bed.



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"Whoa that girl is way tired.....but who wouldn't be..... i guess" said Smiling Sun as he walk over to Tempest and ask if she could help getting to the correct speed....he thought to himself while he did this (maybe i can one day be a pilot......maybe that's going to be my future role...... or maybe a chief.......or....well... i don't know...... i guess being a rookie i don't really have one main role to play i'm just here to be a extra hand when the going gets rough......so many questions to ask....aw i guess its not important) he then proceeds to smile a tempest hoping to help


Youtube: Swoop productions

OC: Smiling Sun

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Monkshood sat silent as tried to show nothing, but the utmost indifference to everything surrounding him. His mind raced rapidly despite his solemn gaze. Questions arose and quickly flickered away into the hidden æther of his mind. A smile would frequently flash across his face only to vanish as suddenly as it appeared. He couldn't be happier about this mission such discovery and adventure awaited him on the mission.


The environment slowly seeped though his thoughts as his gaze turned to the group of ponies floating around him. A chuckled erupted from his mouth as he watched them wade through the low gravity of the ship.  Suddenly, the weightlessness of the ship began to evaporate as Monkshood lifted himself out of his seat. His hooves made a hollow clunk with each step against the artificial surface. Approaching the living quarters, he stared listlessly at the entrance to his room. Taking a deep breath he entered.

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Junior just started to rise from the lack of gravity. "easy, just keep your balance and make sure you land on you-" he began to say as he tried to keep his balance, but when gravity was switched on he landed on his face. "stupid pony body..." said Junior. Even though it has been a long time while he did made an improvement with his unicorn magic and getting use to his unicorn body, he never really did anything space related since he first came to Equestria.

I shall conquer the world!! With PONEHS!!!!





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Tempest maneuvered the ship as he checked the system. "Everything seems to be going steady." He thought to himself. For the first time, the pilot seemed to be calm within the infinite darkness of space. He knew that this was important for expansion purposes and figured that they wouldn't really meet any intelligent life.

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"um.....Tempest can i help......i'm bored....i know your busy....but you still havent answerd me yet......and......uh... " said Smiling sun as he look intently at tempest he really wanted something to do. he decided to sit down next to him as he waited for a reply he didn't want to be a bother so he sat a bit back so tempest could easy get to the controls.


Tempest maneuvered the ship as he checked the system. "Everything seems to be going steady." He thought to himself. For the first time, the pilot seemed to be calm within the infinite darkness of space. He knew that this was important for expansion purposes and figured that they wouldn't really meet any intelligent life.


Youtube: Swoop productions

OC: Smiling Sun

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Radiant laid splayed out on her bed in exhaustion as she had finally put her belongings where they were supposed to go. I think I'm just going to rest my eyes for a bit she thought just enough for my stomach to stop turning in absolute fear. With that she curled up into a ball and closed her eyes to try and get some rest. 


Made by MiniKirby123

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Tempest glanced at Sun and thought for a moment. "To be honest, I don't really know." He said. "If you're board, you could explore the ship. I wouldn't mind having somepony to simply talk to, though." The bat pony let his serious demeanor slip for a second as he talked, not really minding the pony.

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Tempest glanced at Sun and thought for a moment. "To be honest, I don't really know." He said. "If you're board, you could explore the ship. I wouldn't mind having somepony to simply talk to, though." The bat pony let his serious demeanor slip for a second as he talked, not really minding the pony.

Smiling Sun started to talk to tempest they chated for about a hour or so. before Smiling Sun decided to go on his day and explore the ship as he was curious. so he started to wander a bit until he found the kitchen. he went in to see what was dinner. (ew....stew...... well i guess its not that bad a pony got to eat what a pony got to eat but i am going to be dreading it though) he thought to himself after that he saw a kettle and decided to make himself a coffee. after making the coffee he decided to walk around the ship more he passed alot rooms but didn't properly enter any of them either because he was not allowed or he just wanted a quick nose. he then decided to go back to his craven as he felt tired he didn't know what time it was but he did feel tired so it must be some what late. once he made it to his craven he still questioned who he would sleep in his craven with him.....but he was so tired he just feel asleep for the night on the bottom bunk because he was so tired he couldn't dream of climbing up the ladder

Edited by Luna Dragons


Youtube: Swoop productions

OC: Smiling Sun

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(OOC: sorry for being away for so long, life got in the way, I am finally back though.)


Synth woke up about an hour later and rubbed her eyes before getting up. She trotted out the door of her room and passed through the lock of the girls hall. She started to walk down the hall and eventually got to the medic's office. She quickly opened the door and looked inside taking note of where all the supplies were. Heading farther down she used her card to open the door to the memory system to the ship. Floating in she remembered this was one of the only two rooms on the ship that gravity could not be changed in by the master switch. She floated to the bay of the room and looked into the screen bringing up some old files about medicine. As she was reading she remembered the room. The room was the main computer hub that controlled most of the ship. The rest of the crew had their own computers for them specific but Synth didn't have room in the med area to fit one so she was granted access to the room. Other than her only the pilot had access as he was allowed everywhere except the girls hall.



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smiling sun wakes up and gets out of bed he walks out of his room and goes to the kitchen to grab another coffee. after drinking it he decides to walk around the ship again looking for a bathroom. once he finds one he quickly uses it. he then proceeds to head to were the pilot would usually sit to find tempest just sitting there you could tell he stayed up late with the bags under his eyes.... "hi... tempest i bet it's been quite busy flying this thing" smiling sun says to tempest and he proceeds to smile. he then says "do you want me to go get you a coffee?"


Youtube: Swoop productions

OC: Smiling Sun

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