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Snow Shadow

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Names Snow Shadow. I am a brony. Can't stand rain. Love fps games, mlp:fim, target shooting, and winter. I hate bullies, having been driven to the use of anti-depression medication. Luna, Twilight, and Pinkie have brought me back from the depths of a self created darkness. Thank you all for putting up with any grammar and/or spelling errors that may permeate my posts.

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MLP has helped pull me out of my darkest depressions, but if the usual dosage of Pinkie Pie's Smile Song isn't enough to cure my woes this site does the trick!


Also don't worry on grammar. By habit I usually have perfect spelling and grammar on all my posts, but I never really flame someone for their grammar. Especially since some members of the forums are from foreign countries and English is their second language! :P


Anyway, I'm sure you'll love it here!

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Anti-depressants? Ah, I hear ya. I've been on them before.

Don't worry though, the ponies here are incredibly supportive of everypony else. We don't tolerate bullying. It's a combination of an amazing community, talented users, awesome admin(s), and ponies that makes this place so great!


I hope you will have a good time here, but I'm not worried xD


the Phony Brony

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