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private The Best Date Ever! (1x1 RP between Chikoritabrony and Stormlight)

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The mare didn't have to be told twice, for she stomped towards them and tries to politely ask them to get to the back of the line. They only ignored her, making her furious. "That's it, you messed with the WRONG pony!", she shout at their faces of forcefully drags them out the line and embarrases them to everypony on the line. "Oh, should I continue? No? Then get to the back of the damn line!"

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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The mare didn't have to be told twice, for she stomped towards them and tries to politely ask them to get to the back of the line. They only ignored her, making her furious. "That's it, you messed with the WRONG pony!", she shout at their faces of forcefully drags them out the line and embarrases them to everypony on the line. "Oh, should I continue? No? Then get to the back of the damn line!"

Beta watched Stormlight do that. His jaw dropped down to the ground all cartoony style. He just stayed there with that expression for a few minutes trying to transfer what he just saw into his memory banks. After snapping out of it, he approached her and said, "I normally don't like to compliment like this but that was pretty hot."

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Storm blushes and fixes her mane. "Why, thanks! Though, ponies these days aren't as nice as they used to be like how it was being a simple filly...", she sighs out, seeing as how the jerks now at the back of the line hang their heads in shame. She nods and looks back at Beta smiling.

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Storm blushes and fixes her mane. "Why, thanks! Though, ponies these days aren't as nice as they used to be like how it was being a simple filly...", she sighs out, seeing as how the jerks now at the back of the line hang their heads in shame. She nods and looks back at Beta smiling.

Beta blushes and looks around wondering what activity they shall do next. The carnival is big with not only rides, but the typical carnival games to play. Beta then sees a giant Spitfire plushie as a prize for knocking over at least one bottle with 3 tries. "Hey Storm, I'm gonna try to win you that."

  • Brohoof 1



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Hearing Beta said that made her heart beat rapidly. Stormy nods and squeals on the inside, then replying all cool-like. "Well alright then, try your best!", she proudly cheers as they reach the carnival booth. From looking at others trying to hit one of the bottles, it sure did look difficult, for her at least.

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Hearing Beta said that made her heart beat rapidly. Stormy nods and squeals on the inside, then replying all cool-like. "Well alright then, try your best!", she proudly cheers as they reach the carnival booth. From looking at others trying to hit one of the bottles, it sure did look difficult, for her at least.

Beta approaches the stand. He grabs a ball and gets in a stance in an attempt to throw a ball. He throws the first ball and he misses. "Okay, maybe I'll get it a second time. He throws a second ball and misses again. "All right one last throw. Take a deep breath." He takes a deep breath. With all his might, he threw the last ball and it knocked the bottle over. The pony gave him the Spitfire plushe. "Here you go Storm, for you."

  • Brohoof 1



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Storm claps and slowly stakes the Spitfire plushie. No pony ever did something like this for her, so she gave Beta a soft kiss on the cheek as a thanks. "Yay! Thanks, Beta!", she says to him happily. She felt all warm inside, the plushie was cute, she always enjoyed these kind of carnival games.

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Storm claps and slowly stakes the Spitfire plushie. No pony ever did something like this for her, so she gave Beta a soft kiss on the cheek as a thanks. "Yay! Thanks, Beta!", she says to him happily. She felt all warm inside, the plushie was cute, she always enjoyed these kind of carnival games.

Beta smiled brightly as she kissed him. He then proceeded to blush. "It's no problem Stormy. I wanted to see if I could win you a prize at at the carnival like a lot of couples do. I'm surprised I knocked that bottle over. I don't exactly have the best aim in all of Equestria."

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Giving a smile, Stormlight tries to look for what ride they should go on next, but to no avail. She still can't decide on just one of them. She asks Beta, "Hm...do you know where we should go next? We've been waiting long enough since we ate, so the choice is yours!".

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Giving a smile, Stormlight tries to look for what ride they should go on next, but to no avail. She still can't decide on just one of them. She asks Beta, "Hm...do you know where we should go next? We've been waiting long enough since we ate, so the choice is yours!".

Beta looks around the carnival to see if there are any more interesting carnival rides. After a few minutes of looking around, his eyes finally set on the perfect carnival ride to ride. "Stormy, I think I have found the perfect ride for us to go on. The Tunnel of Love."

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Looking at the pony couples having a fun time with their special somepony, Stormy nods and holds his hoof while walking towards the ride. She almost forgot why she and Beta were going in front of the line, but then remembering the passes he got. When settling in a ride car, she rests her head next to his.

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Looking at the pony couples having a fun time with their special somepony, Stormy nods and holds his hoof while walking towards the ride. She almost forgot why she and Beta were going in front of the line, but then remembering the passes he got. When settling in a ride car, she rests her head next to his.

Beta felt so comfortable. He had his special somepony cuddled up next to him and the cart itself was pretty cozy. Quickly, the ride started. It was just a leisurely boat ride with hearts decorated inside the tunnel and romantic music playing in the background. 

  • Brohoof 1



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Hearing the soothing romantic music made her happy. Stormlight gazes upon the array of hearts all around the tunnel. The boat really went in a slow pace, making it seem like it's not moving at all. She gives a quick smooch on the cheek and enjoys her day with her special somepony, as always.

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Hearing the soothing romantic music made her happy. Stormlight gazes upon the array of hearts all around the tunnel. The boat really went in a slow pace, making it seem like it's not moving at all. She gives a quick smooch on the cheek and enjoys her day with her special somepony, as always.

Beta proceeds to put his arm around her as the cart slowly moved. It was only a four minute ride but it felt like four hours, in a good way not in a way where you wanted it to end, in a way where you feel that the ride could last forever, and you know what, you didn't care.

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When the ride was finally over, Stormy goes out the boat carrying along the plushie prize and senses the skies getting darker. It felt like they were at the carnival for the whole day, as expected from the grey mare. She giggles as she makes the soft plushie dance around to the music in her head.

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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When the ride was finally over, Stormy goes out the boat carrying along the plushie prize and senses the skies getting darker. It felt like they were at the carnival for the whole day, as expected from the grey mare. She giggles as she makes the soft plushie dance around to the music in her head.

Beta looked up and also sees the sky getting darker. Beta then remembered something from this morning. There is a parade in town tonight. That is perfect for ending off another perfect date. Beta turns to Stormy and says, "Hey Storm, wanna go to the parade?"

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Hearing that suggestion made her feel a sense of nostalgia. As a filly, her father would always bring her to the parade, it was a fun and beautiful event that always made her happy. Stormlight gives a quick nod and jumps around like Pinkie saying, "Yay! The parade is a perfect event to see!". She clears her throat when she stopped and holds his hoof.

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Hearing that suggestion made her feel a sense of nostalgia. As a filly, her father would always bring her to the parade, it was a fun and beautiful event that always made her happy. Stormlight gives a quick nod and jumps around like Pinkie saying, "Yay! The parade is a perfect event to see!". She clears her throat when she stopped and holds his hoof.

Beta chuckles and just says, "Come on let's go." They head off to the parade. When they got there, they saw ponies were starting to take the good spots. They quickly flew over to a good spot before any pony else took it. Beta help her hoof as they waited for the parade to start.

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Stormlight could hear the music coming closer from far away , making her squeal with excitement. As the parade starts, so did the roar of cheers everypony lets out. She remembers getting carried over her father's head when watching the parade, those were the days. Now, as a mare, she felt proud that she was able to become the pony that can take care of herself. Coming back to reality, she seed the wonderful floats go by.

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Stormlight could hear the music coming closer from far away , making her squeal with excitement. As the parade starts, so did the roar of cheers everypony lets out. She remembers getting carried over her father's head when watching the parade, those were the days. Now, as a mare, she felt proud that she was able to become the pony that can take care of herself. Coming back to reality, she seed the wonderful floats go by.

Beta stood there as the floats rolled by. He watched the many floats such as a float of Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Twilight rolled by. He saw the bands play their nice catchy tune that Bets hummed along to. He really liked going to parades a lot.

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Like a movie, the parade has ended with all the ponies clearing the place. Storm always enjoyed parades, both as a filly and a mare. She couldn't believe it was over, and tomorrow was a new day. This was truely a great day to celebrate her acheivement and another enjoyable date with Beta.

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Like a movie, the parade has ended with all the ponies clearing the place. Storm always enjoyed parades, both as a filly and a mare. She couldn't believe it was over, and tomorrow was a new day. This was truely a great day to celebrate her acheivement and another enjoyable date with Beta.

Beta looked at the time and saw that it was getting late. And it showed this from when he started to yawn and it was completely dark. "Man Stromy, that was another fun date. It is getting pretty late. Maybe I should walk you home before it gets so late you fall asleep.

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Storm agrees with Beta and yawns to show her sleepiness. As they walk towards her home she almost felt like sleeping at that spot, but got distracted by the sounds that goes on at night. Reaching her house, she smiles at Beta and gives him a goodbye hug and kiss. "Good night Beta, I love you!", she says before going inside.

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Storm agrees with Beta and yawns to show her sleepiness. As they walk towards her home she almost felt like sleeping at that spot, but got distracted by the sounds that goes on at night. Reaching her house, she smiles at Beta and gives him a goodbye hug and kiss. "Good night Beta, I love you!", she says before going inside.

Beta proudly accepts this kiss and replies with a, "I love you too Stormlight." Beta flies off, heading towards home. When he gets to his house, he plays a quick video game, relaxes for a little while, and then when he finally gets extremely tired, he goes off to sleep.

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Trying to figure out where to place the plushie won by and given to her by Beta, she decided to place it near her bed. It looks and felt so soft, she slowly falls asleep. Past events went om in her head as she slumbers, giving her a quick smile before actually going to sleep. She hears a voice, from herself as a young filly saying, "When I grow up, I'm going to be great!". Oh, how that made her feel happy.

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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