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private The Best Date Ever! (1x1 RP between Chikoritabrony and Stormlight)

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It only felt like a few minutes just past by, for Stormlight woke up from the alarm clock on her nightstand next to the bed. Stretching, she got ready and slowly goes into the mess hall, looking for her friends that were crowding the bulletin board. Going towards them, they slowly move out of her way and she gazes at the team list for her name.

Beta woke up after what only felt like a few minutes. He looked out the window and realized that it was morning. He yawned and took a great big stretch. He walked down to the kitchen and looked for some breakfast. He chose the oats cereal to eat for breakfast.

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Being excited, she got paired up with an orange mare. Not only that, she was chosen as the lead pony. Stormlight was squealing on the inside and get together with her partner. When Stormlight looked at her, she was full of confidence and determination, just like she was when she came to the Academy. "Nice! I look forward to practice with you," she says to the mare.

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Beta finishes eating all of his breakfast. He goes upstairs and washes himself off. He then decides that since he is not doing anything big or major today, he would just take a nice little stroll through the wonderful town of Ponyville today all day.
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As the day goes on, Stormlight and her partner trained together and had fun doing it. She loves helping other ponies ever since she was just a filly. One by one the drills beecame more advanced. The important goal is to stay beside their partner, because einning isn't everything. Flying through harsh changes of weather, Storm's team carefully made it to the end.

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Beta walked through Ponyville on the beautiful day. The ground was still moist from that big thunderstorm last night and the sun was shining perfectly. He walked around town and wondered if he should give something to Stormlight for when she gets out of the Academy.

Then he saw it.

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Panting, Stormlight hoofpumps her partner and looked at her lead pony badge. It was shining as the sun beams on its golden glory. She looked at the course and saw the other teams coming to the finish. "What? We were the first ones?" The orange mare nods at her and smiles. Seeing the smile on her face brought one to her own.

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Panting, Stormlight hoofpumps her partner and looked at her lead pony badge. It was shining as the sun beams on its golden glory. She looked at the course and saw the other teams coming to the finish. "What? We were the first ones?" The orange mare nods at her and smiles. Seeing the smile on her face brought one to her own.

Beta saw the jewelry shop. He knew something in the contents of the store was what he wanted to get for Stormlight. He walked into the store and found a wedding ring that was perfect and was Stormlight's favorite color. "Hi, I would like to buy this beautiful ring." Edited by ChikoritaBrony
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The Jewelry Shop owner nods and show Beta the ring, it was glowing to one's eyes. He placed it inside of the rightful box and recrives the right amount of bits. "May you and your special sonepony have a happy life together!" he exclaims to him.


Meanwhile at the Academy, Stormlight did some more wing-ups and went up to the Dizitron. It looked really cool, with all the colors and how it operates. She gets on it and wears her goggles. "Let it rip ALL the way!" she started spinning faster, waiting for the right time to fly.

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Beta purchases the ring and walks out the door. He put the wedding ring in his saddle bag and continued on his way. He was so excited to propose to Stormlight that he fanboy squealed for a moment or two. He started practicing ways that he could propose.
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Stormlight stumbles as she was shot to the open skies, but she managed to regain focus and lands on the runway without showing that she was really dizzy. Spitifire stopped the stopwatch and nods as she writes it on the clipboard. Storm sighs as she thinks she didn't do a good job, but her squad members cheered at her.

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Beta flies back into his house. He decides to continue practicing how he would propose to Stormlight. "Oh Stormy, I love you. Will you marry me? Nah too generic. Oh I know. Stormy, you are my life. How about we spend the rest of our lives together? Better but I don't know."
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Walking around all dizzy-like, Stormlight can't help but blurt out random things. Luckily, she hits the sign and that made her immediately come back to her senses. "Aw shoot, I was just being reckless...next time I should just take it easier," she sighs out before forming a line in front of Spitifire.

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Beta still continued debating on how she shall propose to Stormlight. "Should I get Pinkie Pie and make a flash mob proposal like thing? Nah that would be too excessive. Should I write it in the sky? Nah the Pegasus writing it might mess up the spelling."
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"Hm...I've seen all of you improving since yesterday, keep that up every day and you just might have the chance to become a Wonderbolt!" Spitfire demanded from the Pegasi. They all salute and march to the mess hall and take a break. Stormlight, on the other hoof, was thinking of how she could've blown her chances away.

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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After many hours of contemplating on what he shall say to Stormlight when he finally proposes to her, he finally came up with the perfect way to propose to Stormlight. "Hey Stormy, I think you're Wonderbolt for me to marry." He knew this would be perfect since he made that joke on their first date.
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Stormlight keeps thinking on how long she would have to stay in the Academy. Her brain keeps throbbing as she tries to stop thinking all negative, and just be happy she was able to be here in the first place. Suddenly, two stallions that were also trainers told her that Spitifre wanted to see her. She gulped and slowly goes in her office.

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Beta continued practicing the wonderful way he was going to propose to Stormlight. After a whole, he got down how he was going to say it, what position he was going to be in when he does it, and what outfit he'll wear when he makes the proposal. It would be perfect.
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"I'm sorry if I did anything wrong I ju-" Stormlight tries to speak but Spitifre just looked suprised. "Woah! You're not in trouble, I just wanted to ask you some questions. I will ask every pony a series of questions one-on-one. Now tell me Stormlight, tell me...why do YOU want to become a Wonderbolt?" she asks directly to the gray mare.

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Beta was happy that he has gotten his plan to propose to Stormlight all fine and ready. "Now all I have to do is wait for her to be done with the academy. Oh I can't wait for the moment when I finally get to make the move and propose to her. It shall be fine and grand." Edited by ChikoritaBrony
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Stormlight clear her throat and answer as honest as possible. "I would like to become a Wonderbolt, because I want to prove others and also myself that I can be the best flier I always wanted to be. As a filly, I always dreamt of one day becoming an avid flier, if not I would just strive my hardest to show what I'm capable of." She looks at Spitfire and then down at the floor.

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Now that he got all that practicing for the proposal to Stormlight over with, Beta was now extremely bored. Stormlight was still at the academy and he had no idea when the heck she was going to get back. He decided to go and play a nice long video game.
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Stormlight leaves the main office and packs her things. She listened to Spitfirr and knows when to come back, so she got her saddle bag and places her badge inside to remember what she has accomplished. She flies back to her house and wonders how Beta is doing, she quickly flew to his house and knocks on the door.

  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Stormlight leaves the main office and packs her things. She listened to Spitfirr and knows when to come back, so she got her saddle bag and places her badge inside to remember what she has accomplished. She flies back to her house and wonders how Beta is doing, she quickly flew to his house and knocks on the door.

Beta still sat there playing his video game. It was an average game that took a decent amount of time. He finally finished the game when suddenly, he heard a knock on the door. He wondered who would be going to his house at this time. He went over and opened the door and was surprised to see it was Stormlight.

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"Hey, Beta! I just came back from the Academy, how are you doing?" Stormlight asks him with a smile and hug. She felt better when she was back in Ponyville. She lets go and grins. Her wings folded back and looks at Beta with excitement. Slowly she looks up at the sky then at the ground.
  • Brohoof 1

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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"Hey, Beta! I just came back from the Academy, how are you doing?" Stormlight asks him with a smile and hug. She felt better when she was back in Ponyville. She lets go and grins. Her wings folded back and looks at Beta with excitement. Slowly she looks up at the sky then at the ground.

This gave Beta the perfect opportunity to take a nice long thought process of contemplating whether or not he should make the proposal now. He finally decided that she should ask how she's doing to see if she was in the mood. "I'm fine, how are you doing Stormy?" 

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