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private The Dark Stars : Fallout New Vegas


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Kristof leans in, his face holding a straight expression, "You have no idea how badly I wanna kick the shit outta that skirt wearing ninny." He whispers, "I'll consider it." He says giving a confident wink.

"Oh how rude of me, I didn't introduce myself. I'm commander Kristof. Welcome to the company."

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Connor raises his chained hands and gives a casual salute.


"Gunnery Sargent Connor Corrigan sir, its been a pleasure, now Commander, what do you need from me, I'm sure you didn't deal with the paper work just so we could have a chat, and I'm guessing you want my help with something?"

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"Well if I had heard you were just simply just a prisoner, I would've brushed you off. Until I was told it was an order. So yeah. I think we have some openings for you. But we'll start you off with something simple. Patrol detail. That's usually what this company does, not the whole company, like I mean a division. Unicorn is stationed here and there's others too, I think you may have seen another, Griffion has detail on the strip and in the Southern regions." He says

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Connor leans back and raises a brow.


"Patrol huh, that's the same shit I've been doing recently, not much you can do when you've only got thirty men, alright I'm in, point me at them sir and I'll be sure to march straight on into hell... Oh yeah, where's my gear? I'm gonna need that back at some point"

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"About your gear. I'm having a hastle trying to keep away NCR OCC specialists from tinkering with your stuff, nosey bastard.. I got your gear put up in our storages. If I can squeeze out an authorization I'll see if I can't get it.." He replies,

"Hell if I didn't gave to wait I'd just give it to you. You're a good fellow, well first you gotta get it painted, you get what I mean."

Reaching over to his hands, Kristof unlocks the cuffs from his wrists.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Connor nods and lifts his hands up, rubbing his wrists a little.


"I'm guessing you want to switch my Army Olive Paint job for something a little more... Black... It was green so we didn't attract attention to ourselves, everyone knows black power armor means Enclave after all, but since I'm rolling with your outfit now it means that I won't have to keep that dreadful colour anymore, god it sticks out like a sore thumb when your in the desert, and as long as it still works your men can have a look at it, no NCR specialists though I aren't giving them another weapon to abuse"

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"Don't worry yourself, we got our own specialists and they won't fuck around with anything they know they can't handle or even remotely operate." He says, the two stand up, "I'll show you around." He says leading him outside and the two begin heading toward the main terminal.

He points over to the far end offices along the walk.

"My office will be over there. Anyone give you any trouble, you let me know." He says

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Connor looks around and whistles while rubbing his hair.


"I doubt I'll be needing any assistance with dickheads, anyone tries anything in the showers I'll introduce them to my fists... Now then, where's the armoury, I'll need some new gear while mine is locked away in storage... I hope you got the good stuff, I don't care if its illegal in the NCR states"

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"Well get you geared up when your processing is finished. And trust me, our repairmen know how to manage the gear. You'll get a better quality then state issued crap."

He leads him into the main hub, the circular terminal. On the far left waiting room multiple bunks line up about, troopers and mercenaries alike simply hanging about. On the right is the cafeteria, the steaming aroma of the food smelt from Connors position.

"Smells like grilled cheese for dinner."

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Connor takes a sniff and nods with a small smile.


"Smells better than cell block food that's for sure, now how does your Division work, you play teams or you send men in solo, I can work with both, but as for teams, I'm good as a basic Soldier, old style grunt, but I can give orders or treat minor injuries, but I'm best with a Laser Rifle"

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"Everything is never done alone. You'll be working with an assigned squad once your processing is finished." He says, "I'm pretty handy with a laser weapon too. Got this kick ass RCW I take with me." He says as he leads him along down a hallway though a doorway. They enter a small room., near a locker set are three armored mercs. Two have out their custom service rifles loading and checking.

The power armored one Carries on a flamer tank onto his back checking the tubbing and such.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"I prefer the Laser Rifle myself, gives me the accuracy and stability I need to take a guy out with one shot, got a scope and barrel attachments that I use for the longer ranges"


Connor looks at the mercs, studying their weapons.


"Nice armaments, who we fighting? The Enclave? Just kidding, I hope? Is this where I'm staying?"

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Twitch stood outside the terminal, like Boyd requested, one hand in his pocket, while the other was busy snapping it's fingars. Though he looked calm, Twitch felt uneasy and agitated without some sort of explosive device on his person. "Fuck! I knew they would take my weapons, but did they have to take almost everything else too?" He thought.


While he complained mentally, Twitch pulled out a golden zippo lighter, engraved with a T on it, and began subconciously flicking it open and closed, in rapid succession. "So...watcha want us to do now?" He asked Boyd.

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Boyd looks back at the arrangement of recruits.

"Just relax and get to know each other. When your process is finished you'll each be called to the armory for your gear. She says


"No no. This is the armory. Just wanted to show you about. Out that far end door will take you to the outside yard. They got exercise machines, target ranges, all the basic. They even got a kill house set up."

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"A kill range huh, this place is sounding more like my perfect retirement home every second commander, that's if I live long enough to retire"


Connor turns to look at the commander.


"I think I've seen enough of base camp for now sir, fancy getting me processed and putting a gun in my hand, I haven't shot anything for a week, my aim might be getting rusty"

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Kristof smiles, approaching one of the lockers he takes out a laser pistol.

"A little bottle shooting never Hurts." He says, he gestures him along and the two exit into the yard. The temperature feeling a bit cooler as, the sun begins to set.

The two walk over to a sandbag barricade looking out to the targets. He hands him the laser pistol giving him a smile.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Connor takes the laser pistol and starts to study it, taking the Energy cell out and giving it a blow, before sticking it back in and aiming down the range, he takes a deep breath and let's a shot go, it hits target and he smiles starts to adjust the sight and a few of the switches inside it.


"Maybe not too rusty after all Commander, but I do hope I get a bigger gun"

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Kristof pats his back,

"You'll be combat ready soon." He says encouragingly.

Gunfire can be heard echoing from across the yard,

"Sounds the fiend again. Would you prefer to be on the ground or on the wall?" He asks him as the two begin a slow walk around the lot.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Connor looks alert and more serious as he hears the gunfire, he looks down at himself, with his sand and blood covered jeans and his slightly blood covered shirt and back up at the commander, then shrugs


"Stick me on the ground Sir, its where I'm the best"

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"Geez they beat the Shit outta you or what?" Noting those blood stains on his shirt,

"Hey what's the word boss?" A cheerful voice speaks, turning to the voice a short shaggy haired young man approaches, he's dressed in reinforced leather armor, hanging on a sling on his hip rests a silenced 22. SMG

"Hey Sticky. Meet my new friend." Kristof says

"Hey hey man." Sticky speaks to Connor looking up at him.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Connor chuckles and shrugs.


"Got into an argument with a couple of Inmates about... Politics"


He watches the young man approach and gives a quick nod.


"Nice to meet you Sticky, I'm Connor, I see your packing a 22. You prefer to travel light? I prefer something a little bigger myself"

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"Yeah man. I gotta keep light. I couldn't haul all the loot I found." He says pointing at his large backpack.

"Sticky is our procurement specialist. He goes out in the wastes finding all kinds of useful stuff. Weapons, spare parts, extra caps, all kinds." Kristof replies.

"Its something I'm pretty good at." Sticky replies smiling

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Connor Grins and puts an arm around sticky's back.


"Hey sticky, you ever come across some spare parts for a Tank Engine you let me know, I might be inclined to point you towards an old abandoned Enclave base I happen to know about full of loot, like big guns and even a few Vertibirds, sound like a deal buddy?"

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"Sounds like a plan baby." He replies giving a confident grin, he looks to his commander,

"Nothing good this time around, just a few caps. Some scrap. Was kinda low on my peeshooter (referring to his smg) so I turned in early." He reports,

"Aright then. Just turn what you got and head back out." Kristof replies, Sticky snaps his finger giving a thumbs up.

"See ya boss." He says then departs.

"I think you'll fit in well with the rest." Kris says to Connor

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Connor pats Sticky on the back and smiles.


"Nice one Sticky, I catch you later"


Connor looks to Kris with a small grin on his face.


"I hope so, this place seems pretty good so far, anyway, we should head out Sir, those Junkies ain't gonna kill them selves commander"

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