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private The Rise of Nightwind Boreas [Adventure] [Rainbow Power] [Villains]

Wind Chaser

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Night flew high above the group, ready to dive and take one as food for tonight, maybe the first pony. The guards stood no chances, he was growing more and more powerful as the night went on. He started to dive after the pony he bit, addicted to his blood. "FOOD!!"

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith


Nerd-Letter kicks Night as he dives. "Next time, don't alert me to your presence, and you MIGHT get away with it," said Nerd-Letter. Then he chuckled as he mockingly kicked dirt into Night's face. He then straight up laughed at Night's stupidity.

Edited by Nerd-Letter
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@Wolf Smith, @Nerd-Letter


*After watching Nerd-Letter takes down the alicorn* "Nice job kid * bends down towards the alicorn* "He's right yelling don't help fighting at all, now you know." *Stand back up* "Guards the Alicorn is back, my cousin just saved your ass can we go free yet, you guys need to watch out."

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Snowflake grins "I got an idea" Snowflake grabs Shades and Hazard Points hooves and teleports to ponyville "alright now that were alone I will posses a guard and move into the castle and around Ponyville you guys sneak around the Castle if you must steal a uniform I will see if I can figure out why is there so much attention to this one location, and if you can remember the layout of the Castle it could be useful to Boreas, but remember why we are here we must steal the Rainbow Power Box now lets move"


@Nerd-Letter @Wolf Smith

Snowflake finds a guard who isn't looking  then takes possession of him as Snowflake is disguised as a guard he wanders around pretending to patrol he then sees Shining Armor and a bunch of guards talking to two ponies "interesting I better get a closer look" as Snowflake gets closer he notices Night he then utters to himself "no no no what is he doing" Snowflake watches Night get taken down he then utters to himself "there is nothing I can do to help you friend you got yourself into this situation" Snowflake walks up to Alamo and Nerd-Letter and says in the guards voice "nice shot lad"

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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@Snowflake Frostflame


"Uh, thanks!" Nerd-Letter said. He blushed, being embarrassed as this is the first time he's ever been praised for something that doesn't require smarts. "It was just a natural reaction. I just recognized that voice belonging to a person of hostility, so it felt natural to just kick him to the ground," He explained.

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@Snowflake Frostflame,


"Alright, sounds like a plan." said Hazardpoint. She walked around the building for a while until she saw a guard. She knocked him out (not killed) and she took his uniform. "Alright, now to head into the castle." thought Hazardpoint. So she waited for the others.



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Night grunted. How did a simple unicorn beat him! Oh he was angry, no more then angry. He melted into the shadows and moved swiftly over to the unicorn metering with his shadow.


"You simple fool...do you have any idea who I am!?" Night came up and grabbed the unicorn by the neck. " One move and he gets it!"

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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 *Alamo starts to look at options on how to get the unicorn away from this strange, but evil alicorn* "based on what i've seen so far he flies, and can melt and reappear, he not really smart if he tries to take a group of ponies at once."  "He has to have so kind of flaw everyone does" *Stares at the alicorn straight into it eyes* "glad he taught me this, they say the guilty can't think straight with another pony staring straight at them." Alamo thinks to himself

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Night looked at the pony who was stareing at him. He locked eyes as his eyes started to spin, just like Discord's. He was glad this pony was dumb enough to look.


"Why not join us? You seem strong...we can work out the weakness inside you, turn it into power. Join"

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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"come on keep a full head, hypnosis only works with a empty mind, stay full of thoughts." Alamo thinks to himself *Starts thinking of past, but continues to stare at the alicorn to frighten it off* "I will not be joining you, your gonna have to try a bit harder, I've been hypnotised before." *Alamo tries to ignore the dizzyness in the back of his head from the alicorn's eyes*

Edited by Castle
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Casts a spell to try to weaken his mind. He's done this before and will not let this one beat him. His magic was strong, on pair with Twilight's maybe even Luna's or Discord's himself.


"Let your mind empty...let me show you what you can do...join us." He chocked the unicorn.

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith and Castle


Nerd-Letter uses his magic to root up a tree and hurl it at Night. Then he turns to Alamo and asks, "Are you okay?" He then says, "Go with the guards. I'll keep this alicorn busy and catch up with you later." He then turned to face Night, and looked at Night with a determined and fierce look.

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The tree misses as Night teleported away and then grabbed Alamo and teleported far away. "Perfect~"


He held the head up to his eyes and smiled as he forced his magic on him more and more, want him to join him and the dark side of magic. "Come with me...and live"

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith


Nerd-Letter charges at Night, and rams into him. "What the tartarus do you want from us?!" Nerd-Letter asked, starting to get a bit angry. "Just leave us alone you creep!" Nerd-Letter exclaimed. He then charged at Night again, seeming like he's gonna ram into him again, but his horn starts glowing and he throws another tree at Night.

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"Good" He walked around the pony and licked his neck, warm blood. If he drank he could turn him and make him a slave. Yes, he would bite him. He bit into the pony ' neck and began to drink, licking at the bite to keep it from clotting up.


(Nerd you are late he's not there anymore)

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith and Castle


"Dang it! He got away with Alamo!" Nerd-Letter exclaimed, frustrated. Nerd-Letter took off, searching everywhere for that alicorn and Alamo. Don't worry, Alamo. I'll save you...Well, I would save any innocent being actually, so...well whatever. The point is that I'm going to go save my friend. Nerd-Letter thought to himself.

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*Inside Alamo head* A shift in my blood, means he punched a hole through my skin, can't allow him to continue that, and it means that he himself has weaken his own spell so now is the time to change my own thoughts so maybe I can make myself think i've been captured, *Starts implanting thoughts into my head.* "Alamo wake up you've been taken prisoner again, you are not cuffed and this guard is cutting into you, run, and don't look back" *Alamo's mind slowly process this scenario.* 

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@Nerd-Letter, @Wolf Smith


Snowflake reads to himself the orders the guards were given so he isn't seen as a spy as he was doing so he notices Night taking away Alamo he then utters to himself "no what in pony hell are you doing Night" Snowflake then says in the guards voice "Hey! Stop right there" Snowflake says to Nerd-Letter "wait here" Snowflake charges at Night and tackles him and attempts to restrain him he then whispers in his voice "keep calm its only me I can't allow you to take him I have plans with these ponies now play it cool and I will find a moment to set you free"

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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He keep drinking, trying to make him lass out, the spell stopped most thoughts from entering. Night loved the taste of his blood, maybe it was the best he has had.


"Your blood is the best I've ever had. Maybe you'll be my blood bank for ever. Yessss you will. Ha"

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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*Inside Alamo's head* He's trying to reinforce the spell, what else can cause a end to hypnosis,  *Starts picking at sense* one of these have to make it to where biting me wakes me up the pain should bring me back to thoughts since I'll be sensitive to his bite and other cuts, or I could go into a state of death stop the flow of blood and he would not have use of my body anymore and when my body starts pumping blood it should rid of the hypnosis , but there are risk to that as well, he might just cut me up with the swords of his, *Starts picking at senses* alright all he needs to do is feed and he will be knock back by my return to sense

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@Wolf Smith


Snowflake then does what he has to do for the sake of his mission he hits Night as hard as he can with the hoof armor causing Night to bleed he then starts pushing Alamo back to Ponyville as fast as he can "come on lad we need to get you back to Ponyville"

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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(Uhh where did snow come from? How did he track Night? Explain)


Night kept drink, maybe he shouldn't make him pass out. That would be better...so he wouldn't kill him. He stopped and dropped the pony licking the bite to stop the blood. "You're luck I hope you know."

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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*After the lick, Alamo's senses start sending messages to his brain* "So cold, so very cold." *Alamo subconscious is slammed back into consciousness. *Realizing it is back in place alamo's mind is in a haze, but Alamo takes off away from the alicorn to get out of the forest* "I'm at clouds dale ,no south at appleloosa, no i'm in ponyville, or am I by the base, I guess once I get out of this forest I'll know, I need to clear my head but that alicorn, must have done something, I feel so tired, but I got to keep moving, got to find base or what ever town is nearby.

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