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FOALNAPPED! adventure rp

The Pixelated Pony

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OOC Link: http://mlpforums.com/topic/113699-foalnapped/


(Hello and welcome this is my first rp called foal napped thank mike shmicd for the title p.s sorry mike I can't spell p.p.s I have school tomorrow and for the next five days starting at ten to nine and ends at twenty past three sorry for any inconvenience caused by this if I didn't have to go I wouldn't)


It was a dark night in ponyvill and sparkle had just got home from work in the fire Dept

And was watching the news when he heard that ponies had been mysteriously dissepering from towns all over equestria "huh" he said to him self wondering what had happened ponies don't just disserper he thought on his way to bed when he heard a scream from his sister "hold on lucky I'm coming candy come on" yelled sparkle to his other sister "Lucky's in trouble " sparkle saw the white unicorn in the clutches of a black shadow just before it threw him against the wall and was knocked out cold.

The last thing he heard was candy yelling at him before it went dark...

(Stupid character limits they oficaly are the worst thing ever )

Edited by Fhaolan
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Drakk watched the Night sky as he took in its beauty. He had always loved the night. There's just something, odd about it, that makes it so amazing to him. He got interrupted when heard a voice behind him.


"Hey, Drakk! You done yet? Im hungry!" He smiled as he turned around to see his companion dragon sitting beside the campfire he made, waiting to be fed. "Alright, Drake. Just hold on for a minute, i have to do something."  The dragon frowned a little. "But im HUuUungry!" He yelled. Drakk rolled his eyes. "Fine. Let me get some grub" The dragon devoloped a big grin on his face. Drakk smiled at him before he went to the small tent he made some hours ago.


He went inside and saw a bunch of small crates with different texts written on them. "Writing utensils...Ingredients...Literature books...Spell books...Experimentations...Experimentations gone horribly wrong...Mating rituals...Demonic rituals...Necromancy...Pyromancy...Ah! There it is!" He picked up a big box with "FOOD" written on it in all capitals. Suddently, he heard a scream from the outside and dropped the crate, turning his head in hesitation. "That sounded like Drake!" He though before rushing out, only to find nothing. No one was around the campfire, and the fire wasnt even lit anymore. Drakk was beginning to panic. His friend and companion was nowhere to be seen, and his scream was heard just a few seconds ago. The next few hours were literally running around yelling "DRAKE! DRAKE WHERE ARE YOU! DRAKE!"


"Im going to continue from the Perspective of Drake, since he was the one that got "Foalnapped".*

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Snowflake sits in his chair in his cottage by the Everfree forest he then looks at his mail "more and more contracts to find missing foal" Snowflake gets off his chair "I'm a mercenary and this is all I have been getting" Snowflake puts his hooves on his head in stress "I can't spend my time searching aimlessly.... and with no other contracts coming in but rescue and return, I'm going to go poor if I can't find them" Snowflake slams his right hoof on the table "DAMMIT where are these children at" Snowflake takes a look at the Equestria map "I will find you foalnapper and I will see that you are brought to justice" Snowflake then decides its best to go to bed and search again in the morning

Edited by Mike Schmidt


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Rave Darkmane sighed as he read the newspaper. He had just returned back to Ponyville late in the night from a long journey and he was tired. He was drinking some carrot juice by the fire place and was trying to relax. As he finished his juice, he read out loud:


"Foals dissapearing all over Equestria, no one knows what is going on. Search is still ongoing". Rave rubbed his eyes. "Now that is interesting". He put down the paper and trotted towards his bed. "I hope I will be able to get some sleep now. I will be sure to visit some of my friends tomorrow. I haven't seen them for a long time". Rave climbed into his bed and closed his eyes.

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Fushia and Aurora were having a sleepover in Aurora's Cloudsdale mansion. The TV was on and Aurora flipped through channels unil she landed on the news. "Fushia? What is Foalnapping?" "What?!" Fushia popped her head in from the kitchen and saw the news;

"Many foals, and reportedly a dragon have been foal napped and reported to myseriously disapear." "Scary, dose that answer your question?" "Mmm-hmm!" Fushia slipped into her sleeping bag next to Aurora. "What do you say we do some investiagtion tomorrow? If anypony's getting the scoop i's gona be me!" "Okay. But I want my name in your camera for helping you!"  "That's not how it works Aurora." "Oh well! Good Night!" "Tee hee, Good Night!"

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Sparkle opened his eyes and looking around he saw that the house had been trashed but that was the least of his worries he had to find lucky so he said bye to candy pop and set of to the police station "oh this is terrible he said "if Mom and Dad find out I don't wanna think about it on the plus side I love a midnight fly !"

(06:00 AM)

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Melody flew to her house, and turned on the t.v, flipped though the channels, gave up and started watching the news. She was paying little attention,until she heard the word foalnapped. She sat up, paying full attention now. "WHAT?! FOALNAPPING?! What?! Who would even do that?!" She threw open the door, and ran outside. She began running,then began to fly. She beat her wings together as fast as she could, flying quickly to town hall. "Everypony! We need to start search parties for the missing ponies! If we don't, who know what will happen to them? And Ponyville will keep getting foals foalnapped if we don't do anything about it. Who's with me?"


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Sparkle who had been flying round all night

Finally saw somepony he knew

"Melody " he said "did you here about the Foalnappings ?"

Sparkle had a worried look in his eyes

"You see" he said"my sister lucky sugar was taken by something

Or somepony and I need to find her "

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Melodys eyes grew wide. "Lucky Sugar was foalnapped?! Don't worry, I'll help find her. I'm trying to organize a search party. Give me one second." She flew into the air above everypony, and spoke loudly. "Citizens of Ponyville! There have been far to many foalnappings, and we can't let this go on! We need to create a search party and find these ponies. Anypony who wants to help meet at the town hall in twelve minutes, so we can get organized." She floated to the ground. "Let's go to town hall, hopefully ponies will show up."


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Snowflake has a nightmare about his past *gasp* "these nightmares are getting old" Snowflake gets out of bed he brushes this mane, puts his cloak on and leaves his home, as he goes outside he notices the sun is rising he then puts his face bandana on. he walks down the long road to Ponyville he then wanders around listening in on peoples conversation to see if he can find any clues he then hears two younger ponies discussing the foalnapping he decides to follow being as inconspicuously as possible 


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"Uh Melody " said sparkle " I know somepony who could be of help " sparkle was slowly flying behind her

"So do you have a plan on how we're going to get these ponies to help ? I mean who is going to follow us across equestria after celestia knows what we don't even know how to do this

(Um... Bradley you need to post soon or are you wating for something?)

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Rave trotted around the town with an annoyed look. He had just been woken up from a wonderful dream when a pony had burst inside and woken him to tell him about a gathering at the town hall. Rave had been tempted to ignore him however when he stated the reason behind it Rave had been convinced that he had to come. 


"Foalnappings? In this town? Now that is troubling. I hope the foals will be found." Rave thought as he trotted towards the town hall. "Who could have possibly been foalnapped here in ponyville? I guess I will soon find out who it was". 

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(Uhm, i just dont know where this is going, or how i should go. Should i play as the kidnapped dragon, or the panicking unicorn? Or both?)


Drakk had been running around all night looking for his friend. He searched through tunnels, looked under hollowed-out rocks, and even went as far as to ask a full-grown dragon to help him. Needless to say, it didnt go well. 


Right now, he was sitting deppressed on his haunches next to the un-lit campfire. He stared at the empty spot of his companion he had travelled with and done everything with for years. He could feel the tears streaming down his face. "Why..." He muttered.


He snapped out from his trance as he heard a noise behind him. He turned his head to see the same full grown dragon that tried to burn him twenty minutes ago. He instincitvely got up onto his hooves and readied a spell, preparing for combat. But instead, the dragon was just staring at him, pity in his eyes. Drakk merely calmed down and stopped the spell. "What?!" He yelled.


All the dragon did, was point in a direction. Drakk turned his head to the place he was pointing at. Ponyville. Was this where Drake had gone? Is this where he could find him?


He turned his head back to the dragon, and saw it nodding, then promptly flying away.


This was the first time all night and day that he actually smiled. He turned to the direction of Ponyville once again, and gallopped towards it, not even bothering to pack up the camp. "Im coming, bud." He said to the wind.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Melody shrugged. "It can't be to hard to organize. We just see how many ponies can help, split them up into groups, and send them to different parts of...... well, just to search I guess. I hope we don't have to send anypony to far out. Maybe if we don't find anything, the weather team can keep a look out when they are on the job." She trotted inside town hall, and quickly flew to the front. She sat, and waited for more ponies to walk into the room, trying to think of where to send the search groups.


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Drakk looked around the sorta empty ponyville. It seemed a lot less lively than last time he visited. He saw the occasional pony trot by from time to time, but it was a lot less than usual. "Strange..."He thought to himself, but his attention was caught by the noise coming from the Town hall. He saw some ponies going into it, chatting about something. "A meeting?" He wondered ut aloud. "Well, might aswell go" He said to himself. Drakk wasnt really a citizen here, but any clue to how to find his companion would do wonders to him. 


He trotted into the Town hall. A lot of ponies had taken seats here. "So thats were everypony was..." He thought, as he took an empty seat.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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"Hey Rave you here about the foalnappings me and Melody are searching for ponies to help "said sparkle" so are you going to join team A with me ? Oh! That reminds me I need to pick up something from cloudsdale

See you guys later by the way all of team A are meeting at my place its a really small team see you!"

(Bradley you can play as both or one if you want)

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"Oh" Rave said, a little startled. "I will see you there then, Sparkle". Rave looked at Melody. "Hello there Melody. Sooo...? Do you perhaps know anything about the foalnapping here in Ponyville? Perhaps who got foalnapped? I am very curious and I think it would help if I knew who we are looking for". 

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"Hi Rave! Yeah, I'm actually just about to send out three search parties. You can join one if you want. Lucky Sugar and a baby dragon named Drake were foalnapped." She flew up above the crowd off ponies. "Everypony listen! Group A, look for clues in town. Group B will look around the Everfree and outside the town. I will take group C to go warn ponies in other towns and look for clues there. Alright everypony, let's start looking!" She landed on the ground and faced Rave. "It doesn't matter what group you join if you want to help. You should probably choose pretty quick though, everypony is about to start looking." A small group of ponies went to stand by Melody. A light red mare looked at Melody. "Group C is ready to leave. Should we go now?" She asked. Melody shook her head. "No, let's wait until the other groups leave first."


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"WHAT" Rave shouted. "Sparkle's sister was foalnapped? That is terrible. I am joining team A with Sparkle's, although I thought team A was supposed to meet at Sparkle's house? He went to get something at Cloudsdale. I don't know what it is, but I do hope it will aid us." Rave looked Melody in the eye. "I am not going to leave him behind and start the search without him" Rave said stubbornly.

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Melody smiled. "It's ok, you don't have to. You can be in charge of group A and start looking once he gets here. " She frowned. "Celestia knows he will need the help since his own sister was taken.... Well group C is going to different towns, we need to go to Cloudsdale anyway, so we can tell him group A is waiting if we see him there." She turned to the group. "Alright, Pegasi, you come with me to Cloudsdale. Unicorns, go to Canterlot. Earth Ponies to Applelosa. Go to any towns on the way, and tell them all to warm other towns. Don't forget to look for clues while your there. Earth Ponies and Unicorns, you should go to the train station. Pegasi, we leave in a minute." The whole group had a total of 16 ponies, four earth ponies, six unicorns, and six pegisi. The earth ponies and unicorns started walking out to the train station. "Alright, let's go." Melody said to the pegisi as she flew off the ground. "Bye Rave! Good luck!" She flew at the head of the group, leading them towards Cloudsdale.


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" so do you have my delivery ?" Said sparkle to another Pegasus working behind the counter

That pony then gave him a very large package "thanks!" Said sparkle loading the package into his cart " by the way I got your eighteen bits right here by the way don't tell anypony about this cargo you could call it dangorus well I'm off to ponyvill. Meeting soon you see

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*Quantum finally turned up to the meeting. He had been nervous to go, but ultimately decided it was the right thing to do. He arrived to find that the ponies were already assembling into groups.* "...Uh..." *Quantum wanted to ask for help, but was too anxious. He worriedly looked around for anypony he might know*

Logical people think 'What have I been told to do?'

Creative people think 'What I have I not been told not to do?'

I think 'What am I doing?'

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Rave noticed Quantum and trotted towards him. "Hey there Quantum, I am afraid I got some bad news. Sparkle's sister, Lucky has been foalnapped. We have to help him. I am waiting for him to return. I am sure he would want you to be with us when we look for Lucky. We should go to Sparkle's house. He said that is where his team would be gathering. What do you say?" 

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Snowflake followed the two ponies then more joined in on them Snowflake then realized he wasn't getting anywhere with this and is starting to lose his patients he then says to himself "I'm never going to get anywhere with this they don't seem to have the answers I'm looking for but they all  seem determine and it could get me a good lead"  Snowflake continues to follow Sparkle and Melody he then steps on a twig and his eye bulges hoping they didn't hear that


(one thing I should of made clear Snowflake only has one eye his other eye is covered by his mane and has an eye patch over it)


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Melody flew up higher into the sky, Cloudsdale coming into view. One of the ponies in the group was flying slowly, and Melody dropped back to talk to her. After finding out the mare was tired, Melody promised they would get something to drink in Cloudsdale, namely coffee. She heard a small snap and slowed down. The mare sky flew by slowed to. "Are you ok Melody?" The mare, Purple Sky asked. Melody nodded. "I need to do something really quick. You guys go on, I'll catch u later." Melody said, flying in the opposite direction. She saw a small shadow, and swooped down. [it might be the foalnapper! If it is, I'm gonna give it a piece of my mind. ] She thought as she landed silent on a branch of a tree, near the stranger. She angled herself, then pushed off against the tree, beating her wings as fast as she could. She tackled the pony, and pinned them to the ground. "Evil foalnapper!" She yelled.


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