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FOALNAPPED! adventure rp

The Pixelated Pony

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Snowflake was confused and realizes this was just a misunderstanding but Snowflake notices Melody is trying to remove his mask "NO NOT MY MASK" Snowflake then pushes her off of him and starts to run he tightens the grip of his mask and makes sure his hood hasn't fallen off "my attire is going to make me look suspicious throughout Equestria I need to find this Foalnapper before I'm faulsely convicted" Snowflake hides in some bushes hoping to of escaped


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Melody was shocked that she had been pushed off so easily, but quickly got on her feet and chased after. She took to the sky, knowing she was faster in the air than on the ground. "No!" She cried as she realized she had lost sight of the pony she had been chasing. She landed on the ground and searched for a long time, and then gave up. "I was so close to capturing the foalnapper, and now there isn't even a trace left! I didn't even see who it was!" She repeatedly kicked the ground in frustration, thinking she had just let a foalnapper escape. After a while she cooled off, and flew over to Cloudsdale. Purple Sky spotted her, and asked what had taken so long. Melody told the group what had happened, still in a horrible mood. "Did you guys find anything?" Melody asked, hoping for good luck. Purple Sky frowned and shook her head. "Not really except...... well there bass been a foalnapping here two years ago. They haven't found them yet, and I'm not sure how that's helpful, but that's all I got." She said. Melody sighed. "Well that doesn't help much. At least we can keep an eye out for them as well. What was the ponys name?" "Cloud Flight. White and grey mare." Purple Sky answered.


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Sparkle was blasting through the sky heading back to ponyvill realising his cargo he braked suddenly and some of his cargo fell out of his cart "look out below" he yelled as it fell to the ground "phew " he said putting the object under the tarp"oh hey Melody did you see that it was all like neeow and then I was like woosh and then catch um Melody what are you doing?"

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Snowflake sees the pegasus fly off "*sigh* this job has become more and more stressful" Snowflake pulls out a photo of his old friends "I wish you guys were still alive then we would be running our magic shop instead of taking contracts" Snowflake wipes the sweat off his forehead then begins to walk towards Ponyville he then thinks to himself "the towns folk can easily mistake me for the foalnapper though most of them know I'm just an outcast" Snowflake then walks into town hall where a town meeting was to take place he stood there in the back and waited for Mayor Mare's speech


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Melody sighed, kicked the dirt, and explained how she let what she tough was the foalnapper escape. "So then my group left Cloudsdale, and we're on our way to Manehattan. I'm really sorry. I tried to stop him, but I couldn't! I couldn't even take off his mask.... WAIT! His mask! He didn't want anypony to touch it! I bet he wears it all the time. So the foalnapper is the only pony in a mask!" She flew in a small circle, happy that she had managed to find something out about the foalnapper. "Everypony just keep looking for a pony in a mask!" For the first time she noticed the package. "Whats that?" She asked, pointing to it with her hoof.


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*Uh, guys. I won't really be able to continue. I knew I pushed my limit of current rps when I signed up for this, but now I've gotten a lot more busy with school and online work. Sorry*


Drakk was relieved when he found Drake hiding on the townhall roof. They laughed, went around Equestria, and went on enormous adventures(And by that we mean boring everyday lives) together once again. Blah blah blah, I'm out.

Edited by Bradley

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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"A pony in a mask " said Sparkle picking up another package next to Melody and put it under the tarp with the other boxes "I can't remember there being a mask but that sure is suspicious


" Melody I need to go big meeting soon and all team A will be there and I've got to be there do not look in this cart if your curious it begins with t got to go bye!"he said dashing of(bye Bradley you can always come back!)

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Snowflake stands in the back listening in on Mayor Mare's speech hearing what he already knows "I'm getting no where fast" Snowflake pulls out his map of Equestria he looks at his house in Unicorn Range 'its amazing how I make the journey from there to here almost on a daily basis" he takes a look at Equestria's many forests and mountains "I have searched everywhere where in Equestria could they be?" Snowflake puts his map away and fades away into his thoughts


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*Quantum was overcome by shock*"Ok, Let's go."*Quantum trotted uneasily in the direction of to Sparkle's house. He was secluded in deep thought, considering every possiblility that could have warranted this eventuallity. What or who could've caused this?

Logical people think 'What have I been told to do?'

Creative people think 'What I have I not been told not to do?'

I think 'What am I doing?'

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Sparkle dropped of his cart and headed inside the house which was still trashed from the day before. There was a Pegasus shaped hole in a wall from where he had been thrown into it "hey Quantum " said sparkle "don't touch that cart! Its contents are special and dangorus do you want to no I can't tell you that sorry youle have to wait for the meeting"

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after Snowflake had a terrible vision of being a foal and for some reason he was a filly getting foalnapped Snowflake came to his senses "what the hell was that?" Snowflake gives off a sigh and says "those poor foal I must find them before something terrible happens"


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Rave trotted inside Sparkle's house. "Every thing is a mess in here" Rave thought as he examined his surroundings. There were already some ponies gathered inside the house. "Well, I guess I should start the meeting". 



"Welcome, I am sure that you are aware of what has happened and you have been informed what this meeting is about", Rave looked at the gathered ponies. "As we all know, Sparkle's little sister, Lucky Sugar, has been foalnapped. It is our job to find her and to catch the foalnapper. However, the main goal is to find Lucky Sugar. If any of you have any ideas or suggestions about how we find her, please, now is the time to share them". Rave looked hopefully at the gathered ponies. "My suggestion is to start looking for clues both inside and around the house. Try to find anything that can link to Lucky's foalnapping". 

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"Excuse me Rave I have something that could help if everypony would follow me outside " said sparkle " candy can you bring a knife please?"

"Sure " said candy pop walking through the hole whilst she mutters to her self "even though your not going"

"Right let's open this up candy open it up "said sparkle pulling off the tarp


"I present you with my urgent delivery TNT!"

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Rave looked at Sparkle with a worried look. "Ummm, aren't TNTs explosives? Isn't that quite dangerous?" Rave looked at the TNT. "How will this help us" Rave asked. "I hope you don't mean to blow up the foalnapper since I am pretty sure that we could arrest him". "Unless something should go horribly wrong" Rave thought with a sad look on his face. 

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Melody shurged. "Team A is having a meeting, but I don't think we need to go." She announced to her team. "Its getting dark, we need to head to Manehattan. We rent a few rooms in a hotel tonight, then in the morning we look for clues." Team C took off, arriving in Manehattan at 11:00. Melody landed, her wings tired, though she was still awake. She turned to look at the team. Everypony but her was tired, and none wanted to move. She trotted inside the hotel the team landed out side, her team behind her. At the front desk sat a yellow mare with purple hair. "Hi! I'm Purple Blossom, gardner and manager of Manehattan Mare Motel! How can I help you today?" The pony asked smiling. The team quickly rented a room, and set up for the night. The room had four beds, and a couch. "Alright everypony. Now that we are looking for the foalnapper, they will probably target us to try and stop us. This can't happen! I want a pony on night watch for four hours, then choose somepony to take over for you and sleep. You all look tired, and I'm a night pony, so I'll take the first watch." With that, Melody turned towards the door. [Dare you to try anything tonight foalnapper. I DARE you.]


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"Yeah we could but what if he escapes you didn't think that one though Rave "said Sparkle " and Chance's are that he's not going to be walking around with the foals their going to be hidden why do you think we haven't found them yet and no matter what you say this TNT is coming! "

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Rave looked at Sparkle's "If we were to capture the foalnapper he could lead us to the foals. If we were to outright kill him we might never find them". Rave then looked at Quantum Pulsar "Unless someone could track them". Rave trotted towards Quantum. "Hey Quantum, you were always good with universal magic during our time at the Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns, right? Do you perhaps know some kind of a tracking spell?" Rave looked hopefully at Quantum. 

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Whilst team A were discussing the fate of Sparkle's TNT a large dark shape sat on ponyvill clock tower


"Foolish pony's thinking that they can find me ha they wish " said the shadow before sinking into the night


"You never let me have any fun Rave" said Sparkle " its always sparkle don't do that its dangorus don't use TNT its explosive "


Narator The effect had been left in the air by the strange shadow visiting the Town and that is why Sparkle was behaving strangely

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Rave looked at Sparkle with a surprised look. "I just want us all to be safe, playing with TNT is not safe, it is not a toy". Rave looked away from Sparkle with a strange look on his face "Not like you have never played with dangerous stuff your self my friend" a sinister voice in Rave's head said. "Go away, leave me alone and stay out of this" Rave thought. Rave looked back at Sparkle. "What if the foalnapper has Lucky with him, what if he uses her as a shield. The explosives could kill her as well". 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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Fushia and Aurora felt like the ultimate detective team trotting through ponyvile. "We practically slept through the whole day Fushia..." "Sometimes the late scoop is the best scoop, just question everypony!" "If you say so..." They happened to see to ponies standing by a large supply of TNT and ran towards them. 


"Stop right there moinsuiers!" "You have a box of TNT, to rob a bank maybe?" "Start up your stove?" "Or steal ponies!!!"

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"what are you talking about Mrs" said sparkle aggressively "oh I'm sorry I haven't been the same since retuning from cloudsdale

Anyway the only reason we have this TNT is to stop this foalnapper this is team A although what are you doing here and how do you know about the ponies being stolen unless your the foalnapper"he said reaching over the TNT

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Rave wrapped the TNT in magic and floated it out of Sparkle's reach. "Wait, let us not jump to any conclusions. We can still talk this out like civilized ponies". Rave looked at the other ponies then looking back at Sparkle's. "Sparkle, there might be another reason to how they know about ponies being stolen, like the news. They might also have talked to someone in town. They were also asking us if we were the foalnappers, meaning they believed that we might be the foalnappers. Plus it would surely kill us all if you were to light that thing up here with them being so close to us." Rave walked towards Sparkle. "Is everything ok? You said that you haven't been feeling your self since you came back from Cloudsdale." Rave had a worried look on his face. 

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"Its nothing clouddale just an effect on me it reminded me of when I had an argument with my dad

And then a couple of days later my mom had a baby foal and that made me forget how angry at my dad I was

So that's why I need to find her not just for me but for my parents" Said Sparkle

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as Snowflake leaves the town meeting he randomly roams around the town wondering where they could be he stops for a moment pulls out his map and takes a look at it "hmm they could be in the Everfree Forest... or maybe White Tail Woods,...Froggy Bottom Bay... The Badlands.... ugh some many locations so little time" Snowflake puts his map away and noticed a bunch of ponies with explosive this intrested them he wanted to confront them but after what happened last time he decided to stand back and listen in on what they are saying "what are they planning?"


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