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open My Unlikely Friends: Our Adventure

Samurai Equine

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Once the projector had finished, Drakk and Drake stood in a somewhat secluded portion of the building and exchanged thoughts with eachother.


"Equestria is in danger? Again?" Drake said, a little annoyed.


"Well, guess so. What, are you surprised? This happens pretty often, you know" Drakk replied


"Yeah, i know, but why are we and these other guys the ones to save it? I mean, come on! We two have barely done anything noticeable!"


"Well, of course it isnt noticeable! We do it in secret! Have you forgotten that?"


"Well, thats true, but i just thought that saving a group of travelers from a Ursa would atleast give us some reputation.""


"I did erase their memories..."


"Wait, are you saying that you have been removing the memories of everyone we've done something for!?" Drake practically yelled at his friend, a fire showing in his eyes.


"Not everyone!" Drakk quickly defended. "Just the ones that dont really need to remember it!" 


"Are you serious!" Drake yelled at him with fury. "This, This is why were poor, man! This is why were always mistaken as some homeless things with no important story to us whatsoever! This is why almost everyone we meet treats us like trash!"


Drakk didnt reply. He simply stared down at the floor. Drake was still a bit furious, but started to calm down. "Alright, continue this later and carry on with this stupid thing." He said before walking over to the other guys they were going to work with. He was soon followed by a Unicorn who didnt stop staring down at the floor.

Edited by Bradley

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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(Never said the projection was over.)


Maestro coughs a bit to get their attention again. "I can hear you, you know. This projection is two-way. Like a phone call? As I was saying... A series of sacred gems have recently become active. I need you to retrieve them for me, for they... Who are you?" Maestro points to the back.


Trilby looks around. "Who? Me? I'm Trilby Hatter, owner of Hatter's House! Why did you send everypony here to my hat shop?" Trilby asks.


"HAT SHOP?! ...Are you sure? I could have sworn this was an abandoned warehouse." Maestro says.

Trilby does not look amused.

"Regardless... The gems in question... My research tells me that they have a dark power completely opposite to the elements of harmony! And each on is scattered across your various homelands. Maybe you know where to find them without realizing it yet. You, crystal pony, the gem may be in your kingdom or in Cadance's hooves as we speak. And you, bat pony, is there perhaps a higher authority figure that reigns over other bat ponies? Or maybe someone you know has the gems... A family member? A close friend? It lies in the hooves, claws, etc of someone who could unknowingly unleash its power on a wide scale." Maestro says, randomly picking out the others here.


"And thus brings us to the next question... Does this mission still interest you, or do you wish to back out now while you can?" Maestro asks.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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"I say game on!!" 


Aurora started thinking of where her jewel might be...home. She abosolutuely did NOT want to go home. But if equestria really was hanging in the balence...


*Where would my jewel be hiddden? There's my cave, it could be in Fushia's jewel collection, and then there's my earing...*


Fushia's earing was the only thing she ever recieved related to her father. It was coincedenaly the same shape and color as her cutie mark. She never wanted to give it up. As for a ruler, batponies lived scattered through out fields. 


@Bright Bastion  @Hokoto's Heir


"Batponies are superfast. They move in ninja like moves, sand use their wings to go faster. Not to mesion I got my wings for being naturally fast."

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Maestro snapped his attention back to the quest. "Well, I hope not. It'd be kind of hard not to get the princess' involved if Princess Cadence has one. I mean we can't exactly steal it." He tilted his head. "After our thousand year curse was over when the miners went to mine more crystal and there was a bunch of new ores and gems in the mine. But I think I heard a rumor that King Sombra's treasury is still in the ruins of one of the Crystal Empire's old cities..." Bronze tapped his hoof to his muzzle in thought. "Uh, I can't really be sure. I mean do you have any idea how much the Crystal empire deals in gems?"


Cheria (right) is a small town girl who was afflicted with a terrible sickness when she was very young. Meeting Sophie changed that however. She recovered almost instantly from her illness due to Sophie's magic and gained an undeniable talent with her own, and what does she do with this magic? She acts as a healer for her small town and helps the militia keep the hostile border safe. Seven years later, she's started a nation-wide relief organization after her adventure with Sophie and Friends, a great connection to the element of generosity.

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Gear was thinking back to when he was blacksmithing a while ago, he remembered a peculiar customer. "Hey, Mastero, Do you have any idea as to what these jems looks like, color, shape of last origin, stuff like that." Gear may have known something about these crystals.

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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"I say game on!!" 


Aurora started thinking of where her jewel might be...home. She abosolutuely did NOT want to go home. But if equestria really was hanging in the balence...


*Where would my jewel be hiddden? There's my cave, it could be in Fushia's jewel collection, and then there's my earing...*


Fushia's earing was the only thing she ever recieved related to her father. It was coincedenaly the same shape and color as her cutie mark. She never wanted to give it up. As for a ruler, batponies lived scattered through out fields. 


@Bright Bastion  @Hokoto's Heir


"Batponies are superfast. They move in ninja like moves, sand use their wings to go faster. Not to mesion I got my wings for being naturally fast."

Lorec smiled and looked at syuren after hearing that.



"Syuren, it looks like you've got some competition, boy. Better shape up."



Syuren then looked at Lorec as if he were a fool that needed to be educated.




"Pffffffffff!!!! As if! You're forgetting that I conquered Mt. Bloodwind BEFORE I earned Xirgox's spear! I survived flying through TORNADOS. don't come at me with such BS."




" your pride will end you someday."



" at least I can read."



" at least I'm not the lowest ranked of the keepers."



" at least I've actually had a relationship!"



" I told you, the scars scare any potential dates away!"



" yeah, right! We all know that you're big everywhere EXCEPT where it counts!"





Lorec then brought his hand against syuren's skull again. This time, sending syuren to the ground, temporarily knocked out.




"Oh... Syuren..... You alright?"







" oops..."







@samurai equine



Lorec turned to the maestro on projection.




" don't worry, he'll only be out for an hour, two hours maximum... Anyways, the only place where I could think of such a powerful artifact would be in a burrow grave, in my homeland, south of equestria, through the badlands. If it is as rare and powerful as you say it is, then maybe, with my connections, I could help look for it... Though I'd perfer to journey to the Minotaur lands after gathering a couple of gems. I need to see what they are capable of...."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"Seems you are all thinking of places where the gems could be. Great! I knew contacting you all would be the right thing to do." Maestro says with happy confidence.


"Oh? How will you be able to identify the gems? The Anti-Harmony Gems look like different geometical shapes; triangle, square, and so on. They also have roman numeral markings on them. As far I can tell, there's at least 7, maybe more or maybe less. Once all are gathered, they will play a confirmation melody. That's how you'll know for sure. Also, don't be surprised if they have a special reaction when you take hold of them. That is all. If I need to contact you with further information, an agent of mine will track you down. Always be on the look out. They're always watching you, and they're always closer than you think. If you run into a tough spot, they can help you, but use them wisely and sparingly. They aren't very good in the art of subtlety, and that could hinder your cause if you're not careful. ... GOOD LUCK, ADVENTURERS!" Maestro says, closing with a spinning flourish.


The transmission cuts off and the projector powers down.


"Hmm... I see. You guys were chosen for this important mission, and if it escalates beyond control, even the princesses might not be able to handle the challenge. Yes, I see, I see." Trilby nods a bunch with his eyes closed, rubbing his chin.


"That settles it!" Trilby comes alive, hitting hoof against hoof like how a human would pound his fist into his open palm.


Trilby then turns away from everyone and points forward. "We're going on that adventure, and I'm going to be your leader!" Trilby announces. He hears someone say "...Why?" (I'm just assuming, it could be anyone). "Because reasons, that's why! Also, my house, my rules." Trilby says, still in that pointing ahead pose.




"YOU CAN'T GO!" Trilby says, blocking the front door just when he hears them about to leave, the bell on the door tipping him off. "At least not without your leader! Now... Off we go!" Trilby declares.

Guess they are stuck with him.

"...I have NO idea where we're going!" Trilby adds to his declaration.


Our leader, fillies and gentlecolts.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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Drake Sighed. This was going to take a long time. He turned around to Drakk who was looking around. "Hey, Drakk. Sorry about what I said earlier. Didn't mean to yell at you. But seriously, stop erasing memories."


Drakk smiled at him and rolled his eyes. "Fine"


Drake smiled back at him. "So, any idea where to find one if these gems that guy talked about?" He asked, hoping for a 'yes'.


"Hmm..." Drakk tried to remember if there was something useful. He thought back to that time he worked as a jailor for a castle. Can't remember which one. They had caught a criminal who tried to steal something, and wanted Drakk to talk to him. The criminal, who was a old pony, ignored Drakk's questions and mumbled nonsense about gems, volcanos, rings, and something about his precious. Wasn't sure about that last one, though. Once Drakk told the guards what he had found out, they sent the old pony to a mental institution.


"Well, i remember a pony talking about gems..." Drakk said after his round of thinking.


Drake grew a smile on his face. "Great! Where is he?" He said excitedly.


"Well, last I saw him they shipped him to a mental institution. Don't know if he's still there, or alive, for that matter. He was kind of old."


Drake's smile vanished. "Well, there goes our only lead"


Drakk put a hoof on Drake's small shoulder. "Don't give your hopes up. He might still be there."


"Hope so." Drake replied, before turning to the group who were seemingly leaving. "Shouldn't we follow them?"


Drakk looked at the door. "Probably a good idea" He said as he trotted over to the others.

Edited by Bradley

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Bronze Looks around at everyone before smiling towards the shopkeep. "Maybe we should wait until our pegasus wakes up, besides, we should discuss where we are going first." he looks towards Syuren. "And if he's from Cloudsdale, that would be closest, but that also leaves only him and Aurora that can--" He stopped for a second. "Can Bat ponies stand on clouds like Pegasi can?"


Cheria (right) is a small town girl who was afflicted with a terrible sickness when she was very young. Meeting Sophie changed that however. She recovered almost instantly from her illness due to Sophie's magic and gained an undeniable talent with her own, and what does she do with this magic? She acts as a healer for her small town and helps the militia keep the hostile border safe. Seven years later, she's started a nation-wide relief organization after her adventure with Sophie and Friends, a great connection to the element of generosity.

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Trilby looks around the room at everyone.


It takes him a minute, then he gets an idea. "It's decided... Bronze! It's Bronze, right? You're a crystal pony. I think we should all go to the Crystal Empire first! Think about it... We're not suppose to get the princesses involved, right? For all we know, Cadance or Shining Armor has one of the gems. If we can't covertly get it away from them without tipping them off, then how can we expect to have any kind of success getting the other gems? Am I right?"

Edited by Samurai Equine
  • Brohoof 1


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Trilby looks around the room at everyone.


It takes him a minute, then he gets an idea. "It's decided... Bronze! It's Bronze, right? You're a crystal pony. I think we should all go to the Crystal Empire first! Think about it... We're not suppose to get the princesses involved, right? For all we know, Cadance or shining Armor has one of the gems. If we can't covertly get it away from them without tipping them off, then how can we expect to have any kind of success getting the other gems? Am I right?"


Syuren slowly got back up, rubbing his head with his left forehoof.



" Son of a manticore, that hurt... I'm getting real tired of that, Lorec!"



"... Well that's a new record. About five minutes and you're back up. I'm impressed.



" shut up.





Syuren looked over to trilby, overhearing going to the crystal empire.



"Yeah, but even if they do have it, how are we supposed to get it? Lorec and I know a guy who could slip into any place undetected, but he's on an assignment in the griffon empire with our boss. We aren't exactly sneaky types. I mean, I can scout and all that jazz, but Lorec here would only be good for knocking heads. We don't need publicity on our reps."




" even still, we'll follow and provide what support we can.. But syuren has to fly to canterlot to get his spear."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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@Bright Bastion


Mm-hmm. I've been told that any winged creature can stand atop clouds.


Fushia walked out the doors with the others.


@Samurai Equine


Why don't we just amush the princess?


Aurora put her 2 hooves together is a smashing movement. She had no idea how important, or good, the princesses were. Abushing Cadence to her was like ambushing a strager for a needy cause.  

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Trilby looks around the room at everyone.


It takes him a minute, then he gets an idea. "It's decided... Bronze! It's Bronze, right? You're a crystal pony. I think we should all go to the Crystal Empire first! Think about it... We're not suppose to get the princesses involved, right? For all we know, Cadance or Shining Armor has one of the gems. If we can't covertly get it away from them without tipping them off, then how can we expect to have any kind of success getting the other gems? Am I right?"

Drakk's and Drame's eyes shot up."Stealth Mission!?" They said in chorus. They already did stuff in secrecy, and they loved sneaking around. The had gotten on a few jobs from people to steal certain items from somewhere filled with dangerous things, but that never cut it.


"This is great!" Drake shouted into Drakk's Face.


Drakk used his hoof to clean the spit that just came on to his face."Hey, Calm down! I know this is exciting since this is the first sneaking thing we got to do in a year, but Don't spit on me!" He said, getting a little louder by the end.


Drake didn't care. He was so happy and excited he jumped up and down."Please say we get to get involved with this!"


Drakk laughed a little lightly before turning to 'their leader'.


"Hey, Trilby! Can we sneak in and steal it then? We're kind of good at it, and I even got a couple of spells to enhance it" He said, a wide smile on his face.

Edited by Bradley

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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@, @@Samurai Equine,


Bronze was taken aback by Trilby's sudden outburst. 'Well, yes I suppose that's true, but I don't know if tackling something that might be in the princess' possesion..." He saw that everyone seemed to be on with that idea. "I guess we can figure that out on the way. Oh, speaking of..." He turns to the minotaur and the pegasus. "I'm pretty sure that the train route that goes to the crystal empire runs through Canterlot. You can ride the train if you want."


@@Pink Brook


Bronze tries to stop her before she goes too far after that. "That's a horrible Idea. That's gonna get us hunted down by the royal knights."




Bronze nearly jumped at that. "We shouldn't do that either!" He sighed. "Look every po- uh everybody. We don't even know if the Princess really has this weird gem, like I said, the Crystal Empire has lots of gemstones and-- well crystals. Let's just not jump to any conclusions before we're sure. The last thing I want to do is get involved with the knights, so lets just see if we can catch any word about some peculiar gemstones." After he said that he blinked, everyone could clearly feel that he was surprised at his own words.

Edited by Bright Bastion


Cheria (right) is a small town girl who was afflicted with a terrible sickness when she was very young. Meeting Sophie changed that however. She recovered almost instantly from her illness due to Sophie's magic and gained an undeniable talent with her own, and what does she do with this magic? She acts as a healer for her small town and helps the militia keep the hostile border safe. Seven years later, she's started a nation-wide relief organization after her adventure with Sophie and Friends, a great connection to the element of generosity.

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"Sneak in? Not unless we ABSOLUTELY have to. I'm kind of morally against stealing anyways, since I am a store owner with hats to sell. It's kind of hard to pay the bills or eat if I get robbed..." Trilby says to Drakk. But he also lets Bronze finish whatever he has to say about it.


"Everpony, PLEASE! No need to get hung up on the little details. Let's just get started! I'm sure the details will fall into place when we get to them. After all, an adventure starts with that first step..." Trilby pauses, then looks up. "The things you do today will be tomorrow's legend." Trilby says, his voice a little softer.




"Okay then! Come on, everypony out. Out, out, out! We're going to the train station, headed to the Crystal Empire, and that's that." Trilby says, opening the doors and ushering everyone out. "And Syuren, if you need to make a stop at Canterlot, that's perfectly fine. As long as it doesn't slow us down, it shouldn't be a problem." Trilby says.


Then stops.


"...Oh yeah!" He runs back to his shop, locks it up, and puts a sign on the front door that reads 'Closed until further notice'. "There. Can't just leave an open shop if there's no one around to watch over it, right?" Trilby says to himself before rejoining the group.


Later, at the train station...


Within moments, everyone is boarding the train and taking their seats. Trilby bought the tickets. "Have you guys been to Burger Royale? They have the greatest Hay Burgers, and these awesome little fries shaped like horse shoes! HAHA! Oh so good. You should try it some time! I remember this one time when the Cakes were there, catering a special dessert promotional event. I tell you, if it weren't for me watching my figure, I could have eaten for DAYS!" Trilby rambles on about nothing worth talking about.


He takes a seat next to Bronze. "Oh! Hey! Interesting cutie mark. How did you get it again? I mean, mine is just a hat and some scissors, but that's obvious. You know, haberdasher, dedicated to making hats for all of Equestria, making a living off it right now. Kind of obvious."


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@Gear Heart


Fushia sat down in an empty seat next to Gear Heart. Hello again Gear Heart, so where do you think your gem will be? Fushia again made an akward hoove movement then almost slipped out of her seat. 


*I'll never be like a real pony!... But then again, non of these guys are real ponies either....except Gear Heart...and the crystal pony..and the alicorn. I stand corrected, 3 of us are not real ponies.* 

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Drakk and Drake took each their seats and chatted.


"Well, that's a bummer." Drake said, his smile long-gone.


Drakk sighed. "Yeah, it is."


A silence took over them, until Drake decided to break it.


"Shouldn't we try to get to know the others a bit more? I mean, we're all in one big quest here."


Drakk stared at him. "Are you sure? What if They don't like us? We aren't exactly social, you know? Me especially"


Drake rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I know you spent most of your life in a secluded mountain, but you've got to start to get to know others a bit more! The only friends you currently have are That Pegasus called Midnight, an alicorn which helped you, a film director, that crazy pink pony, and Luna! And Luna isn't even your friend! You just occasionally work for her!"


They went silent for a second, Drakk thinking about his friends words. He finally sighed."Yeah, you're right." He accepted his words."But right now, I just want to rest. I haven't had that luxury for the whole trip, unlike a little dragon here..." Drakk said, pointing out that Drake had slept on his back the whole way.


Drake mumbled a quick "Sorry" and let Drakk have his little nap.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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@Gear Heart


Fushia sat down in an empty seat next to Gear Heart. Hello again Gear Heart, so where do you think your gem will be? Fushia again made an akward hoove movement then almost slipped out of her seat. 


*I'll never be like a real pony!... But then again, non of these guys are real ponies either....except Gear Heart...and the crystal pony..and the alicorn. I stand corrected, 3 of us are not real ponies.* 


Gear looked back at Fushia, "I believe that someone else has my gem at the moment." Gear said, "When I was smiting a while back some old pony showed up. He wanted me to identify a strange object that he had found, it was a black crystal that had a weird magic like energy. He said that he didn't feel the energy, but when he tried, he couldn't break the gemstone. That would be our little element."

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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Syuren had flown to canterlot to retrieve his weapon of choice. He understood that the train would leave, with or without him, so he was flying as fast as he could.




Lorec had taken a seat by himself, albeit near the others. They were a lively group. Syuren fit in well with them. If syuren befriends them, at least they would be positive influences on him, unlike his last set of ' friends'. However, Lorec was content to sit by himself. Sure, he'd try and find something to chat about if any pony came up to him, but it'd be a severely limited conversation, considering how different his disposition was from the others. He had his zweihander in his lap, and was drinking fire ale, his favorite, from his personal pouch. He hummed to himself, and then began to think of the gems. Who exactly was maestro? Could he be trusted?

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Bronze took a seat close to the door. He had a love/hate relationship with trains, they always gave him motion sickness. When trilby sat next to him he was clearly happy for the distraction. "Oh, my cutie mark? I loved that day. My mother had taken me out of the city one day to go exploring around the country side. We ended up wandering into a forest and she helped me climb a really tall tree and we saw everything around for miles, that's when it appeared. We didn't get home till really late and dad was worried sick. But he was so proud when he saw I had my cutie mark." he waved over it with his hoof. "It probably looks a little strange, but the coin on it is what we used for money back a thousand years ago."

Edited by Bright Bastion


Cheria (right) is a small town girl who was afflicted with a terrible sickness when she was very young. Meeting Sophie changed that however. She recovered almost instantly from her illness due to Sophie's magic and gained an undeniable talent with her own, and what does she do with this magic? She acts as a healer for her small town and helps the militia keep the hostile border safe. Seven years later, she's started a nation-wide relief organization after her adventure with Sophie and Friends, a great connection to the element of generosity.

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"Oh! It's cool. We still have bits in this era, so you know, not much different!" Trilby says.


"Hey everypony!" Trilby gets up and gets everyone's attention, unless they are napping. "Isn't this kind of nice? I get the feeling that none of us would ever be working together under normal circumstances, and yet, here we are. Also, thank you again for unanimously voting me as your leader." Trilby bows. When did anyone vote on that? Seems kind of delusional... "You know, I've always wanted this for a long time. I remember when I was just a little foal, and a great adventurer visited our school... This was before I got my cutie mark, of course. ...And I'll never forget what he said. He said: The things you do today will become tomorrow's legend. Oh, that always stuck with me. I wanted to do all that stuff too! Travel the world, face various dangers, collect treasures, and make all kinds of friends! ...But then my cutie mark appeared and I kind of got in a rut. Making hats, selling hats, day in, day out..." Trilby says.


Is this speech going anywhere?


"Uh... Anyways... Anypony for card games?" Trilby pulls out a deck. I'm pretty good at poker, rummy, might even have the stuff for blackjack." Trilby says, looking for a way to pass the time during the trip.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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Bronze looks at him and smiles. "Sure! I'd love to play. Are we playing Pope Joan? Laugh and Lie Down? Or maybe Losing Lodom? Maw?" He keeps naming off card games that no pony has never heard of before looking around the car and noticing that no one has any idea what he's talking about and adds "Uh, what about ... Crazy EIghts?"

Edited by Bright Bastion


Cheria (right) is a small town girl who was afflicted with a terrible sickness when she was very young. Meeting Sophie changed that however. She recovered almost instantly from her illness due to Sophie's magic and gained an undeniable talent with her own, and what does she do with this magic? She acts as a healer for her small town and helps the militia keep the hostile border safe. Seven years later, she's started a nation-wide relief organization after her adventure with Sophie and Friends, a great connection to the element of generosity.

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"Eh. We'll figure it out, even if we have to play Go Fish." Trilby says with a laugh.


A regular looking earth pony enters the car. He is dressed kind of similar to Maestro.


"Here, Lorec. Would you mind cutting the ca--" Trilby is about to hand Lorec the deck when the strange passenger sits beside Lorec, blocking Trilby and unfolding a news paper. "Uh, excuse me, sir? I know we can't really hog train cars all to ourselves, but we kind of have a private party going, and you're kind of..." Trilby begins, only to be cut off. "Maestro is watching. Where are you headed?" The stranger asks, flipping through his paper.


"Maestro? Wait! Are you one of his agents?! We're headed to the Crystal Empire to find our first gem. Why?" Trilby asks. The stranger lowers his paper to look at them all with his lazy eyes, but mostly at Bronze. "Beware the mines. You won't find the gem there, only eternal sorrow and darkness..." The stranger says, raising his paper again. "...But what--AAAAHHH!!!!"


Trilby, and most likely everyone else, quickly have to cover themselves. For the stranger quickly changes into a swarm of parasprites that fly all around the car before finding an open window to fly out of. All that is left of the stranger are his empty clothes and newspaper...


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Bronze was saying something about Crazy Eights being easy to learn when the stranger bumped through the train car they were in. When he warned them of the mines Bronze's expression went from happy to worried in a flash, and his ears folded like somepony had tied an anvil to each one. "Wh- What's in the --" He didn't get to finish the thought before the pony erupted into parasprites, he ended up hitting the deck (no pun intended) in a daze as the parasprites found their way out of the train car. 


He raised from the floor and looked around almost thinking that the pony explosion didn't even happen, but everyone else seemed to have had some sort of reaction to it. Bronze looked at their leader, panic spread across his features. 


Cheria (right) is a small town girl who was afflicted with a terrible sickness when she was very young. Meeting Sophie changed that however. She recovered almost instantly from her illness due to Sophie's magic and gained an undeniable talent with her own, and what does she do with this magic? She acts as a healer for her small town and helps the militia keep the hostile border safe. Seven years later, she's started a nation-wide relief organization after her adventure with Sophie and Friends, a great connection to the element of generosity.

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