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private Fallout Equestria: Scorched Earth

Stone Cold Applejack

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Midnight Shadow did not like wade talking to her subject, she wondered over to the blind pony "hey you, get away from him" she growled giving him a shove, "can't you see he doesn't want to talk with a blind old fool?" she asked waves of hostility coming off her tone, she really didn't like ponies that interfered with her plans, then she spun around to the nervous stallion "now, you're going to hand that gun over, you're only gong to injure yourself with it" she added giving soprano tail a tug wanting him to move away from the blind merc.

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"Oi, leave him alone!" He said, seein her push him around. "I'm fine with talking with him! Who put you in charge, anyway?" He yelled, surprised at himself for yelling like that.


"And I know how to use a gun without shooting my self, thanks." (Filler text filler text filler text)


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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Midnight Shadow did not like wade talking to her subject, she wondered over to the blind pony "hey you, get away from him" she growled giving him a shove, "can't you see he doesn't want to talk with a blind old fool?" she asked waves of hostility coming off her tone, she really didn't like ponies that interfered with her plans, then she spun around to the nervous stallion "now, you're going to hand that gun over, you're only gong to injure yourself with it" she added giving soprano tail a tug wanting him to move away from the blind merc.

"Hey leave him alone!" Clover yelled at the pony. Clover never liked ponies that acted this way. Ones who thought they could boss other ponies around like that. Clover stepped up to this mare. "How do you think you are bossing him around like that." Clover defended.
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"Hey leave him alone!" Clover yelled at the pony. Clover never liked ponies that acted this way. Ones who thought they could boss other ponies around like that. Clover stepped up to this mare. "How do you think you are bossing him around like that." Clover defended.


Midnight Shadow glanced at the mare who dare talk down to her like she was a filly "silence naive, no-pony talks to the shadow princess like that" she growled before slapping the annoying mare with her front right hoof, she then snorted "I can boss anypony around, since my powers are far greater then your own". She then glared at soprano, "soprano we are leaving, NOW" she yelled at him.


(Midnight Shadows going to get owned in several seconds flat XD)

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Midnight Shadow glanced at the mare who dare talk down to her like she was a filly "silence naive, no-pony talks to the shadow princess like that" she growled before slapping the annoying mare with her front right hoof, she then snorted "I can boss anypony around, since my powers are far greater then your own". She then glared at soprano, "soprano we are leaving, NOW" she yelled at him.


(Midnight Shadows going to get owned in several seconds flat XD)

(Damn right.)

Responding back from the slap Clover jumped at the mare, tackling her to the ground. Clover raised her hoof and began to punch the mare. She hit her in the jaw, then the check, and then the jaw again before she stopped. "Now leave him the fuck alone."


(Clover has a strength of 7 btw.)

Edited by Red Sage
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Midnight Shadow glanced at the mare who dare talk down to her like she was a filly "silence naive, no-pony talks to the shadow princess like that" she growled before slapping the annoying mare with her front right hoof, she then snorted "I can boss anypony around, since my powers are far greater then your own". She then glared at soprano, "soprano we are leaving, NOW" she yelled at him.


(Midnight Shadows going to get owned in several seconds flat XD)

Wade immediately got up and slipped into S.A.T.S and aimed at Shadow, firing one tonic dart at her neck. The tonic was muscle relaxer that would make all her leg muscles so loose that she could not use them.


"Maybe you should think of your audiance, before committing the act. This went poorly for you, and you made me waste my last unique bolt. Next time you act out of line. The dart will be one to kill."


(Get Ganked)

Edited by Child of Darkness

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(Damn right.)

Responding back from the slap Clover jumped at the mare, tackling her to the ground. Clover raised her hoof and began to punch the mare. She hit her in the jaw, then the check, and then the jaw again before she stopped. "Now leave him the fuck alone."


(Clover has a strength of 7 btw.)


Wade immediately got up and slipped into S.A.T.S and aimed at Shadow, firing one tonic dart at her neck. The tonic was muscle relaxer that would make all her leg muscles so loose that she could not use them.


"Maybe you should think of your audiance, before committing the act. This went poorly for you, and you made me waste my last unique bolt. Next time you act out of line. The dart will be one to kill."


(Get Ganked)


Midnight Shadow slumped to the floor as soon the mare pushed her over, "Owwwww" she cried as the mare punched her several times, then she was about to bite the mare's ear off before something hit her neck, she tried to stand up but collapsed onto her side "hey that's not fair" she wailed, "let me go or i will really hurt you" she threatened glaring at the mare and the blind pony which was rather silly of her 

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Midnight Shadow slumped to the floor as soon the mare pushed her over, "Owwwww" she cried as the mare punched her several times, then she was about to bite the mare's ear off before something hit her neck, she tried to stand up but collapsed onto her side "hey that's not fair" she wailed, "let me go or i will really hurt you" she threatened glaring at the mare and the blind pony which was rather silly of her

"Calm down. You just need to calm down." Clover tried to calm the mare down. "You brought this on yourself. You need to know whose with you before you act the way you did. You're lucky Wade fired a nerve bolt and not an actual arrow." Clover stepped away from the mare and went up to Wade. "So now what?"
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"Calm down. You just need to calm down." Clover tried to calm the mare down. "You brought this on yourself. You need to know whose with you before you act the way you did. You're lucky Wade fired a nerve bolt and not an actual arrow." Clover stepped away from the mare and went up to Wade. "So now what?"


Midnight Shadow growled before spitting at the mare hooves


"now you bow down to me and apologize" she growled, opening her wings she flapped them several times "and im hungry so you need to go get me some food" she added giving a small smirk at the mare, "you know since i can't walk" she added

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Midnight Shadow growled before spitting at the mare hooves


"now you bow down to me and apologize" she growled, opening her wings she flapped them several times "and im hungry so you need to go get me some food" she added giving a small smirk at the mare, "you know since i can't walk" she added

Wade was getting tired of this ponies bad manners and thinking she was above everyone else.


"You just need to learn. Not everyone wants to fight, but most ponies can fight. And I don't take kindly to bad manners. You should be the one apologising to us for attacking first. Do so and I shall take your request."

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Wade was getting tired of this ponies bad manners and thinking she was above everyone else.


"You just need to learn. Not everyone wants to fight, but most ponies can fight. And I don't take kindly to bad manners. You should be the one apologising to us for attacking first. Do so and I shall take your request."


Midnight Shadow rolled her eyes before sticking her tongue out at the blind pony "I'm really really really sorry" she said to him while shaking her head showing she didn't mean it, "could you please pass me some food" she asked before pretending to cough and spitting in his general direction

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While the group of ponies were talking the mysterious pony from earlier was perched high up in a building where he couldn't be seen. "Need to get a move on. They want safety then they better move." he said to himself. He looked up from the scope of his rifle and saw something nearer them. He looked through the scope and saw what it was. A band of raiders that outmatched the group. "Shit. Only got 4 rounds. I can't cover em."

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While the group of ponies were talking the mysterious pony from earlier was perched high up in a building where he couldn't be seen. "Need to get a move on. They want safety then they better move." he said to himself. He looked up from the scope of his rifle and saw something nearer them. He looked through the scope and saw what it was. A band of raiders that outmatched the group. "Shit. Only got 4 rounds. I can't cover em."


Midnight Shadow finally got the use of her legs and walked out of the building she turned and faced them all outside "well any of you ponies coming with me or do i have to go on my own?" she asked them frowning, stomping her hoof, when none of them followed she opened her wings and flew into the sky. She rose to cloud height before glancing down seeing a large group of raiders traveling towards where the group was, she had just given their position away.


She saw another pony with a rifle and slowly made her way towards him, he was so engrossed in watching the group of raiders he didn't realize she was their until she landed right on him causing him to drop the riffle, "give me all you're supplys and weapons now, and nopony gets hurt" she growled in his ear before biting it to show she wasn't joking.

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Midnight Shadow rolled her eyes before sticking her tongue out at the blind pony "I'm really really really sorry" she said to him while shaking her head showing she didn't mean it, "could you please pass me some food" she asked before pretending to cough and spitting in his general direction

"I may be blind but I can tell Sarcasm and a fake cough. You really need to be thought a lesson on how to treat ponies who could kill you with little effort. One more out burst from you and I will show you pain you cannot imagine."


Wade could feel the ground move and hear hoofsteps closing in on him. His EFS and SATS told him it was Raiders, about 7-14 raiders in total.


Wade moved himself into a near by building. Setting himself up with his hunting rifle in a window. Waiting for the Raiders to arrive.


(You people post so fast, I cannot keep up half the time.)

Edited by Child of Darkness

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Midnight Shadow finally got the use of her legs and walked out of the building she turned and faced them all outside "well any of you ponies coming with me or do i have to go on my own?" she asked them frowning, stomping her hoof, when none of them followed she opened her wings and flew into the sky. She rose to cloud height before glancing down seeing a large group of raiders traveling towards where the group was, she had just given their position away.


She saw another pony with a rifle and slowly made her way towards him, he was so engrossed in watching the group of raiders he didn't realize she was their until she landed right on him causing him to drop the riffle, "give me all you're supplys and weapons now, and nopony gets hurt" she growled in his ear before biting it to show she wasn't joking.

"Aww fuck!" the pony clenched in pain. "Get the fuck off of me you son of a bitch." the pony wrestled out a knife from his saddle bag and thrust it into the Midnight's left leg. He pulled the knife out and swiped at her right wing causing a scar to appear on it. He pushed the mare off of him. "You're lucky I need all you ponies or else I'd kill ya right now." With that he turned and left.


(You can't harm the Lone Ranger.)

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"Aww fuck!" the pony clenched in pain. "Get the fuck off of me you son of a bitch." the pony wrestled out a knife from his saddle bag and thrust it into the Midnight's left leg. He pulled the knife out and swiped at her right wing causing a scar to appear on it. He pushed the mare off of him. "You're lucky I need all you ponies or else I'd kill ya right now." With that he turned and left.


(You can't harm the Lone Ranger.)


Midnight screamed in pain after the pony stabbed her in her leg, she felt him cut several of her feathers off before falling to the ground, she blacked out for several seconds before waking back up, her leg stung like hell and the mysterious pony was gone. She quickly tried to become airborne and slowly returned back to the group of ponies, she much preferred them to getting stabbed by strangers she landed on. She stumbled into the room blood running down from her leg and hide herself under a destroyed counter a perfect hiding place against the raiders. She covered herself with her wings causing her to blend into the darkness, at a quick glance a raider won't spot her unless they stare at her for too long.


(i only bit him er, sorry. Also  i got no weapons to fight these raiders so gonna have to hide, unless i'm going to be bait and shot at, flying at raiders without any weapons is the best way to get killed) 

Edited by MidnaShadows
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4 raiders, 4 uses of SATS, 4 head shots, 4 kills. "Easy." Wade could now no longer shoot, he had to wait for SATS to recharge, he could not shoot blind at this range and expect to land a good hit, so he ducked behind cover, reloaded his Hunting Rifle and waited for his SATS to recharge.

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4 raiders, 4 uses of SATS, 4 head shots, 4 kills. "Easy." Wade could now no longer shoot, he had to wait for SATS to recharge, he could not shoot blind at this range and expect to land a good hit, so he ducked behind cover, reloaded his Hunting Rifle and waited for his SATS to recharge.


Nightmare Shadow creaped from her hiding place to where (Wade) was before asking "you got a gun?" she asked then she poked her head up above the cover and backing back down after something skimmed her mane. "that was close" she snorted, she began to rummage into the stallions bag trying to find a gun however she was creating alot of noise and mess from the process

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"Do not touch my Saddle bags, if you want a gun, take this." Wade gave Shadow his hunting rifle and all of his ammo for it. "No find your own sniper position, and stop making so much noise. Novice." Wade moved down a few Windows, pulled out his Crossbow and started to target a few more Raiders.

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The band of raiders walked into the area. There were 10 of them. 4 earth ponies, 1 pegasus, and 5 unicorns. They looked like they'd been through hell. They stopped and started to scan the area. They broke away in groups and started to search around the surrounding area.

Edited by Red Sage
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"Do not touch my Saddle bags, if you want a gun, take this." Wade gave Shadow his hunting rifle and all of his ammo for it. "No find your own sniper position, and stop making so much noise. Novice." Wade moved down a few Windows, pulled out his Crossbow and started to target a few more Raiders.


Midnight Shadow picked up his rifle and pointed it out of the window, she fired one shot hitting a raider in the face, she turned to the pony "i got one, i got one" she screamed cockily. She jumped out of the window fired off several rounds before hearing a empty *clic clic* noise. She jumped into the air to deal with the pegasus raider, she flew right into her spearing her with her rifle, however she felt several bullets pierce her wing before gravity took hold and they crashed down in a heap of feathers. Out of the firing distance of the other raiders 


(buck my bad, can't fire from a empty gun)

Edited by MidnaShadows
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Wade heard the location the Midnight had crashed and teleported to her side. "Recklessness gets you killed. You seem to be learning the hard way. Here, take this and drink it before you bleed out. Also, nice first kill. It will be the first of many." Wade aided Midnight into more secure cover and gave her a healing potion. He was out of SATS so he was again usless in combat for the time.

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Clover peaked over her cover and saw the raiders were heading to where Midnight and Wade were. Clover readied her rifle and aimed at a nearby raider and shot. The bullet hit the raider in the chest causing him to fall over dead. Clover fired again but missed. "Damn." she fired again twice and hit the pegasus in the right wing and in the left hind leg. The raiders turned their attention and started to run towards her.

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Wade heard the location the Midnight had crashed and teleported to her side. "Recklessness gets you killed. You seem to be learning the hard way. Here, take this and drink it before you bleed out. Also, nice first kill. It will be the first of many." Wade aided Midnight into more secure cover and gave her a healing potion. He was out of SATS so he was again usless in combat for the time.


Midnight drank the healing potion before flicking her tail, "oh that's better" she remarked before grabbing the dead pegasus raider's gun, "lets go help that other mare" she said before flying off again, she fired several shots from the air to distract the raiders before and increased her altitude out of weapons range. Then she flicked her wings and took a steep dive leveling off to take several more shots at the raiders, hitting several off them, she then targeted a mare who was trying to flank Wade and dropped on-top of her pushing her over, she pinned the surprised raider and turned her own gun against her "move and you die" she growled at the raider mare. 


The raider grabbed Midnight's wing and rolled her over however Midnight kicked her gun away before biting the mare's neck, the mare pushed Midnight off and jumped for the gun before turning it on Midnight. "you lose filly" she remarked before pulling the trigger. Midnight smirked "wrong gun, mines empty remember" she retorted before flying at the earth-pony, she grabbed her before crashing her into a nearby building.. Midnight Shadow then jumped on the stunned mare and bit her neck until she got the jugular, when the raider finally stopped thrashing did Midnight finally step back, she was covered in the raiders blood however wasn't injured that badly. She glanced at the raiders bloody amour and stripped her off it, then she picked up the raiders saddlebag and and empty gun and snorted "I thank you for this Armour, saddlebag and whatever is in it". Then she put on the Armour covered in the raiders blood and slung the pistol in a side pocket.


The rest of the battle was finished by the time she had stripped everything valuable from the corpse, she returned back to the other ponies blinking "hey all, that raider kindly lent me everything" she giggled slightly mad, she saw them glance at her with wide eyes, "don't worry its not my blood" she finished before glancing at her coat, she did look like a state though she thought to herself. 

Edited by MidnaShadows
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*Clap**Clap**Clap* Wade clapped his metal Gauntlets together in a slow Sarcastic manner. "Well you can fight well, I can say that. Put you clearly have some sort of death with if you keep putting your self in danger. I'm most likely going to have to give you more of my healing potions than I can use." Wade walked past Midnight to talk to her in a quite voice. "You seem fond of using your teeth, and you can use them well by the smell of that Raider. One thing, if you ever bite me, you could expect me to bite back with force. Also, I never did ask. What is your name?"


Wade felt the warmth of the sun fading away, the cold shadows of night felt nice on hit coat and skin. But he let out a sigh at remembering that he could not lay eyes on the moon. One of his favourite sights to see.

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