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gaming Binding of Isaac Rebirth

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So this game came out a few days ago as a remake to the original game. For those that don't know Binding of Isaac is a indie game that has you play as a boy named Isaac and the story is that 'god' has told his mother that Isaac is not pure so in order for him to be pure...his mother must offer him as a sacrfice.


Isaac jumps down into a trapdoor leading to the basement to escape his mother but in the basement are these ugly looking creatures and even uglier looking bosses and you must kill them with you tears. Throughout the game you pick up items that upgrade your damage, speed, range, rate of fire, and some even change the effect of what the tears do or change how they act or fire. These items also cause Isaac to change in appearance also making him looking like a horrible mess.


I like this game but I want to know what you people think

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It is a good game, but it is extremely difficult. Especially some of the new bosses. However, there is a multiplayer and new item synergies, so I would try a demo or something unless you really liked the original, and decide from there. I warn you, it is much more difficult than the original.

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Best game in the history of ever. The original was already my favorite game of all time, but this one is a massive step up in pretty much every way. I love the new soundtrack, the new atmospheric effects, the new pixel art. The amount of new content is crazy, I haven't played anything else since I got it.


 Been mostly playing on my laptop, though I also bought a copy of it for my vita yesterday. Portable Isaac just sounded way too good.

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  • 8 months later...

So I want to revive this thread rather than making a new one of course, because this game is finally coming out for Xbox One (as well as Wii U and New 3DS) tomorrow and I am sooooooooooo excited for that! I have played a decent amount of the game on my friend's PS4 and the game is difficult but it is soooo addicting. The sheer amount of content and the awesome power ups and combinations make the game so fun. My only problem is once you unlock 'The Womb', it really makes the game so much harder to beat because everything does so much damage, it really relies on your power ups at that point, but the game is very addicting and awesome. 


Cannot wait to buy it tomorrow. :lol:


What are some really fun combinations have you all gotten in the game before? :)

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For me this game has the reputation of being the last game I played before giving up gaming. :P


I love it, it's fantastic. If I didn't do the aforementioned, I might still be trying to 100% it today! (I now forever have 85% of the achievements.)


One of my most memorable combos was brimstone + homing tears. Mow down everything with the curvy purple death laser! x3

The best combo I can remember is Tammy's head + brimstone ─ game's pretty much over right there. Tammy's head is also fantastic with Mom's knife. It was definitely one of my favorite items.


And the worst combo... Dr. Fetus + soy milk. xP

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The game should be releasing today for the other consoles like Xbox One, which will be the version I am buying. I am very excited. Not sure why it is not out yet but hopefully here soon. I am also looking forward to the expansion but it is crazy how much content the game has on its own, and all for $15! 


I remember on my friend's PS4, I got maxed out controllable poison and love tears and I was basically a ghost that could go through rocks. That was hilarious, I could just stay in a safe rock and get hit by nothing and just move the tear ball around and annihilate everything. XD I will be playing this game so much once I have it on the One. :)

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This game has really good gameplay, the replayability is good and should last you a while, and although the concept is messed up (as in cringe-worthy gross) that's how the game is made to be, it is designed to get that moment out of you where you go "EWWWWWWW" every time you find something new.


Granted there is not much to the game other than the single mode you play alongside challenges you unlock, but we're talking an indie game here, for $5.00, you have no right to complain about anything. For the price released and the overall design, this is a really good game.

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lel you 3DS and Wii U noobs, us PC master race people have had this game for almost a year. I already have Real Platinum God (all items (including the hidden items!) unlocked and obtained at least once). :P


I personally love the Binding of Isaac, but it certainly is difficult.

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