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private A Day In Cloudsdale


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Blaze laughed when she said it was Changeling gold. "Ha. Serves that stuck-up mare right. Trying to keep me locked up in a gem store....the jerk", he said as he landed in his bedroom and went to check on his restaurant to make nothing was too far out of place, unaware of what she had done with the gem.


Suddenly a herd of ponies walked into the restaurant and looked at Blaze expectantly, "can we all be fed?" they asked blinking in unison, "we are all wanting food" they added before each pony ordered something different from the menu.


Midnight Shadow watched them smiling, these ponies were going to make Blaze happy and not go out of business  

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Blaze looked at the herd of Ponies and walked backwards into the kitchen grabbing various ingredients and cooking instruments with his wings as he walked, watching the large group curiously. The way they had all just... Appeared seemed odd as did the fact that they spoke in unison like they were... Possessed. "Oh well, money's money I guess and I need it after the week I've had.. Nothing but loss of prifit", he muttered to himself as he started cooking all of thier orders at once on several stoves and in several ovens, while setting up their since his employees were busy with other tasks. A few moments later, he pipped out of the kitchen and passed their orders leaving them to eat as he went back to the kitchen to scrub the ovens and stoves.

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Blaze looked at the herd of Ponies and walked backwards into the kitchen grabbing various ingredients and cooking instruments with his wings as he walked, watching the large group curiously. The way they had all just... Appeared seemed odd as did the fact that they spoke in unison like they were... Possessed. "Oh well, money's money I guess and I need it after the week I've had.. Nothing but loss of prifit", he muttered to himself as he started cooking all of thier orders at once on several stoves and in several ovens, while setting up their since his employees were busy with other tasks. A few moments later, he pipped out of the kitchen and passed their orders leaving them to eat as he went back to the kitchen to scrub the ovens and stoves.


Soon lots of ponies came replacing the ponies that ate and left, they continued to come causing the outside area to be opened up, the swarm of ponies continued to come until closing time when they all finished eating and left several minutes before it closed. Midnight Shadow smiled all of the while green flames appearing in her eyes as she drained the atmosphere of its positive energy, no-pony seemed to notice her eyes glowing however finally she dozed off and woke up as Blaze was shutting the shop, she let out a yawn "good day?" she inquired 


Midnight Shadow got up off the floor and stretched like a cat before shaking herself, "all this activity has left me famished" she reported twitching her ear, "can i have a nibble of whats left?" she asked blinking. 

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Blaze looked at midnight and shrugged. "You know what, yeah. Go ahead. Eat up, I'll just go and pick up some more stuff tomorrow so eat whatever you want. I'm gonna head to bed, er...my couch, i guess since you claimed my bed", he said and quickly cleaned up the restaurant so he could go to sleep. "Unless i can actually sleep in my own bed", he added jokingly. 

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Blaze looked at midnight and shrugged. "You know what, yeah. Go ahead. Eat up, I'll just go and pick up some more stuff tomorrow so eat whatever you want. I'm gonna head to bed, er...my couch, i guess since you claimed my bed", he said and quickly cleaned up the restaurant so he could go to sleep. "Unless i can actually sleep in my own bed", he added jokingly. 


Midnight Shadow shrugged "its you're bed, you do what you want with it" she answered before getting a knife and cutting up some bread, she then ate it however she pocked the knife for later so she could use some more Changeling magic when Blaze wasn't looking. She waited for him to go to bed before creeping upstairs when she saw he was asleep did she go get her gem from its hidden location. She took it to the bathroom and glanced at it.


She levitated the knife she stole earlier and transformed back into her normal form, she cut a thin slice along her left side part of her body where it was hidden by her wing. she rubbed the rock against the cut causing it to glow green re-powering the gem for the next day, even more customers should come now. She then licked her wound clean until it had stopped bleeding and hide it with her fur, she transformed into her regular self however she removed the wound and therefore the evidence.


She went and hid her glowing green gem and climbed into bed with Blaze hoping he didn't realize she was't there, she also hoped he didn't press against her side too much since it would open up her wound. 

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Blaze rolled away when she came into the bed and laid down beside him. He had been asleep but she had moved the bed slightly which prompted him to move instinctively away from the source of the disturbance. However later in the night he accidentally pressed against her side, opening the wound and causing a decent amount of blood to spill out onto his bed and into his fur.

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Blaze rolled away when she came into the bed and laid down beside him. He had been asleep but she had moved the bed slightly which prompted him to move instinctively away from the source of the disturbance. However later in the night he accidentally pressed against her side, opening the wound and causing a decent amount of blood to spill out onto his bed and into his fur.


Midnight Shadow was currently nibbling his ear however when he bushed against her side she bit down on it hard before fainting still curled around him, she  reverted back to her semi changeling form however her left wing was stained red against the dark grey of her feathers

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He immediately show awake when she bit down on his ear. "Ow! What the...", he trailed off when he saw the blood and the red stain in her wing which he immediately knew to be blood. He shot out from the bed and went grab his first-aid kit to patch up the wound and a cloth to clean up the blood. He quickly closed the hole in her side and started to clean the blood up.

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Midnight Shadows horn twitched and she opened one eye looking at Blaze, "whats up?" she asked weekly not knowing why she felt so weak, "my side hurts" she complained before glancing down at the blood, "oh that wasn't supposed to happen" she commented not knowing why she had bleed so much, "very odd" she mumbled she lifted her head however got rather dizzy and had to lay it down again

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He shook his head. "I don't really Know. All i know is you had a cut and you bled. A lot", he said as he realized he couldn't get the blood out of her feathers. "Um, do you happen to know how you managed to cut yourself? Eh, that's not important....what is important is that the cut is covered and your'e not bleeding anymore", he said, relieved that the only problem left was the spilled out blood everywhere.

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He shook his head. "I don't really Know. All i know is you had a cut and you bled. A lot", he said as he realized he couldn't get the blood out of her feathers. "Um, do you happen to know how you managed to cut yourself? Eh, that's not important....what is important is that the cut is covered and your'e not bleeding anymore", he said, relieved that the only problem left was the spilled out blood everywhere.


"no i don't" she growled slightly more fierce then she should have been, she glanced out the window "go do you're shop, i will rest up here" she told him not wanting him to waste time with her, "go on, i'm fine" she grumbled to the stallion slightly annoyed with him.

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His ears went a bit back when she growled at him, he wasn't expecting her to snap at him for trying to make sure that she was alright. "Okay, fine. I'm sorry I was trying to be nice", he said and went downstairs. He was more than slightly annoyed and the massive flow of custmers with his employess not yet in only further deteriorated his mood.

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His ears went a bit back when she growled at him, he wasn't expecting her to snap at him for trying to make sure that she was alright. "Okay, fine. I'm sorry I was trying to be nice", he said and went downstairs. He was more than slightly annoyed and the massive flow of custmers with his employess not yet in only further deteriorated his mood.


Midnight Shadow closed her eyes and fell asleep she woke up again when her tummy growled she glanced out the window realizing it was night time already. She slowly walked downstairs and found Blaze "how did you go?" she asked him blinking, she glanced around the bare kitchen "anything to eat?" she asked with a small smile

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Blaze raised an eyebrow at her when she finally came downstairs. "Hey, sleppyhead..yeah there's some stuff to eat, not to worry", he said groggily. "My ear still hurts from this morning", he jokingly complained. "Good night, Midnight", he added as he flew up stairs to his bedroom,

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Midnight Shadow ate her fill and fell asleep on the floor, she woke up in the middle of the night with a strange feeling coming over her, she crept up to the bedroom and curled up next to Blaze, she then drained his positive energy from him and got ready to sleep. 

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Blaze unconsciously wrapped a wing around the mare as he slept, smiling slightly as he did, almost as if he were still awake and doing it on purpose. He mumbled something as he slept, though it was completely inaudible to the mare's ears, which was probably for the best since he wouldn't want to have to explain himself later. 

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Blaze unconsciously wrapped a wing around the mare as he slept, smiling slightly as he did, almost as if he were still awake and doing it on purpose. He mumbled something as he slept, though it was completely inaudible to the mare's ears, which was probably for the best since he wouldn't want to have to explain himself later. 


Midnight Shadow finally woke up in the middle of the night and got up first, she went into the bathroom and had a shower before walking downstairs, she glanced at the safe and opened it wanting to steal whatever bits that were inside it, however it was rather empty. She then made herself some breakfast. After which she decided to go shopping again however without Blaze watching her. She took a sky taxi service making sure they charged Blaze and not her. She first went to the Cloudsdale bank and disguised as the head of security talked her way into the building and into the secure vaults. She eventually came to a guarded vault where she relived the guards complaining about a change in timetables. After opening the vault she stepped inside.


She took several minutes stealing the precious gems along with solid gold bars, then she put a invisibility spell on her bag and walked out of the safe, she returned to the main floor of the bank making sure not to bump into anyone with her invisible bag of stolen goods.


She eventually found a deserted street and changed back into her Pegasus form, she then got up and walked to her waiting taxi and went back to Blaze's house. She opened the safe and put the stolen items inside before locking it. She then fell asleep in-front of the safe not looking shifty at all with her swag bag in her mouth. 

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Blaze had wound up sleeping in for a few hours and when he finally woke up, he walked downstairs to check on things in the restaurant . Once he had confirmed hat everything was gong well, he walked back upstairs and went back to bed. He climbed unto bed and under the covers and went to sleep for the day, waking up later that evening.

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Midnight Shadow woke up feeling still in a strange mood, she decided she needed lots of food and went towards the kitchen, some mare started growling at her about something but she snorted and started eating some bread. The mare asked her to leave resulting in Midnight Shadow to levitate her into the air making the rest of the staff back away with alarm, Midnight was rather easy to annoy for some strange reason.


Then she dropped the mare and vomited on her for no apparent reason. 

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Blaze looked from the mare to the Changeling and had the employees leave the kitchen to go set up some things and get the vomited mare cleaned up. "Hey.. You feeling okay.... If not draining emotions is causing this and you really need to drain the positive energy, then I won't stop you'', he said to Midnight and picked up a piece of bread for himself.

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Blaze looked from the mare to the Changeling and had the employees leave the kitchen to go set up some things and get the vomited mare cleaned up. "Hey.. You feeling okay.... If not draining emotions is causing this and you really need to drain the positive energy, then I won't stop you'', he said to Midnight and picked up a piece of bread for himself.


Midnight Shadow nodded and decided to try draining the energy from him, however all it did was cause her horn to glow. She then concentrated harder and started to drain the energy from herself, she quickly stopped that. She tried again this time succeeding in draining the energy however she started to drain it from every-pony in the building and she couldn't stop. She gritted her teeth and tried to end the spell however instead she turned back into a changeling and glowed bright green. 


This wasn't going to be a good day for her.


She then managed to stop the spell but couldn't change back to her regular self. Her horn glowed bright green and a shock-wave of green flew outwards causing all the clouds and buildings to glow similarly to her horn glow. She then collapsed on the floor. 

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Blaze deadpanned when she collapsed. He knew that he couldn't take her to a hospital since as soon as they looked at her and saw she was a Changeling, she would be screwed. But putting her in bed probably couldn't do much for her. "Um..... Changeling feed off of positive energy.... Love being the most positive.... Maybe she needs to eat somepony's love..... Damn....", he muttered to himself as he tried to figure out how to help her."Wait. Why am I so concerned about her.... All she's done is get me into trouble and wreck my business.... But, I can't just leave her like this". He carried her up to his room, not caring about the state of things outside, only concerned with the mare and laid her on the bed lightly stroking her mane as he tried to figure out something to help her.

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Midnight Shadow flicked her tail and lay on the bed her horn started to bleed from the tip, she really needed to go to a hospital and get some treatment, along with a healing potion. She flicked her tail and snorted she opened her eyes and slowly got up before vomiting onto the floor "can i go to the hospital?" she groaned before flopping onto the bed again laying onto her side.


Lots of royal guards flew into the Restaurant "find wherever she is and arrest her" one of them shouted. 

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Blaze looked at her and nodded, grabbing her and bolting from the house when he heard the shouting. "But it won't be a general Hospital.... They probably won't treat a Changeling.... But I know someone who will patch you up good as new", he said and flew towards Ponyville.

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Midnight Shadow nodded and waited for them to arrive at his friends.


meanwhile the restaurant was being searched, "we think they might have run away" one of the royal guards told the comander, "well when they bot come back take their wings and take them to jail, they can explain it to us when they return, if they ever do" he finished before leaving, he set some guards to watch over for their return.

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