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open What went wrong (RWBY RP)

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In the middle of the night at a only open dust store at this time, being midnight, was a normal person gathering a few dust crystals for his weapon before a few men and a female fauns came in carrying cases and containers though the female wasn't carrying a vial or a case. The boy ignored them and decided to leave with what he had till he was stopped. "Hands in the air where I can see them" One of the thugs said pointing a weapon at the boy who only smiled. "Alright...no need to point weapons at me" The boy calmly said raising his hand before closing his eyes and throwing down a light crystal which exploded in a bright flash before he left the building and threw a second crystal which slightly froze the store.


The boy only laughed. "Obviously I won't just let my self be mugged by you people" The boy said smiling as she held up a sheathed blade. "I'll deal with all of you without a problem...after all" The boy unsheathed the pure black blade. "A Black Rose shines in the light of a moon" The boy said


@,@@Comet Starflash,

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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The young man went about his normal business. He had nothing better to do, and he had slept most of the day, so he was wide awake. He leaned against the wall and checked his boots. He had some dust vials, however he would need to get more fairly soon. He had nothing else to do, and he knew of a dust shop close by that would still be open at such a time. It was an easy decision to make, so he made it. Starting to walk down the road, he memorised thr route to the store, and remembered it was just a few blocks down, and then a right turn. He heard a slight commotion, then saw a bright flash. Either someone had dropped a dust vial, or something else was going on.


He ran to the corner, and peeked from behind. Definitely not an accident. There was a young boy, with weapon in hand. He was outnumbered, and looked young. Too young to be a huntsman, but definitely not a civilian with a weapon like that. He must be a student at beacon.


He stepped out from behind the corner, preparing himself for a confrontation that probably wouldn't be friendly.


"I see you can't even spare a wee boy and his dust. You really must be sick in the head to attempt to mug someone like him. Don't worry kid, I've got your back on this one, even if you have got it under control."

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"I'm not a boy" The person said as he unsheathed the blade. "Notify your next of kin...because I am going to end you" He said before he swung and clicked a trigger which made a audible gun shot as the sheath of the weapon nailed a thug before he zipped to another and tripped one before slamming him with a lighting fist before smiling. "Whose next"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I can see you can handle yourself, and tou have earned the right to not be called boy. However I am not going to let you have all the fun!"


The young man began to run towards one of the many men who had stopped carrying the crates to deal with the current situation. His heart began to beat faster and faster, as everything around him seemed to slow down. He jumped up at the wall, and ran along the wall for a few steps before leaping off and planting his foot firmly into the man's jaw. The dust in his boots activated and froze the top half of his body as the young man used him as a springboard. He rolled to break his fall, landing close to the student that he was now fighting beside.

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"My name is Kira by the way" Kira said giving his name as he held up his blade as it split in half forming a space in the middle before he pulled out a red crystal and loaded it in before a red beam emitted in the center. "Burning Black Rose...combine elements: Electrical Fire" The beam sparked with lighting and he held the blade backwards before he zipped behind and struck a thug across the back before launching him into the air and hitting another by kicking him and clicked the trigger launching his weapon into the air stabbing the man before it fell. Kira grabbed the handle and pressed the trigger and it cut the man before Kira smiled. "Whose next" Kira asked

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Ay, I'm Jake. I see we aren't holding back any tricks, so I might as well join in."


Jake flicked his wrists, throwing two matte black machine pistols into his hands. He turned to his right, then his left. There were two coming at him from either side, so he pushed off against the wall, flipping backwards out of their way pointing the guns out to his sides and pulling the triggers. It sprayed them down in their tracks. Jake stomped the ground, kicking one high into the air, before sliding underneath and kicking him as he fell. Using the dust in his boots, he ran and jumped on to a dust platform. The platform flipped over, and he leaped off of it directly downwards on to another thug. This time it was his knee that connected with jaw, breaking it and knocking the thug out.


"I suppose you're going to send in more cannon fodder?"

Edited by Comet Starflash
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Amethyst was walking down the street when her ears picked up the sound of a fight "strange...its coming from the direction of a Dust shop..." Amethyst thought to herself as she ran towards the fight and saw to guys fighting a bunch of men in front of the shop "what the-?!" she gasped out before running forward coming up to the two guys fighting and pulled out her whip and immediately used it to swing one of the robbers into a wall "I don't know what exactly is going on but i hate thieves so I'm helping you guys out, its Amethyst by the way" she said glancing at the two guys as she introduced herself and then readied herself for battle.




Blake narrowed as a third person approached this time a girl, the cat faunus gave a heavy annoyed sigh and walked in front of the mooks "listen very carefully, all we're after right now is the Dust, I don't necessarily want to fight you at the moment, so leave now and this can end peacefully or..." the black haired woman closed her eyes and drew her sword and opened blazing yellow eyes "you can sacrifice your lives needlessly, your choice" she stated tonelessly.

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"After when your thugs tried to mug me? yeah not going to happen" Kira said removing his jacket and held a handle which once he clicked a button a blade extended out before being covered in lighting. "Jacket was slowing me down...You're about to see why my friends call me Gekigami" Kira said as his weapon formed into a bow.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"HA! It's as though she wants us to give up after having this much fun!"


Jake flicked the small switches on the sides of his guns, causing the magazines to drop to the floor. He reached into his coat, taking two extended magazines out, and loading both guns one at a time.


"In case you didn't see, you're outnumbered three to one. What's your plan here miss?"

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Jake...leave her to me" Kira said. "Now miss...how many lives does a cat have?" He asked as his ear perked up. "Because I have nine and nine is all I need" Kira said holding the other blade as a arrow and aimed at the girl. "Any last words?" Kira asked as he had steady aim as he aimed at the girl.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Blake narrowed her eyes at that and pulled the trigger of the pistol attached to her blade as she jumped away leaving a fiery frame of her figure behind which then exploded temporaily blinding everyone in the room Blake then leaped through the smoke with her sword drawn and slashed at the other cat faunus "perhaps we'll see how many lives you have left when I'm done with you" stated.




Amethyst stayed where she was upon hearing one of the boys saying he wanted to take her on but readied herself just in case, the wolf girl had to cover her eyes slightly at the explosion and saw that some of the mooks were getting up and were coming towards them. Amethyst instantly grabbed one of them with her whip and sent him flying into the others behind him. Her ears perked and whirled around to see some mooks were coming up behind the other boy standing next to her "heads up!" she called out to him.

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Kira flashed back as a lighting bolt before firing arrows at the girl. "Depends if I know how to deal with you" Kira said as he fired an arrow into the air before splitting the bow making tow blade before zipping forward and unleashed a brlarrage of slashes at the girl before jumping back and recombining the bow and turned it into it blade form before grabbing the sheath as he sheathed it and dashed forward. "Lighting Array" He jumped up and fired multiple bolts of lighting.



Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Blake parried the arrows and blocked most of the slashes of the sword before taking a few swings of her own "you're quite annoying, you know?" Blake said in a calm but furious tone and made another slash at him before giving him a kick to the stomach "I don't normally fight dirty, but for you I'll make an exception" she called out before making another slash.




Amethyst used her speed semblance and and got behind Jake to block the attack with her sword, she struggled for a brief moment before pushing back and gave the mook a good kick to the stomach "I swear these guys are like mosquitoes!" Amethyst complained.

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Kira disappeared as lighting and appeared above her before smiling. "Well now...first a afterimage and now you sy you're fighting dirty....you know I tried fighting fair but if you want to fight dirty..." He appeared behind her. "Then I'll do the same" He said as he slashed once before going back and forth swing his blade multiple times

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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  • 2 weeks later...

Blake growled as she brought up Gambol Shroud and parried the hits "those 'afterimages' are simply part of my Semblance its only natural that I use it in battle and your becoming a pain in the neck!" she yelled as she suddenly ducked and kicked the boy away. The cat faunus was about to approach the boy again when a beeping came from her side, keeping her blade raised Blake took out her scroll "yes?...yes we have but we ran into a bit of a problem...yes two huntsmen and huntsress in trainings...my apologizes but i don't think i'll get the amount we were hoping for from this shop...very well then." with that she put her scroll away and glared at the three "we'll have to finish this another time...until then...farewell" pulling the trigger she slammed her sword creating a shockwave that had a purple light and had sent dust everywhere. Using the destruction as distraction she ran to a small case of Dust they collected and sped off into the night.


"Get back here!!!" Amethyst yelled out as she tried to go after the cat faunus girl when the dust drifted towards her which blinded her a bit and caused her to cough rapidly, when it finally dissipated she looked around "no! she got away!" she yelled in anger as her wolf ears drooped slightly. 

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Kira cursed. "She ran away...damn it all" Kira said looking at the new girl that just joined. "Sorry for all this...commotion my name is Kira who are you" Kira asked the girl as he put his hood up over his head. "Honestly with that much noise and how you fought I am surprised you are still alive" A female voice sounded. "So what she got away when I had her" Kira said as he snapped his fingers and electrical currents shot around where Blake was at before. "Who the hell said t-" Riku stopped and a blade stuck in the ground and a girl with red hair appeared in front of him. "I heard all the commotion and came here as fast as I could but I guess I was too slow...my name is Elsis Sieghart a student at Beacon academy" Elsis said as she looked at the other two. "And who might you three be?" Elsis asked. "Well my name is Kira" Kira said.


@,@@Comet Starflash,  

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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  • 2 weeks later...


"Cheers for the save miss, I'll try harder next time to deal with it myself."




Jake turned to Elsis and held out his hand for a handshake.


"I'm Jake. And yes, you are a bit late. You missed all the fun. Oh well. From what I can tell, this will be happening elsewhere too. Do you have any idea what this was all about? Obviously this was not just some simple robbery. This was planned. I have a feeling we may just bump into that dark lass again."

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"They were the White Fang" Elsie said. " They are a group of bandits that have given Faunus a bad name and my friend here" Elsie pulled down Kiras hood. "He's a faunus and wants to stop them that girl though...she is someone new" Elsis said. "You are becoming hunters and huntresses roght?" Elsie asked. "How about you come with me to Becon Academy and we can become a team" Elsis asked.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Aye, a hunter is my chosen path. To Beacon Academy it is then. I would assume that we cannot simply walk in at this time, however. Perhaps we should go there in the morning. I don't know about you guys, but I'm not in Beacon yet, and I assume not just anyone can get in. How would I apply?"


Jake slipped his weapons back into his sleeves and straightened his tie from the fight.

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Meanwhile with a few other people news of a robbery was spread around catching the attention of Piper and Sami Komuru. Various voices spoke about hearing fighting and talk about the White Fang. "I wonder if someone tried to stop them" A citizen said. "Not likely no one would be that crazy" Another said.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Just need to see if my guess is correct about this mixture" Sami Komuru muttered to himself as he mixed an equal amount of yellow, red, and blue dust, "If I'm correct the mixture should cause a black dust which will cause a crystal like ice that should electric and powerful burn on contact with target but should wear off after a few minutes." After mixing the dust it became a black dust with more mass than normal dust, " Interesting, let's test it." Sami pulled out an empty bullet casing and put small amount of dust into the case and sealed the bullet with some brass. After putting the bullet into a magazine he unsheathed his sword and switched to its gun form, loading the gun with his one shot magazine, he took aim determined to get the results from the test dummy at the end of his dormitory. After taking aim on the test dummy he fired. "Interesting on the point of contact the dust had caused a black crystal like substance that had spread in an area of around 2 feet with an electric cackle but had left severe burns when the crystal disappeared, but also left the area immobilized where the crystal was. Probably wouldn't be effective against 2 layers worth of clothes though except for the temporary immobilization." Watching with interest the crystal disappeared. Jotting down his notes he heard movement outside his room. "Who could that be, everyone's usually out around this hour." Sami wondered aloud.

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Soft knocks can be heard from the outside of Sami's room. "Um, Mr. Sami Komuru, are you busy? If you are I'll just come back later..." A feminine voice could be heard, and shuffling.  Quiet "purrs" could be heard from the other side of the door, accompanied with scratching.   

Edited by Legendary Espeon


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"Not a problem, I was just finishing up." Sami replied while finishing up his notes and putting the mixture onto one of the lower shelves with more of his more dangerous dust mixtures. And putting his weapon away and cleaning up, "Sorry if I made to much of a commotion." Sami replied, remembering that he didn't put his silencer onto his weapon believing it was unnecessary.

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"Hello, Mr. Komuru," A young pink haired girl slowly emerged from the door, a small white cat lying on her shoulder. " My name is Piper Kikyou. My apologies for intruding, but I just thought I should inform you about a recent robbery at a late night dust shop."

Edited by PonyToyVideos


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Honestly Elsis you said there wont be enough for teams since you are already in one" Kira said as he sighed as he went to talk to the shopkeeper. "Sorry for the commotion I'll pay f-" "No it's no need I'm just glad someone was able to stop them...even though they did take a bunch of dust" The shopkeeper said before Kira sighed. "Wish I could have done better but that girl..." Kira said.


"They are allowing teams of either three or six this year so you might be lucky to have a team of six this time" Elsis said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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