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Belle frowned slightly. It seemed that she wasn't the only one with problems here. She leaned against the pool side and thought of a way to help the stallion from filling such grief. "Maybe you shouldn't  forget her. Just think of the good times and don't even think of the bad." Then a thought popped in her head. She gave an unsure look but then shrugged. "There's a trick that one of my cousin told me about that help him gets over heartache. If you ant I can show you."

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Nettle shook his head at the first comment. "Even thinking of nothing but the good... it reminds me that such memories are just that; memories. I'll never get another." He listened quietly as Belle mentioned the trick. "Not like it can make anything worse. Go ahead."

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Then Belle made a face. "I have to worn you. Most of my cousins are bulky bayou bred stallions and mares. So I'm not sure if you can take it. His tick is just someone stronger then giving him a strong punch to the face. He said if that happens then the only thing he'll be thinking about is the pain coming from his face rather from his heart. So I doubt you could take it."

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Nettle nodded with a grimace. "Uh, yeah, please don't punch me." He said, leaning away slightly. He glanced around, taking in all of the sights of the water park. A wave pool, a normal pool, and what appeared to be a giant funnel-shaped water slide that vaguely resembled a tornado.  Saying that it was big would be a laughable understatement.

I Perform Fanfiction Readings on YouTube, complete with sound effects, music, and an effort to instill emotion into the narration. Link below, if you're curious.

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Belle look toward where Nettle was looking, Then she decided just to wing it. Then she got out and grabbed Nettle's hoof with a smile. "Come on." She pulled him out and led him to where the water slide he was looking at started.  Then she hugged hum and pulled them both into the slide. 

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Nettles reaction was only natural, as far as he was concerned. First, as he was being pulled along, he felt no hesitation speaking his mind. "What are you doing? Where are we going?" Then they arrived at the water slide itself. Nettle looked a tit for a moment with a look of confusion. "Okay... what about this thing made you bring me to it-" Before he could finish the thought, Belle hugged him and pulled him in. This, Nettle believed, was where his most natural reaction came into effect.


I Perform Fanfiction Readings on YouTube, complete with sound effects, music, and an effort to instill emotion into the narration. Link below, if you're curious.

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Belle on the other had was laughing her tail off. She's only been to one water park in her life and that was when she was a filly on a family trip. But she still had the time of her life. Belle pulled the stallion closer as the neared the bottom. When they came out the slide and into the pool, Belle then did something crazy. She bit Nettle's ear, but not very hard.

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Nettles ears shot up along with his eyelids. He stared at Belle with complete and utter surprise. The ear she had bit flicked slightly. "Uh..." He slowly drifted away from her, looking down. "I..." He couldn't seem to find anything valuable to say. So instead, he turned and started to hoist himself out of the pool.

I Perform Fanfiction Readings on YouTube, complete with sound effects, music, and an effort to instill emotion into the narration. Link below, if you're curious.

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@@Gloomfury, @@Skijarama,


Destiny didn't know how long she was in the arcade for, but she didn't care. She came out with a bunch of tickets and a bear in a ninja suit she won in a claw game. She decided to go back to the pool to see if the other two were still there.


She opened the door and stepped inside to see Nettle getting out of the pool. "Did I miss anything?"


My OCs: Skyla Midnight Starfall ~ Destiny Fighter ~ Stoneheart

"..What's important is that you believe in yourself. If you can't do that.. No matter how much talent you possess, you will never be confident in yourself." -Chiaki Nanami, Danganronpa 2

Thanks to Blue Moon for the sig! Avvie Credit

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@@Skijarama,@@Midnight Starfall,


Belle chuckled. "Well you said not to punch you. But you said nothing about biting." She said as she got out as well. "Sorry I freaked you out a bit. I just hate it when others are feeling bad. Cause then I start to feel bad." When Destiny came back Belle looked towards her. "Just me trying to snap Nettles out of his pity party." 

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@@Gloomfury, @@Midnight Starfall,


"Pity party?" Nettle echoed incredulously, turning an inquisitive eye towards Belle. "Never heard it quite that way before." At this point, Nettle noticed the bear in the ninja suit Destiny was carrying. He raised an eyebrow. "Something tells me you weren't really exploring all that much, were you?"

I Perform Fanfiction Readings on YouTube, complete with sound effects, music, and an effort to instill emotion into the narration. Link below, if you're curious.

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@@Skijarama, @@Gloomfury,


"I was, but then I found an arcade," Destiny said simply. "I don't know how much time I spent there, but I got two high scores on one game."


She gestured towards the tickets, "There was nopony at the counter though so I'm stuck with these tickets."


Destiny picked up the bear she put down, "I have no shame with this."


My OCs: Skyla Midnight Starfall ~ Destiny Fighter ~ Stoneheart

"..What's important is that you believe in yourself. If you can't do that.. No matter how much talent you possess, you will never be confident in yourself." -Chiaki Nanami, Danganronpa 2

Thanks to Blue Moon for the sig! Avvie Credit

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@@Skijarama,@@Midnight Starfall,


"Well that's what it seemed to me." Belle said to Nettle as she went over to a wall and started waking her dreadlocks tail against it to get the water out. "And the bear is super cute." She giggled gain.  "And like I said we mi-BITCH! Might as well enjoy ourselves. We might be dead but then again we night not." She shrugged. "I already reached my life goal so I don't mind if I am. Though I never got married... Merde." She said the last thing with a sigh.

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@@Gloomfury, @@Midnight Starfall,


Nettle shrugged absently at Destiny's comment. "Well, we have who knows how much time to just meander and explore this place." Nettle then turned to Belle as she spoke. "Well, for now, let's just operate under the assumption that we're not dead. After all, I would imagine something like what you have-no offense-would not carry over to being a ghost. After all, disorders and syndromes like that, last I checked, are almost strictly bio or neurological in nature. If we were ghosts or spirits, the biological issues would have died with the body."


Nettle looked between the two mares for a moment. "Of course, I may be totally wrong about that. That's just my logical side spewing stuff out and praying it makes some sense."

I Perform Fanfiction Readings on YouTube, complete with sound effects, music, and an effort to instill emotion into the narration. Link below, if you're curious.

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 "None taken." Belle said as she kept getting the water out of her tail. "And you do have a point. Plus if we were dead I dont think we wou-MERDE!  Would Need food. So it's looks likely that we're just trapped." When she got all the water out of her tail she started drying herself with a towel she found. 

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@@Gloomfury, @@Midnight Starfall,


Nettle nodded, pawing uneasily at the floor under his hooves. "Do you two think time is passing normally on the outside?" He asked, looking towards the skylights of the water-park. If time was passing normally, he hoped his family would do fine with him missing.

Edited by Skijarama

I Perform Fanfiction Readings on YouTube, complete with sound effects, music, and an effort to instill emotion into the narration. Link below, if you're curious.

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@@Gloomfury, @@Skijarama,


"Maybe. If it becomes day and night here, I would assume so," Destiny replied to Nettle. Although she didn't have anywhere in particular to be, she hated being trapped in this one place. Although, her friend would notice she's been gone for the longest time. Destiny started to miss her suddenly, which gave her all the more reason to escape.


My OCs: Skyla Midnight Starfall ~ Destiny Fighter ~ Stoneheart

"..What's important is that you believe in yourself. If you can't do that.. No matter how much talent you possess, you will never be confident in yourself." -Chiaki Nanami, Danganronpa 2

Thanks to Blue Moon for the sig! Avvie Credit

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@@Midnight Starfall, @@Gloomfury,


Nettle nodded once more. "Right... okay." He turned and started for the door on the opposite end that led to the arcade. "Wonder where this leads..." He muttered to himself as he pushed it open. A massive, sprawling greenhouse met him, complete with skylights and lots of green plant life. He took in a deep breath. "Well, that's nice."

Edited by Skijarama

I Perform Fanfiction Readings on YouTube, complete with sound effects, music, and an effort to instill emotion into the narration. Link below, if you're curious.

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 Belle shrugged. "I don't know. And sure I'll miss my family but I'm use to being away from them for a long time I know they love me and I them. But cause I know this I think I'll be fine if we never get out. But I'd rather if we did. When we do I think I'm gonna head back home for about a few months."

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@@Gloomfury, @@Skijarama,


Destiny saw Nettle open a door and looked inside to see a greenhouse. "That's kind of strange. I've never heard of greenhouses in hotels," Destiny said.


She pushed past Nettle and stepped inside. She tried to look out one of the windows, but couldn't see out. "Can't you usually see out? Or do I have the wrong impression of greenhouses?"


My OCs: Skyla Midnight Starfall ~ Destiny Fighter ~ Stoneheart

"..What's important is that you believe in yourself. If you can't do that.. No matter how much talent you possess, you will never be confident in yourself." -Chiaki Nanami, Danganronpa 2

Thanks to Blue Moon for the sig! Avvie Credit

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@@Midnight Starfall,


"I've seen places that had greenhouses connection to a main building. But I've never seen a hotel with a greenhouse. It's pret-SHIT! Pretty neat." She started walking around the greenhouse, looking qat the flowers and trees. "This place is also well taken care of. This places keeps getting spooky."

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Nettle looked up through the skylights a swell, narrowing his eyes. "Nope, I can't see anything, and I think you can usually at least make out something." He looked around and sighed quietly. "Well, I don't know about you two, but I think we've seen just about everything there is to see here. What should we do now?"

I Perform Fanfiction Readings on YouTube, complete with sound effects, music, and an effort to instill emotion into the narration. Link below, if you're curious.

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@@Skijarama, @@Gloomfury,


"Should we keep looking for a way out? Now that we've explored everything, we can search for an opportunity to escape. Let's start with one of these window thingies," Destiny said.


She backed up and kicked the window, but it didn't shatter or crack at all. Of course, she used her throbbing hoof again. She cursed, louder this time, and held the throbbing hoof for a second time.


My OCs: Skyla Midnight Starfall ~ Destiny Fighter ~ Stoneheart

"..What's important is that you believe in yourself. If you can't do that.. No matter how much talent you possess, you will never be confident in yourself." -Chiaki Nanami, Danganronpa 2

Thanks to Blue Moon for the sig! Avvie Credit

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@@Skijarama,@@Midnight Starfall,  ((Sorry It takes me forever. I'm starting to get lazy again.))


Belle walked over to Destiny with a worried look on her face. " Are you alright? If you keep doing that your might break your hoof." She then gently took Destiny's hoof and felt it over. "Maybe you should put some ice on it. You di-MERDE! Did hit it pretty hard." She said with the same worried look. 

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Destiny looked up from holding her hoof. "I'm fine," she said. The worried look Belle gave her reminded her of Skyla. Skyla gives her the worried look whenever she gets into a fight or something.


"I just forgot I was using the same hoof. Besides, I've broken bones before."


My OCs: Skyla Midnight Starfall ~ Destiny Fighter ~ Stoneheart

"..What's important is that you believe in yourself. If you can't do that.. No matter how much talent you possess, you will never be confident in yourself." -Chiaki Nanami, Danganronpa 2

Thanks to Blue Moon for the sig! Avvie Credit

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