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open The Middle Of Nowhere In Particular


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Amber stood silently, dumbstruck. Only moments after she had woken up, there had already been an emergency. She watched as ponies panicked, galloping back and forth, occasionally dripping with vomit or blood. Eyes wide, Amber tensed up. What's gotten into all these ponies, she thought to herself. And what's going on here?

Restless and concerned, Amber began weaving silently through the tents, trying to figure out how many of them were stuck here, like her. As she wandered, she kept a close eye on her surroundings. Some of it looked familiar, some of it, commonplace, but some, she had never seen before, not even in books. This place feels...almost artificial, she thought to herself. As if it was sewn together from bits of mismatched cloth... Amber cringed slightly at the thought, squinting to see as far as she could into the jungle.

Whatever this place is, I'm going to find out, and I'm going to get out, she thought. She looked to the other tents, and her eyes rested on a spot of blood on the grass. An anger began to rise within her. Who would do this to all of these poor ponies? Amber glared at the sky, as though looking for whoever set this up.

Im going to get out, and I'm bringing all of them with me, she decided.

Edited by AmberDust

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As Overdrive continued to follow the sound of ponies in agony, he began to think about his crippled wings. Something just doesn't seem right about this. I have a sick feeling in my stomach. He shook his head, thinking about what he could come to expect. There wasn't a sense of confusion clouding his thought pattern, but rather a sense of fear.

As the woods began to break and open up, a large clearing became visible in the distance. The clearing held a single, tiny tent near the center. "What the...?" he questioned, confused and uneasy by the scene unfolding in front of him.

Edited by Overdrive


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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Wolf just screamed because that was all she could do.

She didn't know these ponies but she knew that they were at least trying to help her...


"Ahh... God, please help me. Please!".

She rolled onto her other side and dug her face into the ground.


Wolf was scared... and had no idea why she was even here.

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((I'm going to intervene, if you don't mind.))


Hearing another scream, Amber had decided that whatever was happenening in that tent, it wasn't getting any better. Confident and fuelled by anger, she trotted over to the tent where the shrieking pony lay. A stallion sat in front of her, visibly nervous and trembling. His eyes seemed out of focus, as though his mind was elsewhere. Amber looked over his shoulder to see what was wrong.

The mare's leg was bleeding profusely, and she was crying and writhing in agony. Amber cringed, shocked.

"Out of the way. Move. MOVE!" She pushed past the stallion. Quick as a flash, Amber bit the side of the tent and ripped off a large strip of fabric.

"Don't worry," she said, breathlessly. With a glow of orange magic, Amber wrapped the wound tightly and tied it up. Blood started showing through the fabric. She looked into the mare's eyes.

"What happened?" She asked, sweat on her brow. She was shocked and breathless, something that always happened when her adventuring instincts kicked in without her permission. Her horn stung bitterly.

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Overdrive ran over as quickly as he possibly could. As he came into the scene, he saw the mare laying on the ground, her leg bandaged up. He looked over to the unicorn standing nearby, and asked, "Is everypony alright? I heard screaming, and I came as soon as I could."

As he was analyzing the scene, still completely lost, he had a feeling that staying with these ponies was the best idea. Considering the circumstance, especially with the injured mare, they all could use as much help as they could get.

Edited by Overdrive


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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While the other ponies he met are with the mare in the tent, Rising looks not far away for anykind of things, that can burn ... wood, leaf, paper, whatever. He picks some things up, and put them in the middle of the camp.


"Alright, alright, how to make a camp fire now?"


He tries to think, looking around for something. He still hates it here, he is scared, but at the moment, nothing serious ... except the injured mare ... is happening or dangerous.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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"I cut it on a damn tree branch!" she said with a painful moan.

"Am I going to die?" She asked as she begun to cry... 


She was now sobbing; she was terrified.

Her eyes closed while struggling to stay awake. She is so much pain that she was fearing for her life even though this unicorn was assisting her.


Finally, the blood had stopped.

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Examining the wound, Overdrive stated, "I'm not sure you'll be able to walk on it. It looks pretty deep. You definitely will be fine as long as we change the bandage every so often."

He stood back up. "By the way, I'm Overdrive. I ran over when I heard the screaming. Is everypony else OK?" He continued surveying the area.

Edited by Overdrive


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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"Everyone's okay except for you," Amber said to the mare, sounding reproachful. In a slightly more comforting voice, she said, "Stay off that leg for a while, it should be fine. Make sure the bandage is nice and tight." Amber offered a sympathetic smile, trying to relax.

"Does anypony here know any healing spells?" She asked, as she tried to help the mare out of the tent. "...And secondly, does anypony know where we are?"


((Healing spells won't actually work, but if somepony tries one, it'll be a good way for us to discover that magic does t work here.))

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Overdrive turned to the unicorn mare. "I guess we're all in the same position then. I have no idea where we are either."

He looks all the ponies over, and asks, "Who are you guys, anyway? We might as well get to know one another, for the sake of surviving."

Overdrive began to think. As he did, he spoke. "Do you have enough food and water?"

Edited by Overdrive


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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Rising looks around, but can't think of something to make the fire for the camp fire. He walks to the tent in.


"Uhh, I try to make a warm camp fire, I got the things for it, but no idea, how do make a fire. Anypony know that?"


He looks to all of them.


"Am I blind or are we getting more? Anyway, we should really stick together. Who knows, what is outside from here ..."

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Lightning comes back from his unfocused like dream state. He notices there are a lot more ponies around him than before.

Lightning stood up. "I'm Lightning. An you're right. None of us know where the hell we are."

He looked over to the blue pegasus. 

"He's right, we gotta stick together. None of us know where we are, or who put us here. And I sure as hell want to find out, we especially gotta take care of her." He nodded down at the mare.


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Overdrive nodded in response. He then turned to the blue pegasus. "A fire would be useful." His stomach growls. "Really useful. If you can go find some wood and kindling, I can use one of my horseshoes and strike it against a rock to produce a spark."


He turned towards the group. "The sooner we get a fire started, the sooner we can get warm, and maybe cook something to eat. We might also be able to cauterize her wound," referring to the injured mare laying on the ground in discomfort.


Overdrive then turned to Lightning, and asked, "Can you think of anything else we might need, that could be scrounged up?"

Edited by Overdrive


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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"I can't think of anything. Some of us should go out now to look for supplies."

Lightning looked up at the swiftly darkening sky.

"And we need to move fast, we won't handle through the night without anything. I'm going now, you guys stay here to protect each other and make a fire. I'm going to see if I can get through some of the brush and find something in the Jungle. If I'm not back by Sunrise you guys will know there's something out there."

Lightning then turned an ran to the North side of the Jungle wall.


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Wolf then looked confused...

"Wait... So, you guys don't know why you're here? Did you wake up in tents, too?" she asked as her head tilted.


She tried to regain her stance; struggling. She hung onto a pony that was near for balance.

When she got her footing,it was obvious that she was in pain.

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Overdrive braced the injured mare, as she tried to stand. "Just a suggestion, but maybe it would be better for you if somepony carried you. If you'd like, I can carry you." He smiled as he spoke, despite the difficult situation the group faced.


He then had another thought. Overdrive took the goggles off of his forehead, and used them to direct the sunlight towards the fire pit. As the light intensified, a fire sprouted up, and began to burn.


"Has anypony seen that blue pegasus? I really need that firewood."


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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Wolf was know by her friends to have an attitude towards ponies she did not know.

But, Overdrive obviously did not know this.


"Hey, get off of me Romeo. I can walk myself just fine... I... just... I"

She began to look pale as she trembled to the side of the tent, concaving it.


Wolf laughed and said "Maybe you should carry me".

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Taken aback by the comment, Overdrive responded, "I was just trying to be polite, that's all. Plus, keeping weight off of that leg will help the healing process."


Stoking the fire the best he could, Overdrive waited for the blue pegasus to return with the firewood. He turned back towards the injured mare. "I, uh, never got your name. I'm Overdrive, but everypony calls me OD."


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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Synth woke up dazed from her sleep and surveyed her surroundings. She tried to bring up a memory on how she got into this tent but she felt nothing coming from her thoughts. Trying to stand up in the small tent she ended up falling and realized with a hoof to her face that she didn't open the tent flap. Quietly zipping it open she stepps out to see a pony pointing his goggles at a pile of sticks. Synth found this really funny untill the fire came to life. Seing the "yellow flower" (thats what she calls fire) Synth paused for a moment in fear gives a yelp and gallops into a bush near the makeshift pit.


(OOC: sorry about my quick entrance, I have to catch up after all)

Edited by child of the night



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"Exactly. More firewood? I'm on my way, be careful."


Rising walks back out, back into the jungle, still close to the camp. He looks around, taking everything, that could work for it. He then comes back with it.


"Well, it's not much, but that's all I found around. I'm not going deep into the jungle, too scared to find out, what is deep in it. Here."


He lays it down near the red pegasi, looking around.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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"Well we will have to go in there eventually..."


Lordy was looking around;


"Has anybody notice that there is no drinkable water or a food supply here, whatsoever?"


Lordy had been in the Equestrian millitary and, even if he couldn't remember it, he had some small flashes of survival training.


"And I think we should really consider sharing chores..."


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Lightning broke through the wall of brush, leaving a short trail behind him. He didn't want to go too far, he might get lost. 

He finally stepped out into a clearing. And he couldn't believe what he saw.

Sleeping bags, Canned Food, some meat, water bottles, and a few ponds. It was everywhere, but Lightning knew then it wasn't going to last. He saw 8 large backpacks.

It was helpful, but also mighty terrifying.

It was as if, whoever put them there, was thinking they would be staying a while. 

But that's when he heard it. 

A vicious growl echoed across the trees around him coming from deeper into the Jungle, birds scattered around and squirrels ran into their homes, at least he knew that if it came to it, they had another source for food. 

But that growl, was coming from something he hoped to never meet in person. 

Looking out at the woods, Lightning notice something he hadn't seen before. There were rocks going in an arc further down from the supplies, but it cut off when it reached the end of the clearing. Like it was some sort of forcefield, keeping these, things, at bay.

Lightning grabbed two of the backpacks, stuffed one with food, and the other with the sleeping bags. He took the time to look around so he could find it again.

He then turned and ran back into the Jungle.

He came out on the ponies side and ran straight for the camp. Everyone was around a few flammable objects, he threw the bags down in front of them all, he then gathered some rocks and made a pit, placing the wood in the center.

Now, all they needed was to light it.

(Sorry this was so long and had a lot in it, I just needed to fit it in so it would be understandable xD)


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Overdrive began to rummage through the backpacks, trying to find some sort of fire starter. Buried at the bottom of one of the bags was a piece of flint. "Perfect," he said.


Noticing the first fire had died out, he placed a few pieces of wood in the fire pit, spread dead foliage and kindling throughout, and made sure nothing else flammable was in close proximity to the fire.


He began striking the flint against his horseshoe, each time producing a shower of sparks. After roughly a dozen attempts, the fire started to burn. Overdrive carefully blew on the fire to stoke it. "There, we have fire now," he said.


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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, @Lordav, @Overdrive, @child of the night, ,


Noticing the chaos around her, Amber stepped forward.

"Is this everypony?" she asked loudly, gazing around at the group of panicked ponies. Judging by the way they fidgeted and shook, She could tell they were all in the same situation.

"We all need to calm down," she said, tapping her hoof. "Its obvious that something strange is going on, but we won't figure it out by running around like maniacs." Her orange eyes glinted in the firelight as the excitement rose within her. She looked towards the bundles on the ground.

"Does anypony know anything about this place?", she continued. "...About these?" Amber pointed to the backpacks, seeing that they had already been rummaged through. Her eyes flicked immediately to the Pegasus who had brought them in.

"Any information you've gathered, we could use," she said calmly. Her eyes searched his for any signs of treachery.


((I call to the stage next, if I may.))

Edited by AmberDust

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(Lets bring in some group conflict =P)


Lordy look suspiciously at he bags, the at Lightning, also he was shocked about how calmly everyone welcomed the bags. He was usually sceptical and therefore felt that something was not right about all of this.


"Wow...wow....wow! Ponies...seriously now... dont you find it weird... all of us without our memories....stuck in a jungle... and Mr. Lightining here just coming out randomly with a load of backpacks and trying to take over. I mean is this just me! This seems a bit weird... And i think Lightning just seems to 'find' all the stuff around here... I bet he has something to with all of this... I dont know but there's something fishy about him... There is no way he just 'stumbled upon all that stuff'... i say we interogate him, just to make sure he has nothing to hide!"


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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