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private MLP Ace Attourney RP


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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/117990-mlp-ace-attourney-rp/?p=3380068




Turnabout Shade


Life is about gains, and losses. At night, our greatest victory isn't a win; the greatest victory is to lay down to sleep knowing that nothing in your life has changed. You haven't lost anything, and you haven't gained anything your doomed to lose. Sometimes in the hectic lives we live we must take something in order to prevent our self's from losing more, even if it means stealing and doing immoral things. Life is about gains... and losses. Sometimes more losses than gains. But if your doing it for the greater good.... No sin is committed.



<Equestrian Ministry of Justice: Prosecutor offices, 9:07 PM>


*A blue pony named Lucid sits in a new office. Brand new shelves, new desk, new furniture. Sitting in one of his new couches instead of a desk, He reads a book that is supposed to help him control his temper.*


Lucid: *turns his head to a knock at the door* Yes? What is it?


*A guard pony trots inside and says a few words*


Lucid: I'm the only prosecutor? I'm in charge then, huh? *gets up* I'll be there tomorrow morning at 5 AM sharp. Tell the detectives to be be ready.


<Detention Center, Next morning>



Guard: *a pony in armor trots to Darkbloom's cell* Ms. Nighshade, If you aren't aware tomorrow is your trial. You may contact an attorney or ask for a public attorneys assistance. 


<Inkblot Art museum, front entrance, 4:56 AM>


Lucid: *trots to the front entrance looking around for the detective.*

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<9:07 PM>

*A gray coated pony with a green mane sits and a Stetson on his head sits at his desk, getting ready to lock up the law agency and go home for the night.*
"Everything seems to be in order here, now's all that's left to do is to go home, get a good night's rest, and meet up with some 'special informant." Moonlit Ace had no idea what would be getting himself into when he went there.


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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"One... more... spot... Aaaaand there! Toilet is finally clean!" (I swear this thing is never clean...) *The green coated brown maned stallion sat down in a chair in his office* (I haven't had a case in a while...) *sighs* (No one ever wishes me to defend them. I guess that is because I am still kinda new at this. Maybe I'll just go out again. I haven't been to that art museum yet.)

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< Shadowhide's home, 9:21 PM >


*After hearing the door knock, Shadowhide answers it to see a guard pony greeting him, passing on the information from Lucid about being at the art museum by 5 AM.*


Shadowhide: 'Thank you. I shall be there prior to 5 AM tomorrow.'


*The guard leaves. Shadowhide, needing to get up early tomorrow, goes to bed several minutes later.*


< Inkblot Art Museum, 4:42 AM >


*Shadowhide intentionally arrives early, so she can briefly observe the museum and get a better feel for the case before the prosecutor arrives. Nothing is examined in depth yet, Shadowhide mainly explores the layout of the museum, and notes any suspicious spots to investigate later.*


< Inkblot Art Museum, front entrance, 4:57 AM >


*Shadowhide sees the prosecutor outside the front entrance, and comes out to meet her.*


Shadowhide: 'Lucid Dream, the prosecutor for this case, correct? I'm Shadowhide, the detective assigned to this case.'


*Shadowhide presents her detective's badge to prove she's the detective.*


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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< Inkblot Art Museum, front entrance, 4:57 AM >


*Shadowhide sees the prosecutor outside the front entrance, and comes out to meet her.*


Shadowhide: 'Lucid Dream, the prosecutor for this case, correct? I'm Shadowhide, the detective assigned to this case.'


*Shadowhide presents her detective's badge to prove she's the detective.*


Lucid: 'Ah, yes. Miss Shadowhide, thank you for coming on time. I recieved a case file telling a few basic thing when I got here.' *he looks around* 'So, an unlucky defense attorney apparently trots into an art museum, then a certain mare kills him for a reason unknown.'


*he pauses for a few seconds then speaks* 'First order of business, I need the investigation team to find a potential motive. Then, I need to talk to the witnesses, I need to ask them a few questions and make sure they stay away from any defense attorneys. Last but not least, I need an autopsy and pictures taken of the crime scene.'


*after his list of nagging orders he asks the detective:* 'Miss Shadowhide, I'd like to take a look at the crime scene and around the museum. Would that be alright?'

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(Sorry for being late! Been a lil' busy with school and all.)


~~~Darkbloom-Detention Center(N/A)~~~


Nightshade was sitting against the wall of her dark, dull and not to mention boring cell. She was having the Time of her life staring up at the ceiling and counting the cracks for the umpteenth time. She had been here for a while now, and the first few hours she was practically jumping with joy at her sudden forced relocation. And by that, I mean she had been yelling vulgar insults I rather not mention to just about everything that moved in her sight, even angering one of the guards with an insult to his mother. All the while she had been repeatedly bucking the walls and the door, creating a few new cracks in the already worn out walls. But in the end, she gave up and slumped down to the floor.


She was just finished counting the dozen or so cracks and was ready do so again until one of the guards trotted in to her cell and told her about the trial and the need of an attorney. She gave a angry glare to the guard. "Oh, really? And here I was thinking you would just let me go and apologize for the inconvenience." She sighed, and went silent for a few moments, looking down at the floor.


Finally, she looked back up at the guard with a somewhat blank look. "I'm guessing you can put up an advertisement or something? Cause i don't think i can just trot on out of here and look for an attorney myself" She gave him an tired look. "Now, please leave me to my own thoughts" The dark-coated unicorn said as she went back to counting cracks...



~~~Judger-Apartment Nr.42(7AM)~~~


Sunshine was having a wonderful day. He just finished waking up from his dreamland to find himself in the confounds of his comfy bed. The birds were singing and the sunlight was piercing the window into his room. He hummed a nice and steady tune as he got up, jumped out of bed, and trotted over to the Dresser only to fall flat on his muzzle as he tripped over a large book.


He laid there for a few seconds before slowly getting up and sighing to himself with a frown. "So it's one of those days..." He thinks to himself as he looked like to see the cover of the book he tripped over. "Fifty Shades of Neigh" He reads out loud before bringing a hoof to his muzzle. "Why do I even own that?" He sighs before shrugging with a small shake of his head as a small smile finds it way upon his face. "Nonetheless, Today's going to be a great day! I can feel it!" He says confidently as he once again trots over to his dresser and puts on his usual, and simple, coat. He starts humming the same tune from before and trots over to the door to his apartment, and would make his way out to embrace the wonderful day had the door not been locked.


He looks at the door with disbelief before trying to open the handle once more. He sighed to himself as he made his way to a window, followed by a crash and a 'manly' scream. Little did he know, that a small key had been residing in one of his pockets.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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< Inkblot Art Museum, front entrance, 4:59 AM >


*Out of boredom Axiom trotted to the art museum.*


Axiom: (Hmmm? What's all this? Police? Investigators? Guards? Did some sort of crime happen? Art theft perhaps? Oh maybe this is my chance for a case!) 


@@Lucid Dream,



*Axiom trots over to two ponies talking outside* 


Axiom: "Excuse me, but do you two know what happened here?" 

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< Inkblot Art Museum, front entrance, 4:59 AM >


@@Lucid Dream,

Shadowhide: 'Very well. I shall focus on those tasks. If you have any further requests, I'm happy to oblige. Just send a guard pony to pass on the request. I should remain at this museum for most of the day and be easily found.' (A direct prosecutor who wastes no time telling me exactly what he wants. How fortunate, I like working with ponies like that.)


*Shadowhide makes a mental list of the tasks Lucid has asked her*


Shadowhide: 'I'm happy to let you into the crime scene. I'll allow you to investigate as much as you deem necessary too. But first, I need to see your attorney's badge. I can't just let anypony in.'



*Shadowhide sees a dark green pony approach and ask about the incident.*


Shadowhide: (Of course, mention not letting just anypony in, and somepony arrives trying to do just that.) 'This is a crime scene. I cannot share details or permit entry to the general public. If you wanted to visit the museum, it's temporarily closed and you'll have to come back in a few days.'


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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@@Lucid Dream,


Axiom: (I can clearly see I can't go in...) "Crime scene eh? Knowing the police, you probably already have a suspect in detention. If you aren't going to spare the details, may I at least know the suspects name? I am guessing they are going to need a lawyer" *Axioms attorney's badge is visible on the collar of his light brown suit.*

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Lucid: *eyes Axiom's badge for a second* 'Yes, indeed.' 


*He Then turns to  Shadowhide* 'Alright then, here.' *he levitates a small badge out of his pocket for a few seconds then puts it back after Shadowhide see's it* 'I'll be looking around inside for awhile. Can you lead me to the scene of the crime?'





"I'm guessing you can put up an advertisement or something? Cause i don't think i can just trot on out of here and look for an attorney myself" She gave him an tired look. "Now, please leave me to my own thoughts" The dark-coated unicorn said as she went back to counting cracks...


Guard: *Gives a puzzled look.* 'It doesn't work like that. We don't advertise cases. But you can look through a record of all the defense attorneys in the area.'

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*Shadowhide notices the attorneys badge on Axiom's suit.*

Shadowhide: 'My apologies, I didn't realize you were a defense attorney. However, I still cannot let you in unless you are involved in this case. The defendant's name is Darkbloom Nightshade. Go see her and accept her case, and then I'll tell you more about the case and let you into the museum.'


@@Lucid Dream,

*Shadowhide inspects Lucid's attorneys badge, satisfied he's a prosecutor.*

Shadowhide: 'Certainly. Follow me.'

*Shadowhide leads Lucid to the scene of the crime. As she enters the front door, she keeps a watchful eye on Axiom in case he sneaks in.*


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Axiom: (Wow detectives aren't usually as generous as to assist the defense.) "Thank you ma'am. I'll be seeing you."  He said bowing his head slight and the turning to go toward the detention later



@@Lucid Dream,


<Detention Center, Sometime later>


Axiom: (Haven't been here in a long time. Still as creepy as ever...) "Excuse me? Hello? I'd like to see a one... uhhh (What was her name again?) a Nightbloom Darkshade?"

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Lucid: *after entering the storage room where the crime was, he looks around. Glass is scattered everywhere, the body has been taken away and already someone has done a chalk sketch of where it was* Alright. I'll be taking a quick look around here. *he turns to Shadowhide* I'll investigate as long as I can, however, they might need me over at the court house. I'll need to talk with the Judge and lead prosecutor.




Guard: Oh thank goodness. That mare is one stubborn pony. She wont even bother calling a defense attorney. I'll get her right in a second. *he leaves to go to her cell*

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@@Lucid Dream,


~~~Darkshade - Detention Center (N/A)~~~


After the guard told Nightbloom that she cant simply put out and advertisement, she went silent, sat on her haunches, and waited til he went away. After he did, she just sat there for a while, staring at the wall, rarely even blinking. She heard a noise to her left, the cell door, which made her ear twitch. But, she just stood there, still staring, not even bothering to move her head. "What do you want?" She said in the most venemous tone she could manage.



~~~Judger - Personal Office (Same Time as Above)~~~


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S BEEN A MURDER!?!?" A Voice rang out for atleast a mile.

Edited by Bradley

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Guard: Miss Darkshade... We have a pony that wants to defend you.




Secretary: *a pony hoofs the Judge a file that says he will be the Judge in this case tomorrow.*




((I might need to opt out Lucids investigations and save what he finds for the trial. I already know what he finds but I dont wanna expose it.))

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@@Lucid Dream,

Why was Moonlit going to the detention center? He didn't really have any idea why, he had just received a call telling him to do so, so he naturally complied and... "I wonder if I'm going to run into a rival prosecutor or something." *giggles* "I'm just messing with me."


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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@@Lucid Dream,



"Yes. Hello. My name is Axiom. I heard you were in need of an Attorney Well, now you don't even to look for one!" *Axiom smiled sheepishly at the pony* (Why do I have the feeling she isn't gonna be a very pleasant client?... I wonder if she's innocent too. I wouldn't want to defend a guilty pony. ) 

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@@Lucid Dream


~~~Judger - Personal Office(N/A)~~~


Sunshine takes the file his secretary gave him and hesitantly takes a look at the details. Once he's done reading, he looks back at the secretary and sighs. "Why do i have to be the judge for this case? aren't there more somewhere? I-I haven't even been in a murder case before! The biggest case i've been in is about thievery!" He said before slamming his face/muzzle on the table. "Im going to mess this up, aren't i?" he mumbled.



~~~Nighshade - Detention Center(N/A)~~~


Darkbloom turned her head to look at her new 'attorney'. She just stared at him emotionlessly for a few minutes like she was sizing him up. Finally,  she sighed. "Well, its better than nothing" She mumbled to herself. "So, what do you want?" She said in a bored tone.

Edited by Bradley

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Axiom: "Umm..."  *Axiom continues to try and smile while she glared at him* (Why is she staring at me?... Do I got something in my teeth?...) *she speaks* "Oh! I uhh well I was hoping you can tell me a bit more about what happened and why they arrested you. And possible a bit about yourself too."   

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Axiom: "Umm..." *Axiom continues to try and smile while she glared at him* (Why is she staring at me?... Do I got something in my teeth?...) *she speaks* "Oh! I uhh well I was hoping you can tell me a bit more about what happened and why they arrested you. And possible a bit about yourself too."

Nightbloom looked at him for a bit, like she was waiting for something. "Badge" She stated, matter of fact. "I want to see your badge and hear you vow that you will defend me. Makes you easier to trust." She continued. "And before you ask, yes, I definetly don't trust you at all and think you're after my head" She said, managing to to keep a straight face during it.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Axiom: "Wha..." (Well this is a surprise! I was not expecting this... no client has ever asked me to vow... She doesn't trust me?) "Uuuh Well I-I..." *ahem* "My badge is right here." *presents badge* "You can trust me ma'am. I'm not the kinda lawyer who would wish you anything but a fair trial and a fair verdict." *bows head* "I vow to defend you." *picks head back up* "Now... about the case?"    

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"Sorry I'm late!" The Stallion says as he enters the Detention Center, to see another pony already there, looking at him. "A-Ah... um..." *blushes* "S-sorry about all that..." He spoke a little bit quieter this time. [Okay, Ace... be calm, and just relax.] He thought to himself, walking up to the pony that was not behind the glass, was there another pony he could approach?


"So, uhhh... hello there...."

Edited by Shadowking58


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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Nightbloom actually managed to get a slight smile on her face for a second, just before it turned back to the emotionless face she always maintains. "Well, thank you." She said, actually unsure of what to do now. "Where do you want me to begin?" 




She tilted her head slightly at the new arrival. "Another one?" She muttered quietly, waiting for whats about to happen.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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(What the!? Who's this guy? Well this day just keeps getting better.) "Y-Yes hello..." *extends hoof* I'm Axiom, Attorney at Law. (I've always wanted to say that) And this here is my client, Ms. Darkblossom." *He said her name wrong again* "Might I help you with something? Who are you anyway?" 

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"Moonlit Ace, Defense Attorney." He introduced himself. "I'm sorry, I was just told to come here by somepony who really seemed to be desprate about coming here, how else could I say no to a mare like that?" Ace said to nopony in particular. "Either way, I'm sorry for butting in." Ace's badge flashed on his coat brightly for a few seconds

Edited by Shadowking58


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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