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open the new kid in town


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"Gamer it time for school." Gamer dad waking up his son."OK OK!!!." gamer throwing hi pillow at hi dad hitting the door instead. Gamer just moved to ponyville hi dad is opening a new arcade in town Gamer not relay existed about it . Gamer eating breakfast reading a copy of power pony's before going to school. On he way to school Gamer sell a strange pink pony ringing the school bill with her head. "Most be the town nut." Gamer talking to himself."

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Grumbling as he walked down the path to the school, young Ennex was trying to think of a way to get out of it.  Just because he was visiting his Aunt and Uncle in Ponyville didn't get him excused from school.  While normally he enjoyed attending his classes back in Manehatten, he didn't want to go to what he assumed was a 'country school'.  But Father insisted, so here he was.  

"Maybe I can find somepony who's willing to help me sneak off," he said to himself as he neared the building...





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Gamer mad hi way to the school playground. Hi sat on a pick nick table. looking at hi comic book saying hi to every pony that notes that hi new her. "Pony's her nice but I wish I did int have to movie out in to the country. there no comic stands or card shop or anything back home. No wonder dad thinks hi can make it with a arcade her. it be the only thing to do her."

Gamer took a bite out of a apple hi took off a tree from his way to school. "they grow some good apples her at leas."

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He noticed a white young pony sitting at a picnic table eating an apple.  Perhaps he will be interested, Ennex thought, and approached the other.  

  "Hi!  My name's Ennex.  Are you trying to skip school too?" he asked, offering a sincere smile.  Father was teaching him how to manipulate others to do what he wanted, and he was going to try it on this other kid. 





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"Gamer. I was int planing on it but why not. got to be better than going to this school."

Gamer put he comic in backpack. "so any thing fun to do in the one hoers town?" Gamer asking thinking that Ennex lives out her. Gamer throw the have eaten apple a way. than adjusting hi glasses.

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"Not much around here, to be honest," Ennex replied.  "Now, if we were back in Manehatten, I know lots of places for fun!  But out here?" he shrugged.  "I guess we could hit that bakery on the corner down the road.  I here there's somepony there who's always throwing parties and having fun.  Maybe she could help us!"





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"sown sweet. but would int she turn us in for cutting school?" Gamer pointing out the down side the to he plan. "Beside if your relay a Manehatten pony I think you rather con other other pony's out of there money." Gamer knows Ennex tipe. that fake smile gave it away.

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"Ah, I've got plenty of money," he replied.  "My Father own's his own company!  I don't like to brag-" which was a complete lie "-but we're pretty rich.  He could buy this whole town if he wanted too!"  Getting to his feet, he grinned.  "As for getting turned in, I don't think we'll have to worry too much about that."  he grinned.  "I've got a plan!"





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Gamer was a little intrastate to know Ennex. "Well now a pony with a bran. so what's your big idea?" Gamer not a pony but hi hat being bored and ponyville  has ben one big snooze fast snits he got her. Ennex may have the funnies pony he meet so fare. Than notices a yellow pony feeding a rebate. "hay you like jokes?" Gamer pull out a toy snack out of he back and with hi magic hi gave made it move like one but win the snack made it way the pony. she did int freak out like Gamer thot she would in stead she called it cute. "What the hay!" 

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Watching Gamer attempt his prank, Ennex laughed.  "Nice try," he said, "sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't."  Suddenly, a smile grew on his face.  "So," he asked, "you like jokes and pranks, huh?  I bet we could have some fun with that."  He looked around, trying to get an idea....





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Gamer bum out that hi little Joke was a flop. Gamer starting ever pony has a escrow lose. Gamer try to look at what  Ennex was looking at."Your the pony with a plan." Gamer liking that smile in hi face. the was the most fun he head in a long time. "so is it the pony's her? they sem too happy."

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"I can't belive how high the crime rate in Canterlot is" *lightly tosses bag on the sweet apple acres guest bed* "It's so nice of your cousin AppleJack to let us stay here until Canterlot is in order is'nt it?" My mother cidermane enthused. "At least I won't be completely bored, I can hangout with my pen pal Scootaloo. There's the art lessons they have here" *pulls laptop out of the bag* "Well there's a gamer convention coming up and-" "OH MY CELESTIA HOW COULD I FORGET!? THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REMINDING ME MOM!!" *gets out gaming set ups* "Time for training!" "Woah there little buckaroo." *Applejack stood in the doorframe* "You should get some sleep sugercube. It's gonna be a long school day tommorow." *sigh* "Yes ma'am" *zips up bag* The next day... "Good morning. Homeroom does'nt last long enough so I'll make it quick." Velvet Page said pulling me up to the front. "This here is Pecan Pencil, she will be in exacurricaler classes such as art and computer programing with some of you 'techies?'" She pointed me towards my chair just as the bell rang. 2nd hour somepony had scooted up next to me while the teacher was out in the hallway making a phonecall.

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"I don't know why they are all so happy," Ennex replied with a shrug.  "Maybe it's something in the water."  He noticed an orange mare in a country-style hat pulling a cart full of apples.  "Or maybe, it's something they grow into the apples!  Magic apples, that make everypony happy!" he cried out, before he started laughing at his own joke...





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"Magic apples good one." Gamer laughing a little but it did give him a idea. wen the mare was not looking Gamer zapped the apples with he magic. "Every time a pony tack a bite out of those apples the apple well exploded in there face." Gamer watched as the same pink pony buy a apple from the mare. the pink pony tack a bite out the apple and it exploded in to apple soles on her face but the pink pony just leaded it off. Gamer just stares at her with he meth open.

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"Exploding apples?" Ennex cried, "priceless!  Oh, look, here comes somepony now!"  They watched as the apple exploded in the pink pony's face, but he frowned when she just laughed it off.  "Well bummer," he said, "another chance gone down the drain."  He looked around the area for another target.  "Hmmm, I wonder where we can go now..."





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"Well my dad is out of town sing paperwork. we can go hang out at my plays." Gamer than head a great idea." Or we can go to my dad arcade. it have int bin open to the public. well have the the run of the pleas. Dad have a relay big collection of arcade games and I do make good pizza."

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"Arcade?" Ennex asked, surprised.  "I didn't know there was one in this town!"  A big grin spread across his face.  "That sounds like fun.  Let's go check it out!"  He started walking away, before pausing and turned around with an embarrassed look on his face. "Umm, I guess I should follow you, huh?"





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"Well like I said it not open to the public but the games are there." Gamer tacking the lead. lucky that it was close by. it was a new balding the sine was covered so no one know what it is tall the big day.

"Her it is." Gamer using hi key to pone the back door. "  we got ddr over there rock stare pony over there. fighter pony over." 

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Ennex followed his new friend inside.  His eyes lit up when he saw all the different games.  "Wow," he said, genuinely impressed, "this place is sweet!  Check out all the kool games!"  He jumped up and down a few times, before stopping himself.  "I uh, I mean, nice place," he said, in a more relaxed tone.  "Got any favorites?"





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"Well dragon quest is one of my old school favorites but it not two player. how about rock stare pony." Gamer Picked up the toy guitar and plays two tokens. "So what song you wont to do?" Gamer going to going throw the selection. "Than Gamer just have a random thot "Ha if we are pony than how are we staining up and how am i holding this guitar."

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"Magic, I guess," Ennex replied, lifting another guitar controller.  "I have never played this game," he said, "but I have watched other's playing it.  Always wanted to give it a try, but never had the chance.  Go ahead and pick one, not too difficult, if you don't mind."  





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Gamer picked a easy song to start with. Gamer was int missing a bet, even get tin fancy with it. doing windmills and scissor kicks.

"OK that was fun. lets see what to do nixes. we got shorter games driving  games beat 'em ups. Than in the back room we got my dad favorites the old school games."

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Placing the guitar controller back down, Ennex looked up, his eyes wide.  "Shooter games?" he asked with a grin.  "Now THAT sounds like fun!"  Turning around, he started wandering around the arcade, checking out the different games.  "So, which shooter is the best one?" he asked





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"Well DOOM is a olde but a goody." Gamer ponting  at the old game. "Sorry I grow up on the old school. my dad all was say to preheat the games of to day you got under stand the game but if you like shooters how about a game that have int came out yat."

Gamer dragged hi friend down stares. wear a brand new game set's

"Pony wars 3. that game is going to be my dad's crown jury to he arcade. so fare only 3 of this baby's in all of equestria for the time being."  

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"Only 3?" Ennex gasped.  "How did he get so lucky to have one?"  He studied the game, which looked intense.  "I tried Pony Wars one and two, and loved them both.  Did not know they were even making a third game in the series!"  The excitement grew over his face.  "Can we try it out?"





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