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The Shadow Stallion

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(Wait... its in the water??? This will interfere with shipping =p)


Mercheant ships had a hard time streering around the construction and some hit it, seveerly damaging their hull. A few port officials started screaming at the workers to stop.


The secretary (an earth pony mare) sytarted pushing some metal buttons on a machine on her desk (a telegraph). Soon a small machine by her left started printing out a paper with words. "The mayor is in office, yes and is ready to recieve you."


"Well... at least we can walk 5 meters without needing somebody to hold us on a leash." one of the unicorns replied.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The nobles walked in "Hello, we are here to inquire about why our taxes were raised so much, not that it matters to us, i for example own the city of Theo down river so this makes no difference to me, but it came out of nowhere and we were not informed of this.  If this has anything to do with the lowly middle class then I regret to inform you I can not do anything about then, ruffian juveniles will be just that"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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 Flits thanked the mare and head out of the building, placing the cigar back in his mouth. Not know what to do he decided to take a walk around the city. As he did he started getting strange looks from passers by, mostly because of his kilt. Him being use to it he didn't really pay attention. He just gave everyone a grin as he walked.  





 Sunny smiled back. "Thank you. And no one is just a guide or soldier. You're trusted to protect his majesty and this land. In Quinacta we my not have a military like yours. Be we are all trained to protect our land in any way possible. Be by the sword or the mind. We're all kinda like a one person army in a way." She chuckled. "Never sail yourself short." She gave him another smile.

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"The new taxing system will tax everyone according to their income." The mayor (A unicorn) answered even though in his mind he answered "If you think your so superior... why not pay superior taxes?" he continued, "therefore the claim that you have such a high income would lead to your taxes being highered, if you desire to remain as a citizen of this city.  "Oh lord, please let us get rid of these ignorant, racist snobs"




"Well we had an army since our foundation thousands of years ago... and we have great pride and trust in it" he continued, "Until now, we have not met a single enemy that has managed to withstand it"


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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"That would all be well and good if it were true, We have reports from very reliable sources that the Ponnisian elite that have spending money like crazy to make sure their homes over shadow ours, havent had a tax increase at all, and if they can afford to do what theyve been doing, then clearly they have enough income to raise their taxes as well"


Kulx and his two robed servants approached the port officials "Why do you shout at the workers?"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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The diplomate looked at the queen and said" i am sorry for the inconvenions but blackfire is leading our troops  in an invasion against dominion we can send a messanger to her but it might take a few days to bring her here but feel free to come on land or stay on your ships in our waters until we can get you the meeting


at a dominion city

Blackfire was in her makeshift command center where she was looking over the map of dominion with the battle plans to reclaim the rest of the city when a messanger flew in and had her a slip of paper. She opened it up and read that the queen of Cidonian had arrived at pegapolis. she looked back at the map and notice they were pushing back the enemy fast and that it wouldn't take long to take the rest of the country. " send a message to the queen of Cidonian and tell her i will be there to formally greet her on the sunrise of the day after next" Blackfire said as she sent the messanger off.

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Salazaria nodded "well, i trust you will send your fastest flier to deliver the message to her, i will remain here, but you and any soldier or diplomat is welcome aboard the floating palace, we brought all sorts of entertainment and festivities to be enjoyed by all!" she said smiling

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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"of course not... they are paying the same taxes that they were paying back home. Where the system is already in place. Meaning that if they we taxed them even more they would have a double increase. And that wont be fair now would it?" he answered with a confident smirk on his face.




"Whatever youre doing... its dangerous for ships!" as he said that a small merchant ship as forced to steer left when spotting the strucure but wasnt fast enouh. The strucure crashed in its bow (trade ships are wooden-hulled) and carved a giant hole in it. Within minutes the ship was tilted to its side, taking in water. The crew was jumping off while the port guard rushed to rescue the crew and try to keep the ship afloat, yet again they had problems due to the giant stone structure.


For a second, the port overseer turned to the guards,

"For gods sake... get them out of there!"

He turned to Kulx

"Whatever that is, it is endangering the life of every trade ship entering the western harbour!"


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Klux smiled "I am afraid they cannot move, you see, the sun goddess influenced her followers and directed them here to that spot, and I can not go against her wishes, but fear not, the tower will soon be tall enough to be seen by the ships, but what I can do is ask the barge that contains the building supplies to move right next to the build site, that works out for us both as that means the building will be faster" he gave a kind smile and is two servants horn glowed and they vanished in a bright light, several minutes later they teleported back and the barge began to move 

Edited by Skullbuster

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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The oversear whispered with an administrator by his side.

"If you really want to create a tower there. We must inist that you place some kind of luminour object at the top. It doesnt matter how tall it is, it still cant be sighted at night. A flame or a giant light bul... glowing orb that we can aquire. Someting needs to be visible and inform ships that there is something there in the dead of night."

He screamed in a megaphone.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Klux smiled "That can be arranged" he once again used his servants to teleport to the barge, a few minutes later torches were positioned around the base and at the top of the tower, then the barge began to leave the city, as it only brought enough supplies to get the tower started, it currently raised 15m above the waters surface, Klux and his servants returned


The noble nodded "I...suppose it wouldnt, however next time you make any changes in policy please inform us, we like to be kept informed"

Edited by Skullbuster

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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Coast guards were positioned around the construction of what was now for them a oversized lighthouse.


Meanwhile in the city, due to the racism displayed by pegasi, many shops stared refusing them access to their goods (which made up most of the shops now found in the city) therefore there was no way for them to get their hoofs on ponssian goods, from modern aparatus to even food and bottled water/refreshments.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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In response to this, pack shops began to resurface in the city, street dealers own by pegasi, using a servant to go to Ponnisian shops and purchase items, and then at a location out of sight by shops loaded onto an earth pony that had several saddle bags, then the pegasi would return the servants to their handlers and bring the earth ponies out on to the street and sell the products at half the price, 10% of the cut went to the earth pony 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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(Oh no you dont)


Small street shops were quickly closed by the policy according to the Standing Shop Law issued 50 years ago in all Ponssian territories. It stated that all shops opened had to be approved by the goverment and that the owner had to prove that they had permission from the manufacturer to sell products (which are all the way back home). Any such shops found would be fined and closed on sight, all its 'illegal' merchandise confiscated. This was not an effort of the  police to support the shopkeepers embargo on pegasi but a simple duty to uphold the law. 


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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 early one morning several pegasi began setting up several  market stands along the cities longest street, each stall had various forms of special food and hoof crafted statues, other ponies started cleaning the street in preparation for a large event, the stalls had to be spaced accordingly to accommodate the narrower streets of the new city layout, at one point performers dressed in elaborate costumes starting getting ready to preform when the day started, after a while a few nobles arrived with servants and the servants were breifed by the event organizers, ponies with musical instruments showed up and got their instruments ready


about early afternoon the festivities started, and several pegasi flocked to the street to part take in fun activites and even passing Ponnisan citizens were encouraged to par take in the fun, loud music was playing, street performers were either dancing, blowing fire, or doing other such things, unicorn servants were doing magic tricks, making pictures in the sky and shooting off fireworks, pegasi made use of one of the new things brought by the Ponniasans, cameras and took pictures of the event, even Klux and his servants were there over seeing the event and work on the tower was halted to celebrate, the event was the annual holiday Rollendox, a 3 day celebration of when the sun goddess created the world.

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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Many citizens seemed sceptical at first when seeing all the activities. It looked more like what would be performed in a circus or off-town fair, not something that would be celebrated in the middle of the streets. Although some of the youger Ponssians accepted and joined the fair. This eventually drew in more, unicorns and earth ponies in. Some thought to bring up some professional mechanised fireworks that displayed patterns when ignited and many bought the 'exotic' goods that they found for sale. Although they got almost everything they wanted back home, hoof-made items seemed like rare and precious objects to buy, compared to factory-grade mass-produced ones. A famous (in Ponssia) group of musicians were interested by the exotic music they heard and entered the fair. Seeing celebrities accepting this 'event' led to many more joining in, bringing money, and Ponssian celebration devices, including fire-sticks (forgot how theyre called). Most didnt seem affected by the fact that it was a celebration of a pagan belief. The church had recently encouraged tolerance which meant that they joined in for the fun and experience of the local culture, not for religious reasons.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The event went well, and by night unicorns began casting brighter spells a pegasus who was wearing bright red long flowing robes which represented the sun goddess flew up and down the street, by the end of the first day, every pony who was in the event wound up having a symbol of the sungoddess either large or small painted on some part of their bodies


The festivities continued through out the night, at one point another pegasus in tan robes flew up who represented the desert goddess and had a fake battle with the sungoddess which lasted the entire night, when the sun rose the desert goddess was thrown into the crowd who caught her

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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Most of the citizens enjoyed themselves. They found out that the Cidonians were not all xenophobic barbarians, but actually a society with a interesting culture. They felt safer to share the city with these ponies, although policeponies were present in the crowd, on the lookout for troublemakers. A large group of ponies decided to add some colour of their own to this foreign festival. They managed to get the police to turn off all the lightposts on the street, sinking it in darkness. They then put on a firework spectacle like never before. Over 5000 fireworks were launched filling the sky in thousands of colourful patterns, leaving the crowd below with their jaws dropped. When it was over the lightposs were quickly turned back on.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Things continued going well on the second day during the day the sun goddess stand-in flew infront of the sun and acted as if she was raising it and carrying it across the sky, any pony who left the event for any reason usually left with various ammounts of necklasses and at least one sun goddess symbols, known as a seal painted on them, it was learned that the seals that were painted on several buildings days before were painted to let ponies know to get ready for this event, on the second day sun goddess and desert goddess masks were handed out, and desert goddess statues appeared in shops along with the sun goddess statues that were sold on the first day

Edited by Skullbuster

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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(I hope they understood they cant just paint buildings)


As the festival went along, ponies went home only to return with their friends. The street got so crowded that the police had to stop more ponies from joining from the fear of ponies getting trampled to death if they fell, or suffocated. It was almost impossible to observe from the ground so a small airship was flown over the city for policeponies to look out of. Now Ponssians started bringing their own stuff and some opened their own stands, selling Ponssian food and treats. The newly invented coke (which contained a bit of drugs) was sold cheaply as refreshments. The nearby church started ringing its bells in order to attract more attention towards the festival. Carriage traffic was totally stopped and a few soldiers were brought over in case something went wrong. Ponssians offered to help Cidonians take better pictures with the cameras by explaining the effect light had on the picture, allowing them to take much clearer pictures. Slowly rainclouds started appearing above the city and small water droplets started plummeting to the ground. Most Ponssians had umbrellas and didnt hesitate to open them as the rain grew heavier. A quick earth pony immidiately opened a umbrella and raincoat stand, awaiting customers and showing them how to use these water sheilds.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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A few pegasi flew up and cleared just enough clouds so that the sun would shine on the street and allow the sun goddess stand in to continue her routine, when the sun set and it became night again, a group of pegasi in colored outfits flew up with the stand in and took the form of a manticore and fake battled with the sun goddess stand in during the entire night, until when the sun rose the sun goddess tamed the manticore and spent the 3rd day riding on top of it in a highly choreographed display, some how even the small airship at this point even had a few seals painted on it and police ponies found them selves with necklasses and seals painted on them weather they knew it or not, the 3rd day continued on, only now river god masks and statues were on sale

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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@@Gloomfury, "Mommy mommy! That stallion is wearing a skirt!" A young filly said quite loudly to her mother.


 @@Firehearted, The Nightingale landed a small ways outside of Talon (that was the name of the capital right?) and the Kaiser got off, stopping to breath in the fresh and slightly cool air. At last he could meet the Griffon Emperor.


@@SilentFlight, Outside of the dominion city, the 10,000 or so Guards and Rangers formed into three groups, one large center group of archers and the other two angled ahead of it on either side. Each group had two catapults in their midst and more were slowly but surely making their way to a nearby hill to achieve maximum range. They waited for the invading Pegasonians to charge at them. Meanwhile in the city, the inhabitants for the most part hid away, while the local pegasi celebrated and rejoiced, even breaking into a few shops and giving out beverages and sweets among themselves and the foreign soldiers.


Meanwhile a long line of ships came to the southern end of the Raging River bearing abendstern's flag. The monitor being the flagship fired one of its guns into open water to signal its arrival.

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The police ponies had to take of the necklaces and clean off the paintings as they were not allowed to have 'accessories' on duty. By this time many ponies started slowly going home. Tomorrow work would start and they needed rest in order to function properly, escpecially the factory workers. Many stopped by the shops and bought something on their way our. With most of the Ponssians, the size of the crowd halfed.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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any pony who left, left with several seals painted on them and several necklasses, the 3rd day continued on into the night, once the sun set, a traditional Cidionian wine was distributed and all were encouraged to drink it, including the few Ponnisians that remained, and most drank and danced the night away, the next day most of the Cidonian population awoke in a collective hangover, the ponies that woke up in the street where the event took place began cleaning up, the others waking up in various parts of the city weather they remembered getting there or not slugged their way to the party street to clean up and store owners took down their stalls and their goods and went home, as did the performers, The pony who played the part of the sun goddess also drank that night and understandably exhausted from 3 straight days of performing would wake up later, but found her self past out on top of a near by cathedral still in full costume and was completely past out  

Edited by Skullbuster

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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The police was called over to question the drunken, confused ponies and guide them back to their homes safetly. Three janitor carts arrived o the streets to start cleaning up the streets and building walls. MOst POnssians stored the items they bought in their homes and got themselves clean (of the paintings) before going to work. In two hours the street was clear and carriage traffic was flowing normally. Horse-pulled trams traveled along the rails in the middle of the street to take those who didnt own a carriage to their workplace. Soon, nobody could tell a festival was organised there as the street was cleaned and reopened almost imidiately. Yet most of the ponies that attended the event enjoyed themselves... Except the owners of the apartaments who were situated by the street... they had a hard time sleeping with all that music.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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