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The Nerdfighter

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My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rarity

How did you find MLP Forums?: Google

How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: My sister would watch it all the time and I kinda just hovered around

Hello, every-pony. :D I am The Nerdfighter, though most people call me NF. I'm very active in the TMNT fandom and frequent the Stealthy Stories site, but my love for MLP: FiM is slowly growing bigger and bigger. I would watch it a lot with my younger sister and favor the Equestrian Girls movies very much. In fact, it's said movies that brought me to this site, for I am seeking guidance, fellow bronies and pegasisters.


After watching the second EQ movie, Rainbow Rocks, it gave me an idea to cross both my favorite fandoms together into one epic fan fic. However - even though I would watch FiM with my sister - I'm not an expert on the series, so I would like the help of you, MLP fan fiction authors.


For those who are familiar with the 2012 Ninja Turtles cartoon on Nickelodeon, the Turtles are no strangers to inter-dimensional portals, mostly because that is how their enemies, the Kraang, jump from dimension to dimension so they can find a new place to live. In the EQ movies, we find out that portals are the reason Twilight can jump from Equestria to Canterlot High; one portal being held at the Crystal Empire and another portal being held at Princess Twilight's own castle. We also know that there is another Twilight at Canterlot High that has been watching magical occurrences happen from afar, but has not made herself known yet. With the idea I have, I'd like to intermingle the two, but I'll post my WHOLE idea in a different forum, since this is supposed to be an introductory forum. lol


Uhm, I'm a 23-year-old college student whose hobby is writing fan fiction. My favorite pony is Rarity because she reminds me a bit of myself. (I absolutely ADORE clothes and love getting dressed up.) I haven't seen every single FiM episode, but I've seen enough to know a good portion of the series. I've seen the episodes leading up to Twilight becoming an alicorn as well as the Princess of Friendship and the EQ movies. :) If you'd like to assist me in planning my idea, please feel free to shoot me a PM. You don't need to know much about Ninja Turtles because it's the FiM knowledge I'm seeking. Help a novice pegasister out and I will repay you in friendship, virtual hugs, and credit on my fan fiction account. :D


Happy to be a part of this forum and can't wait to talk to the lot of ya! :D

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Hello my friend =)=) and welcome here on happy site of MLP Forums =)=)=) I hope that you can have awesome time here with this happy community =)=) and meet many new pony friends =)=)=) If you have any questions feel free to ask =)=)



Nice to see new Rarity fans =)=) 


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Hey there NF, welcome to the forums! :squee: It's great to have you here, and everypony- myself included, if that's okay :blush:- would be happy to show you around or help with whatever if you wish ;) I hope you enjoy your stay in this friendly community! :yay:

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Welcome to the forum! YAY!

I hope you make a bunch of friends while you're here! And that you stick around for a long time! :muffins:

Also, if you have any questions, concerns, or experience any issues, please feel free to let us know by creating a thread in the Site Questions & Tech Support forum, so we can get you answers, assurances, and/or solutions! :muffins:

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Hello friend, here you'll find an spetacular forum, where everyone are friends, we share content, talk and most important, we have lots of fun here, so come with us, it'll be fun i promise           :D


Everyone on the forum is very kind with each other, if you have any question or problem, just ask any other member or staffer so we can help you           :squee:



And remember, together "We've got hearts as strong as horses"

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