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open Fiery Love ( 1x1 between Gloomfury and Majestic Nightfury

Drago Ryder

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In a cave within a small cove in the Everfree forest, lay a dragoness with black scales, curled into a ball on top of a bed of leaves, lazily sleeping. Greyed scars lined her wings and she was young compared to most. She was then brought out of her slumber by the inevitable pangs of hunger. She exited the cave and walked to a small river that flowed through the cove, hunting for fish and drinking the water.


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Edited by Majestic Nightfury
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After about three days in the Everfree, Creedence has come to the conclusion that he was lost. He thought the Everfree would be a good shortcut from Appleloosa to Ponyville. He was on his way to the small town so he could make some easy bits performing. He heard that the town like their music so he thought it would be a good place to set up for a while.


But that was three days ago, now Creedence just wishes he was out of this blasted forest. He was lucky enough to find a way to keep some of the creatures at bay. Mostly by playing his guitar at such a pitch that the animals seem to hate. As he hiked though the woods he started to think that he would never get out.


Creedence started to get really thirsty as he hiked. So now he was looking for a place to get something to drink. By the lok of the gods or the devil he found a stream. After drinking his fill he started to follow it to see if it'll lead him out of the forest. Like he had anything else to lose.

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Gale looked into the air and caught the scent of a pony. "I wonder what a pony would be doing in the forest." She thought. The dragoness then noticed that the smell was getting closer to her cove and decided to simply wait, and gazed into the river, looking for a meal.

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Creedence started paint as he followed the stream. He was use to walking from place to place. But with the lack of sleep and the rough terrain, it was taking a pretty good toll out of him. After walking about what seemed like five miles, Creedence took a rest against a tree, near the stream to catch his breath. He takes off his hat and wipes the sweat off his forehead.


He placed his guitar on his legs and opened it's case to check if it was damaged. To his relief it wasn't. He pulled it out and played a few notes to see if the strings would hold. Usually he wouldn't play on the count that he might attract hungry animals. But for some reason he really felt the need to let out his exhaustion though a song.


So after tuning it a little and getting his bottle neck from his bag he started to play.




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The ear plates on Gale's head flicked up as she heard a song being played. She let her curiosity get the best of her and she wandered into the forest. She only stopped in the shadows of the trees when she saw a pony playing a guitar. "I wonder what he's doing here?" She thought.

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When he was done playing his arms fell to his sides."Ah hells-bells!" He arms and legs all gave out. He could hardly lift them. He groaned as he tried to put his guitar up, but all he was able to do was put it back in its case. He tried to close it but he couldn't gather enough strength. " Dammit..." He said to himself.

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Gale knew that the pony was probably tired and he looked like he had been traveling for the past few days. She then walked out of the shadows and stopped next to him, using her snout to close the case. "I... I heard you playing and decided to watch. Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked.

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Creedence look up to the dragon with both his good and dead eye. He;s only met a dragon once before, but that's a long story. He was a little worried when he saw the, gouging by the voice, female dragon coming from behind the tree. But when she closed his guitar case for him his worries started to calm themselves. Since he could still move his head he was able to let out a light chuckle. "Well I hope ya like the song. Oh, and please don't eat me." He chuckled again.

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Gale smiled slightly and nodded. "It was good,She said. "And I prefer to eat fish." The dragoness then looked a bit deeper into the forest. "My home isn't to far from here. You can stay there until your better." Gale figured that she would enjoy the company and was curious as to why he was this deep in the forest.

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"That's  mighty kind of ya, darlin'. And I'm glad you like the song." He tried to get up but he could still barely lift his arms or move his legs. "I'd hat to ask this of you considering your being nice enough to let me stay in your home. But could you, by any chance carry me? It would seem that my legs are refusing to move."

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Gale nodded slightly and carefully moved Creedence onto her back and did the same with his guitar. She then carefully trudged through the forest, making sure that nothing would move Creedence. To be honest, it felt weird to the dragoness to have something on her back, but she simply ignored the thought.

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Creedence sighed as he rest his head on the dragonesses back. This was the first time hes been carried on a dragons back, He thought the scales were hurt, but it was oddly pleasant. He closed his eyes and relaxed on her back. "If you don't mind me saying, your scales are like a soft leather. I thought dragon scales were supposed to be hard as diamond."

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Gale gave a slight blush as she glanced back at Creedence. "Thanks. Some dragons do have hard scales. Mind are just basically fireproof." She said. "It just depends on the certain subspecies." Eventually, the dragoness found her way to the cove and laid on the soft grass, allowing the pony on her back to get off if he chose to.

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@, ((Sorry I took so long. I was taking a little brake from RP-ing to recharge a little.)) 


Unfortunately, it was still hard for him to move. "I see. Then you must have some strong fire if you need scales to be fireproof.  And you can just roll me off if ya want. I can still barely move. I've been walking for three days straight so that is a good reason for my body decided to shut down. But would ya kindly not roll off my guitar? It's pretty much more important then my own soul."

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Gale nodded slightly and. gently moved Creedence off her back and under the branches of a large tree. The dragoness then curled into a ball next to him with his guitar still on her back. "I guess you could say that. It is somewhat explosive."


(Don't worry about it :) )

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"That is something. I always found dragon interesting. Mostly because not a lot is known about them." He moved his head to get a look at her. "I'm guessing you're built for speed and not for power. No offence. It's just you're shorter them most of the dragons I've heard about in stories."

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The dragoness blushed slightly and gave out a low purr. "I'm pretty young compared to most other dragons and yes. I am built for speed." Gale couldn't really explain it, but she felt weird around Creedence , but in a good way. It had been some time since she had met a new being.

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Creedence noticed the blush and could hear the light purr. He gave a small smile and went on. "Do dragons age like ponies? I've wondered that. I myself am built for a slow and steady pace. While also almost being considered a geezer. I think it's cause of the gray hairs in my mane. Maybe my scar too. But I'm just 33."

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Gale shrugged slightly and thought for a second. "There's probably some difference,but I don't really notice it." She said. The dragoness then felt her body relax and looked at Creedence. "I'm probably around 30 myself so I guess it would be at the same rate if I had to guess."

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"Huh." Creedence said as he looked up. Soon his eyes started to get heavy. It was near impossible for him to stay awake much longer. "I'm... gonna get some sleep." He looked towards dragoness . "I hope you don't mind. I've been awake for three days and I ain't got a wink of sleep in that span." Not able to wait for an answer he passed out right then and there. The next thing that came from hims was a quite snore.

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Gale smiled slightly and laid next to Creeedence, using her wing to form a blanket over the pony. It got cold around this time of year in her cove and she didn't want him to get sick. The dragon soon found herself falling asleep soon after and had a few pleasant dreams

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Creedence slept what seemed like three days. But it was just a day and a half. Creedance woke up in the late afternoon, feeling a little better now that he got some well needed rest. He was able to move his legs again but there were still a little heavy.  He groans a little as he tried to lift his arm to scratch his nose.

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Gale was already up by the time Creedence had woken and glanced at the pony. "I see somepony slept well." She said giving a sly smirk. "Are you hungry? I found some berries in the forest that are safe to eat. I already had my breakfast." The dragoness then motioned towards a small pile of berries and walked over to the stream running though her cove and drank from its water.

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"Best sleep in three days." He said with a tired chuckled. He slowly stood up with a groan. He was still weak but he could move. He walked over to the burries. "Thank ya for the food, darlin." He said with a smile as he sat down and started eating. He pulled a water bladder from his bag and drank the water that was left in it.

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Gale nodded slightly and blushed a bit at his words. "It was nothing really." She said."The hard part was trying to carry them here." The dragoness then laughed slightly and laid next to the pony as he drank. She felt her body relax and gave a content purr.

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