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He looks at Ikaru with desperation. "Did... Did she ever mention a man named Jellal? Blue hair, face tattoo, all around nice guy?"

He is truly desperate to know what happened to his only friend. This is his one chance to find him. He can't let it slip away. "Please, tell me she did..."

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"I'm sorry but she didn't the last I heard anything about him was after that guild tried to kill everybody and they took him to jail but past that I don't really know" ikaru said it ome could tell he truly was sorry for Agravain "if there's anything I can help let me know I'd be glad to"

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Autumn tilted her head. "You know Jallal? That's impossible...Erza and her team defeated him a long time ago." So...that means he eithor worked with Jallal or was his friend?  "Erza told me Jallal was a great friend of hers, along with the others of course. If she mentioned you I must of forgotten." Autumn sized up Agravain, getting serious. 

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Miyu huffed, sitting down. -This is getting rodiculous. We have a job to get to and they're over here talking about some random guy. What kind of guild is this anyways?- Miyu thought to herself, grabbing a pack of smokes out pf her bag and lighting one. -If they don't hurry up, I'm finding another job. Without them.-

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@@dashian500@@Emerald<3, @@rainbowdashlover19,


Looking at Autumn and Ikaru with shock and anger, he clenches his fists and says "Don't lie to me. Jellal would never do something that would land him in prison. Tell me the truth NOW!" His calm demeanor vanished, and he appeared to be slightly larger and more opposing than before. "Or things may just turn ugly..."

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Several guild members looked over tense "calm down is hate for things to get ugly look around you you're in our guild hall of you attack me even though they don't like me they'll still defend purely because I'm part of Fairytail not to mention autumn here and miyu anywas I'm not lying that's what happened unless you thunk erza and he group plus the little girl and others from the coalition lied about what happened"

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@@dashian500, @@rainbowdashlover19, @@Emerald<3,


The once menacing Agravain looks around the guild hall to see several people in a position to pounce if he tried anything.

'I don't think I can plan around this, I don't know the magics they use and how they can be used together, I may be a master tactician and a master of improvising, but even if I used Meteor and Heaven Breakdown, I don't think I could take enough down quick enough to stand a chance,' he thought.

Thinking more about what the two had said, he fell to his knees, shaking the ground he hit it with so much force, the weight of his sorrow seemingly physical.

For only the second time in his life, Agravain cried.

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Ikaru sighed and looked to autumn "that's all you autumn it's getting to emotional for me" ikaru said backing up -at least he didn't try to attack of hate to have seen what would have happened had he did- ikaru thought as he watched him cry he definitely wasn't one for emotional stuff

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Miyu groaned. She put out her cig and got up, walking over to him. She picked Agravain up with both hands by his collar. "You call yourself a wizard? Look at you, crying like some helpless little kid. Just because they THINK your friend is in jail, doesn't mean he is. How about you quit your boo hooing and find out more details if you really want to see this guy? Pull yourself together." she said, glaring at him. Her blue eyes were glowing, her teeth clenched.

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Shocked by the sudden action, Agravain's instincts kick in and he uses Heaven Breakdown on Miyu.

Angered by the sudden, seemingly unprovoked action, he once again becomes seemingly stronger, and takes on a dark attitude, with a look of total apathy for Miyu.

"I've been looking for him for the past eleven f***ing years. The man who freed me, the only person I've ever known. Your ignorance will cost you dearly."



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Ikaru grabs miyu out for my he colapsin ground before she can get to hurt "you shouldn't have done that"ikaru said "on your form appears chains that bind and never break" ikaru said then chains appeared On agravain pulling hard on his hand and legs forcing them to fold In into his body

Several other guild members had stood up each ready to cast a spell

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@@dashian500,@, @@rainbowdashlover19,

"STOP IT!" Autumn yelled. She broke through the crowd of people and stood in front of Agravain, shielding him from potential attacks. "What is this? What are you doing? This isn't the Fairy Tail way. Fairy Tail members are supposed to coexist as a family, look past each others flaws.  But this, this Fairy Tail...why should I be apart of it? If your going to threaten a person's life just because he's been wounded-" Autumn gulped, tears welled up. "-Then your just as bad as the dark guilds! Now tell me, why should I be apart of this? TELL ME!"  She took out one of her keys preparing to summon a spirit. 

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Ikaru liked at autumn "he attcked a miyu out guild member I restrained Him to stop anymore more attacks as for our other guild members it looks to me like they are in definsive stances incase he lashed out at them now calm down autumn he be joining the guild but he still attcked miyu and all that was done in retaliation was me restraining him" ikaru said

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Miyu blinked, standing up out of Ikaru's grip. She straightened her skirt. "I am sick of this. We have been doing nothing but wasting time ever since we got this job. Now it's too late and someone else probably already has it," she snapped at the two, pushing past Agravain and storming outside. She continued walking, fuming mad. "Such an idiotic group of children. What was I thinking, joining a group like that?!" She kicked a rock, it skidding down the sidewalk.

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@@Emerald<3@@dashian500, @@rainbowdashlover19,


Looking for a weak spot in the chains, he remembers vaguely a spell very similar to this. While true that the chains can't be broken, they can be loosened if the caster is distracted.

"Heaven Breakdown is a restraining spell too, not meant to hurt someone too much. Is this really the Fairy Tail guild? The one famous for it's kind members? It's openness to outsiders? If so, I guess the stories are just a bunch of lies. At least one of you seems to get it," he added, looking at Autumn. "If this is how guilds are, it appears I've made a mistake in even THINKING of joining one. Tell me, how would you feel if someone insulted you for crying after learning the only person who you ever knew was in prison by the Magic Council, who are famous for torturing the inmates through electricity magic and starving them? That person also having saved your life?"

He just needed to distract him a little bit more.

"Hey, Autumn right?" he whispers in Autumn's ear. "Summon a spirit, would you?"

If she did, it would likely distract Ikaru enough for him to slip out of the chains, cast Meteor, and get out of there ASAP.

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Ikaru sighed "it is look at it from my perspective though from where I stand she called you a baby so you cast a spell and collapsed the ground under her the potential harm is undeniable so I restrained you simple as that" ikaru said ((the chains won't budge his spell was to create them not maintain them yes ikaru is op no he won't be doin much fighting he's meant to steer the story and take care of pvp issues that may arise))

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Miyu's hands began to flame up as she continued walking down the sidewalk. She needed to go somewhere - anywhere - to blow off this steam so she doesn't lose her cool again. She walked into a small patch of trees, walking out into a big open field. She screamed in frustration, shooting a gust of flames at a nearby tree, watching it burn.

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(I'm tired of waiting, let's do this.)


Realizing that Autumn was in some sort of blank state, Agravain had to do things himself it seemed.

'Typical,' he thought. 'When I need someone, they fail me. No one has ever been as good at helping as Jellal was.'

"Look, I came here to join, which I've changed my mind about, to find out about Jellal, and to tell you about the threat headed this way, you might want to go outside and check it out. I've only sensed a magic power like it when I've come across Zeref's demons on my travels. You might want to check it out, you seem most capable," he says to Ikaru.


(Remember, not going to break the chains.)

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Ikaru sighed "it's fine" ikaru said ten turned "give f you go check that out" ikaru said five guild members ran out to check out what was going then he looked at agravain "if you not going to join then I'll shownyou the door" ikaru said he had no time for games he wanted to get to his job

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Miyu sighed. She was much more level headed now. She dug in her pouch and grabbed a magic potion. "This is my last one... Hopefully I can get more soon... Ikaru's used too much of his energy on me as is..." She drank it in one big gulp, then tossed it aside. "Guess I better go back..." She began walking back to the town, sighing.

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'That didn't go as planned,' Agravain thought.

"I don't see any point of joining. My only friend is in jail, and it doesn't appear that anyone here can help me, so I have no business here. Where might I find the prison?" Agravain asks Ikaru, slowly sliding out of the chains, as they've loosened with the sense of security in the situation.

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Ikaru banished the chains "I Dont know what prison he's in and you'd be surprised we can help more then you'd realize" ikaru said "anyways I can't force you buy miyu has run off and I have a job to go do I won't force you to join but I wil say this its a good idea we travel a lot and make a decent living and you may hear about your friend while you're doing a job"

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Miyu walked back up to the guild, opening the door. She blinked, noticing them still in the doorway. She sighed, looking at Agravain. "I am sorry I blew up like I did on you. That was uncalled of me. I get a bad temper too easily. If you want to leave, that's alright. But please reconsider joining the guild..." she apologized, bowing respectfully.

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"Like I said before, I've been searching for him for the past 11 years, and the only time I heard anything about him was that he was a friend of Erza of Fairy Tail. My only mission is to find him, and since it doesn't seem you guys can help me, I see no purpose in staying. He was the only friend I've ever had, and the only one I wish to have. Everyone else always fails me when I need them," Agravain said to the two wizards.

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Ikaru sighed "you should try putting faith in others besides him you can't judge everyone one your past encounters with other people that would be like never reading again because you didn't like a certain book but if that's the way you feel so be it " ikaru said he wasn't going to force him to join

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