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open Persona: Shadows of the Crystal Mirror

Eternal Night

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On the walk to his dorm D-pad noticed the strange mare with a cloak on talking to what he assumed to be a teacher here he decided to sit on a local bench and obverse and listen to the conversation between them and learn what this mare was hiding and why.

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Chain saw many clubs stands as well as some after school activitys (like sports) searching for new members but Chain thoult that he did not really want to join a club right no..w Chain paused as he saw a blacksmith club in the crowd of groups. while thinking about his future he slowly walked over thinking about what he would say to the mare runing the stand.

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The blaring of his alarm clock woke the young man from his sleep. With a groan Kaz slammed his hand down on the alarm. It was a few minutes later when his alarm clock began beeping loudly again that he finally turned his alarm off and rolled out of bed. A shower and a change of clothes later the young man stepped out of his tiny apartment and headed to the ground floor to check his mail. The majority of which was either loan rejections from banks, or rejections to one of the many colleges that Kaz had applied to. Hell if this continued he’d either have to move into one of those tiny coffin apartments or head out to the middle of nowhere like Inaba working in a crappy convenience store like Junes.


”Everyday is not great…" Kaz muttered to himself; making fun of the lame motto from the Junes commercial. Bitterly he returned to his apartment and got on his out of date laptop to check his email; which was another set of disappointments. Oh well; looks like it was another day of hounding the online classifieds looking for another low paying job to support his sorry butt or hoping to god one of the colleges and banks that had not already rejected him actually accept his application.

Edited by Jaith Adymn
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"Its a pleasure to meet you Ms.Fukamoto," I'm Dr.Fortunato head of magic research. he said with a smile. "Er, sorry, I didn't mean for that to sound weird. You were on my roster for my tour group 11. Its how I knew your last name.."


"Great way to be awkward off the bat" he thought to himself.


"The student we are looking for was supposed to be in the same group, but well this whole ceremony is kind of a mess right now..."


Fortunato laughs nervously, realizing its partly his fault why things are so screwed up.


"I'm looking for a Ms.Scarlet Rose there have been, well actually there have been complications with both of your rooms so running into you kind of works out."


He takes out a form and hand it over to Dawn.


"Unfortunately the single dorms you requested were actually already reserved by some upperclassmen so we're going to have to ask you share a room with Ms.Scarlet. That form right there has the details of where your stuff was moved to, as well as your new location."




"You'll be staying in research labs living quarters for awhile till things get sorted out."


Fortunato studied his roster for a bit.


"Actually it seems this whole group has been moved to the research labs, I guess we better find the rest of the tour group. Rather odd, but there has been a heavy increase in the freshmen class here so I assume housing has its hands full as is."



Fortunato jotted down a couple names on a sheet of paper.






"If you see either of these two tell them the meet me at the research labs at 5pm and I'll explain everything, I'm sure the tour has already took you by them or they will eventually."


"Oh and one more thing, that D-Pad fellow is a minor so you'll have to let him know to notify his folks if you find him before me. I'm going to look around for the others, see you in the evening."


With that entirely one sided conversation Fortunato trotted off towards the club sign up booths, figuring at least one of them would be looking at clubs before offical sign-ups next week.

Edited by Eternal Night
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D-Pad heard the whole conversation and decided to walk up to the cloaked mare to save her the trouble of looking for him. He said to her "look I was just passing by and I heard you were suppose to look for me. I'm D-Pad and I already heard what he said I just to tell my folks what happened and move all my stuff and meet up at the research lab. So unless I missed something you like to add Ill be getting my stuff. Oh and by the way I can tell you hiding something. Now as long it's not dangerous I could care less but if find out it's something major I'll do what I can to stop it." D-pad turned around to go get his stuff moving slowly in case the mare responds to him.

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Dawn glanced at D-pad and nodded. "Trust me, it's nothing like that." She said. The mare then decided to go ahead and see where the research labs were, considering the fact that she and a few other students would be staying there, before going to the club sign up stations.

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Scarlet Rose.


Scarlet shook her head in irritation as she stepped aside huffily to avoid yet another foolish newcomer who seemed to have sudden doubts about where they were going - stopping suddenly directly in front of her in the process. It was chaos - idiots everywhere and seemingly nobody within a hundred miles with both authority and common sense.


Admittedly, she wasn't exactly doing great at finding her own way around... but she couldn't held but feel that being surrounded by such incompetence was mostly responsible for that.


"Ugh, move!" She hissed at a student as she pushed past them. "It's really not that hard - one leg in front of the other..."

Never quite forgotten.

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"well using manners isn't hard ether all you have to do is say excuse me or something" Chain says as he speeds past the mare almost hitting the stand for the blacksmith club "whats with me hitting things in this school" chain looks up and gets a little startled "oh hey I wanted to ask you a few questions about this club"

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(Sorry for the massive hold up, family friend just had a baby in case you didn't see my post.)


As Fortunato made his way towards the club recruitment booths the crowds of confused and disoriented students only seemed to get larger and larger. It was utter tragedy, Fortunato was certain disaster areas were better managed than this. Still he had to try and if and the other students, crowd or no crowd. His boss is already quite upset at how poorly the ceremony went, Celestia only knew what would happen if he failed now.


After hearing a few students bickering off in the distance he turned to notice a unicorn wearing the group 11 badge on his chest. Noticing this he stampeded through the crowd hurdling a nearby display table and pushing past another student knocking her to the ground. When he finally caught up to the student he was totally out of breath. He tapped lightly on the students shoulder and smiled as best as he could while trying catch his breath. Only for it to come off in the creepiest fashion it possibly could.


"E-E-excuse me," he muttered in between gasps. "But I've been looking all over for someone like you..."


His unintentionally stalkerish smile widened as the unexpecting unicorn turned to face him.

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Chain looked at the out of breath pony and then turned to the mare at the stand "I will have to ask you my other questions a little later" then he turned again to the out of breath pony "so you were looking for me? I don't know why you are but my name is Chain Brace" he responded  

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When Dawn arrived at the club sign up stations, she noticed a few that she may want to join, including music, gaming, and art. She figured that she might as well go for art, since she did spend a bit of time drawing. She walked up to the overseer of the booth and smiled. "Is there any room left?" She asked in a calm tone.

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D-Pad headed to the place that his stuff was located to move to the lab area he wasn't really thrilled at the idea of having some roommates thinking they might just bully him like he always was that was part why he has hard time trusting others and letting them get close. He was usually bullied for pointing out tiny details most overlook like how dopamine is the thing in your brain that is partly the cause of addictions. This usually resulted in him being called a nerd. He personaly preferred being known as a geek as he felt that descirbed him more accurately due to his love of games. He was lost in these thoughts as walked though the club signups areas not really paying attention to his surroundings.

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"I'm sorry to interrupt you but I'll try to be brief. I'm Dr.Fortunato and I... actually let me take us somewhere less crowded for a second I've got a lot to explain to you."


Fortunato led (practically dragging him) the young unicorn out of the insane crowd and headed towards a more secluded area on the campus grounds. After taking a series of twisting and winding paths he brought the young unicorn to a mostly abandoned park at the edge of the campus grounds, pearched on top of a hill that overlooked the entire campus with the beautiful Canterlot skyline just peaking into the background. Needless to say it was a breathtaking view. Fortunato took a seat on a nearby bench located under a towering old oak tree and ushered for the other pony to take a seat.


"Sorry to drag you all the way out here," he said with a smile. "But there was no way we were going to be able to talk in that mess anyway. The whole damn campus seems to be in shambles. Plus it just happens to be my favorite spot on campus."


Fortunato took out a form and handed it to the unicorn. He explained the whole deal about him and the other students that had been moved into temporary housing in the research lab. After giving him the details and giving him directions he stared out at the beautiful view.


"So now that I covered all that boring stuff mind telling me a bit about yourself?" He asked trying to strike up some conversation.




As Fortunato and Chains talked, one of the forms belonging to a Ms. Scarlet Rose floated in the breeze. After drifting past the table Fortunato had hurdled previously the paper rested itself in front the young mare well within eyeshot, oddly sticking out like a sore thumb amongst the crowd of lost and confused freshmen.

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"well my parents seemed to be glad to get me out of house even though I just finished high school" Chain chuckles to himself "nah I bet there wondering about if I am ok right now" he said then thoult about things to talk about "so I was thinking of making a buissness that works with metal, what do you think I should make?" he asked

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"Hehehe... Yea, parents can be so worrisome at times. Mine used to write me everyday my freshman year here." Fortunato said with a smile, reminiscing his youth.


"So, you fancy yourself a blacksmith huh? Unfortunately I'm not very in touch with the arts myself." He said with a blush. "Back in high school when I was forced to take an art class I couldn't pass it. The teacher had to give me a "W" or "working to potential" in order to get credit to graduate. I can't even draw stick ponies correctly, in fact..."


Fortunato ranted on and on about his terrible art skills, not even stopping to take a breath. After awhile he completely forgot what he was even talking about and continued blurting out random topics until he finally came full circle again.


"But Yea.." He said with a grin "I wouldn't have any useful ideas for you. I would ask one of the other teachers here eventually. I'm just a magic and archeology professor, not exactly business savy myself."

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D-pad had gotten all of his stuff and started to head to the research lab. He always wondered why searching for any form of information is called research it litterialy means to search again. He never liked words having double meanings they were always so annoying to him. He reached the lab only to find the door locked so he sat outside and waited.

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Chain looks over to the view over the school "that sun sets fast don't it?" he said retoricaly "I guess its a good thing I sleep there because my first class is in there" he said "I don't think I should sleep yet" Chain paused to think "hey you want to do something together? I mean we have all of canterlot to explore and I'm getting kind of hungry"

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Dawn quickly signed up for the art club and decided to look around the school. She had to admit, it was pretty nice and she was quite curious as to what else it had in terms of classes and architecture. Eventually, she made her way to the research lab and noticed D-pad. "Hey." She said, smiling slightly.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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"Oh hey." D-pad said to dawn in reply "what do you want cause if it's to get inside don't bother cause it's locked unless you can use your magic to unlock it we are stuck out here." He said explaining as to why he was just waiting there. "I'm just wondering why the school is letting stallions and mares in the same room even if it's only temporary. You'd think they would put one gender in another building altogether." He said as he grab his portable system to play on.

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"Actually I think its about time we headed back to the labs." Fortunato said as he looked at the sun that rapidly began setting. "Its almost time we met the others."


Fortunato smiled a bit. "Plus you'll have plenty of time to explore Canterlot. If you ever have the time come see me during my office hours on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday after classes. I could show you around a bit."


Fortunato didn't really like the idea of getting too close to his students but he was always looking for an excuse to eat at his favorite spot in town. He turned to the student and ushered him to follow him and lead him to the research labs where he found a few others waiting for him.

Edited by Eternal Night
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