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Here's part won of my poiyfied spin on word war 2 guys enjoy !

The ten year war part 1

The sun rises greeting a bleak landscape . Equestria once a colorful , beautiful country was now a shadow of its former self . They had barely managed to defeat the equal ponies and a great plague of disease and famine had staked in . In the desperation and chaos that followed Celestia and Luna were forced to relocate to the crystal empire . Now Twilight Sparkile was Ponyviille's only leader . That afternoon Discord the reformed God of chaos was giving a speech in Fluutershy's cottage .


The loud sound of arguing could e heard in Fluuershy's once peaceful home ponies were arguing about what to do in this dark time . Discord stood on a stage and spoke ." Everypony settle down !" He yelled loudly everypony up .

i thank you now I can tell you all why I called you here ". He smiled " my friends as you know we are on the brink of death we could all disappear ! Tell me everypony who do you think is supposed to look after the citizens of a country ?" Fluttershy raises her hoof timidly " um the government ?" She asked curious if age had answered correctly . Discord called his mismatched hands ." Yes correct Fluurershy the government ! But wait the government isn't helping are they ?! My friends this calls for drastic measures !"

Dr Hooves scratched his head " what are you proposing Discord ?" Discord narrowed his eyes " what I'm saying is we've got to rise from the ashes , take matters into our own hooves , reclaim our honor ! We must take what we want and rightfully deserve from other if we are to survive !" Applejack let out a outraged yell " Discord I get your upset we all are but that just ain't

Right ! We've got to trust twi and the princesses !" Discord scowled " Oh so we're supposed to trust a monarch who has done nothing to help us but tell us to " believe in friendship " ?! Don't even get me started on those coward sisters we dare call our rulers ! They ran off to their safe little empire and left us here to suffer ! If you ask me the crystal empire and higher ups are the two reasons we're still living like this ! They know how to fix the problem they just won't tell us !" He jumped off the the stage .


In the coming hours the huge group of ponies in the cottage split into two groups the ones who agreed with Discord and the ones that didn't . Applejack , Rarity and Fluuteshy all sat on the against side of the house while Pinkie Pie sat in the middle with those who weren't sure . Discord noticed Rainbow Dash trotting toward him . He rolled his eyes he figured she was just going to yell at him ." Let me guess you think my idea is stupid treasonous and evil ." He grumbled . She shook her head " no .. I actually agree with you . This has gone on for long enough something has to be done . If ponies have to due so we can survive then so be it ." Discord nods " glad you see it my way I wasn't expecting that from you ." Dash shrugged " well I don't know if this is the absolute best coarse of action . But we've been friends for a while now so I figure your trustworthy in a time like this . Plus I never fully trusted these uppity types either ." Discord grinned " your a strong Pegasus Rainbow Dash I sensed that you and pinkie were more chaotic then your friends a long time ago . I actually had a meeting with two other ponies about this last night . Since I admire your strength and skill I'm offering you a spot as one of my party's co leaders ." A position of power didn't seem bad at all to Dash she thought about it and quickly accepted .


They flew until they reached a small shack at the broader Ponyvilke . Once they were inside Dash saw two familiar unicorns Trixie and Sunset Shimmer siting at a table ." Trixe Sunset what are you guys doing here ?" She shed curious Trixie smirked " Trixie was thre at the cottage . She heard what she you said and she agrees with you . She used to her superior magic to beat you here ." She said smugly . Rainbow rolled her eyes playfully . Trixie would say that . She turned to Sunset Shimmer " what about you Sunset ?" Sunset sighed " well I cage here from that mirror human wold a few years ago . Life was good but then everything changed when the plague struck . I was the first one to agree with Discord's idea ." Dash nodded understanding . Discord turned to face his 3 new minions . " alright girls I feel that before we can expand we will need one final member . Somepony as chaotic and crazy as he . It only took the group a few minutes to select Pinkie Pie


They headed back to the cottage and saw Pinkie obviously trying to think her choices over . Discord appeared in front of her ." Hello Pinkie " he said with a smile ." Hey Discord " she said looking rater tired ." Pinkie I know you've Ben pondering your choice and I think the best route is to go with my idea ." Pinkie looked worried " I don't know Dissy AJ says your idea is dangerous .". Discord scoffed " Oh please Pinkie that hick dosn't know dangerous from doughnuts ! Besides just think of a national party meeting like a normal party but with more soldiers and death and we have chocolate rain . Pinkie thought for a few minutes she hadn't partied in a long time . She was also extremely hungry . She gladly accepted his offer pulling a large horn out and blew it . Discord smiled sincerely the randomness that he loved about Pinkie Pie was returning . The group of 5 went back to the shack . Pinkie at first was bored by the talk they had and accused Discord of lying . Discord assured her that there would be parties . He also said that if the didn't succeed they may die and she would never hate cupcakes again .

This was the deciding factor that pushed Pinkie onto Discord's sides.


The group set up a name DNSP or Discordian national socialist workers part . They preached their extremist , highly racist ideas to the the starving , desperate public . Discord gained more support with each passing day . He beanie even more legitimate now that he had two elements of harmony and two other relatively well known and important ponies assisting him. The the masses. Became brainwashed . A few rouges such as Applejack , Fluttershy , Rarity , Spitfire and Soarin attempted to drum up a small movement to protect the nation's honor but it was to no avail . Not only were most of the citizens loyal to Discord but the friendship between the original 5 had grown stronger they were all closer with Discord especially Pinkie who through reverse psychology admired to having a large crush on him . Dash was getting very fond of Trixie the two arrogant mares often spent time alone together and were now practically best friends. Finally when the army was ready Discord , Pinkie and their generals began a civil war that lasted serval months . Due to larger and stronger forces Discord come out on top . He even imprisoned the royal sisters in stone . Then he exiled his opposers from the land . Twilight begged her former friends to stop abs reconsider but their already chaotic minds had had enough . The princess of friendship vowed to start a kingdom of freedom and choice as well as to free her country from the iron hoof regime of Discord and Pinkie pie . After the civil war had been won there was a huge party thrown by pinkie . Not only that She and Discord began to retransform equestria into a land of chaos . For the first time in his life Discord finally had all he wanted he had won . But he wanted more .

To be continued !

Edited by Megachangeling12

this power is mine! It is my light. In brightest day or blackest night! I lay claim to all that falls with my sight!! To take what I want that is my right!
Fear the power of avarice. It consumes all who dare touch it.

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