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Forums, Randomness, and Purpose

Knight Hadron

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So...what's the purpose of internet forums? There is discussion on things, like MLP or books or debating, and that is a good purpose. But when there are threads that just have random people saying if they take showers or not or if they have done this or that...what's the purpose? Who needs that information? Is it entertaining? It seems more addictive, "lets-see-what-the-next-page-is". I'm just wondering why forums seem to be a trap. In my opinion, forums are for discussion, and randomness and general chatting is for pm's or skype or email or real life or whatever. I see forums (ooops it's fora, plural of forums. And WHY does MLP Forums not have a face hoof emote??) as a medium for constructive conversation, like the fora of old. Socialization and randomness are saved for other places.


But then, where is an open space on the internet for socialization? Note open space, not closed like email or skype. The equivalent of a real life party or theatre before a show or lunchroom, on the internet. I can't think of any; that brings me back to fora as a socialization medium.


But then, I come back to where I started.


Any thoughts on this?

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isn't this why there are different sections on the forums?

like, there are general discussion and even political sections on here. you could go there if you want a more mature/serious forum experience.


personally tough, i like the seemingly random topics! :P wouldn't a forum filled with politically correct discussion be kinda boring?

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I think forums are great, usually when I have some issue with something and type it on Google, first search results are usually on forum sites and those really help me. Sometimes they are really old forum topics like early 2000's  but they can still help someone with similar questions.


And I know that there are other sources too where to get information, but forums are special because I think that its easier to read one forum topic with short but informative posts on the issue than long essay about the same thing.



Forums are also a place to socialize, I know there are facebook and other sites like that but I find the forum enviroment to be more civil and safe and easier for me to see as a whole. When you go facebook there are millions of people there online all the time and you cant really see what is going on. I like to see what is going on and observe the place I am in as a whole.


That makes me feel more safe and it creates this home feeling.

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which is why there is different sections on the forums... like for a MLP forums, you can get general topics... not just MLP stuff.


and I think forums are great :wat: the question "whats the purpose of an internet forum" could have countless reasons. like for one, a place to share thoughts about different things. maybe make new friends too. maybe just post random stuff to get those little "likes" honestly it can be a good pass time, looking at different threads and topics and posting too :derp: (trust me. I once spent 2 hours on a forum and it felt like 15 mins  :rarity:)  also you to be honest can chat with someone around the world... and yeah... I know what your gonna say "meet up at a convention" forums can post announcements to when it is and info... or go on some chatting thing. but its faster meeting friends on forums. mostly because you can see someone's post, click their profile and add. instead of searching and searching around for somepony


I mean you might say "if you want to socialize there is IM and facebook" I mean, yeah sure. but on forums you can socialize with people with the same interest. instead of maybe a guy on facebook who hates bronies and start to spam on your facebook wall (I think people could do that... (I never used facebook don't judge me :()) plus hey, forums have that feeling... and to be honest with you, its a lot more fun posting topics then chatting on Skype or something. also don't you have to search and search on facebook to get someone's username. or ask around for Skype names. like really. :wat:


just my thoughts

Edited by KrazyDashie
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But when there are threads that just have random people saying if they take showers or not or if they have done this or that...what's the purpose? Who needs that information? Is it entertaining?

Oh, that is something common about human discussions, no pratical purpose, it's just curiosity, entertainment, and wish to understand others better so you can relate to them. It is by no mean something bad that should be avoided :) .




forums are for discussion, and randomness and general chatting is for pm's or skype or email or real life or whatever.


Oh, well, as long as there no issue to discuss about, you will always see that kind of discussions anywhere you look :P .


I'm not sure that "forum" has the same meaning as before. It was a place to discuss about issues that need to be solved and debates. A forum on the Internet is different, it is a way to talk with others as well as a place to talk with others. I enjoy forums and dislike chatting. I wouldn't mind not using a place that is not a forum to discuss about MLP, but I definitely prefer to use forums to talk about it.

In the end, a forum is not a place to discuss important things anymore, it's just a different way to talk with people. Given that fact, it kinda lost its original purpose.

However, that does not mean that nowadays forum are wrong, it just means that you can't compare them with ancient ones anymore. They are two different things now.

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isn't this why there are different sections on the forums?

like, there are general discussion and even political sections on here. you could go there if you want a more mature/serious forum experience.


personally tough, i like the seemingly random topics! :P wouldn't a forum filled with politically correct discussion be kinda boring?

Yes, there are different sections on this forum. However I was talking about what a forum should be, not what it is right now. And yes, random topics do have their place, I just was debating whether or not they should be in a forum or elsewhere. And, to your last section, I'll say "Yes, what fun is there in making sense?". :lol:


Oh, that is something common about human discussions, no pratical purpose, it's just curiosity, entertainment, and wish to understand others better so you can relate to them. It is by no mean something bad that should be avoided :) .

Oh, well, as long as there no issue to discuss about, you will always see that kind of discussions anywhere you look :P .

I'm not sure that "forum" has the same meaning as before. It was a place to discuss about issues that need to be solved and debates. A forum on the Internet is different, it is a way to talk with others as well as a place to talk with others. I enjoy forums and dislike chatting. I wouldn't mind not using a place that is not a forum to discuss about MLP, but I definitely prefer to use forums to talk about it.

In the end, a forum is not a place to discuss important things anymore, it's just a different way to talk with people. Given that fact, it kinda lost its original purpose.

However, that does not mean that nowadays forum are wrong, it just means that you can't compare them with ancient ones anymore. They are two different things now.

I agree that social non-intellectual conversation has its place. I also agree that a forum is like another form of inter-personal conversation on the internet. However, I think that the nature of a forum is that of a discussion/debate, and not of a conversation. I think that conversations should be on things like irc, not a forum.



which is why there is different sections on the forums... like for a MLP forums, you can get general topics... not just MLP stuff.


and I think forums are great :wat: the question "whats the purpose of an internet forum" could have countless reasons. like for one, a place to share thoughts about different things. maybe make new friends too. maybe just post random stuff to get those little "likes" honestly it can be a good pass time, looking at different threads and topics and posting too :derp: (trust me. I once spent 2 hours on a forum and it felt like 15 mins  :rarity:)  also you to be honest can chat with someone around the world... and yeah... I know what your gonna say "meet up at a convention" forums can post announcements to when it is and info... or go on some chatting thing. but its faster meeting friends on forums. mostly because you can see someone's post, click their profile and add. instead of searching and searching around for somepony


I mean you might say "if you want to socialize there is IM and facebook" I mean, yeah sure. but on forums you can socialize with people with the same interest. instead of maybe a guy on facebook who hates bronies and start to spam on your facebook wall (I think people could do that... (I never used facebook don't judge me :()) plus hey, forums have that feeling... and to be honest with you, its a lot more fun posting topics then chatting on Skype or something. also don't you have to search and search on facebook to get someone's username. or ask around for Skype names. like really. :wat:


just my thoughts

I am not suggesting moving all conversation to closed mediums or mediums outside of MLPForums. I am suggesting, vagely, that a forum might be better in design for complex discussions, not small, chatty ones. Forums feel like home more than FB or Skype, and that's the reason why I don't have FB. One of the reasons. As you said, it is addictive, but I don't have a good reason why. Finally, you might want to use punctuation correctly, it helps a lot with readability.



I think forums are great, usually when I have some issue with something and type it on Google, first search results are usually on forum sites and those really help me. Sometimes they are really old forum topics like early 2000's  but they can still help someone with similar questions.


And I know that there are other sources too where to get information, but forums are special because I think that its easier to read one forum topic with short but informative posts on the issue than long essay about the same thing.



Forums are also a place to socialize, I know there are facebook and other sites like that but I find the forum enviroment to be more civil and safe and easier for me to see as a whole. When you go facebook there are millions of people there online all the time and you cant really see what is going on. I like to see what is going on and observe the place I am in as a whole.


That makes me feel more safe and it creates this home feeling.

I agree with the first two paragraphs completely. The issues in question there, however, are complex ones, not simple chatty ones. For the next two paragraphs, I agree with the FB comment. Forums feel "closed" in a sense, like it isn't a wide open world, that you know people, that you have a common interest, that all topics are shown, etc. I personally like forums because they seem much more natural. There are multiple conversations, all linked together nicely. However, that link does not work for conversations with chatty themes. One, too much space is taken up on the page for a one-line comment on shower preferences. Two, it is just to me at least, not chaotic enough to facilitate chatty coversations.


But, that order, that feeling, that background with Canterlot, those trees, are things here that facebook, skype, or anything else can not replicate. However, as I have said, forums have some slight problems with chatty conversations. So would an pony-themed irc or something work better for chats?

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I too scratch my head at some of the "chattier" topics as they don't seem substantial enough for a conversation to take root and grow. Just kind of sounding off on something but not really discussing anything. A series of monologues, not really a back and forth or circle or philosophizing. But it serves different purposes I suppose. I suffered from a pretty bad reddit addiction for awhile and that seemed akin to the pointless, addictive clicking for entertainment problem you mention. Far too big to feel like a community, every thought you have has more or less been expressed already, it literally kept me up all night sometimes and was likely the catalyst for my stepping away from smartphones and most online destinations. Even here I only access at work and for a one-hour window of time on days off. 


I think online forums are distinct from the classic forums of old because no matter how timid or soft-spoken you are, your thought is shared. Posted, forever, for others to read or ignore. In a real forum I'd imagine those most comfortable with public speaking, or perhaps simply those with the loudest voices would be heard over the others. Someone might be there with a really great thought but the conversation may move passed it before they get a chance to voice it. On the inverse you have thoughts that may not really be worth expressing as they won't benefit anyone else's human experience that are also able to be voiced. But as with any post, you can choose to ignore it and move on. 


Interesting post, regardless. Hope that contributed something. I must leave soon so may not see how this develops for awhile.

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I modded on a large discussion forum a few years back-it got stressful frequently. The nice thing about a place like this is that you get a cross section of society-folks who just want someone to talk to about anything and nothing. There are probably better uses of your time, but I suppose it depends on what you value.


You mentioned the mundane topics that are sometimes posted about-people tend to want to know that the things they are doing are normal-and that others are doing the same things in their lives. It gives them a connection to the world that they may not have had otherwise if they suffer from social anxiety.


I find this place to be generally restful and enjoyable-there are definitely forums out there that conform more closely to your idea, but they wear me out fairly quickly these days. This place is like a bar where you get to hang out with folks and shoot the shit about whatever. Whatever it is supposed to be, I'm glad it is what it is.

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I modded on a large discussion forum a few years back-it got stressful frequently. The nice thing about a place like this is that you get a cross section of society-folks who just want someone to talk to about anything and nothing. There are probably better uses of your time, but I suppose it depends on what you value.


You mentioned the mundane topics that are sometimes posted about-people tend to want to know that the things they are doing are normal-and that others are doing the same things in their lives. It gives them a connection to the world that they may not have had otherwise if they suffer from social anxiety.


I find this place to be generally restful and enjoyable-there are definitely forums out there that conform more closely to your idea, but they wear me out fairly quickly these days. This place is like a bar where you get to hang out with folks and shoot the shit about whatever. Whatever it is supposed to be, I'm glad it is what it is.

I agree. I like this forum for that exact thing. I was wondering, however, if maybe there might be a better form of conversation. However, as KraznorG said, here everything is saved, organized, and equal, unlike the forums of old or even IRC. So even though forums have shortcomings, I doubt that there is a better way.

Edited by Knight Hadron
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