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open Summer Rp

Pecan Pencil

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Pecan jumped into the nice, cool pool of Baltimare, it was summer, finally. Kicky's fruit orange coat matched her mane completely as Atlas' was differed from her coat, her mane being a dark chocolate while her coat was a grass green orange. The ginger pegisis flipped her mane back and forth into the cool water feeling the nice breeze as the two earth ponies swam back and forth from side to side taking long breaks for breath. The nice sunshine mixed with the slight breeze made a memorable feeling that certainly would last for years. The music played a great role in future nostailgia, R Dash sang wop live. Every couple of seconds the ponies would stop to sing along. "I need a little bitta money" Dash pointed at the ponies at the pool, having them finish her sentance. "I pay my bills" the audiance sang. Rainbow Dash looked at Pecan. "Hey!" Pecan looked at her. "Aj's cousin, Pecan get up here!" Pecan's heart began to beat in excitement. She ranced up to the stage. "It's Daaash" She pointed the mic towards Pecan. "Why you gotta do me like thaaaat" Pecan sang along.   

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I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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