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private String of Fate


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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/124970-ooc-string-of-fate-solromanceadventure/?p=3620833


@Orion Caelum@Littlecandylulu903@~TheGammy~@Twi The Totodile




Jazz was uncomfortable. For once, she was in town, but really not at her own will - her parents had decided it was time she get out of the house and start trying to find her soulmate. Compared to some of the teenagers who'd already found their other half, she was actually fairly old. She sighed, hiding her face behind her mane as she played with the string looped around her hoof, sipping her hot chocolate occasionally. She'd managed to find the quietest cafe in the entire area, where she was basically the only customer - alone, just the way she liked it. Why does this even have to exist? It's not like I'll ever find anyone who'll love me and I'll love back. Jazz was much more content being alone, but maybe that wasn't what fate had in mind for her, considering the red string that never seemed to fall off and that she couldn't remove, no matter how hard she tried.


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(Sorry in advance for any typos or grammar errors or a short post, currently on my iPad late at night. Ill edit this tomorrow, and currently trying to stick to Lightnings backstory, so he doesn't currently have a lot :P)

Lightning walked feeling the cold on his back. He felt empty inside without the joy of his brother around, it had brung him great depression since he learnt about the incident. He then realised how hungry he was, he looked across the road at a café with barely any customers inside.

He tried to find any spare bits he might have somewhere, but soon gave up to see his results coming up short.

"Too expensive. Guess a night hungry it is.." He walked sorrowfully past the café, with his head down. Staring at the red string always around his hoof, he could never remove it, no matter how hard he tried.

Edited by Lightning


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Wilhelm, meanwhile, was exhausted. He was out of tea, and the sky was cloudy, meaning he couldn't get any good views through his telescope. He laid his pen down on his old desk and took up his omnipresent notebook. If he remembered correctly, that café he picked up his tea and coffee from was still open. He preferred the place mainly because no one went there; peace and quiet was best for his sort of work. Experimentally pulling at the string around his hoof, he set off in the direction of the café. He checked his watch as he walked through the dark, empty streets; it was far later than he thought. For a moment, he debated walking back, but he decided he was already too far along, and just walked inside the door, the tiny golden bell on the doorframe ringing clearly.

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" Nnrg- it itchesss! " The purple pony pushed her wolf ear hood back and rubbed at her torn up ears. They get so itchy this time of the year, and she never knew why. She sighed when it finally subsided, bringing her hoofs back down in front of her. That red string reflecting within her bluish grey eyes. ' That string will determine your soulmate ', she always remembered her guardian mentioning that. 

" Tch- how could a string know who's best for me-? A piece of fabric wouldn't understand- it doesn't even have consciousness. " She mumbled to herself, bringing her hood back up over her head. She stood up and started walking out from the alleyway she was hiding in. 

She stopped near a cafe, noticing how dead it seemed inside, except for one pony, and walking past the cafe was another pony. They both seemed kind of sad.

What's happened with this town... " She thought to herself. It use to be so lively, but now...


Siggy made by me~

Please quote me if you want me to respond to you~!

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Wilhelm cast a surreptitious gaze around the room, noticing that it's even more empty than usual. There seemed to be just one pony there, and he couldn't possibly fathom why. Although that was probably a symptom of the sleeplessness. Wilhelm allowed himself a wry smile and then turned to the pony behind the bar, ordering a nice Earl Hay, one milk and a sugar lump. He happily recieved the cup of tea and went to sit down at a table relatively close to the mare; through no idea of his own. He swore that his thread was getting desperate after so many rejections of idiotic upper-crust fillies over the years, and, in general, mares who couldn't appreciate the world be built around himself, based completely on the sciences. But never mind that, he thought to himself. I need to just get to work. Damn it to the moon, this treatise had to be submitted in a week and, for some unfathomable reason, the weather pegasi have ignored the section of cloud over his telescope for the last few days.

Edited by Orion Caelum
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With the string tied around her hoof, Spellbind entered a cafe. She couldn't help but think the ponies outside were perhaps in a tough situation.


Once in the cafe and she was sitting down at a table on a chair, she farted silently just to see who it would hit.

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Aria went about her day as usual, walking through town saying hello to everypony she saw. She entered a cafe, deciding to do something different for once. I don't know why ponies like these things so much... They're way too quiet for me. She thought, looking around a bit.


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Naga had just wondered into the town via flight from the East. Ponyville. A big smile appeared upon his visage. How long had it been since he had last trotted along this quaint little town? Surely, it had been a long time. Naga took out the note that a dear friend had taken precious time to write for him. He kept it in the inner fold of his garbs, near his heart. A sentiment of home. He opened the folded paper, and read it again since leaving his home.


' Naga,

It has come to my attention that you are leaving on another pilgrimage. I wish you safety, and deeply hope that you find whatever it is that you long for this time around, whether it be knowledge, clarity, or even Nirvana, as you call it. Krevias took the liberty of securing quite the amount of bits for you on your journey. Try not to think about where he got them from too much. And do not worry for me or Mi'lady. Mi'lord is supplying me with what I need, and Jian Xue is helping Renia. I was surprised too, actually. Jian Xue normally is too prideful for such. Enjoy your journey, but remember to keep out of trouble. Bars, and anything like a bar, you should stay away from. You were extremely lucky that Galros and Ciratha just happened to be in the area after the last incident. It has also come to my attention that you have decided to leave your blades at home. Don't worry. I'll take good care of them for you. It's the least I can do. And Naga, please, eat well. We know that there are not many butcher shops in Equestria. Maybe look around Griffon neighborhoods to see if you can find any. I realize that you hate it. We all do. But we cannot change what we are. May Avae watch over you, Naga.



Galros wanted to play " Hunt the Monk" again. Don't worry. I put a stop to that.


Your friend,





He smiled, and put the note back into the fold of his garb once more. Adventuring was fun. But knowing that you have a home to come back to was the icing on the cake for Naga. He looked around. A few ponies, going about their business. Of course, they were bating him strange looks. After all, he was an Eiquetan monk at heart. He was certainly dressed like one, with a sleeveless robe to allow more freedom of upper body. His light brown eyes spotted a quaint little café as he walked around. The note was pretty clear that he should stay away from bars and anything like a bar. Was a café like a bar? After all, he'd never been in one before. Oh well. That was part of the adventure! He trotted into the café, ready to introduce himself loudly to every pony. He paid no attention to the red strong around his hoof. It had been there for the longest time, ever since he could remember. Maybe he'd meet special souls of whom he'd become intertwined. Maybe they were in this very café!


Naga opened the door, and took a deep breath, ready to bellow out a loud, obnoxious greeting. But when he did...

With the string tied around her hoof, Spellbind entered a cafe. She couldn't help but think the ponies outside were perhaps in a tough situation.


Once in the cafe and she was sitting down at a table on a chair, she farted silently just to see who it would hit.


He took a large breath. " Hello, Frie-..... Oh... Oh that's....."


He started to gag, making a scene. He had caught a wif of spellbind's flatulence. He began to cough as he spoke. " Oh, that is foul! Ya know, in my culture, that's a way to release bad karma, but by the Garuda, ya think the fart-artist murdered another to make bad karma smell that bad!"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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caliber stopped at the edge of the town. 'this is good. re-stock on some supplies, maybe get some more sword polish. and who knows? maybe i'll find a friend' he looked at his hoof, which had a grey string attached to it. he didn't know where it came from, he just woke up with it one day. all he knew is that he wished he knew what kind of fabric it was. even his sword couldn't cut it, and thats saying something. he walked into town, and opun seeing the cafe, his belly rumbled. 'i could do with some food' he thought, before pushing the door in, and walking in. "i need a chocolate shake, STAT!" he said as he walked in.


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Wilhelm nearly dropped his tea, but recovered just in time to catch it. He cursed and then glared daggers at the pony who broke the wonderful silence. Quite frankly, he couldn't care less about the other one, except to have a deep sense of derision at his general hippy theme.


OOC: Wilhelm's part of the Equestrian equivalent of the Conservative Right. :P

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Lightning kept his walk. But suddenly, when a loud voice erupted in the cafe, he spun around and dashed inside, just in-case anyone was in trouble.

He was belted with silence and warmth, one pony silently drinking a hot chocolate, another staring daggers at a newcomer of the cafe, who was obviously the one making the loud noise.

He hoped no one had noticed him, and as he was about to leave, he actually realised how warm it was compared to outside. And he only had a thin jacket, so he decided to stay a while longer. 

He moved near the corner of the cafe, as to not cause any trouble.

At least he hoped so.

He'd never really felt the notice of a pony before, other than getting in trouble. The only person he had ever cared for was his brother.

"And now he's gone." He smiled sadly looking down at the table. "Maybe I should just leave him. Let him live his own life, I hope his new parents are treating him well. But he won't remember me, no one will. I'll just be another soul passing through the grave clutches of life. No one to love. No one to be loved by." He envied anypony who found love. "I guess that's just the way it' supposed to be."

He looked around the cafe, he saw many mares, all quite stunning. It would probably just end up with his rejection, just depression in the form of a mare, and that was something he couldn't deal with at the time. So he just sat there, and faced the wall.

(OOC: Omg I now realise how bad I am at this stuff. THE CRINGES.!.!.)

Edited by Lightning


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Jazz's day just kept getting worse, as she flinched at the shouts now echoing around the cafe. First it started with her parents basically chasing her out of her own house, and now she couldn't find any peace or solace anywhere. Her usual cafe was suddenly growing crowded, and, extremely uncomfortable and growing more so by the minute, she slid as close to the wall as she could. Hastily, she brushed her mane to cover her face to any onlookers out of habit, before turning her attention to the window and frowning. "Man... Everyone's way too loud." she mumbled to herself, moving her guitar so it laid on the chair next to her lest anypony try to sit. She cast an amber eye over the others in the cafe through the reflection in the window, and hummed to herself quietly as she inspected them. There's a pony with a hoodie who seems nice, a pegasus who can at least respect the silence, and... Everypony else is too loud. Typical.

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caliber noticed a pony glaring at him. 'meh, what can ya do?' he thought before sitting down, and drinking the shake. he threw the owner a couple of bits. "hey," he asked the owner of the shop, "where can i get some sword polisher?" he took another sip of his shake. "and could ya recommend me an inn?"


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He started to gag, making a scene. He had caught a wif of spellbind's flatulence. He began to cough as he spoke. " Oh, that is foul! Ya know, in my culture, that's a way to release bad karma, but by the Garuda, ya think the fart-artist murdered another to make bad karma smell that bad!"

Spellbind, however, was finding this the funniest thing ever and was giggling to herself like a lunatic. What also tickled her funny sense was the other pony's reaction.


There was a TV in the cafe, and this commercial came on:



(Imagine the humans as ponies)

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Naga stopped coughing. The stench was gone. Admittedly to himself, he over-exaggerated his reaction, hoping to be a comical relief to the ponies inside the café. Unfortunately, this labor had borne no fruit at all. He could feel it in the air. So much... Negativity. Sadness, frustration. Annoyance. Spiritually, he was very sensitive to the vibes that others put off. He could by no means completely read another's emotion, but the so called ' Mantra ' as Naga was taught to call it had two variations: negative or positive. Negative was associated with destructive emotions such as sadness, anger, etc. positive was Joy, love, and many other happy emotions..... There seemed almost nothing positive about the energy being radiated from the others, save for the pony with the sword and the pony who seemed to have consumed too many pinto beans as of late.


He trotted toward the café owner, and ordered an herbal green tea, light on the spices. This would be the closest thing that he could possibly come across in Equestria that was anything like homebrewed tea. And he was sure going to enjoy it. Naga could not feel a sense of joy in it, however. After all, he felt as though he had earned the ire of some of the others in this café. Maybe it would've been smart to listen to Saerael's advice. This Café was certainly giving out negative energy like a bar would. Naga felt as though he was responsible for some of it. This led to guilt. Which led to more negative energy pouring into the café. He had to do something... Anything. To make amends.


An idea, and then a wide grin appeared on his face. He remembered the generous amount of bits that he had received from his friend Krevias right before he had left home. He also remembered the number one thing that could make almost any pony smile. Pure, unadulterated kindness. He reached toward the coin pouch that he had tied securely unto the sash that kept his garb in place. He pulled out a bit. A....a gold bit?!? Where did Krevias even find this? But then again, considering how different they were from each other, Naga thought it better to not let his mind wander. This would more than help spread cheer.


In a bit of a sneaky, slight-of-hoof motion, he slid the coin in the owner's view. To make it not seem obvious to the others in the shop, he leaned forward a bit and put his hoof up to his cheek, acting like he was leaning on the table, and also covering his snout in at least one direction. He spoke silently to the owner.


"Pssst... Listen. I want to do something nice for the ponies here. It just doesn't seem right around here. Like a gloom. So here's the deal. This bit is solid gold. You have my word, and you can even make me wash dishes for the next week if it isn't. I want to use this to not only pay my tab for the herbal tea, but pay for the tabs of every other pony here. And whatever of value is left over, use it to pay it forward. If they want more, let 'em have some, as long as the bit still pays for it. If it gets excessive, I'll pay more to cover the bill. All I ask, is that I remain completely anonymous. I don't want any knowing I did this. Please."


Of course, he also realized that the coins that his friend had provided him may put him in the spotlight if warn in the open, so he slyly but slowly removed it from his sash and placed the small bag into the fold of his garb. Safe with the note. Hopefully, this would bring happiness to the others, and the shop would lighten up while he remained anonymous.





Naga turned away with his herbal tea, content with what he had done. However, there was one who seemed very.... Saddened. More so than the others. Frustrated as well. He had a benign smile upon his face, as if trying to hide whatever was ailing his soul... Naga couldn't ignore this. He walked over to this fellow pegasus's table, and spoke softly as not to disturb the others once more.


" oi. Excuse me, sir... Is this table completely taken? May I sit with you?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Lightning didn't bother looking up. He simply mumbled..

"Go for it. I've got nothing to lose."

He subconsciously pushed his chair a little further away from the 4 seated table. He wasn't used to anyone asking to sit with him. He covered the black eye on his left with his hoodie and mane. The last thing he needed was more attention.


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Wilhelm turned to Jazz and quietly said "Hi. I'm Wilhelm, but you can call me William. The original version doesn't roll of the toungue." He smiled self-consciously. "If I may ask, who are you?"

In truth, Wilhelm didn't know what spurred the sudden line of questioning. He just felt like the mare next to him might be nice to talk to.

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Naga smiled and nodded, and then sat down. It was very quite in this place. Nothing like the warm, lively bosom of home. He noticed the other pony covering one of his eyes with his mane and hoodie. In fact, there was another pony here, wearing a hoodie as well. Naga assumed that those were in style these days. Much different from the last time he was here. He spoke to the pony in a gentle, yet happy voice.


" Nothing to lose, friend? Well there is something very beautiful about that particular situation. It means you have everything to gain!"


Naga said, sipping on the green tea. He noticed that the pony had nothing to drink or eat.


" Hey, I noticed that ya don't have anything to eat or drink. You know, the owner said that a stranger came on earlier and paid him with a gold bit. Said the fellow wanted to pay it forward for any pony needing food or drink. Should be good for quite a while. If you want something, it'll be free of course!"


He said, smiling. Maybe the way to get this Pegasus to smile was through his stomach? Besides, it might give them something to talk about, what with quality of food and drink and what-not.


" May I have your name, friend?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Aria overheard the stallion's question about an inn, and decided to help him out. "I can probably help you find an inn, although there aren't very many good ones around here." She said, trotting over to him. I hope I know where an inn is, I haven't gone to one in awhile. She thought, not even remembering the last time she went to an inn. 


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Spellbind felt rather lonely looking at all of these ponies meeting up and talking. She decided she wanted to be a part of it. Not knowing what she should do, she wandered aimlessly around the establishment, hoping somepony would spark conversation with her.

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caliber grinned. "why thank you!" he said, as he got another milkshake, but when he went to pay for it, the shop owner shook his head and said "someponys got ya covered." caliber put his bits away, then turned back to the mare who was trying to help him. "well, my names caliber!" he said happily, holding out his hoof. "caliber the traveler." 


'i wonder if im famous here.' caliber thought, 'it seems random, but stories of me get around. heh, at the last town, i was practically a legend!'


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"I'm Aria Skysong, but you can just call me Aria." Aria said happily, shaking the stallions hoof. "I'm always happy to help a new friend." She told him. Some ponies might have seen her as being overly excited, but she didn't care that much. As long as she was making friends she was happy.


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(OOC: Changing speech colour to make it easier to read.)


Was this pony offering him to get free food? He'd trusted somepony before. But what did that end with? Losing his brother, that' s what. He'd vowed never to trust a pony after that.

He felt his stomach growl, he was starved. But he didn't change his expression.

"And no, I'm okay, I already ate." He blatantly lied.

"So, why next to me? There's many other seats in the cafe. Why here?

Edited by Lightning


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Naga was feeling a sudden shift of emotion in the café. It seemed like things were becoming a little more festive, if just a tad. He looked at Lightning, and spoke. " Well, to be blatantly honest, I strongly dislike being alone. I almost fear it. I'm on a pilgrimage, you see. And making a solo sojourn is painful, especially when it is excessive in time. Being here, with a crowd, is a luxury that I cannot afford to waste. I enjoy the company of others. After all, there is no greater joy than the company of companions. The reason I chose to sit by you in particular, however...."


He sipped on his tea once more. And then continued to speak with a faint hint of nostalgia in his voice. " is because you remind me of a dear friend. In fact, many of you here remind me of home. I thank you for letting me sit with you... Prehaps we could invite a couple of others if they are so willing?"


He smiled like a child begging a father to but him sweets. It was clear that Naga wanted to invite more ponies over to socialize.


" My name is Naga, by the way. It's a pleasure to meet you.... And by the way, I heard the tiny stomach growl. It's one thing to lie. It's a whole 'nother can of worms when you lie to an Eiquetan monk. You're hungry. Ya know, like I said, the keeper here said that some pony paid it forward quite far down the line. Enjoy the kindness of strangers, Friend. Because sometimes, that's all we can rely upon."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Lightning tilted his head, still keeping his eye covered.

"What the.. Ho-ow? You know what, I don't care. Invite as many people as you choose."

Lightning hated the feeling of more attention on him.

"I'll order some food when we're all settled in."

He still didn't trust this pony, but he had no other choice.

He waited for the Pegasus to invite others.


Edited by Lightning


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