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private String of Fate


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Naga understood, and smiled. " quite understandable. You take pride in being self sufficient. A respectable virtue. I can promise you that I will put it towards a good cause." Normally, he would've told the Pony to keep it. However, Naga was afraid of starting another misunderstanding. So, in lieu of not accepting, he would certainly find a worthy cause to use it for. " I hope you all have a good evening. I must find a place to lay my head."

He looked behind him. No caliber or Aria. There one minute, gone the next. Oh well. This ponies sure liked to live fast. But could Naga really blame them? Life was too short.... Well... Most life. He turned back to Wilhelm. " My name is Naga, by the way. May I at least know yours before I depart?" He then offered his right hoof for a hoof shake.

Wilhelm smiled, extended a hoof, and shook. "I'm de Winter...Wilhelm de Winter. Pleased to meet you, Naga." He glanced back to Jazz, saw that she was beginning to look anxious, and reminded himself that he was supposed to leave. "I hope I'll see you around here later, but as for now, me and my companion Jazz were about to leave." He gestured towards the door and began walking outside.

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"so, aria, what made you feel compelled to guide me to my inn? you hardly know me..." his sword had been returned to his sheath, "you dont quite know yet if im friend or foe. what if i was tirek?" he looked at her. "ah, im just messin with ya. im really grateful you decided to help." they arrived at the inn, "hey, wanna get something to eat tomorrow morning? we could meet up here." he said, hopefully. 'who was this mare? she reminds me too much of violet...' he thought


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Jazz's eyes widened a little, and she shook her head slightly. "Oh, no... Uh... You can talk if you want... It's fun to listen to." she aid, smiling somewhat at the both of them. Seeing him walk to the door, she shrugged, following him out and turning to wave to Naga. "Thanks! Again." she said, feeling somewhat proud that she had managed to speak to a pony whom she had never even met.

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@@MiniKirby123 @@Orion Caelum


Naga returned the smile, and waved to both of them. This day hadn't been so bad after all. He returned to his seat, finishing up his green tea. He sat there, thinking to himself. Thinking of his old friends. In some ways, this group that he had met reminded him of them. But even still, Naga would have to leave town soon, to continue his pilgrimage. Or would he? After all, it is his journey to take after all. Who was to stop him from slowing the pace down and staying for a while? It's not like he was urgently needed anywhere. Then it was settled. He would stay around this town. At least, for awhile. He had plenty of bits for food, and the everfree looked quite cozy. Naga enjoyed being around nature, if there was no one to talk to. It was decided that the everfree would be where he was headed. It was close to ponyville, after all. He'd use it as a makeshift home. And of course, if things got to dangerous, he could simply stay at an inn. Besides, Naga needed a place to meditate. There was sadly much more negative karma than positive today. And Naga certainly didn't want.... It... To happen. The everfree was the only place that would be safe during the purification process. He'd wait until nightfall, when most would be asleep. However, it didn't mean that he was unhearable or unseeable. The process might alert some pony. Energy given off at that level would certainly appear as though a bright light would be coming from the everfree, but Naga didn't care. It's almost like he hoped it would lure some pony who wanted to know who was causing the light. Maybe he might find someone interesting to talk to.



Naga got up after sipping the last of his tea. He returned the cup to the café owner. He then trotted out of the shop. Along the way, he spotted Lightning conversing with another pony. He spoke without looking.



@ @


" oi, friend. I didn't mean to spook you out of the cafe by inviting the others. I was just tryin' to be a good joe. I'll be on my way. Tab is still covered for quite awhile, according to the owner. Eat well, Lightning."


He quickly shot an eye to pink, and then couldn't help but start laughing. " OHHHHHHH I get it! You came out because you were meeting your marefreind here! Haha, and here I was, feelin' guilty because I thought I'd wronged ya! Way to go, Lightning! She seems like a great catch!"


He then continued on the path to the everfree. Of course, he didn't know how likely it was that she WAS his marefriend, but oh well. A light hearted joke couldn't hurt if it weren't true. He wished ever pony he had met today well.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"Sure, I'd love to meet up tomorrow." Aria said, already excited to talk to the stallion again. She was used to talking to ponies for a day then barely getting to know them anymore, so this was going to be a new experience of sorts for her. Ooh this is gonna be so great. She thought. 


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As the two ponies were walking, Wilhelm began to hum a few bars of a folk tune, breath hissing out and forming clouds of steam in the cold air. Mostly, however, he was content with a companionable silence, although he wouldn't mind if Jazz started a conversation. He glanced ahead and saw his tower up on the hill after this stretch of winding road; a large yet simple structure of cobblestone, spruce, and blue crystal, with a domed roof (large telescope included) and cheery lights glowing from inside. Wilhelm smiled a tiny bit. He was always proud of his home, considering he built it by his very own hoof. (With the help of a few certain alicorns, of course.). But, you know, he made the design.

Edited by Orion Caelum
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Lightning quietly followed.

He walked in the open doors and up to the counter.

"Look, I've go no bits, but I heard someone has already payed for everyone?"

"Yes." The pony said gruffly.

Lightning exhaled in relief. 

He walked back to the mare.

"You can pick the table you want to sit at." He smiled.


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"Somepony paid for all of us here? Huh....that can't be right...."


Nonetheless the mare put on a smile and looked around at all the tables in the café. She spotted a booth in a relatively quiet corner that had a window beside it and turned towards Lightning. "Maybe we should sit over there. You okay with that?"


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"Great! I'll see ya then!" caliber went inside, and wrote his daily entry in his adventure log.when he was done with that, he tried to go to sleep, but he was concerned for his wordplay skills. He hadn't fought anything in more than a week. He might get rusty. So, even though it was midnight, he buckled his sword onto his back, and ventured out into the everfree forest, looking for something that will be a danger to others. He saw a brilliant flash of light, and he thought 'well, that looks dangerous' and took a closer look, to find Naga! "Woah, Naga! I'd didn't expect to see you here!" he said happily. But his aura seemed different. That's strange...


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After Caliber had left, Aria went home and tried to get some sleep. Unfortunately she wasn't able to sleep very well either, finding herself pacing around her room trying to figure out why she felt so strange around Caliber. She thought about the red string around her hoof and wondered if that might have something to do with it.


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Naga had found a nice little place for himself near the edge of the everfree. Having found a clearing near a creek, he had sat down to meditate. He closed his eyes. The air darkened around him. Impure, negative karma that had to be purified, and released back into the world when it could do no harm.



( real mantra of purification. This is what I imagine him chanting.)


Naga began to chant, and after the initial chant, began the purification process. He sung in a somewhat high pitch. " Om Benza Satto Hung, Om Benza Satto hung, Om Benza Satto Hung..."


The air around him started to lighten, and soon Naga's aura was resonating, giving off a bright, golden glow, that could quite possibly be seen from ponyville if one was observant enough from that distance. It was then that he heard Caliber....





Naga heard Caliber's yelling, and was somewhat surprised that he had come out here. Even still, he didn't stop chanting just yet. Naga's aura was starting to expand through the area, slowly, but surely. A release of positive energy to purify that one sliver of negative. To Caliber, it would seem welcoming as the aura itself reached out to the Unicorn, as if asking him to step inside of Naga's sphere of influence...

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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'Huh. Wonder what's he doing?' caliber thought. 'Whoa...big aura. Better protect myself, just in case.' to those who can see auras, calibers aura expanded as a type of shield. Naga's aura was forced to go around caliber. "This feels...familiar. Weird' caliber thought.


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Wilhelm, about to open the door to his tower, saw a flash of light in the distance, reminiscent of a incredibly powerful spell. It was coming from inside the Everfree Forest, and he temporarily stood there on the stoop, frozen, muzzle hanging open slightly in a rather undignified manner, until a few seconds later. The spell broken, Wilhelm rushed inside, revealing a cheery sitting room stocked with all manner of books, wood paneling on the walls, and couch in front of a fire. Ignoring all of that, he lifted a small telescope from the corner of the room and hauled it outside, arranging the view piece and pointing it at the source of light. Wilhelm's jaw slipped slightly farther on its downward journey, and under his breath, he whispered exactly six and a half pages from the Equestrian Comprehensive Dictionary and Thesaurus of Expletives. "What.....the..."

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Naga stopped chanting after awhile. He grabbed at his chest, and started to heave from his stomach, as if he were to vomit. The golden aura stayed around as this happened. Between heaving, he spoke out to Caliber. After all, there was no need to defend himself from something that meant him no ill will in the first place.


" Friend... You need not fear. It is not power of malevolence... But one of understanding and peace. Let down the barrier of thine soul, and be embraced by the innocence of the universe."


He heaved once more, and opened his mouth. What came from it was a black, fog-like substance. After traveling about five feet away from Naga, this black fog cloud turned white, and eventually disappeared into the air. Negative energy turned into positive.


" it seems as though I absorbed a lot of negativity from that café, from many of the ponies there... But now, it has been turned pure. Caliber, welcome, and peace be to you."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Caliber looked at him, then returned his aura to its natural size. "So, you can purify things, right?" caliber asked, "if So, I got a bit of a problem..." he explained the whole discord incident, and how he was left with rebilac. "So, you think you can get rid of him?" caliber said


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Caliber looked at him, then returned his aura to its natural size. "So, you can purify things, right?" caliber asked, "if So, I got a bit of a problem..." he explained the whole discord incident, and how he was left with rebilac. "So, you think you can get rid of him?" caliber said

Naga sighed. This would probably be the first time that Caliber had seen him 100% serious.


" My friend, what you ask isn't impossible... But it will be difficult. I could attempt something excessively risky. We call

It ' The Sin Consumption. ' one of the most powerful healing mantras known to my sect. I cannot destroy it from within you, but with a certain chant and great concentration from both of us, I can absorb this negative presence, leaving you unharmed and for me to purify it..."


He paused.


" But Caliber... There is a chance that I might not be able to purify it. I don't know how powerful your other... Half is. There is chance of a negative karmic release. And Caliber, if it happens, you will have to fight. It could very well consume me. You

Will have to outlast me until I can burn enough negative energy to regain control and finish the purification. If I go into this stage, I will be unresponsive, as another side will take over, until the negativity has been exhausted. If this happens, I'm sure you will have questions. So allow to ask ya one thing.... If the negative karma consumes me and turns me into something I never wanted to be, are you fully prepared to fight, even if it means ending my life?"


Naga asked. No smile. No wisecracks. All business. It was clear that Naga was willing to stick his own neck out, even if that means he's sticking it directly into a metaphorical guillotine.

Edited by Hokuto's Heir

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"Yeah, sure."

Lightning was thankful that he didn't have to sit somewhere close to the centre. He pulled his mane over his eye self consciously before he walked over and pulled Pink's chair out for her, before going to sit in his own.

It was good he'd be able to help someone new to the town out.


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@@Orion Caelum,


Jazz walked in silence next to the other pony. Somehow, around others, she would feel a pressure to talk, but she sensed that he understood and didn't mind the quiet. When they came to the tower, she looked up and just drank in the sight of the beautiful building. The domed structure with glinting crystal seemed both majestic yet also homely, and, for some odd reason, she couldn't wait to see what it was like on the inside. "It's... beautiful." she breathed, smiling at Wilhelm before following him inside. Jazz blinked, stunned, when the light shot out, but assumed it was just a trick of her eyes. She just opened her mouth to ask Wilhelm, but he dashed past her and into the observatory instead. She quickly followed, intent on inspecting the odd occurrence, but instead was captured by the beauty of the interior. "Woah..." she gaped, spinning in a slow circle and quickly trotting over to the books that lined wall after wall. She spent a while just inspecting the books, and running her hoof over the spines, before joining him outside. "What... Do you see?" she mumbled, tilting her head and playing with the string still around her hoof.

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"naga...i fully understand what your telling me. you might be corrupted. i would be fully prepared to strike you down. and im sure i would outlast you." caliber said, likewise serious. he drew out his sword. "i have trust in you, naga. im sure it wont come to that." caliber wasn't taking any risks, though. if rebilac took over, he would be prepared to strike him down. 'damn you discord' he thought, 'you may very well cost me a friend but...im sure we can do it.'


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@@Orion Caelum,


Jazz walked in silence next to the other pony. Somehow, around others, she would feel a pressure to talk, but she sensed that he understood and didn't mind the quiet. When they came to the tower, she looked up and just drank in the sight of the beautiful building. The domed structure with glinting crystal seemed both majestic yet also homely, and, for some odd reason, she couldn't wait to see what it was like on the inside. "It's... beautiful." she breathed, smiling at Wilhelm before following him inside. Jazz blinked, stunned, when the light shot out, but assumed it was just a trick of her eyes. She just opened her mouth to ask Wilhelm, but he dashed past her and into the observatory instead. She quickly followed, intent on inspecting the odd occurrence, but instead was captured by the beauty of the interior. "Woah..." she gaped, spinning in a slow circle and quickly trotting over to the books that lined wall after wall. She spent a while just inspecting the books, and running her hoof over the spines, before joining him outside. "What... Do you see?" she mumbled, tilting her head and playing with the string still around her hoof.

Wilhelm straightened and turned to Jazz, absentmindedly running a hoof through his mane. "I...I honestly don't know." He gestured in the direction of the light. "Whatever it was, it was a massive magical disturbance. The sheer amount of energy caused by that could only be equal to one of three spells: Destruction, purification, or creation. Considering that nothing blew up and there isn't a large structure appearing out of nowhere, I can assume it was a purification spell. Which is strange..." He took off his glasses and shut his eyes for a moment, and then slipped the lenses back on. "There are only a few ponies able to perform one of such strength in Equestria, and mostly, it's studied by foreign monks and spiritualists. There's simply considered to be no need for such spells here." Wilhelm shrugged, sighed, and cocked his head slightly to the left with a questioning air, a unconsciously adorable expression forming. "Bit for your thoughts?"

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"naga...i fully understand what your telling me. you might be corrupted. i would be fully prepared to strike you down. and im sure i would outlast you." caliber said, likewise serious. he drew out his sword. "i have trust in you, naga. im sure it wont come to that." caliber wasn't taking any risks, though. if rebilac took over, he would be prepared to strike him down. 'damn you discord' he thought, 'you may very well cost me a friend but...im sure we can do it.'


Naga nodded, the golden light of his spiritual energy fading. He spoke.


" first, we begin with a modified Mantra. Originally purely healing, some have managed to turn it into a different form, known as a karmic exchange. It works in two ways, simaltaneously. I start the chant, and then, my karmic energies will be transferred to you. This in turn, will push out the negative energy, being Rebilac. After that, it starts getting a little more science based, so I'm gonna put it in laypony's terms. After it has been expelled from your body, it will appear as a black fog. This black fog will appear to you as though it is tethered to your chest. I will then begin another modified mantra that will break Rebilac down to basic, evil energy. Once it has been broken down, the tether will disappear, and you will be free of him. However, you must understand that I cannot allow such terrible power to exist in a state where some other may absorb it. I will then take it into my own being, and attempt to purify. I already explained the consequences, should I fail. Just know that anything I say or do if I fail... Is not entirely my will. And Caliber. Whatever you see, I pray that this does not compromise our newfound companionship. After all, you remind me of Saerael..."


He took his meditative stance, and spoke one last time before beginning.


" Alright, I need you to concentrate, and summon Rebilac as I start the process. We force him out."


He closed his eyes. And began the chant.


" Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung, Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung...."


Naga kept chanting until once again, the golden spiritual power was exuding from his body. However, instead of expanding outward, it snaked toward Caliber. When Caliber started to summon Rebilac, the positive energy would pour into Caliber from Naga and force the evil presence out, while slowly filling the void that is left with positive karmic energy. It would certainly help Caliber out greatly to have such a replacement.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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When caliber started to summon rebilac, his eyes darkened to the point of absolute black. Rebilac looked up at the golden energy, which immediately forced it's way into him, starting to push him out. "What the?"rebilac said, as he was starting to be pushed out.


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Pink smiled as Lightning pulled out her chair and sat down gently. She waited for him to sit down and then she looked around at all the other ponies in the café. She noticed there was a big group in the center and put a hoof to her chin. "No wonder this guy wanted to leave, he must not like large crowds and must have been caught in the middle of this one."


Pushing that thought aside she turned to her companion and smiled again. She thought it was about time to get to know her soon-to-be guide. "So, tell me about yourself. Any hobbies? Interests?"

Edited by Pink Mist


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When caliber started to summon rebilac, his eyes darkened to the point of absolute black. Rebilac looked up at the golden energy, which immediately forced it's way into him, starting to push him out. "What the?"rebilac said, as he was starting to be pushed out.


Naga kept on with the chanting, pouring more energy into the effort. " Thou who art a negative aspect of Caliber's soul, remove thine self from him, and become one with the universe again! Caliber, force him out so I can carry out the next half of the purification process! He's harmless once he is completely metaphysical!"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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caliber heard his words, from the back of his mind, and tried with all his might to push him out. rebilac resisted, of course, and in turn, tried to push caliber out. 'uh-oh. not good.' caliber thought, as he felt himself leaving his body. 'no way!! i worked too damn hard for this body!!!' caliber began to wrestle with rebilacs will. he eventually won out, and pushed him out. calibers eyes returned to its bright red colors, and saw a pure black fog zooming about within the confines of the golden aura.


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