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private String of Fate


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Jazz felt a wave of relief in that he had continued the conversation where she had died off. "Sure." she said, smiling before entering the observatory again, having already recovered from her previous complete embarrassment. She paused slightly when he bowed, laughing a little. "Man, I ain't royal enough for bowing." she said, nudging him lightly on the shoulder but going in first anyway. "Sure. I know what privacy is." she said, her voice dropping as she flew up to read through some of the titles on the books.

Wilhelm put the telescope in the corner of the room, propping it against a haphazard pile of books. "It's not about privacy, I simply do not wish you to burst into flames, explode, and then be reincarnated so that you can go through the whole process again." He looked completely serious, and then burst out laughing. "Nah, it's just a diary/lab book. Nothing interesting, and it smells kind of like sulfur mixed with soot and ashes. That was a interesting experiment, to be sure." Wilhelm calmed down a bit and settled for a tiny smile. "What are you looking at?" He craned his head to look over Jazz's shoulder.

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calibers eyes widened when he bit him. then he smiled. "oh, we're going feral, are we?" calibers eyes developed a kind of hunger to them. "alright..." caliber jumped back, and inspected the wound. "ok...time to stop gauging his strength. time to fight for real." he got into stance, and looked deep into his eyes. 'naga's in there somewhere. i'll give him five minutes. then i'll attack to kill.' he thought. "lets go!" he dashed towards him, and started a flurry of slashes, stabs, spins, and flips. to the untrained pony, it may seem like he's just attacking however he feels like it, but if they would look closer, they would notice how caliber never had a blind side, nor an opening, and could react to whatever kind of attack somepony could throw at him. he's 'controlling' the battle, as it would seem. 'not a lot of ponies can keep up with this, much less fight back' caliber thought, 'but i have a feeling...'


(fighting like killerbee's 8 sword style, here. only with one sword)


The dark aura around Naga was beginning to strengthen in intensity. However, it was not due to gathering power, it was because he had to channel the negative karma just to keep up! The amount of energy that was being burned was overwhelming as he struggled to survive Caliber's relentlessness. More and more golden sparks were starting to appear in Naga's sphere of influence. He kept on blocking and dodging, not allowing Caliber a single hit. It was then that Naga swung his hooksword diagonally upward to connect with Caliber's own, and stopped the onslaught temporarily. Naga's pupils slowly returned to normal... He was regaining control. He had stopped the blade in stalemate. It would only be a short time before he lost control again, so he spoke his piece before the negative karma could influence him again.


" Caliber! Keep it up! I'm stil in here! I'm trying to combat my base instincts! After this is done, I know I owe an explanation! I'm sorry, Caliber! I didn't know Rebilac was this strong... I need you to make me use enough power so that I can revert long enough to purify! Please, I don't want to be defined by what I am... But what I can become..."


Naga, for the slightest moment, had a look of shame upon his face. This was not who he was. For dark energy to affect his physiology and psyche this much, it was clear that he was more than just a young monk...


That was when he reverted back his animalistic state. Still stalemated, he would back off quickly and fly into the air. His eyes now being glowing orbs once more, he looked down at caliber.


" I'm done playing with you.... Awakening of the third eye!"


The dark karma aura vanished from Naga. A red, metaphysical shape could be seen upon his forehead. An eye. A third eye. Caliber would know not what it means, but to Naga, this was an end-game move. All of his energy was focused on this third eye. Heightened senses, strength, speed. A final gamble. Naga would then dive bomb toward Caliber, ready to swing and take his head off with sheer force.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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caliber listened to naga, and nodded his head. when he jumped back into the air, caliber saw the eye appear, and thought it looked familiar. then, when he flew towards him, caliber saw how much faster he was. he realized it was some kind of power boost. in a split-second, caliber activated his dark magic, boosting his attributes 3-fold. with impossible speed, he jumped towards naga and met his strike in mid-air. "now the real fight begins!" caliber said, as they began to fight in mid-air, too fast for the naked eye to see. caliber's strikes were so fast, it would seem like there were 5 swords instead of one! this, too, was the peak of caliber's strength, and it only lasted 30 seconds before caliber would start feeling negative effects. after the time limit, his muscles would start to tear themselves apart. but he had faith in naga. and if need be, he would push it.


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Jazz quirked a smile despite his threats. "Aha. Maybe if I was reincarnated I could be a prettier pony." she joked, laughing with him a little as she shrugged it off. "A diary, huh. Man, I wish I had the commitment to keep one of those." she said, smiling and running a hoof along the grain of the bookshelf. "Oh, just your books and bookshe-" she began, cutting off immediately when she turned to speak over her shoulder, only to find his face mere inches from hers. Flushing bright red, she squeaked a little before leaping into the air, wings flapping as her hooves covered her mouth. "Oh... Uh... Um.." she mumbled, awkwardly landing and staring at her hooves.

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"To be honest, I really can't say. Like I said I don't really know what's out there. Except for the mere stars in the sky."

He wondered, was the night really this peaceful up there? Or was it a bloodshed of stars? They could never tell as space can't be seen past these few stars by the mere eye. He'd seen an observatory not too far away from the cafe. And he wondered if any-pony had seen the secret of the stars inside that building. I guess they'd never know. 


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Pink looked at Lightning with a little noticeable sadness in her eyes. "He doesn't even know about the wonderful places he could see, about all the wonders this land has to offer. At least I had a good idea of what I was getting myself into before I left, but him....all the more reason for him to leave.


Their order arrived shortly and Mist thanked the waiter as she looked hungrily at her plate then at Lightning. "Well bon appetit my friend! I feel like I haven't eaten in ages."


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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The two clash. What seems like 15 seconds lasts an eternity. Third eye activated, naga does his best to counter Caliber's attacks. The burn off of karma is so great, that Naga temporarily gains control once again. Intentionally withholding his blade from swinging during the clash, he allows himself to be struck. Caliber's sword strikes his chest deep, leaving a diagonal cut in his garb. It wasn't deep enough to hit any major organs, but it would certainly bleed profusely. Before falling to the ground, Naga's eyes, and indeed the rest of his form, became normal. Looking straight at Caliber, he smiled.


" Good strike... Stormbringer might meet his match yet...."




He falls to the ground near Caliber, on his side. Regardless of the wound, he starts to chant anyways.


" On Benza Satto Hung... Om Benza Satto Hung..... Om Benza Satto Hung..."


He chanted. Again and again. Not stopping. This time, he would make sure to purify the negativity. 17 times chanted, then 18, then 19... He looks towards the sky as he chants. The perfect place to release purified energy. With this much, it may appear to others far away that a light show is going on. 25 times chanted. 26 times...



" Om... Benza... Satto... Hung!!" At that moment, the golden aura that Naga was used to engulfed him. Heaving once more, the negative karma was released from his body, out of the mouth. Aimed for the sky, the negative karma appearing as a black fog turned to pure white. The skyline just above the trees could be observed to appear somewhat.... Brighter. Sparkling, it was as if someone had released diamond dust into the air.


" may you find peace in the next life, Rebilac... Gah... I think I need some med-attention, brother..." He said, getting up, trotting slowly to the sword lodged in the tree. He wrapped the other sword unto his backside with the cloth attached to the hilt. He dislodged the other hooksword, and did the same with its cloth. With both cloths wrapped against his chest to hold the hookswords in place, it would help contain the bleeding, but not for long. He turned to Caliber, and trotted towards him, albeit weakly. A soft grin on his face.


" tell ya what. Help me come up with a clever fib to tell a hospital and help me get there.... And I'll tell ya anything you want to know about what just happened.... The whole truth in regards to any question. But you might also want to keep it between us if I tell ya this stuff... Okay? Heh..."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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caliber smiled. he, too, had a crippling headache from the dark magic. "sure, but you dont have to spill the beans if ya dont want to," he said, as he walked with naga to the nearest hospital. "but i want ya to promise me one thing. lets fight again, sometime!" he grinned. "i haven't had a fight like that in years!"


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caliber smiled. he, too, had a crippling headache from the dark magic. "sure, but you dont have to spill the beans if ya dont want to," he said, as he walked with naga to the nearest hospital. "but i want ya to promise me one thing. lets fight again, sometime!" he grinned. "i haven't had a fight like that in years!"

Naga smiled while lokking ahead.


" Oi, sure I promise. I hate fighting in that... contemptable state anyways. Its just not me, ya know... or at least... a part that I hate admitting is there. And to be quite honest, I kinda want ' to spill the beans'. After all. You called me a friend. And I dont keep secrets from my friends. So go ahead. I won't lie. Maybe you'll want to start with ' how old are you really? ' and of course the good ol' ' what are you?'. I can even give you the full scoop on 7 other great fighters if thats all you want. I'm the only one even authorized to give this rare info out, so that means yer trustworthy. Mi'lord wouldn't mind. Besides...


He looks up at the sky once more.


" It hurts to keep this from others. Heck, maybe tell me about yerself!"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"your lord? eh, whatever. im guessing you older than you look?" he kept walking. he's not really surprised by anything, anymore. his 3rd master made sure of that. "and im also guessing your not really a pony, huh? but all in all, im interested in this '7 great fighters'" he was curious, maybe master ronin was among them...


(ronin was his 2nd master, his links in my profile)


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"your lord? eh, whatever. im guessing you older than you look?" he kept walking. he's not really surprised by anything, anymore. his 3rd master made sure of that. "and im also guessing your not really a pony, huh? but all in all, im interested in this '7 great fighters'" he was curious, maybe master ronin was among them...


(ronin was his 2nd master, his links in my profile)

Naga gave a short, nervous laugh. Hopefully, no one else heard this.


" haha... At least you can take context clues. No... the soul that originally occupied this body of mine has long departed for the Samsara wheel. I am a Vetala, a race of incorporeal souls that just sort of, well, pop into existence, ya see. We can occupy corpses and bring em back, of course... at the cost of having to xonsume flesh every few weeks... any flesh will do, really. I just need to find a butchershop. As for age... 987 of your calender's years. Id say I look well for being that old..."


He chuckled to himself. " oh, but yer not interested in that. You're interested in the possible fights. Tell ya what. I'll drop you the nicknames. Which ever ones interest you, you'll get a description. History, fighting style, everything." He breathed, and then recited the Nicknames, from weakest to strongest.



" Reaver. Nocturna. Harbinger. Warlord. Stormbringer. Seraph. And last but not least, The unbound king. Any of those interest you? I know one might..."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"unbound...?" caliber grinned. he knew he probaply had no chance of winning, but he wanted to find the strongest! "whos the unbound king?" he asked, innocently. "and honestly, i wanna know about them all." he liked naga. even though he was technically immortal, and he had to consume flesh every so often.


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"unbound...?" caliber grinned. he knew he probaply had no chance of winning, but he wanted to find the strongest! "whos the unbound king?" he asked, innocently. "and honestly, i wanna know about them all." he liked naga. even though he was technically immortal, and he had to consume flesh every so often.

" The unbound king... " Naga started. " I unfortunately cannot give his name. I am forbidden to utter it, for he has enemies that may try to track me, and thus, the location of Necrosanctum, the kingdom of the dead that he began 300 years ago. He is a unicorn lich, and a very powerful one at that. Cold, Calculating, and absolutely ruthless to any who would threaten Necrosanctum. But to his subjects and those who would not get in his way, a benovolent ruler, as he makes the greatest sacrifice of all to rule Necrosanctum. He repays loyalty with loyalty, praises success, and is tolerant of failure. Though, to prove his point to outsiders, he will go quite far, like when he warned an exorcist monestary to quit hunting me and they refused three times... he destroyed them all. Down to the last pony, and had warlord burn the place down. To him, the ends justify the means, though he is not so foolish as to throw valuble assets away. A unicorn who could easily lay waste to armies, using a miasma of death and decay in conjunction with mass reanimation to turn fallen brothers on their own ilk. If slain physically, his body will just reconstitute eventually. He is only vulnrable to attacks against his soul, which is made difficult, considering what he sealed it in to become a lich in the first place...."


Naga paused. " more than 300 years of unlife, and he established a nation of undead and has a very succesful system that he is able to protect and nourish. On top of that, very few even know about necrosanctum! A great king in name and deed. If my lord himself appears, he's got a HUGE stake in whatever event made him appear. Terror tactics, excessively powerful forbidddn spells, and a dark sense of humor make a deadly combination. Without a doubt, he stands unrivaled by the rest of the unbound. The only one who even has even gotten a scratch on him was Saerael, the Seraph....'

Edited by Hokuto's Heir

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"seraph? whos that?" he asked, intent on finding out all about the seven warriors...wait. "hold up, you said at the end of our fight, 'stormbringer might meet his match yet'. and you recited stormbringer among the seven. does that mean...your one of the seven?" he asked.


(PM me the details, i wanna hear them all! that, and it'll save time. lets just say you told caliber about the seven, after stormbringer)


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"Haha, neither." He murmered.

He crunched into his food, he was hungrier than he'd ever been before, but he took it slowly. He sipped his still-warm milkshake, it was delectable.

"So, so far where have you been to on your adventure? It sounds like you've seen some amazing places."


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She savored the hot chocolate and the rest of her food as she let her mind wander once more, this time she thought of her previous destination. Another small town with humble average ponies, but she had made quite a few friends during her stay. She knew she wouldn't see them again for quite some time but she looked forward to her next visit. It was always the same routine, but she hoped someday she could find the perfect place where she truly belonged.


Pink heard Lightning's voice which snapped her out of her thoughts and she looked up from her plate to answer. "Well I've managed to see some of the big cities, Manehattan, Trottingham, Baltimare, still have yet to see Las Pegasus. But it's the smaller towns that have really impressed me. Away from the skyscrapers and crowds you can see some really beautiful landscapes and natural wonders."


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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"seraph? whos that?" he asked, intent on finding out all about the seven warriors...wait. "hold up, you said at the end of our fight, 'stormbringer might meet his match yet'. and you recited stormbringer among the seven. does that mean...your one of the seven?" he asked.


(PM me the details, i wanna hear them all! that, and it'll save time. lets just say you told caliber about the seven, after stormbringer)


Naga kept smiling, but was starting to stumble. He was starting to lose a lot of blood. Even still, he would tell Caliber what he wanted to know.


" Well, I'm one of the unbound, yes. I take the moniker of ' Rakshasa '. I'm the weakest fighter of the unbound, but my lord finds value and comfort in the wisdom o' the ages, and made me the advisor, so I'm needed. Besides, being the weakest of the unbound ain't necesscarily a bad thing... considering who I have to measure up to.I'm one of eight. And seraph... good ol' Saerael. Ive known him for a very long time. Unmatched with a halberd, that griffon is hard to stop. The rest of us need flesh and blood. Saerael should be feared because he needs energy. And if you are fighting him and he decides to get serious, then kiss yer afterlife goodbye. His hunger is one even darker than most undead. We all thought stormbringer was the king's top dog until Saerael fought him..."


Naga continued. " and some of those legends about stormbringer? Pffffff. ' unbeaten'? Yeah, 187-3 is a great record. And losing to the king and Saerael was understandable. But whats hilarious was that this guy got beat down by WARLORD. I mean, sure he came back for round two and won, but still, we were all on the ground laughing when Jian Xue bucked Galros through a tree.also, Galros doesn't actually kill the ones he duels. He just knocks em out and they think it was just a dream. The only reason Galros would slay would be due to all out war, Someone attacks his Svorvet, or if the king makes him."


They were nearing the hospital, and Naga was starting to fumble about even more. " Say, is Rebilac totally gone... and how's that bite wound? Ya might want to get that checked."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"hm? oh, its great!" he waved his hoof in the air, scattering blood. "im fine!" he looked at naga. "and im not entirely sure if rebilac's gone...i have a feeling hes not gone at all...i mean, sure, i cant feel him in my body, but i just cant shake that feeling..."




the black fog was expelled, weakened. it flew over equestria, looking for a place of refuge. it decided on the mirror pool. it slithered in, and laid there in wait. recovering.


(we wont be seeing anymore of rebilac, i just put that, as i kinda changed the whole caliber/rebilac thing.)


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"All of those places sound amazing." 

He smiled. He wished he'd been to those places. He wondered deeply what they looked like..

He munched on his food deeply in thought, where were those places? Would he ever be able to visit them in his lifetime? I guess he just had to wait and see. 


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"They really are! It's amazing yet appalling how many ponies focus more on the big cities these days and seem to ignore the wonders that nature can offer. All these smaller more rural towns offer plenty of natural beauty and others just don't seem to appreciate it like they used to."


Mist blushed slightly as she realized she had gone into a bit of a rant. It was something she did alot once she really got into detail about her life and travels. She just didn't understand why lots of ponies would prefer to live in big cities if they could when they have so many wonders around them waiting to be discovered.


"*ahem*...So what about you? Why haven't you left yet when it really seems like you want to?


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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"hm? oh, its great!" he waved his hoof in the air, scattering blood. "im fine!" he looked at naga. "and im not entirely sure if rebilac's gone...i have a feeling hes not gone at all...i mean, sure, i cant feel him in my body, but i just cant shake that feeling..."




the black fog was expelled, weakened. it flew over equestria, looking for a place of refuge. it decided on the mirror pool. it slithered in, and laid there in wait. recovering.


(we wont be seeing anymore of rebilac, i just put that, as i kinda changed the whole caliber/rebilac thing.)

Naga started to show a little queeziness when Caliber started to wave the bitten hoof around like it was nothing. Just how strong and pain resistant was Caliber?


" Well, in any case, I hope that the karmic transfusion makes you feel better, Caliber. I should probably work on my purification skills a little... one monk can only do so much , ya know?"


He started to cough violently. A trace amount of blood could be seen from his mouth.


" looks like the shot hit deeper than I thought... I'd really perfer not to lose this body. I consider it a precious gift from a good pony."


They passed an observatory of some kind, the ones that you see used to observe the stars. The blood was starting to leak through Naga's cloths, and onto the ground. Hopefully, some sort of clinic was open nearby.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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caliber's hoof kept bleeding, and he was started to get concerned. that headache he had from the dark magic was extremely painful, too. that's part of the reason why he didn't feel the pain in his hoof. luckily, they reached the clinic, and they went in together. "good evening, how may i-" she broke off when she saw caliber and naga. she yelped, and led them to an empty room. caliber assured her that he was fine, and to tend to naga first. caliber focused on stopping the blood from his hoof. naga's shoulder was being treated. after they were bandaged, caliber grinned. "welp, lets go!" he said before they could start to ask questions. he threw a rather large gem at the doctor to pay, and they walked out. "again, sorry for stabbing ya." caliber said, "pretty sure that wasn't pleasant."


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"Well, it's a long story.."

He sighed gently. The only reason he hadn't left was because of his brother, but he was free of that burden now. Should he come clean and tell her everything? Tell her that he had grown up without a family, with his only reason to live being to protect his brother? Well, he shouldn't hide it any longer.

"Long story short, I'm a homeless orphan, grew up without a Mum, or Dad. Only my younger brother. They ditched us on the side of a country road out South, and we walked for days, without food, or water. My brother was only 2 at the time, so I mainly had to carry him, I was only 12, see, and it became a problem. I was a young stallion, and I had a fiery temper. We finally made it to the city, and I was very fit after the long walk and having to carry my brother, and so we rested. I found a good clean spot under the pier. I had to steal to feed my brother, and I started getting into a lot of trouble, and just a few months ago, I got out of prison. I was put in there because they traced back all the thieving to me, and I was put in for 6 months, when I got out, after my 19th birthday, they had already got a hold of him, and immediately took him to Foster Care. Haven't seen him since. But now, he's has been adopted, I don't have to take care of him, so I can leave now."

He made a small sigh.

Edited by Lightning


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Naga, walking out with caliber, laughed it off.


" Brother, I've lived through way worse than that. And I'm sorry for biting you like a rabid dog. I know that it couldn't have felt good..."


He lifted his head, looking at the sky. " so what's your story, Caliber? How'd you get so good with a blade? Any fun adventures to recount?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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caliber grinned. "forgiven." he said simply. and when naga asked how caliber got so good with a sword, his eyes brightened. "its a rather long story. i started my travels with my trusty sword here when i was around twelve years old. i did not know how to use this thing, at all. then one day, i was in trouble, when a zebra saved my life. he toughened me up with physical training. and he cast this one zebra spell that deadened my nerves. i still feel pain, but not as much as i used to." he raised his bitten hoof. "as demonstrated here. now lets see...there was ronin. he taught me around seven different sword styles. and daria made my mind almost unbreakable through...questionable training methods." he shivered. "and then there was that one guy. didnt ever catch his name. but he taught me how to see auras. after a while, i guess i got a little power hungry, and dabbled in dark arts." he grinned sheepishly. "but i know violet would set me straight, should i ever become evil. and...i just got stronger with experience. i made my own style, "Way of the Wanderer", and iv been titled "4th strongest swordspony in equestria"" he looked at naga. "looks like i might find a good sparring partner." he pat naga on the back.


they reached the inn. "oh? welp, looks like im off to bed. see ya, naga!" caliber said cheerfully, as he went inside his room. he took off his cloak, and sword, laid them on the couch, and drifted off to sleep.


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