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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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beeps were heard, and the arena morphed.


"FIGHTERS, BEGIN!!" Luna smiled, and got out her popcorn. this was going to an interesting fight.





Caliber was talking with rarity, when somepony bumped into him. he turned around. "oh, hey ice blizzard."


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Near the caves entrance, Sleight Mist sized up her opponent. She frowned.


"that machine, and your eyes," she said with a sigh, "I'm going to hazard a guess and say that you're just as smart as I am. Probably even more so. Tricks aren't going to work on you, are they?"


"Just as well," she said, summoning three glowing red barriers. They stood in front of her, stacked up horizontally like a spaced out deck of cards. "I wasn't in the mood for running anyway," she muttered, sliding the barriers off the top towards her, each one slightly after the next.

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Blizzard was walking backwards and had no idea where he was going and he ended up bumping into Caliber, "oof! Sorry bro, you alright? What's up?" He then looked up to see Rarity and was flustered even more, "H-hi Rarity...*almost slips* ahem, uh what are you doing here?" :blush: 


"Hello Ice Blizzard, I'm here to make outfits for the gladiators. Everypony should look their best, even when fighting.  :proud: "


"Wow, cool. Hey Caliber, you want a new cape or something?  :lol: "


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber grinned. "nah, im happy with my current one." he flourished it. "but rarity, would you mind making a scarf, or a bandana for ice blizzard?" he asked, "he doesn't have anything to wear when he fights. so...yeah..."




"but of course, darling! no pony should be without a proper attire!" rarity turned to ice blizzard. "what do you want to wear? and do you have a color you want it to be?"


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Blizzard thought for a moment, and said, "Hmm, how about a cool looking deep blue scarf? I could use it to look cool AND perfect a grappling move that I haven't gotten the hang of yet. If it's not to much trouble... :blush: "


"No trouble at all darling.  :proud: "


"Cool, thanks. Hey are you gonna enter the tournament Rarity? I know you can fight too.  :comeatus: "


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"oh, well, I wouldn't say that, ice. but I do know how to fight, I was in the canterlot changling siege, remember? and I guess I could use the gems around me...you know what? im gonna join!" rarity squealed, and trotted off to make the scarf. (ice blizzard can go with, if he wants)


caliber walked off, towards the arena. he was passing through the lobby, when he heard




he had turned a little, but then he felt a punch in his arm, which hurt a lot. theres only one mare that could punch that hard...


"Violet! how ya doing!"


"well, iv been hearing news about this new fighters tournament, so i decided to join!"


caliber grinned. "sure, ill set ya up!" thye walked to the front desk, and violet filled out the paperwork. when she was officialy registered, they started talking again.


"so, violet, you get any stronger since the last time I saw ya?" caliber asked, "anypony challenge you?"


"no, actually. iv just been traveling." violet replied, "and you?"


"iv got a new sword style."


violet rolled her eyes. "another one?"


"yeah, I call it "Fancy Foot Work"



they continued talking, walking towards the seats to witness the battle.


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Blizzard decided to go and watch the fight as well, "See ya later Rarity!" Blizzard then goes to his seat which was conveniently behind Caliber and Violet and he said, "Oh hey Violet. How ya doing? Are you gonna enter this fight as well? If you are then I feel sorry for whoever's against you with how good you are. *looks out to field* So who did you guys bet money on? I actually bet 500 bits on SM, that girl can pack a punch real good. What about you 2?"  

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Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Wilhelm had managed to walk over to the bleachers, sitting next to Caliber, sword buckled to his flank and bow slung over his back. He was wearing a casual outfit splattered with paint, and he turned to Caliber, since he should know the most about the arena's workings; "Do you know anyone who can fix clothes here? In the battle, you ruined my best clothes." Wilhelm playfully slugged Caliber in the shoulder.

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@@Orion Caelum,

Blizzard had heard Wilhelm and said, "Hey Willy! What's up?! How've ya been since Tartarus? Anyway, if you want some clothes of yours fixed, go see Rarity *sighs dreamily* that woman will do wonders with the skills she has. I think she went to the opposite side of the medical infirmary if you wanna see her." 


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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@@Orion Caelum,

Blizzard had heard Wilhelm and said, "Hey Willy! What's up?! How've ya been since Tartarus? Anyway, if you want some clothes of yours fixed, go see Rarity *sighs dreamily* that woman will do wonders with the skills she has. I think she went to the opposite side of the medical infirmary if you wanna see her."


"Willy..." Wilhelm's eye twitched. "Eh..ehe. Yeah." He took a deep breath and counted to ten before continuing. "I've been as fine as can be expected since I traveled through the land of demons and nightmares; which is to say, I'm alive." He smiled. "Thanks, Ice; if Rarity's here, I'll certainly go see the fashionista of the age. Heck, I have enough bits now to pay for an entire ensemble. Who knew fighting was so...profitable..." Wilhelm's voice trailed off, and his eye twitched again. "Profitable; yes. Anyway, Ice, tell me; are you truly crushing on our dear seamstress of Ponyville?" He held up a hoof. "No, don't ask; simple deduction."

  • Brohoof 1
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violet looked at Wilhelm. "so, you went into tartarus with caliber and the others?" she asked curiously. caliber nodded. "and...you beat caliber, correct?" again, caliber nodded before wilhlem could respond. though it was clear he didn't wanna be reminded of that. "then you must be good! wanna fight?" violet asked.


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violet looked at Wilhelm. "so, you went into tartarus with caliber and the others?" she asked curiously. caliber nodded. "and...you beat caliber, correct?" again, caliber nodded before wilhlem could respond. though it was clear he didn't wanna be reminded of that. "then you must be good! wanna fight?" violet asked.


Wilhelm sighed. "Must I? ...I mean, seriously, do I have to?" He looked around, as if trying to find anypony that might have to save him from this particular fight. "Then again..." He spared a glance down at his sword, then at Violet, who had a extremely conspicuous lack of weapons. Without asking, he abruptly turned her forehoof over; yes, there it was. The calluses spoke of someone who always fought hoof-to-hoof, and was extremely good at it. However, well, Wilhelm had a sword and a bow, and he knew how to use them rather well. "Actually, never mind. I accept your challenge."

  • Brohoof 1
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"Willy..." Wilhelm's eye twitched. "Eh..ehe. Yeah." He took a deep breath and counted to ten before continuing. "I've been as fine as can be expected since I traveled through the land of demons and nightmares; which is to say, I'm alive." He smiled. "Thanks, Ice; if Rarity's here, I'll certainly go see the fashionista of the age. Heck, I have enough bits now to pay for an entire ensemble. Who knew fighting was so...profitable..." Wilhelm's voice trailed off, and his eye twitched again. "Profitable; yes. Anyway, Ice, tell me; are you truly crushing on our dear seamstress of Ponyville?" He held up a hoof. "No, don't ask; simple deduction."

Blizzard replied, "*sigh* Yes, yes I do. I know it's kinda silly, I mean Rarity and I are friends but I don't think I'll ever be able to tell her my true feelings.  :blush: Will I need a third opinion, Caliber says I have a chance and I trust his judgement, but I'm still doubtful of myself. Do you think I have a chance with Rarity? I don't know if I do, because she's so beautiful and famous, why would she pay attention to a guy like me?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber started laughing, and i mean hard. it was obvious caliber knew wilhelm thought he might win, since all violet had were her hooves, and he had weapons. but that didnt stop her from beating him 95 times in a row. 


violet made a face that was something between a smirk and a grin. "i eagerly await our fight," she said.


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@@Orion Caelum,@,

Blizzard tried to hold it in but couldn't and he laughed so hard he began to cough, "HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! *coughs 3 times* Ahem, uh Willy, don't uh....don't get your hopes up man...hehe. ^_^ "


 Then out of nowhere, Electron flew in front of Caliber, "Aha! You again! You think you can beat me Electron Wave Storm like that and get away with it? Then you're dead wrong dammit. Ha! Any friend of that snowball is a freak like him anyway, and if you're all his friends *points hoof to Violet, Will, and Cal* then you're all freaks! Later losers! :comeatus:  " Electron then flies off.


Blizzard was pissed, "Lemme get this damn son of a gun-- I swear to Celestia I will rip him up!  :angry: "


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Suddenly, from out of the sky, ten arrows spontaneously flashed into existence, somehow landing both in front and back of the Electron Wave Storm. Seconds later, the archer made itself known as Hearthrob flashed into existence, arrow drawn and ready to fire.


"Hey!" called a voice from the stands. Anette stood up, her remaining dolls floating next to her and sharing her angry expression. "I don't know who you are, but nopony interrupts this match! Now, SIT DOWN!!!"

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@@Orion Caelum,@,

Blizzard tried to hold it in but couldn't and he laughed so hard he began to cough, "HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! *coughs 3 times* Ahem, uh Willy, don't uh....don't get your hopes up man...hehe. ^_^ "


 Then out of nowhere, Electron flew in front of Caliber, "Aha! You again! You think you can beat me Electron Wave Storm like that and get away with it? Then you're dead wrong dammit. Ha! Any friend of that snowball is a freak like him anyway, and if you're all his friends *points hoof to Violet, Will, and Cal* then you're all freaks! Later losers! :comeatus:  " Electron then flies off.


Blizzard was pissed, "Lemme get this damn son of a gun-- I swear to Celestia I will rip him up!  :angry: "


Wilhelm sighed. "You know, not all things should be solved with violence." Then, a cold sort of fury moved itself to the forefront in his expression. "But just this time, I'll make an exception." He raised his bow, drew back the string, and fired a single arrow. It skidded past EWS's head, close enough to give him a short haircut, and Wilhelm dismissively reslung his bow. "Boring. Doesn't he know that after you insult a group of dangerous people, you're at least supposed to do evasive manuevers?" He chuckled derisively, then saw the archery display from Heartthrob. He raised his fedora in salute and a sort of congratulations, and then he smiled. "Never saw a doll, no matter how animated, shoot like that before." Then, his expression turned meditative. "Oh well; this month is one for exceptional phenomena."


"Anyway, Ice, I think you have a chance with Rarity. You know her already, and I'm sure she'd be impressed if you knew anything about fashion. However, currently, you don't, so I would advise you to do some research on the topic. Second, don't be overconfident. If there's one thing a mare doesn't like, it'd have to be a cocky stallion. Though a certain kind of...nevermind. Be humble, knowledgeable, and caring, and they'll love you. Also, most important thing: Let the mare talk. Whatever you do, don't interrupt her." Wilhelm cleared his throat, obviously embarrassed by the impromptu speech he gave. "Well, that's the gist of it, anyway."


He looked around the group and again at Violet. "Also, why are you all laughing? I find this behavior greatly... disturbing." He took a closer look at Violet. "Ah, you're the one who's 'proficient with anything', if I recall your entry statement correctly. Well then, it will be a... pleasure... defeating you." Wilhelm's eyes twinkled with mirth, though there was certainly a kind of wariness and repressed anger under his controlled expression. "And I'll make sure to pick an arena with absolutely nothing for you to use to fight. How about, say, a empty field? You know, flowers and all." He tilted his head to the side, and his voice took on a slightly mocking tone. "To make it more fair for me."

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Electron was in pain and said, "Who? Oh I'm sorry little miss archer, but I didn't know this was story time at nursery school. HAHAHAH! What do you put on puppet shows with those little dolls? Oh and you say I interrupt this match? Yeah so what if I am? What are you and your little troupe of child's toys gonna do about it?"


"SHUT UP!" Blizzard was pissed and froze EWS in midair, causing him to fall on the ground while stuck in an ice block, "I can't take that guy anymore." Blizzard walked over to Anette, "Are you alright Anette? Electron is stupid, don't listen to him ok?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber paid no mind to electron. he already knew he beat him. what was more interesting, was that wilhelm started talking about an arena for him and violet. "hm?" caliber looked at him. always the same expressionless face...whats he really feeling? caliber widened his eyes a bit, and they grew hazy. some dark red, coupled with light green shrouded itself around wilhelm. so...he's mad, thats what red meant...but light green? ah, he couldn't remember what that was about...maybe fear?


violet shook her head. "somehow, i get the feeling you could somehow use that to your advantage. how about a simple stone square arena?"


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Electron was in pain and said, "Who? Oh I'm sorry little miss archer, but I didn't know this was story time at nursery school. HAHAHAH! What do you put on puppet shows with those little dolls? Oh and you say I interrupt this match? Yeah so what if I am? What are you and your little troupe of child's toys gonna do about it?"


"SHUT UP!" Blizzard was pissed and froze EWS in midair, causing him to fall on the ground while stuck in an ice block, "I can't take that guy anymore." Blizzard walked over to Anette, "Are you alright Anette? Electron is stupid, don't listen to him ok?"


Wilhelm went quiet. Dangerously so. While Ice went to Anette, Wilhelm trotted over to Electron, each step measured and exceedingly slow, as if he was being deliberately suspenseful. When he finally reached Electron, he brought a small vial out from the depths of his coat and broke it on the ice, melting a hole through it to Electron's head.


Wilhelm waited for the boiling water to finish dripping- some of it landing on Electron's fur- before he spoke, in a voice too low to be heard by anyone else. "Do you know something, Electron Wave? You just insulted my friend. You insulted all of my friends, never mind me, and you did it in the most uncouth, blatant, and idiotic way possible. For that, I will see that you are...shall we say...duly repaid of your debt." A slow smirk curved Wilhelm's face, and he put a small object inside the hole the vial had melted, right up against Electron's head. "Now, I advise you don't move. In fact, especially don't talk. This is right up against the muscles that control your jaw. Do you know what it means if the contents of this small little vial here are disturbed, like, per se, by you struggling to get free of the ice before it has melted and you've served your full punishment? You will, in fact, never be able to talk again. While I'm sure you'll eventually find someone who can help you, you'll barely be able to regain full use of your muzzle. Which, as I'm sure everyone around you will find, is quite the good thing. Now, if you excuse me, I have a match to watch. Oh, and if the name means anything to you, it's the oil of the Seithr flower; with the appropriate ritual made over it. You should be proud I think you deserve this; I would never perform dark magic, so I had to take this vial off of the corporeal body of a necromantic creature that I banished. Toodles, Electron! Remember, don't move for the next few hours!"


With a friendly wave, Wilhelm made his way back to the seats. In a voice, low so that Electron couldn't hear, Wilhelm told everyone what he had done. "It's actually just a fountain pen. If he moves, it will burst, but the only thing he'll get all over himself is red ink."

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caliber grinned. "thats genius." he whispered back, "i usually just intimidate them with dark magic." he took delight in watching electron's aura, which was now a deeeeeeep shade of purple. 'heh, he's scared outta his mind.' caliber thought, 'but wait...if purple was scared, what was light green? ah, forget it.'


violet watched the whole thing, looking grave. "you dont know how tempted i am to just go over there, grab his head, and--" she made a violent gesture. "i guess ill do it if he somehow figures it out."


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@@Orion Caelum, @

Blizzard laughed so hard that he coughed again, "Oh good one Will! Hahah! *coughs* Ahem, *sigh* I need some water. Anyway that was genius! But I swear to Celestia that guy was really getting on my nerves. And the only reason I haven't killed him, is because everytime I've tried, he's shorted out my ice with his electricity. I gotta find a way to dispose of him somehow. Anyway thanks for the advice on me and Rarity. I can fight with you through Tartarus and back no problem, but admittting my true feeling for her...that's a huge challenge. But thanks man. :) "


Electron couldn't help but shake out of fear and caused the ink to blast onto him as he fell out of the ice, "Well, like I said, you're all freaks and losers! Pen ink? Ha! You can't even kill me because you're to scared. See ya fools! HAhAHHAHHAhAHHAHAH! :comeatus: " Electron cackled a he flew away.


"*sigh* I'm too tired to face that bastard again." Blizzard said as he took his seat.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber grinned. "thats genius." he whispered back, "i usually just intimidate them with dark magic." he took delight in watching electron's aura, which was now a deeeeeeep shade of purple. 'heh, he's scared outta his mind.' caliber thought, 'but wait...if purple was scared, what was light green? ah, forget it.'


violet watched the whole thing, looking grave. "you dont know how tempted i am to just go over there, grab his head, and--" she made a violent gesture. "i guess ill do it if he somehow figures it out."


Wilhelm shrugged. "Somehow, I doubt he's intelligent enough." At Caliber's comment, he took a bow, as one might do after a musical performance. "Now, anyway, Violet. Stone square, you say? As long as you don't pick up stones or anything, I approve. But perhaps, to make it a bit more interesting, there could be a fountain in the center? I always was a sucker for pretty fountains; you know, the ones with the cherubs?"

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@Orion Caelum 

Anette didn't get to see what happened to Electron Wave Storm, as she had frozen up at his words. Inside her, something cold began to creep up as her negative emotions pitched, and it showed in the dolls, whose movements started to become sluggish, as if the air itself was somehow solid.


It was only when she heard Ice Blizzard's speaking to her that she snapped out of it, everything returning to normal in the blink of an eye. To her, though, she felt like she'd been gone for hours.


"Huh? Oh, yeah, you're right," she said absentmindedly. "I really shouldn't let him get to me, I apologize. I... need to go sit down," she said, either not hearing or ignoring the groups words as she slowly made her way back to her seat.

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caliber narrowed his eyes. 'mark my words, celestia, he'll find a use for the fountain to his advantage...' caliber thought.



violet, however, was all for it. "sure! that sounds fun! though i was going to use the stone slabs..." she shrugged. "cant have it all, right? im sure our battle will be a good one!""


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