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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Not only did he get his flank moving, he bolted. Electron would probably be surprised  to see the Stallion run past him on the ground. If there was something going down, then by tarturas Rhetoric was going to be there! Of course he was going ot ache tomorrow but what did he care, maybe he was about to become a part of something. It actually kind of excited him, if there wasn't the prospect of injured bystanders.


Fortunately the site of the explosion wasn't too far away, so Rhetoric actually arrived before Electron did, if just by a hair or so, what greeted his eyes was a bit of a surprise No way...you got to be joking me...Its Princess Celesita herself... and how does she keep that mane flowing?!  


He stared for a moment in disbelief, the moment was very surreal . There maybe 30 feet away was the Princess, standing in some rubble, with a Phoenix on her shoulder... His mind almost fried but he took a deep breath and quietly and slowly began to check the wreckage.


What was this.... it doesn't seem like a building, in fact the debris isn't nearly big enough for it to be that... what was this ​


His curiosity had taken over and he was poking through the rubble not really noticing where he was going or wear he was throwing the pieces "Was it an storage room... a wall..no no...a statue maybe?... and why would someone blow this up...what statement is someone trying to send" he rambled to himself in the rain, scratching his head, some how forgetting that the Princess was only a few feet away 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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“...Goodnight.” Ash managed to force out, this being nice thing was still, new for him. After his cast finally dried, the dragon moved over to a large rock on the cave and curled up on top of it after heating it up with his flame breath so it would be nice and scalding. With a few grunts he finally closed his eyes and attempted to fall asleep.






No reason to stay around here now; the best part of the show was over. The stallion stood up out of his seat and casually walked over to the edge of the roof. From his vantage point he could see a fair few amount of ponies running towards the commotion he caused. He laughed internally and waited a moment for the area to clear before hopping over the edge of the roof and landing on the street below. From there he casually walked into the nearby pub deciding to celebrate a bit. He sat down at the bar and charmingly smiled at the mare behind the bar.


“Give me the strongest cider you got.” He said while pulling out a hoof full of bits and placing it on the counter; more than enough for the cider, plus a generous tip.






“Hey! Wait up” Calibur yelled after Sunset as he began to chase after her. He hadn’t immediately thought something was wrong however as the two grew closer to the scene he could clearly make out the colored flames.


“Shoot.” Calibur had seen this kind of scene before; and had a pretty good idea of who was the cause. He shut his mouth and instead focused on keeping up with Sunset.

Edited by Star Saber
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"Oh ok... I'm not keeping you awake am I?" he just realized it was late and most ponies would probably getting ready for bed by this point"


At the thought of this he blushed deeply "I'm so sorry... um..I should let you...yeah I'm sorry"  here he was being treated so nicely and he was just continuing to be rude  


"Please, don't worry about it," Ditzy insisted, putting on a sincere smile, "it's no trouble! You should get some sleep though, crashing through a window on a rainy night and all."

She trotted toward the back, and pointed out the couch in a rather quaint backroom. "Couch is right there, and I'm just upstairs if you need me!"


Axton scoffed. This mare seemed friendly, but she had quite a mouth on her. Typical. But he returned to his normal semi-quiet self as he walked, "Beautiful nght tonight. The rain may slow down the flames, so I think we got time..."


He wasn't the best at light conversation, so he decided to keep it simple.


"Indeed," Jade agreed, deciding there was no harm in engaging in small talk with her former opponent, "Most ponies here, I find are not that fond of rain. I, however, find it rather relaxing."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Jade kept up her blocks, watching as the stallion seemed to power up somehow. He backed off with his slashes, then came at her with a single, much slower one that she was sent hurdling through the air from thanks to its sheer force.


She caught herself and shook her head. Time to get serious.

She sped back toward him, planning to use her speed to counteract the stallion's new slow but strong technique. She rolled while speeding ahead, and planned to quickly jerk to the side and kick him in the ribs.



Tyra and Lorec were once again locked in a stalemate. She saw his sword arm ripple unnaturally, like it was about to fall apart any second.

She shut her eyes and mouth as much as she could, feeling the warm blood splash onto her face. She couldn't let it get into her eyes.


She felt Lorec starting to force her back, and responded by trying to push him as well. A test of might. But who would come out on top...?

Again, Lorec would increase the flow of Viruden's power to his right arm, allowing for even more strength to be drawn from his body's potential. rippling unnaturally once more, his arm and sword slowly bore down upon Tyra.....


However, he was unable to even budge her, even with all of his might, his body was broken and strained to the point of where many others would have died, had they been in his position. Attempting to pour even more power from Viruden into his being, his right arm would ripple even more unnaturally, and gain even more strength.


But what good was that when one's own body is pushed passed the threshold of mortal power and into the realm of higher powers, with a coil that was actually never meant to play host to the soul of a divine beast?


Seemingly almost instantaneously, Lorec's good arm finally failed to live up to his brutal demands, and the rippling became violent, indeed. The muscle tissue, which could be observed, was seemingly tearing itself apart within Lorec's right arm. Unable to keep the pressure up, Lorec dropped to one knee, and his right arm finally blew out, with various sinews of his veiny arm ripping open as if a sword had kissed his arm many times over, and blood trickling down all over.


Yelling out in agony, Lorec somehow still managed to grip his sword, but would be unable to swing the blade at all. Finishing his groan, he didn't even bother to look down at Tyra, as even in kneeling position, he was quite substantial compared to her. Instead, he just looked over her, at two stone obelisks that was some distance from them. Two graves that stood side by side....




@@Flash Sentry


Naga was almost seemingly enchanted by this... Strange pony. He definitely stood out in a crowd, but so did she. Naga responded in her philosophical thinking, smiling. " oi, but a label that ain't a label to anything else but yer own soul. After all, if we didn't have names, we'd be callin' each other ' pony ' as we call the trees trees!"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Again, Lorec would increase the flow of Viruden's power to his right arm, allowing for even more strength to be drawn from his body's potential. rippling unnaturally once more, his arm and sword slowly bore down upon Tyra.....


However, he was unable to even budge her, even with all of his might, his body was broken and strained to the point of where many others would have died, had they been in his position. Attempting to pour even more power from Viruden into his being, his right arm would ripple even more unnaturally, and gain even more strength.


But what good was that when one's own body is pushed passed the threshold of mortal power and into the realm of higher powers, with a coil that was actually never meant to play host to the soul of a divine beast?


Seemingly almost instantaneously, Lorec's good arm finally failed to live up to his brutal demands, and the rippling became violent, indeed. The muscle tissue, which could be observed, was seemingly tearing itself apart within Lorec's right arm. Unable to keep the pressure up, Lorec dropped to one knee, and his right arm finally blew out, with various sinews of his veiny arm ripping open as if a sword had kissed his arm many times over, and blood trickling down all over.


Yelling out in agony, Lorec somehow still managed to grip his sword, but would be unable to swing the blade at all. Finishing his groan, he didn't even bother to look down at Tyra, as even in kneeling position, he was quite substantial compared to her. Instead, he just looked over her, at two stone obelisks that was some distance from them. Two graves that stood side by side....


Tyra, in her incredibly weakened state, could feel her strength being sapped away as pressure kept being piled on by Lorec's unnatural power.

She gasped as the skin on Lorec's arm began to shred, seemingly tearing itself apart, while its owner knelt down weakly. It was clear he couldn't take much more of this, and to be honest, neither could she.


She kept putting pressure into the deadlock, blood seeping out of every cut and gash she'd received, and putting searing pain on her fractured ribs, but she didn't give in. Not while he still wanted to fight.


She could see he was distracted by something, but she couldn't turn around to see what.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Tyra, in her incredibly weakened state, could feel her strength being sapped away as pressure kept being piled on by Lorec's unnatural power.

She gasped as the skin on Lorec's arm began to shred, seemingly tearing itself apart, while its owner knelt down weakly. It was clear he couldn't take much more of this, and to be honest, neither could she.


She kept putting pressure into the deadlock, blood seeping out of every cut and gash she'd received, and putting searing pain on her fractured ribs, but she didn't give in. Not while he still wanted to fight.


She could see he was distracted by something, but she couldn't turn around to see what.

Easing up on the deadlock, Lorec weakly rose upward, almost barely able to even stand. However, his gaze was still fixated upon the graves behind them. His face, no longer that of a snarling beast, was returned to that of a peaceful stoicism as his eyes concentrated on those stone markers.


Pulling away from Tyra, he meekly backed away, allowing her to come forward and rest as he ended the deadlock. Both of his arms were now dangling lifelessly to his sides, with his zweihander dragging about the ground as Lorec pulled it. Bloody, beaten, and almost as if he were in a trance, he began walking forward again, but was not intent on attacking Tyra.


His gaze still fixated on the graves, that appeared to be his destination.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Easing up on the deadlock, Lorec weakly rose upward, almost barely able to even stand. However, his gaze was still fixated upon the graves behind them. His face, no longer that of a snarling beast, was returned to that of a peaceful stoicism as his eyes concentrated on those stone markers.


Pulling away from Tyra, he meekly backed away, allowing her to come forward and rest as he ended the deadlock. Both of his arms were now dangling lifelessly to his sides, with his zweihander dragging about the ground as Lorec pulled it. Bloody, beaten, and almost as if he were in a trance, he began walking forward again, but was not intent on attacking Tyra.


His gaze still fixated on the graves, that appeared to be his destination.


Tyra felt Lorec ease up on the deadlock, and automatically, she began to as well. Was it respect, or was she truly spent? Either way, the clash was over.


She saw as Lorec kept looking ahead, past her. She turned her head and saw a pair of stones protruding from the ground. Gravestones.


It made sense now. Those two graves must belong to those who were important to him.


She watched as he trudged past her, toward the graves. She limped after him, not to attack, but to hear an explanation.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Please, don't worry about it," Ditzy insisted, putting on a sincere smile, "it's no trouble! You should get some sleep though, crashing through a window on a rainy night and all." She trotted toward the back, and pointed out the couch in a rather quaint backroom. "Couch is right there, and I'm just upstairs if you need me!"


"Thank you so much for your hospitality and kindness Ditzy." he wasn't quite sure how to end the conversation so he held out his hoof, for a hoof shake "Goodnight then?" it was the first time for some one to offer their house to his clumsy wings. Was this how you handled it? 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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"Indeed," Jade agreed, deciding there was no harm in engaging in small talk with her former opponent, "Most ponies here, I find are not that fond of rain. I, however, find it rather relaxing."

Axton nodded and continued walking. He didn't have much else to say at that moment, so he hoped that Jade would keep the conversation going. Other than that, he had to mainly focus on gathering souls from the sources that are in the area, or arena in this case.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"Thank you so much for your hospitality and kindness Ditzy." he wasn't quite sure how to end the conversation so he held out his hoof, for a hoof shake "Goodnight then?" it was the first time for some one to offer their house to his clumsy wings. Was this how you handled it? 


"Anytime, Crash," Ditzy chirped, shaking the stallion's hoof and proceeding up the stairs, "Just holler if you need me!"

She returned to bed with a grin on her face. Having an extra pair of hooves in the store would really help her out.


Axton nodded and continued walking. He didn't have much else to say at that moment, so he hoped that Jade would keep the conversation going. Other than that, he had to mainly focus on gathering souls from the sources that are in the area, or arena in this case.


Things had gone quiet again, so Jade decided to spark up another conversation. Particularly, about this pony's choice in weaponry.

"A scythe is an interesting choice of weapon," She began, not looking up from her hat, "Might I ask how you came across it? By the way, my name is Jade Lotus."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Things had gone quiet again, so Jade decided to spark up another conversation. Particularly, about this pony's choice in weaponry. "A scythe is an interesting choice of weapon," She began, not looking up from her hat, "Might I ask how you came across it? By the way, my name is Jade Lotus."

Axton thought about it for a moment. Would telling this mare cause alarm? Would it be unbelievable? Only one way to find out. "I...I got it from the Soulkeeper of Tartarus," he said simply. He thought that if he kept it simple, that it'd be more believable than it sounded.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Axton thought about it for a moment. Would telling this mare cause alarm? Would it be unbelievable? Only one way to find out. "I...I got it from the Soulkeeper of Tartarus," he said simply. He thought that if he kept it simple, that it'd be more believable than it sounded.


"The Soulkeeper of Tartarus?" Jade repeated, tilting her head with intrigue, "An interesting claim. So you have been to the Realm of the Damned?"


She glanced toward him. "Forgive my scepticism, but I think that is not a feat the average pony can accomplish. I trust you have some proof?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"The Soulkeeper of Tartarus?" Jade repeated, tilting her head with intrigue, "An interesting claim. So you have been to the Realm of the Damned?" She glanced toward him. "Forgive my scepticism, but I think that is not a feat the average pony can accomplish. I trust you have some proof?"

"Been there?" he said before laughing, "Well, if you call being banished there for 45 years after commiting an unspeakable crime, then yeah, I guess I've been there before."


He continued to look forward as he walked, only giving his attention to Jade and what was in front of him.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"Been there?" he said before laughing, "Well, if you call being banished there for 45 years after commiting an unspeakable crime, then yeah, I guess I've been there before."


He continued to look forward as he walked, only giving his attention to Jade and what was in front of him.


Jade blinked once, not expecting such an answer. Was she travelling with a real danger to ponies? What could he have done that was so bad?


"I see," She simply said, raising an eyebrow beneath her hat, "And what exactly did you do? I will not judge, if that is what you're afraid of."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Jade blinked once, not expecting such an answer. Was she travelling with a real danger to ponies? What could he have done that was so bad?


"I see," She simply said, raising an eyebrow beneath her hat, "And what exactly did you do? I will not judge, if that is what you're afraid of."

Axton stopped and sighed, "I guess I gotta start from the beginning....When I was younger, about...say 5, my family was very poor and had many issues with each other. They'd never stop fighting and barely made enough money to take care of me. I hated how they both treated each other, and they'd sometimes absuse me with their harsh words."


He knew that this story was tough, but Jade had asked and he wanted to explain how he got to where he was, "So I was stuck in that situation for years until this guy came to me in my sleep. He offered me and my parents eternal prosperity in exachange for signing my name on a contract and...I signed it. From then on, me and my family were happy...up until...my parent's 50th anniversary...when..."


He did his best to hold back his tears as his voice started to break, ".....I-I'm sorry, want me to keep going?"

  • Brohoof 1


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Axton stopped and sighed, "I guess I gotta start from the beginning....When I was younger, about...say 5, my family was very poor and had many issues with each other. They'd never stop fighting and barely made enough money to take care of me. I hated how they both treated each other, and they'd sometimes absuse me with their harsh words."


He knew that this story was tough, but Jade had asked and he wanted to explain how he got to where he was, "So I was stuck in that situation for years until this guy came to me in my sleep. He offered me and my parents eternal prosperity in exachange for signing my name on a contract and...I signed it. From then on, me and my family were happy...up until...my parent's 50th anniversary...when..."


He did his best to hold back his tears as his voice started to break, ".....I-I'm sorry, want me to keep going?"


Jade listened silently to the stranger's story, taking in every word. Not much could get to her and make her feel bad, but this seemed to take it.

From what he'd told her, she could piece things together. This deal with the devil obviously went south.


She put a hoof to his shoulder and shook her head. "No, you've said enough, thank you for holding on. I'm sorry for what happened, your parents are happy in the Higher Plains, I'm sure."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Jade listened silently to the stranger's story, taking in every word. Not much could get to her and make her feel bad, but this seemed to take it. From what he'd told her, she could piece things together. This deal with the devil obviously went south. She put a hoof to his shoulder and shook her head. "No, you've said enough, thank you for holding on. I'm sorry for what happened, your parents are happy in the Higher Plains, I'm sure."

Axton grumbled, and turned away from Jade's sentiment. If there was one thing he hated, it was showing sympathy, or being shown sympathy. It was just unappealing to him. He kept walking forward, "Yeah, whatever. Anyway, after being banished to Tartarus for 45 years, I was approached by the deal maker: Tartarus' Soulkeeper. He gave me these weapons, and put a curse of immortality upon me so I'd survive living down there for so long...Trained using these weapons, and now I collect souls for a living. Yeah, I know it sucks huh?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Axton grumbled, and turned away from Jade's sentiment. If there was one thing he hated, it was showing sympathy, or being shown sympathy. It was just unappealing to him. He kept walking forward, "Yeah, whatever. Anyway, after being banished to Tartarus for 45 years, I was approached by the deal maker: Tartarus' Soulkeeper. He gave me these weapons, and put a curse of immortality upon me so I'd survive living down there for so long...Trained using these weapons, and now I collect souls for a living. Yeah, I know it sucks huh?"


Jade removed her hoof from his shoulder, not appreciating his attitude. She was simply trying to be nice.

"So you are Equestria's reaper of souls, then?" She deduced, raising an eyebrow, "Why would you take such an offer? You obviously always seemed reluctant."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Jade removed her hoof from his shoulder, not appreciating his attitude. She was simply trying to be nice. "So you are Equestria's reaper of souls, then?" She deduced, raising an eyebrow, "Why would you take such an offer? You obviously always seemed reluctant."

Axton sighed once again. He had left out the details of why he had to accept such a job, "A. I had a legally bound contract signed. B. I had a track record by the time I was banished and no one hires a guy with a track record. So, C. Therefore, this is my job for life. I mean, I had no other choice to besides to make the most of it, so here I am. Collecting souls for Tartarus. It's kinda fun, I guess, and it pays ok."


He sighed, "I just wish....my life was more peaceful...." he said as a tear ran down his cheek.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Axton sighed once again. He had left out the details of why he had to accept such a job, "A. I had a legally bound contract signed. B. I had a track record by the time I was banished and no one hires a guy with a track record. So, C. Therefore, this is my job for life. I mean, I had no other choice to besides to make the most of it, so here I am. Collecting souls for Tartarus. It's kinda fun, I guess, and it pays ok."


He sighed, "I just wish....my life was more peaceful...." he said as a tear ran down his cheek.


Jade continued to listen, deciding to cut the pony some slack since it was obvious he had a rather taxing job. Collecting souls from around Equestria, and possibly beyond, did not sound like an easy task.


"Can you not simply just, well, quit?" She suggested, as if it were the simplest thing in the world.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Jade continued to listen, deciding to cut the pony some slack since it was obvious he had a rather taxing job. Collecting souls from around Equestria, and possibly beyond, did not sound like an easy task. "Can you not simply just, well, quit?" She suggested, as if it were the simplest thing in the world.

Axton facehooved, "That's just it. I signed tthe contract when I was younger, and am legally bound by said contract. Failure to comply will result in termination, and I need this job, because I won't be able to get one anywhere else."


He gave her a quick half-smile, marking his first smile since he had been to the city, "But trust me, I enjoy my job. But enough about me, tell me about you. You have a job, Jade?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Axton facehooved, "That's just it. I signed tthe contract when I was younger, and am legally bound by said contract. Failure to comply will result in termination, and I need this job, because I won't be able to get one anywhere else."


He gave her a quick half-smile, marking his first smile since he had been to the city, "But trust me, I enjoy my job. But enough about me, tell me about you. You have a job, Jade?"


"I am very certain you could get a job elsewhere," Jade assured him, "You are a talented fighter. Perhaps you may find work as a mercenary or bounty hunter?"


"I do not have a job, per say," She explained, keeping her eyes ahead beneath her hat, "I was a student in my monastery, currently on a pilgrimage across the lands. Word about the fighting tournament brought me here. As for money, ponies will often insist they pay me for assisting them, whether it be labour or an escort, and it would be disgraceful to turn down an act of generosity. 'One good turn deserves another', as my master would say."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"I am very certain you could get a job elsewhere," Jade assured him, "You are a talented fighter. Perhaps you may find work as a mercenary or bounty hunter?" "I do not have a job, per say," She explained, keeping her eyes ahead beneath her hat, "I was a student in my monastery, currently on a pilgrimage across the lands. Word about the fighting tournament brought me here. As for money, ponies will often insist they pay me for assisting them, whether it be labour or an escort, and it would be disgraceful to turn down an act of generosity. 'One good turn deserves another', as my master would say."

Axton nodded, "Huh. Interesting. Yeah, I thought about Merc or Bounty HUnter, but soul collecting is better business having known the tricks and trade of said art for 45 years. And in reality, Soulhuntng is practically no different from those other jobs. The Soulkeeper tells me what specific souls need to be recaptured or brought to him in the first place. He gets paid a decent amount by the Equestrian Safety District(or EQSD), because by keeping the souls, it helps Equestria be safe, and he pays me a decent cut. So, I'm good. Really. But it sounds as though your job is pretty fun, hm?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Axton nodded, "Huh. Interesting. Yeah, I thought about Merc or Bounty HUnter, but soul collecting is better business having known the tricks and trade of said art for 45 years. And in reality, Soulhuntng is practically no different from those other jobs. The Soulkeeper tells me what specific souls need to be recaptured or brought to him in the first place. He gets paid a decent amount by the Equestrian Safety District(or EQSD), because by keeping the souls, it helps Equestria be safe, and he pays me a decent cut. So, I'm good. Really. But it sounds as though your job is pretty fun, hm?"


"Still, you do not sound rather satisfied with your work," Jade said, glancing toward the stallion, "Or at least, from what you told me."


She shrugged. "As I said, I do not exactly have a job. I simply lend a hoof to anypony who might need my help while I am passing through, and if they choose to reward me, it would be disgraceful to turn them down. One good deed for another, but I will not go badgering others for payment."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Still, you do not sound rather satisfied with your work," Jade said, glancing toward the stallion, "Or at least, from what you told me." She shrugged. "As I said, I do not exactly have a job. I simply lend a hoof to anypony who might need my help while I am passing through, and if they choose to reward me, it would be disgraceful to turn them down. One good deed for another, but I will not go badgering others for payment."

"I understand," Axton said, "But hey, I am still very happy with my job. I get to fight a lot, go places, and help Equestria stay safe all at once. I just wish that dumbass Celestia didn't banish me..."


He coughed to pretend his last words weren't real, "Ahem...uh, anyway. You here with anyone?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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