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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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...Sleight Mist stared at the dome, eyes narrowed as she watched the events unfold.

"If you lose to that Cockatrice's beak, Caliber, I swear I..."

She stopped, calming herself down. The air returned to a normal temperature.

"Don't you dare lose," she finally finished in a normal tone, watching like a hawk what was likely the end game for the both of them.

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Blizzard fell to the ground within his ice shell and trotted slowly over to Caliber, "Well take a look at this!  :muffins: I used that blast and now my powers are not gonna be working for 2 more days, and I'm just tired from bleeding so much. And you on the other hoof have used all your dark magic and your sword is bent." Blizzard reached a hoof to his friend to help him up, "Come on *coughs* I'm willing to accept a draw if you are. Whaddya say?   :mustache: "


Blizzard then shouted, "And I also relinquish the championship to Caliber! No offense bro, but I'd feel more comfortable if you were champ, just because I don't wanna die trying to hold onto a title. I wanna fight for fun! :muffins: Not overly competitively. Don't get me wrong, we still tied, but I'm GIVING you the championship got it?  :fiery: "

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber grinned. "yeah, im cool with that." he said, as he bro-hooved ice blizzard and got up on his own. "but people might not see it that way..."




luna took a deep breath as she finished. broadcasting like that really takes a lot of air!


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Blizzard was happy and in pain at the same time, "Ugh...good fight bro. I'm tired though. I'm gonna go to the infirmary and get my wounds checked, see ya later." Blizzard then trotted slowly off to the medical clinic. He was in pain and looked as though he was limping, but didn't care as long as his fight was good, "I wonder if anypony's gonna wanna talk to me after that fight? Pssh I bet Caliber will get a line full of mares to talk to. It wouldn't be out of place either." Blizzard said ow as he took every couple of steps to the medical clinic.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Having seen Ice Blizzard make off for the infirmary after the fight, Sleight Mist made a beeline straight towards him. She had some things to get off of her chest.


"...You drive me insane, did you know that?" she said, catching him as he made his way into the infirmary. " You beat me, and then you want to make friends and treat it like it's all a big joke. You had that fight, and then you just give up and call it a tie, like it never even mattered. Do you have any respect for what's happening here whatsoever?!" As she began to shout, the air started to shimmer...

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caliber was taking a different path to the infirmary. to get a band-aid. when he heard someone grab another person, and he heard a familiar voice start chewing out ice blizzard. he found a spot to spectate, that was conveniently gave him a clear view, but they couldn't see him. (dont ask, just roll with it) he started eating some popcorn. (again, dont ask)

  • Brohoof 1


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And that's when Blizzard blew his top a little, "Grrr! That's it! I've had it! Look at me dammit! I'm in pain, bleeding, and my powers aren't gonna be working for another two days because of that fight! Listen to me, I am a determination type of pony who never gives up no matter what! I pulled off my D.I.N.E blast completely aware of the risks behind it! And you blew my leg bones to pieces, now look at me! I got cuts everywhere and I'm leaving a trail of blood behind me!" Blizzard got even more angry, "And then what's funny is *gets in her face* you take the liberty of undermining me! And you think I think it's a joke?! Please! Having a positive attitude is how you make it through even the toughest situations! Trust me you don't know how that has helped me and Caliber get all the way through the depths of Tartarus and back on *slams hoof on ground* this safe land we call home. Oh and about that match with me and Caliber..THAT WASN'T A DAMN FORFEIT! I GAVE UP THE CHAMPIONSHIP BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE BEING A HIGH PRIORITY TARGET! I like to fight for honor AND fun. Remember that the next time you say I don't have respect, because I actually do have respect, but lemme ask you this...do YOU?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Of all the things Sleight Mist had been expecting Ice Blizzard to do, she hadn't been expecting him to fight back. The temperature in the room dropped from boiling back to normal.


...Only to just as quickly inverse, ice spreading over the ground and little crystals beginning to form on the walls of the infirmary as she spoke with absolute venom. She was positively shaking.


"What. Did. You. Just. Say?"

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Blizzard didn't drop his tone of voice one bit, "You heard me! I said, that I have respect for any and all ponies. But the question I'm asking you is..do YOU?" Blizzard noticed the room getting cold, "And you can drop the coldness flow missy. My powers may not work, but I'm from the North, I still have resistance to the cold! So what's it gonna be Sleight Mist? Are you gonna start showing respect too...*gets in her face again* or will you continue your attempts to undermine me? The choice is yours." 


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Once again, it utterly surprised Sleight Mist to have Ice Blizzard of all ponies standing in her face, screaming at her. There was a short moment of agonizing silence that followed his words, before Sleight Mist spoke simply to him.


"Ice Blizzard..." she said, deliberately letting the name trail off into space. "Respect isn't given, its earned. All this time, I thought you were just another chuckling idiot who didn't take the powers he was given seriously, and it pissed me off to no end. Now, I can see I was wrong about you. There is a different side in there, one that's willing to take things seriously, and one that's willing to stand up for himself in a fight. I can respect that."


With that, the temperature flashed back to normal, the ice on the ground and walls disappearing into vapor. Sleight Mist changed tracks as well, the empty expression on her face being replaced by a small smirk.


"And all it took was me almost killing you... again," she said. "That's a shame," she said, punctuating the air with a mock sigh, because I like this side of you, it's kinda cute. Still no Caliber, though," she said, back to smirking. "Don't tell him I told you, but i've always had a thing for red eyes..." A small smile; she knew he could hear everything. She could sense he was watching from the first time she'd lit up her horn.




"Anyways," she said, looking over her shoulder. I think it's time we cut this short. I've got a match to make, and i'm sure you want to avoid bleeding to death outside the infirmary. But, afterwards, feel free to drop by any time. That is what friends do... isn't it?" she said, before turning around and walking away.

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Blizzard was surprised as hell to hear the word friend in the equation after what had just happened, "Well..ok, when your match is done, I'll be sure to visit ya. And maybe you might wanna have a rematch soon? Good luck with that fight Sleight Mist. See ya later." Blizzard then thought to himself, "Well whaddya know? She came back and she called me her friend. Hmph, I guess I did something right." "Ow ow ow fu-- I gotta get help!" Blizzard continued to limp to get medical assistance.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"Well that was sweet," Anette said, suddenly standing next to Caliber. She levitated some popcorn out oh his box, passing small handfuls to each of her dolls before taking one to herself.


"I take it you know Ice Blizzard? He's a really nice stallion. He didn't greet my dolls, though," she said, a spark of something cold, dark and angry flashing briefly in her eyes before they settled down.


"Anyways, hi, i'm Anette. I was just walking into the infirmary to go get some fabric from Rarity, and I saw you standing here, watching Ice Blizzard and my friend. I guess it's over now, though, so I have to get going. Toodles!"


And with that, she began to walk into the infirmary, whistling as she walked. All four dolls trailed behind her like shadows.

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As Blizzard was still limping, he noticed Anette walking into the infirmary and went to greet her, "ow :fluttershy:  Hi Anette! ow, How are you and your dolls doing?" Blizzard said as blood dripped from his body, "ow :rarity:  Sorry I didn't have time to say hi to all those little guys before. I was eager to fight Caliber and well....you know the rest." Blizzard looked at the dolls and said, "Hi there. :dash:  Anette, what's their specialties? Like what can each of them do?"

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Anette was just about to walk into the infirmary, when she bumped into Ice Blizzard. She gave a slightly frosty look at the Earth pony, only for it to quickly turn into a look of panic when she saw that he was bleeding onto the floor.


"Oh my stars, you're bleeding everywhere! Glory..." she started, but she didn't need to say anything else. With a crack of air, the doll was already by his side, and as her wingtips touched the Earth pony, cuts and wounds began to vanish and fade, not even leaving scars. In little under a minute, Ice Blizzard looked like he had never been injured to begin with.


"There that's so much...better," she said, yawning from the sudden wave of tiredness that had hit her. Maybe Wilhelm was right about the dolls.


"I'm sorry, did you say something?"

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caliber grinned at the remark sleight mist made about him. and he thought the new mare looked awesome with her puppets. quite unique.



he may have a chance with sleight mist...and it seems he'll be able to be friends with ice blizzard, too! and to top it off, he got the championship title back!


he smiled to himself. today was a good day.

  • Brohoof 1


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Blizzard was astonished, "Holy shi-- :wacko: I'm good as new... :D  That's amazing Anette! Thank you! So much! *hugs her quickly, then lets go* Well, since I'm no longer bleeding let's walk and talk. I was asking about your dolls, what can they do? What's their specialties? And where are ya headed BTW?"


(Get ready for some embarrassing IB moments when they see Rarity. :P )


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber was doing what he did best. which was wandering around aimlessly. he bumped into a mare, and he started to say sorry, when the mare interrupted him.


"Caliber, right? The one with the fabulous cloak?"


"Huh? Oh. Its you, Rarity. When did ya get here at the Gladiators Arena?" Caliber asked.


"Oh, its quite simple, really. Gladiators need outfits. That's more than enough reason for me to be here."


caliber was holding back a torrent of laughter. rarity? here? in the same building as ice blizzard? this'll be good...

  • Brohoof 1


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"I was just going into the infirmary to meet Rarity," she explained. "I'm buying some fabric from her to fix up Nightmare. She does have a clothes shop around here... but I got lost, so I just got her to meet me here." she admitted, slightly embarassed.


"She seemed like she had a different agenda when I met her though..." she said, momentarily lost in thought.

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Blizzard blushed for a bit and was flustered, "R-R-Rarity is h-h-here?! *internal squee*  :blush: " Blizzard then puts on an act of confidence, "I mean ahem, that's cool. B) " he said as he began to walk backwards, "You know, just another ordinary day to see rarity *nervous laugh* I wonder where she is."



(IB's walking backwards he can bump into Rarity if you want PeyJ)


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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beeps were heard, and the arena morphed.


"FIGHTERS, BEGIN!!" Luna smiled, and got out her popcorn. this was going to an interesting fight.





Caliber was talking with rarity, when somepony bumped into him. he turned around. "oh, hey ice blizzard."


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Near the caves entrance, Sleight Mist sized up her opponent. She frowned.


"that machine, and your eyes," she said with a sigh, "I'm going to hazard a guess and say that you're just as smart as I am. Probably even more so. Tricks aren't going to work on you, are they?"


"Just as well," she said, summoning three glowing red barriers. They stood in front of her, stacked up horizontally like a spaced out deck of cards. "I wasn't in the mood for running anyway," she muttered, sliding the barriers off the top towards her, each one slightly after the next.

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Blizzard was walking backwards and had no idea where he was going and he ended up bumping into Caliber, "oof! Sorry bro, you alright? What's up?" He then looked up to see Rarity and was flustered even more, "H-hi Rarity...*almost slips* ahem, uh what are you doing here?" :blush: 


"Hello Ice Blizzard, I'm here to make outfits for the gladiators. Everypony should look their best, even when fighting.  :proud: "


"Wow, cool. Hey Caliber, you want a new cape or something?  :lol: "


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber grinned. "nah, im happy with my current one." he flourished it. "but rarity, would you mind making a scarf, or a bandana for ice blizzard?" he asked, "he doesn't have anything to wear when he fights. so...yeah..."




"but of course, darling! no pony should be without a proper attire!" rarity turned to ice blizzard. "what do you want to wear? and do you have a color you want it to be?"


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Blizzard thought for a moment, and said, "Hmm, how about a cool looking deep blue scarf? I could use it to look cool AND perfect a grappling move that I haven't gotten the hang of yet. If it's not to much trouble... :blush: "


"No trouble at all darling.  :proud: "


"Cool, thanks. Hey are you gonna enter the tournament Rarity? I know you can fight too.  :comeatus: "


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"oh, well, I wouldn't say that, ice. but I do know how to fight, I was in the canterlot changling siege, remember? and I guess I could use the gems around me...you know what? im gonna join!" rarity squealed, and trotted off to make the scarf. (ice blizzard can go with, if he wants)


caliber walked off, towards the arena. he was passing through the lobby, when he heard




he had turned a little, but then he felt a punch in his arm, which hurt a lot. theres only one mare that could punch that hard...


"Violet! how ya doing!"


"well, iv been hearing news about this new fighters tournament, so i decided to join!"


caliber grinned. "sure, ill set ya up!" thye walked to the front desk, and violet filled out the paperwork. when she was officialy registered, they started talking again.


"so, violet, you get any stronger since the last time I saw ya?" caliber asked, "anypony challenge you?"


"no, actually. iv just been traveling." violet replied, "and you?"


"iv got a new sword style."


violet rolled her eyes. "another one?"


"yeah, I call it "Fancy Foot Work"



they continued talking, walking towards the seats to witness the battle.


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