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private The Elements


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If Princess Celestia had doubts about the new group of elements, she didn't share them. She gave the gang the report files, wished them good luck and sent them on their merry way by flying chariot drawn by the pegasi of the royal guard who made extra special care to fly in formation and not scatter.


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Chrysteel looks to the others and then to herself. She watches as everything passed by. She looks to the others and says, "So these reports give us very little to go on. Hopefully we can solve this before it gets out of hoof. You all already know about a changeling's main lifeline, Love. It also functions to increase our magical and physical abilities. Hopefully we can work together to get this done. I hate forced friendships, probably as much as yall do, because it just doesn't feel right or natural. Hopefully, as time goes on, we do become friends."

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"yeah, sure, why not. as far as im concerned, we're already friends." caliber said absent-mindlessly. "but...i cant be the only one thinking this...just who are we gonna fight with these?" he pointed to his sword hilt, which had the gem. "and why cant the last bearers deal with it?"


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Amber nodded at the words of the Changeling princess. Forced friendships weren't friendships at all, really. This particular mare hated the dishonesty of the whole idea to the extent that it made her grimace just thinking about it. Although she was very curious about this apparent princess, she decided to reserve her questions for a more appropriate time. Then she looked towards the pony with the sword. What had happened to the previous bearers? The same question was on her mind this whole time, but she didn't dwell on it this time. There were more pressing matters.

Amber read carefully over the report for the nth time as the chariot pulled though the sky.

"Is everypony ready?" she asked the others, wind carrying her voice. There was some tension among them, and Amber meant to dispel it as soon as she could, for the better of everypony. She cleared her throat.

"This is certainly a morning unlike any other I've ever had," she said with a hesitant smirk. "Though, not one I'll soon forget..." she looked to Starchase with a sympathetic smile. Out of all the ponies, he had been the only one who seemed to avoid bickering and fighting with the others.

"I'm Amber, by the way," the mare added over the sound of the drivers' wings. "But I honestly don't know what element I am..." she looked curiously at her fellow bearers, wondering what qualities they might represent.

"What do you ponies think you are?" she asked.

Edited by AmberDust

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"i dunno...maybe honesty? loyalty? maybe even laughter? i guess we'll all find out when we fight the big-baddie." he took out his sword, which made a bell-like sound, and started polishing it. "welp, i guess 'imma give a little about myself...Caliber, the Wanderer. traveler of equestria, and 4th strongest swordpony in this country. i, well, wander equestria."


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Chrysteel says, "Though i bear the title princess, it is more of a form title then a actuall title. I am no longer apart of Hive Chrysalis. Many would say I am an exile."


She looks to the Mercenary pony and says, "I know about your group to a degree. I too have had to face my own kind. It comes with being an exile. Most of my own kind want me dead by Chrysalis' command."


She then looks all around at the group as a whole. She says, "We may have come from different aspects of life, but it seems fate has asked us to become the heroes of tomorrow. As for what element I am, I could be any. Even an element yet to be seen in known history."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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"I don't really know why but I don't feel very element like, if you all catch my drift." Starchase looked over the edge,his scarf flopping around in the wind. It was like a dream come true, he was flying! "Who knows what we'll be facing...I can't fight if that's worth noting. Anyway, I thought we were investigating."

The chariot descended as the school came into sight. It was composed of several large gothic buildings made of mostly stone. They were warmly welcomed in by the campus staff, an elderly mare who showed them into the great hall where the reportings had described the unseen voice. It was a big hall, the ceiling as high as the sky, wider than a football field and stretch out forever to a stage. Grand celebrations and performances were held in it but it's emptiness gave ponies the chills.


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Looking around, Chrysteel shudders, as a chill runs up her spine. "Wow...Is it cold in here or is it just me?"


She waits for the others while looking around. She reaches out with all her senses, to feel anything that the group doesn't see or can't normally feel.

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caliber hopped outta the chariot, and went inside. "oooh, your right, it is cold!" he said. he looked around. "this is a pretty big place, eh?" he commented. he felt something else, too. "so, what exactly do we do?" he asked. "and whens lunch? im hungry!!" 


'now, why do i feel like this place is haunted?' caliber asked himself.


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I was silent on the trip, just contemplating options. What element could I be? Besides my job I really wasn't good at anything else. Certainly nothing element worthy, anyway. Celestia believed in me, but I didn't believe in myself. But I knew what I could offer in this situation.


"Sparky, Wingpack Mode please. Let's get up high." Sparky transformed into a winged backpack in a flash of light, his claws becoming the wings and the wheels folding inside. He then strapped to my back in a horizontal position, his enchanted eyes ending up behind my neck. Though that was merely for convenience, as he could see in 360 degrees in this form as long as those eyes were functional.


We flew up to get a good look at the hall from above, kicking up a bit of dust in the process. "Magiscan the room please." I called out to him as he moved the magical scan around the room. The harmless yellow horizontal beam of magic was meant to gather information on everything, as well as everypony in the room. At the mention of cake I'd forgotten to have him scan the other ponies, so this was a good time to do it along with doing some investigating of the supposedly haunted school hall.

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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Amber felt the excitement swell within her as they entered the creepy school.

"This must be a really old building," Amber said, enamoured. She was too busy admiring the architecture to pay attention to where she was going, and she ended up crashing into the elderly Po y as the entered the great hall.

"Oh! Sorry!" she said bashfully, snapping back into reality. She adjusted herself before looking about the room. This is quite a large room, she thought, thinking back to the gothic structures she'd studied in the past.

"Does this room hold any significiance with regards to the mysterious singing? Amber asked the mare, staring up into the endless ceiling. She pondered what the group should do now that they were here...or rather, what they could do. Between tracking down and defeating this voice, they had a big job ahead of them, and not much information to go off of.

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"This hall is over 100 years old so do be careful. It was part of the original school plans. " The elderly mare replied in her posh accent. "All our festivities are held here. Our choirs, bands and orchestras practises here daily. Haunting or no haunting." She said firmly.

  • Brohoof 1


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Peppermint Harmony

The mare paced through the room that she had been trotting around in for the past hour or so. She looked left, then right as her hoof shuffled when she sat down near the door. Peppermint's been trapped here for a while, and was barely getting along when an idea popped into her mind: to sing.


She levitated the necklace that was nearby on the shelf to the ground before her. The horn glowed with a sparkling energy as she casted a spell on the charm, and in turn, making the charm turn a cloudy green instead of a crystalline green. Then, Peppermint started to sing a little tune she knew from when she was real young.


"Listen to the sound of my voice

Can you feel the beat of my heart?

Listen to the questions I have

Listen to me."


Peppermint's voice echoed out the door and down the hallway, and she hoped for somepony to hear the song, and to follow...


[i'm sorry for not posting earlier. I literally just came home from a trip.]

Edited by Tadashi Hamada

#somanygames #solittletime

[no requirement | 1/2 | 1/1]

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Chrysteel had already wrapped herself in a minor personal defense bubble.


When the feeling of a wayward heart beat and a song got caught by her heightened senses, Chrysteel's ears flick suddenly in the direction of the song. She says, "Yall I think a got something. I am going to share my senses with you. Tell me what you feel and hear, please."


Chrysteel's horn flicks to life, the feeling of magic covering all allies in the room.


When the glow fades, the party can hear and feel what she feels and hears. As well as can tell where it is coming from.


-Once scanned-

From the scan Chrysteel is in great health. It is unable to identify Chrysteel as either changeling or pony. Every time it tries to the two seem to switch. It is safe to assume she is something of a pony/changeling Hybrid. Chrysteel does look like a changeling, but she also has a cutiemark. Her magic levels are also masked in same manner as her race.


- after scan -

Chrysteel begins to head towards the song.at way. She knows that charms and enchantments aren't very effective against those who lives to master them.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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caliber closed his eyes, and concentrated on his ears. all his other senses faded away...yes. he did hear singing. and it sounded...rather intriguing, to say the least. " 'imma go check it out." caliber declared, as he started walking towards the source. "be back in a bit"


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At first, Starchase was reluctant to believe the hall was haunted. It may be old, cold and damp feeling but haunted? No.


Coming from an old school with much history, there was many rumors and sightings of headless ponies, wailing maids and jilted lovers. Some legends were true, others mere stories to scare the first years.


When he heard the singing, it placed all his doubts to rest. There was definitely somepony in this room.


"Hello?" He called out, his voice echoed across the room like thunder.

  • Brohoof 1


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Peppermint Harmony

A hopeful look on Peppermint's face lit up when she heard voices of other ponies. She levitated the pendant off of her neck, placing it on the ground before hitting it with another Vocal Enhancement spell - this time, it set her voice at a tenor and allowed her to blend two separate vocal lines together. Placing it back on her, she began to sing again.


"[save me]

Get me the hay out of here

[save me]

Too young to die, and my dear

[You can't]

If you can hear me just take me away, yeah"

#somanygames #solittletime

[no requirement | 1/2 | 1/1]

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Amber gave a great shudder as the Changeling imposed her own senses onto the group. The unicorn shook her head violently as the strange, muffling sensation came over her--it was like being smothered by a heavily perfumed pillow. The more she tried to maintain her own thoughts, the more the spell strangled her senses. Her head felt caught in a vice.

"...stop!" she managed, trying to catch the Changeling's attention. She pounded her hoof on the ground a few times.

"Please--I can hear it myself--!" It was true. Before this spell had come over her, Amber had heard a faint singing from far away. Although, this singing didn't bother to pass through her ears forst--it seemed to have entered straight into her head. must be magic, she noted. Amber tried with all her power to hear the song through her own ears, instead of through the Changeling's.

"It needs...our help?" She said through her headache.

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caliber was now sprinting towards the singing, and he found the source. "sup!" he said cheerfully. "i heard...i guess you could call it a cry for help." he smiled sheepishly. "so, what can i help ya with?" he asked. she was clearly crying for help, but he didnt understand why. "are ya hurt? can you not move, or something?"


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Starchase was just about to canter off to the direction of the voice when he noticed, where is Miss Apple? He looked about, scared and confused. "Where's Miss Apple?!" No reply came.


He had a horrible gut feeling about it but it would have to wait. They had to save whoever was singing first.


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Being the first to head out Crysteel was the first to arrive at the door. She looks around and then says, "Hello, anypony there?"


She waits for a response. She also attempts to see if the sensed heart is on the other side of the door. She also keeps to herself anything she finds until she knows for a fact it's safe to reveal them.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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In addition to gathering info, the scan revealed another pony in a room nearby, but it was locked. Sparky and I flew over to hover next to it, examining the stone door. I tried to see if there was any metal, but there was a heavy stone deadbolt instead. I conjured a pair levitating swords out of electricity and started to slash furiously at the door. "Caliber can you lend a hoof with this door? I can't metalbend this lock because it's made of stone." We landed and Sparky transformed back into his normal form as I went back to slashing at the door with my swords. While I was making gashes in the stone door, it wasn't budging just yet and help would be appreciated.

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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The guide mare looked like she was about to have a heart attack. Starchase caught her as she was about to flop over.


"Guys, that's probably not a good idea." He said meekly, looking at the poor mare. "It probably has years of history or something."


"I can get the keys from the office!" She stood up, still wobbly on her hooves. She trotted off in a hurry and came back with a set of keys. "These are the keys to every lock in the hall, please use them." She said firmly and handed the keys to Lektra.

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Looking through the window in the door I could see there was a mare in there. "Aww, and I really felt like breaking something. Oh well." I said as I dissolved my swords and grabbed the keys with my magic. I then fumbled until I found the one for the deadbolt. It slid open and the way was clear.


I examined the room, looking around for a possible reason why she was trapped in there. "Hi, why were you trapped in here, exactly?" I asked of the mare we discovered.


"These keys might come in handy. Anyone wanna hoove onto them? I only have one small pocket and this keychain won't fit in there." I said to the others as I continued to look around the room absentmindedly. I floated the keys around, hoping somepony else would take them instead.

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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"Who are you talking to?!" The elderly staff mare knitted her brows and gave them the funny look. "There is absolutely nopony there."


"You don't see anypony?" Starchase asked. He was starting to doubt this mare's eyesight.


"No, no I don't. If there was somepony trapped in our storage, we would know." She was crossed, lines forming on her head and lips pressed flat.

  • Brohoof 1


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