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private On a Cross and Arrow


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Alpha and Beta looked at each other. "So, do you wanna make out?" Alpha asked.


'I don't see why not, come 'ere"


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Mare Electrobolt sighed in disgust at Beta and the pony that looked similar to Beta as she just walked out of her room, as she decided to head for the ice cream shop. *Maybe some ice cream would get my mind off of that...* she thought.


Colt Electrobolt was already at the ice cream shop, but he just stood outside of the door, to the side. For some reason, he felt as if he should wait there for some reason. "Why am I waiting here...?" he asked himself in a whisper, wondering why he felt like he should wait outside for something. Shaking his head, he thought, *I'll give it a few more minutes before I go in...*

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Alpha and Beta stopped. "Why are we doing this?" Alpha asked.


"We're not technacly related. And I can't remember the last time I had this much fun."


"Me too."


"Guard tower?"


"Guard tower." And so they both left toward the guard tower. Alpha called back, "You guys have fun learning about fixing this. I'm gonna learn a little about myself."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Haste looked at the sky, Beta and Alpha were flying towards the Guard Tower and then Streak landed next to her "those two..." Haste ignored Streak and continued walking "hey, why are you avoiding me?" Streak asked flying towards her "because you're kinda annoying" "yeah I get that a lot... I'm sure you do too" Haste stopped walking "I guess..." "how come I'm over here, in my or your normal attitude, and here you are, being all serious?" "I don't know" "Well I think I do, it's like when we find someone as annoying as us and we just can't stand them? cause I been through that and if I have, you have too" Streak smiled and pointed a hoof at her "I guess your kinda right" Haste smiled "see there ya'h go" Haste looked at him "well I guess I can annoy myself to boredom sometimes" she smiled and flew towards a close cloud "what are you gonna do?" Streak asked as he landed in another cloud "right now? sleep" Haste closed her eyes and dropped her head on the cloud, Streak smiled and also laid his head on the cloud




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Py hauled Dichromate up off the ground. "Hurry up and get moving," she said cheerfully. "The super-mega-swirl spectacular doesn't last forever!"


"Oh...okay," muttered DIchromate, staggering to his hooves. "Yeah, let's go get ice-cream headaches."


They both trotted off towards the ice-cream shop, Py bouncing around in front, Dichromate following slowly, his thoughts still muddled over what had just happened.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Pinstrype landed softly in front of Twilight's Library. He knocked on the door. "Twilight!" he called. There was no response. "Twilight?"

He then heard a stomping and several slams. Several moments later, a purple colt burst open the door and slammed down 4 books on the ground in front of Pinstrype. The colt pulled the door shut with a violent BANG. Pinstrype found he was given the Twilight Saga. He looked around to see if anypony was looking, then slowly put the books in his saddlebag and walked off.

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Colt Electrobolt stood around for a little while longer, before shaking his head. "I don't know why I waited for so long," he began. "But I'm not gonna wait any longer..." He then started to reach for the door when all of a sudden, it flew open and smacked in his face, knocking him over as a pony zoomed out from the doorway, leaving a trail of rainbows for a second before it vanished. Colt Electrobolt didn't get to see said rainbow trail, considering he just got knocked onto the ground thanks to the door smacking him hard. "Ugh... I probably should have waited a little bit longer..." he muttered to himself as he slowly returned to his hooves.


Meanwhile, mare Electrobolt continued her casual walk towards the ice cream shop, before a blur followed by a trail of rainbows shot past her, causing her to spin for quite a while. After she got control of herself, she looked back as she recalled seeing the rainbow trail. "Geez, Rainbow Blitz," she muttered under her breath. "Watch where you're flying next time... You could have ran into me..." Shaking her head, she continued on her way to the ice cream shop.

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Haste woke up lazily, and looked over at Streak's cloud, he was still sleeping, she stretched her wings and flew towards the grond, she landed grazefully and walked around


Streak woke and noticed Haste wasn't there, "where did she go now?" he looked around, but he fell asleep again




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As she continued to trot towards the ice cream shop, mare Electrobolt thought she saw Streak for a second. "Hey, isn't that..." When she looked closer, she recognized it wasn't Streak, but the mare that looked just like him. Shaking her head, she thought, *Right... She just looks like him...* Slowly approaching the pony, she called out, "Um... Hello again... I uh... I didn't quite catch your name earlier..."

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Aplha and Beta locked themselves inside the guard tower. Alpha looked at Beta, "Do you think they expect anything?"


"I think that kiss threw them off."


"Good, I can't let them ruin everything. The spell should have only worked on me."


"It's okay, Alpha. She Everything will go as we planned it."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Haste turned "huh?" she looked at the mare version of her friend, "uh.. hi?" she yawned "sorry, I'm still a bit drowsy, my name is Haste"

Edited by Dungeon Dragon




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"Well, nice to meet you, Haste," mare Electrobolt replied when she heard Haste mention her name. "You may already know my name, but... I'm Electrobolt..." After having noticed her yawning, she thought about how similar she was to Streak. Finally, she asked the question, "Were you trying to nap on one of the clouds earlier?"

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Nodding, mare Electrobolt said, "Alright, let's go then." With that, she proceeded to head for the ice cream shop with Haste. She then thought about the colt that looked like her and thought, *I wonder if I'll see him there too...*


Back at the ice cream shop, Electrobolt had just gotten back on his hooves as he wiped the dirt off of his body. "Just what WAS that anyways..." he whispered to himself. "Right when I was about to open the door, something caused the door to fly wide open and smack me in the face..." He rubbed his face as it still stung quite a bit. "Ow..."

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"And...here we are!" exclaimed Py happily, as the ice-cream shop came into view. "Alrighty, last one there's a rotten egg!" She took off, and withinn moments had sped inside the shop, almost tripping over a few ponies in her eagerness. Reaching the counter, she exclaimed, "I'll have...hmm. That one!" she pointed. As the mare behind the counter stopped to gather a scoop of the ice-cream, Py glanced back. Dichromate was still plodding along slowly towards the shop.


Py rolled her eyes, accepting the ice cream as it was hnaded to her and dropping a few bits on the table. What's up with him? Poking her head out the store, she called, "Hey, slowpoke. Hurry up!"


Dichromate lifted his head? "Hmm? Yeha, I'l be right there," he assured, quickening his pace. Sheesh. Well, I can't say her personality doesn't match mine. I'd be that cheerful too, normally...but with all THIS happening, keeping a grip on sanity is hard enough. All the same, he lifted his head as he trotted inside the shop.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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As he walked away from Twilight's Library, Pinstrype looked back at it. He noticed a sign up front that said "Dusk Shine's Library".

"Dusk Shine?" He must be the gender-swapped Twilight, he implied. Since he really couldn't think of anypony else to go to, he had an idea. He found several accessories in his saddlebag (Berry Blast must have mixed up their saddlebags again). He took the scarf and wrapped it around his neck and face, covering his mouth, put on a pair of sunglasses, put on an orange beret, and covered his flank with another scarf. "I just have to look like an idiot..." With no other choice, he walked back up to Twili- uh- Dusk's Library and knocked on the door.


This time, the door opened more slowly. He seemed to have calmed down. "Hello," the lavender colt said, not caring about his odd look. "Is there anything I can help you with?"


"Yeah," Pinstrype said, his voice slightly muffled by the scarf. "I need a little bit of help with something. Let's say that... 5 ponies just woke up in an alternate universe. Would you happen to know anything about how or what happened?" He didn't care about what he was saying. He probably won't ever have to see this colt again.


"Hmm..." Dusk said, turning to a bookshelf. He pulled out several books and then placed it on Pinstrype's back. "These should help."


Without question, Pinstrype thanked Dusk and walked out. Once the door was closed, he instantly pulled everything off and tossed it to the side. He walked up to his saddlebag, dropped the books in it, except for one, and picked it back up. He then started reading as he wandered around town.

Edited by Little Pinstrype
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As colt Electrobolt continued to wait outside the ice cream shop, a sudden blur had zoomed into the ice cream shop. "Whoa!" he uttered, surprised at the sudden burst of wind he felt when the blur entered the shop. "What... What was that?" He looked around before he saw a pony that was slowly approaching the shop. *Hey, is that---* he began to think, looking at Dichromate, when this mare walked out, causing Electrobolt's eyes to widen a little. *... Ok, so Dichromate has one too?* he pondered, as he saw that both of them looked similar. Shaking his head, he watched as they entered the shop. Finally, Electrobolt decided to enter the shop as well.


(OOC: Aureity, does Dichromate also have a nickname, like how Pyrosulfate goes by Py?)

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(You can call him Chrome if you want, I guess)


Dichromate followed Py into the ice-cream shop, giving Electrobolt a tired wave as he passed. "Interesting day today," he muttered the Electrobolt as he entered the shop.

Py gave him a friendly push towards the counter. "Hurry up and pick one so we can get outta here!"

Edited by Aureity


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Confused, mare Electrobolt looked at Haste as she asked, "What is it, Haste?" She was confused when Haste just called her name.


Colt Electrobolt waved at Chrome as he responded, "Yeah, you're telling me..." Shaking his head, he looked back to the mare that looked like Chrome, then back to Chrome himself. *Yet another pony that looks like somepony I know... What's going on...?* he thought, as he waited behind the two so that he could get ice cream.

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Dichromate got to the front, and finally picked out a flavor. The two turned to leave. "Where to now?" asked Py, glancing out the doorway.


"Uhhh..." Dichromate had no idea. "Just a quick question," he said, turning to Electrobolt. "Are there any other ponies that, um, have...twins?"

Edited by Aureity
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A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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