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private On a Cross and Arrow


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Looking at Haste, sorta surprised, she answered, "Actually, yes. We have two princes, actually. There's Prince Solaris, who raises the sun, and then there's Prince Artemis. He raises the moon for nighttime. Why do you ask?"


Colt Electrobolt looked over to Chrome when he asked his question, and simply nodded. He said, "I know I do, and Haste does as well... I... I'm not sure what's going on..." He turned around as he ordered chocolate-vanilla swirl ice cream and paid the required bits for said ice cream. Then, taking his ice cream, he turned back around as he looked at the two, still uncertain of what was going on, before sitting down at one of the tables in the building.

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"to save myself from a possible future embarrassment..." she chuckled


Streak woke up again and yawned **huh... I really thought she'd be back by now....** he flew down to Ponyville **now if I was me... where would I go...TO TAKE A NAP!** he chuckled to himself and continued trotting on the streets




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Letting out a slight chuckle, mare Electrobolt responded, "Yeah, that might be a good idea..." She then remember that Haste was asking about if there were princes here. Curious, she asked, "You said you were asking if there was a prince here out of curiosity... Does that mean you have a princess?"

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Py walked out of the ice-cream shop. "Okay, I have an idea," she called back. "Bubble Berry is hosting a party, like he always does. Wanna come?"


"Erm..." said Dichromate. "Who exactly is Bubble Berry, again?"


Py's eyes widened. "You don't know who he is? Really? He's the friendliest pony in town! C'mon, you have to go see him!" She forced him out of the ice-cream shop.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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"And I take it they---" mare Electrobolt began, before turning her attention to the building in front of her. "Oop, we're here already!" she spoke up, kinda surprised at how fast they got there. As she was about to enter the building, though, she saw Py leaving the ice cream shop with another pony, and this pony looked like Py. *Another one?* she thought before shaking her head. Then she called out, "Hey Py! Where are you off to now?"

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"Now let's see..." Pinstrype was reading the book while wandering around the not- Ponyville. "Chapter 1, basics, chapter 2, the people, blah blah blah, ah here we go! Chapter 9, entering... anypony could enter an alternative universe. Some say that your alternate universe is where you go when you die. Some others say that it happens randomly, but the most accepted belief is a "Blue Moon Eclipse," which is when a blue moon and lunar eclipse happen on the same night. 10 ponies would then be transported to their alternative universe. This would have to happen in Well this doesn't help." He tossed it back into his saddlebag and read the next book."...eclipsed blue moon..." He tried the third book "...a lunar eclipse during a blue moon..." He tried the 4th and final book. He only got though a paragraph until he bumped into something. It sounded like another pony. Both of them were knocked onto the ground. "Ugh..." Pinstrype moaned. He slowly rose, rubbing the back of his head. As he regained focus, he saw the pony he bumped into, and his heart skipped a beat. The pony he bumped into was a mare. She had blue fur and eyes, aqua and white hair, and, the part that scared him most of all, was that her cutie mark was exactly the same as his. Pinstrype regained his footing and saw the reaction the mare had. She seemed to be paralyzed. Pinstrype became uneasy. He wanted to get out of that place as fast as he could. He spread out his wings and darted up into the sky. The mare remained paralyzed.

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Py waved! "Hi there, Electrobolt! I'm just showing my new friend here one of Bubble berry's parties!" She turned to Dichromate. "Come on!"


"Wait...I changed my mind," sighed Dichromate. "I don't want to get a headache..."


Py scowled slightly. "Come on, it'll be fun. You're going whether you like it or not!"


"But-hey!" Py gently grabbed him by the tail, and slwoly but firmly dragged him away southwards. "Nooooo! Help me, somepony...." he called pathetically as he was dragged away towards Bubble Berry's house.


(It's not an actual call for help, don't go and start attacking or anything >.<)


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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**Bubbles Berry....hmm** she tapped a hoof on her chin **Bubble Berry, parties...** she shook her head and looked back at Electrobolt


Streak walked along the streets seeing Py and a similar colt next to her "hey Py" waved Streak




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"Hello, Streak," she said cheerfully, her voice muffled by Dichromat's tail. "I'm trying to get THIS lazy bum to come to Bubble Berry's party."


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Mare Electrobolt let a small chuckle out as she saw Py drag her [new friend] to one of Bubble Berry's parties. "I wouldn't worry, I'm sure he'll change his mind when he meets Bubble Berry... You see, he's one of the biggest party animals in Ponyville. Pretty much everypony enjoys his parties!" She then looked back to the ice cream shop, then back to the direction Py and her [friend] went off to. Finally, she asked, "Hey, would you like to go to the party instead?"


Meanwhile, colt Electrobolt was just about finished with his ice cream. Looking outside the window, he could see Chrome being dragged away by the pony that looked like him. "I wonder where she's dragging Chrome..." he whispered as he finished the last bit of ice cream off. Cleaning off the table and throwing his trash away, he left the building, seeing his mare counterpart and Haste.

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"And, we're here!" said Py, dropping Dichromate back on the ground. "See, that wasn't too bad, as it?"


"Ugh.." Dichromate took a second to recollect his thoughts as he stood up, clearing his head. "Yeah, I guess."


"Great! Time to party!" Happily, she opened the door, adn at once they were blasted with loud music-the sound of a party in progress.

"Hurry up or you're gonna miss it!" They both walked inside.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Mare Electrobolt smiled as she started, "Great, let---" She then saw her colt counterpart come out of the ice cream shop. "Hey, you wanna come too?" she asked him. Colt Electrobolt looked at his mare counterpart confused and asked, "Go? Go where?" She answered, "We're going to a Bubble Berry party! Wanna come?" *Bubble Berry party...? For some reason, some other pony comes to mind... But...* Shaking his head, he responded, with a slight smile, "Sure." This brought out a bigger smile to mare Electrobolt's face as she responded, "Great, let's go!" Then mare Electrobolt started to walk to where the party was being hosted, with colt Electrobolt following close behind, still a bit confused. But he always did enjoy a good party, so why not?

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Alpha and Beta left the guard house. neither of them had ever felt so ashamed and happy at the same time. they looked at ponyville. everypony seemed to be flocking to the same spot.

Beta smiled, "Looks like another one of Bubble berry's parties."

"Bubble what?"

Beta grabbed Alpha by the hoof, "Come on! we're gonna miss it!"

as she dragged Alpha to town he became very annoyed. "Miss what?" He asked.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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After a bit of walking, both colt and mare Electrobolts, as well as Haste, arrived at the location of the Bubble Berry Party. "Well, this is it!" mare Electrobolt spoke up. "You all ready to have some fun?" She didn't even wait for a response as she just jumped into the building and started to party. Colt Electrobolt simply chuckled as he watched his female counterpart hurry to get partying as he said, "Heheh, kinda like me..." He couldn't help but smile now, as he looked over to Haste and asked, "Well, shall we go?"

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"Wait up!" Alpha called. He and Beta were trotting toward the party house. "Wait for...*gasp*... us."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Colt Electrobolt let out a slight chuckle as he responded, "I kinda thought the same thing. Only one way to find out though." With that, the two of them walked into the building together. Once inside, colt Electrobolt took a look around the place as he recognized the settings. "Yep, exactly like---" he started before a pink colt with a wild, pink mane and tail popped up in front of him.


"Hello there!" he exclaimed, sending colt Electrobolt back from shock. Letting out a laugh, this pink colt spoke up, "Sorry Electro, I didn't mean to surprise you!" As colt Electrobolt looked up at this pony, he noticed the similarities. *Yep, just like Pinkie...* he thought with a smile. "Oh, it's ok Berry," he began, feeling that saying Berry would have been a suitable nickname for him. "Just caught me by surprise, that's all."

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Dichromate shuffled in awkwardly after Py, wincing a little as the flashing lights blinded him for a second.

"Oh, look. There's cake!" exclaimed Py happily, dashing off towards a refreshment stand and leaving Dichromate to his thoughts.

Hmm...as his eyes searched the party attendants, he realized that indeed, most of them seemed to...look like ponies he had known before. In fact, they were almost identical. Well, except for the gender-swapping.

"Maybe I've just been dreaming, and this is what it's always been like," he sighed. "I must be going mental then, eh?"

"You ARE mental!" a voice called from behind him, and Dichromate turned to see Py bouncing back to him with a plate jammed sky-high with cake. "Piece?" she offered. Dichromate took one.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Getting back on his hooves, colt Electrobolt began to say, "Well, I'll be go---" before Bubble Berry got very close to him. As Berry began to look over him closely, the lime-green colt began to feel nervous. "Hmm... You look... Different, Electro..." Berry spoke up, still looking over him. Just then, he backed away and, grinning again, spoke up, "Of course! You must be one of her twins that she doesn't know about! Well, have fun at the party!" With that, Berry happily bounced back to the party. Sighing a light sigh of relief, colt Electrobolt whispered to Haste, "Yep... Exactly like Pinkie..." He then let out a light chuckle at the thought of Pinkie as a colt.

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Alpha tapped Haste oon the shoulder, "Isn't there a thing we should be doing? You know, involving not being here any more..."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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