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private 1x1 Miles and Miles of Desert

Nameless Knight

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"Yeah. I've done some things myself that would probably make most people throw up just hearing about it. And it would make me seem like a monster. Let me ask you something Jester; if someone is a threat to peace and national security, no matter who they are, does that give us justification enough to give a kill order?"


(Also I asked in the OOC if I may bring in a second OC. May I bring in a second OC?)

Edited by Child of Darkness

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(sorry must of missed it, sure just fill out the character sheet again and once they get back to the outpost again, they will join the crew.)


Jester looked in the back "The ESFU usually always give the foe a chance to surrender, if they don't Spectre usually tells us to open fire. If they do we slap some cuffs on 'em and they get taken into custody. But yeah I believe no matter who they are, it is okay. What do you think Spec?"


Spectre was sighed and said "If it means protecting your country and the civilians in it, then killing is justified."

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Those are outlooks I can respect. That kind of attitude will get you very far in the Griffonian military. In fact, determination like that will get you far anyway. *sigh* *deep breath* Well, I doubt anything else is going to happen on this part of today. The place is far too quiet and empty." Poltergeist put down her guns and took a note pad from her pocket along with a pencil and an eraser, and began sketching things down in her note pad.

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Spectre heard something over his ear piece. He listened to it and after a moment stopped the vehicle. He looked at everypony "Alright everypony, we have been ordered to return to the outpost. Apparently we got another one joining the squad. They called him Static." He said.


Jester looked at Spectre "Another Transfer?"


Spectre nodded before starting the vehicle up again and turning it around.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Static? I know the guy. He was in command of the intelligence team for The Griffin 1st Recon Corps. I'm not surprised he got transfered to this place. It's possible he's only here to get information about L.I.S.A and then head back to the home country. It'll be good to see him." Poltergeist went back to her drawings, not saying much else until they return to the Outpost.

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The Drive back to the outpost took about an hour. 


1046 Hours


Spectre drove up to the checkpoint, showed his papers and continued. He parked the MRAP and said "Alright we are back"


Jester opened his door and jumped out "Outpost sweet Outpost" He said.


"you two will stay her, once I go get static we will continued our patrol." Spectre said, getting out and walking away.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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'So this is my new home for the next few weeks? This Shabby outpost? Under constant watch by Equestrian military? All for some Intel? I guess I can put up with the living conditions if it means I get information.' After his internal monologue, Static placed his bags on his new cot. As his mission was Classified and highly important to the national security of the Griffin Homeland, he was given a room all to himself near the middle of the outpost. On top of that, he also given access to the Electronic files that are not labeled as Secret due to his rank.


"So I'm to serve under someone called [black Ink] Codename: Specter. His partner [black Ink] Codename: Jester. And the recently joined, Violet Moon. Codename: Poltergeist. Jester's file was not handed to me before I arrived at this place, I know Poltergeist like the back of my Talon. Let's have a look at this Specter Guy." Static pulled a Laptop out from one of his bags and opened up Specter file and began reading it to pass time.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Once Specter was out of her line of sight, Poltergeist got out of the vehicle and started to do a bit of stretching. "Goddesses I hate sitting still for too long. Makes my legs get all cramped up." She took off the body armour component to the Uniform she was wearing and dropped it on the ground next to her. "It's so hot in the desert. I wish I was back in the mountains right now. Cool atmosphere, cold winds, high altitude. *sigh* Paradise."

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Jester looked at her, "Being born in Appleloosa, I am used to the heat" He said and he checked his weapon.




Specter went to where he was told that Static was. He walked up to the door and slowly opened it. He looked in and saw a griffon "Are You Static?" He said as he entered the room. 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"I've never been to Equestria Jester. I heard it's a lovely place, Much more suited to ponies that the Griffin Kingdom. But that makes it sound boring. Where's the fun in live if you don't have to battle he environment you live in and risk your life everyday? Maybe I just don't understand how ponies can find safety and a flat surface. I lived in mountain cities my whole life, I suppose that's why I don't like flat land all too much."


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Static looked up from his Laptop and readjusted his Glasses. From the recent reading and picture files, who knew who he was talking with. "I am Static. You are Specter. Staff Sargent. ESFU. Currently assigned to a partol mission in Saddle Arabia Desert. I have orders to go with you. You drive an MRAP correct? Has a computer controlled turret in place? Functional, loaded? I can operate it. Won't need to use it maybe." He stood up and picked up his guns, rations and Laptop. "We leaving now?"

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"Yes, Yes, Yes and.... Yes." Specter said motioning for Static to follow. 



Jester looked at her and said "Life in Equestria isn't all sunshine and rainbows. It has plenty of dangerous creatures, I remember Goin' huntin' with my pa, We ran into a hydra and we were runnin' for hours before we lost it."

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"No place is free from danger. Some places have it worse than others. Sounds like Equestria has its fair share of hostile creatures. Anyway, Specter should be back soon. Best get ready to move back out on Patrol." Equipping her armour and gather her weapons up, Poltergeist returned to the vehicle and sat down, waiting for Specter and Static.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Static nodded to Specter's orders and began to follow him out of the building and towards the vehicle, saying nothing further during the walk.

Edited by Child of Darkness

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Jester nodded and got back into the passenger seat. He sighed and unloaded his gun.


Specter walked out of the building and said "Alright, found him, Now we can get back to Patrol." He turned to Static "The controls are in the right, back seat. Poltergeist said that you two know each other I believe, so you should get along fine. hopefully..." He said as he walked to the MRAP.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Poltergeist: "Static. Long time no see. You still with the 1st Recon?"


Static: "Hello Poltergeist. Yes, I'm still with them. I'm now a Sargent. Still with intelligence. This is the vehicle? Need a a bit of work. Looks a bit used." He climbed into the vehicle and rigged his Laptop up to the turret control systems. This gun clearly had seen better days. It's calibrations where off, the controls where not very responsive or reliable and it had a few targeting issues. "This gun is completely off calibration. This will take a while."


Poltergeist: "Glad you're here. Imagine if we had some trigger happy moron on the gun." She took her seat in the vehicle and waited to go back out on patrol.

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Specter got in and started the engine "That gun has not been used for a while" He said


"If Chopper was here, he could get that thing goin' before even leave the outpost. Static, If you are half as good as him, You will do just fine." Jester said.


Spectre sighed and drove to the Checkpoint.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Static: "Trust me. Give me 10 minutes with this gun and I'll have it shooting better than when it first come off the production line. If my calculations are correct, the gun will be accurate to 3cm up to a distance of 600 meters. Maintaining an average bullet spread of .5cm every 100m. It's a machine gun, so it can't be as accurate as I would like it to be. Now please. Do not distract me. This process is requiring me total concentration."


Poltergeist: "Best to just leave him to it for a while. He gets angry when he gets distracted."

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"Good to know" Jester said.


Specter drove up to the checkpoint, showed his papers and drove out of the outpost and back to patrol. 


Jester looked out the window and counted rocks as they passed by. He silently began to hum to himself.


Specter kept his eyes on the road.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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After a few minutes of silence from him. Static's Laptop gave a beep and he disconnected it from the turret. "It's done. Turret is now more battle ready than it ever has been. No one else touches it, you'll just probably mess up its targeting." Static took his Laptop and sat down next to Poltergeist and tried to make it look like he was doing some work, when actually he was just playing Virtual Chess.


Poltergeist: "It's good to be working along side you again Static. I haven't seen you since the debriefing for Operation: *pause* *whispers* You know what one."


Static: "A dark day that was indeed."

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Specter sighed "Static, Jester and I have used that thing. Many times, the only reason it was a little screwed up was... well let us just that, you were not the first pony in our squad to sit behind that screen." He said.


After a moment of silence, Jester looked into the back and asked "So... do you two got any family back home?"

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Static + Poltergeist: "That's classified information. I am not at liberty to say anything about my personal life outside of the military for it could be used against us should the information slip into the Claws of our enemies. Apologies for the inconvenience, but please the respect the wishes of the Hierarchy."


Poltergeist lowered her head. She is not comfortable when questioned about information that her Government has Classified. Especially by foreigners. Static continued to play his game of Virtual Chess.

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"Alright then" Jester said. He then looked at Spectre, remembering something "Oh that Reminds me, How's ya mother Spec?"


Spectre sighed "She is still sick, Sis says she is getting better though."


Jester looked forward "That is good..."


Spectre looked at the Rear View mirror, "In the ESFU... We don't keep secrets from our Squad mates, Our Squad is like our second family. But since you are both Foreigners I will respect your wishes and not ask anything personal." He said. 'I could just get their files, minus the black bars, from the admiral if I need to know anything that may be important' He thought.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Static: "I apologise. But secrets are an important part of us, and one of the contribution factors to our survival. Thank you for respecting our wishes."


Poltergeist: "Like he said. We have to keep somethings about us a mystery. You both bare a large amount of secretes also. Things that should not be made public. But this is not an appropriate time nor place for this conversation. Maybe we will tell you more once we grow to trust you."

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"Don't worry about it, we know how it is. On our files our First names are labeled as just our Code names." Jester said.


Specter looked at the rear view mirror "Also, we are not allowed to show our cutie marks and we must have our faces covered while on the field. Either with paint, or a mask. We usually have our cutie marks covered by clothing. So yeah, We have our fair share of secrets in the ESFU also."

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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