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The breathing coincidence.

Shadow Beam

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Wrote this on a blog a few minutes ago, but I realized it was a pretty decent debate subject:




Ah, breathing... Existing... It feels good isn't it? Who would come to think that because of the most trivial of reasons, you can feel? Who would even conceive the odd idea of a simple coincidence being the reasons of your... Well... Being.?

Now, think about a little, rat-like critter, that due to random luck is one of the first common ancestors of the mammals, hence bearer of an essential, necessary portion of our gene pool.
Long story short, he tripped over some rocks and fell from a cliff to his certain demise. 

Another one, more familiar you may say:
Your great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather is working on the fields. Haphazardly he steps over a bee hive, therefore causing the wrath of the minuscule beasts. He flees as fast as he can, but the stings are swelling his skin into painful welts, the venom is now fluxing through his veins and affecting his senses. Within minutes, he falls over, exhaling his last breath.

One more? Alright.
Your grandfather (During his younger days) stumbles upon his kitty cat (The lazy feline really loves his cozy rug, but alas, that fine piece of carpet is interposed between the poor man's couch and his radio), due to the abrupt plunge, his head hideously smacks against the table, therefore causing your likely pap's death.

Now you may ask, what's the point of this?

Well, just behold those 'feasible' outcomes (That thankfully never came to happen.).

Isn't it just absolutely amazing? 
What if the first case (Even if it's pretty vague and only made to give an idea of what I meant.) actually happened? 
You're right there, sitting on your chair, reading this dumb post in a webpage wich target is a community of followers of a TV show by the sole reason that THAT thing/person didn't/couldn't or did/could do THAT thing, 

Where does that leave us? Is any of our daily deeds, as trivial as they can get, truly affecting the outcome of something bigger? Something that could change the course of history (familiar, national or even worldwide) itself?

Feeling more important now? You should. 

Everything is a possibility, all we can hope is for it to be a one of improvement, instead of decay.

That's why in my opinion, life itself is fueled by uncertainty.

Any thoughts about the matter? 

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Yup, existence is a thing alright.

Goddamn it. My sides... I lost 'em...




tfw you realize you're lecturing in a Michael-ish manner.


Edited by Shadow Beam
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